sins-slender-mansion · 4 months
You don't have to answer, but do you have any Glitchy Red headcanons?
If so, do tell! (If you'd like to.) ^^
Glitchy Red is one of the background characters for this little thing so i havent put much thought into them but i have a few that you might enjoy
-Incredibly smart and from the start they know exactly what they are doing when they meet the player/person
-Takes on the voice of someone you haven't seen/heard in a long time, trying to gain that nostalgia factor so you trust them
-Very Mimic-esque, as in they try to seem as human as possible but if you're smart it's easy to tell there is something off about them
-Much like KinitoPet, Red is an AI that just wants a friend but has no idea how to go about it, hence attempting to trap the player in his world so they can't leave
That's all i got unfortunately, I don't know as much about Red as the others
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sins-slender-mansion · 5 months
What’s your favorite redesign you’ve done so far?
So a lot of the redesigns are sitting in WIP hell right now because finals are family stuff is keeping me super busy. However, my favorite one is definitely Nina. Out of all of them she has been the most fun to doodle and sketch and find references for. She is still very scene and punk oriented with bright colors and lots of accessories. The hardest is probably EJ due to not being able to find a face claim.
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sins-slender-mansion · 5 months
Hey y'all, updates on the AU are slow but I've created a server you all can hang out in. It's a 16+ creepypasta server where you can share headcanons, art, and find RP partners as well as just hang out and chat. As the server gets bigger more things will be announced like weekly art prompts and game nights. You should definitely join!
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that this looks amazing so far. Keep up the great work!
Also, (sorry if I'm being impatient), but can you explain the game The Operator made Brian and Tim play, or was that purposely left ambiguous?
*Ahem* So, when rewriting Brian Tim and I wanted to make it different enough from Marble Hornets to stand on its own but familiar enough for people to understand what happened.
The 'game' was left ambiguous, left people wondering what the hell they were doing but basically it was Slenderman, or The Operator, testing the waters on who he could recruit to his army. Tim always showed potentil because of how high strung he is and Brian just so happened to survive too. It was basically a Marble Hornets flavored Squid Games in which whoever wins or survives get to go with Slenderman. Brian wasn't supposed to live but he ended up living too, and therefor proved himself to be worthy of being in Slenderman's forces.
Tim and Brian were definitely yhe hardest to rewrite because they're the only two who aren't 'technically' creepypasta characters and have a full cohesive story posted online for anyone to see whenever they want, but I wanted these versions to feel sorta different and unique.
Uhh hope that helps?
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 3: Brian Thomas, "Hoodie"
{This is the second of the two characters I will not be redesigning, just rewriting. Brian is how he is in the Marble Hornet entries with the iconic mask and hoodie.}
Unlike the others, Brian is a bit easier to understand and study. While still violent, scary, and brutal when he needs to be, Brian has more of a soft charm to him. It's clear he doesn't want to be here and he's doing his best to stay alive for the sake of his 'family' that needs him.
Brian Thomas Status: Alive Age: 27 Specia: Human Danger: Lethal Appearance: A tall 6'0", lean, lanky man, tanner skin and scruffy facial hair. He has dirty blonde hair always kept short and a tooth gap that can be seen any time he smiles or grimaces. His hazel eyes also have dark circles around them due to the lack of sleep he's received over the years. Most of this is always hidden under an oversized dusty yellow hoodie and a black fabric mask with a sad red frown on it. Brian found himself in a similar situation as Tim nearly a decade ago during his late high school to early college years. He was in the same friend group of film students and writers so when The Operator invaded, Tim started to get sick, and Alex was poking around where he shouldn't, Brian found himself stuck in the middle. He was getting sick too, and it was almost on the same level as Tim's, which is why The Operator offered him a similar reward if he won this 'game'. The pills. A promise to have this sickness cured even for just a moment. Unfortunately the game did not treat Brian as well as Tim. The game was rigged. It killed Alex the his other friends but it injured Brian badly. There was an incident, a fall. Brian was running, from something, he couldn't remember what but he fell. Off a two story high ledge in a place abandoned, he fell to the concrete ground. It fucked him up for life. Something snapped, something broke, and his hips and back have never been the same. He laid there for hours thinking he was finally dead and it was over, but that static never left his head. When he was finally able to drag himself out of there, back somewhere safe, he felt.. Sorrow. And ever since then he's never really been able to smile that much again. As a result, Brian is not used for missions that involved a lot of running or standing, especially as the stress has began to eat away at him. Now he is used for hit and run missions and anything that requires a gun, because Brian is a good shot. He doesn't know how.
Now Brian is a husk of anything he was before. What was once a promising film student is now an empty shell of a human. He is quiet and anxious almost all of the time, looking like a kicked puppy without his mask on. He drowns everything out with cuts and burns to his skin, all hidden away under that damned hoodie. Suicide often crosses his mind but due to the job he always knows that if he got caught trying, it would be terrible for him. And of course, he couldn't leave Tim, even if Tim is the reason he got into this mess in the first place.
Brian is probably the least outwardly threatening of the three main predators. He is calm, quiet, collected, and obedient. His rage is hidden deep, deep down, unlike Tim where it is right below the surface. He is kinda to his coworkers and devastatingly violent when the situation calls for it. Usually found in his room when his missions are over, staring at the ceiling, his back and hips aching. Do not be fooled, you should NOT approach him.
"I wish we never met, Tim. I hate it here."
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 2: Tim Wright, "Masky"
{This will be one of two characters I did not redesign, only tweaked his story a bit to match up with the rest of the au. His original design, voice, and face are from Marble Hornets, aka Tim Sutton.}
From far away it seems as if this man is much more reasonable than the other creatures and residents in this house. He is quiet and calm but I must warn anyone that if they encounter him, he WILL kill you, due to his position and morals.
Tim Wright Status: Alive Age: 28 Species: Human Danger: Lethal Appearance: A 5'7" man with dark, dark brown hair, side burns, and scruffy facial hair. He has dark, dusty brown eyes and dark circles from lack of sleep, thick eyebrows and always looks as though he watched you kill his puppy. He is a bit stout and chubby but this only adds to his surprising swiftness and strength. He has such an aura of sadness around him at almost all times. There's a sort of melancholy handsomeness to him. His face doesn't matter though because you will almost always see him wearing a white plastic mask with black lipstick and surprised eyebrows drawn on it, hence "Masky". Tim Wright is one of the first victims of Slenderman, who he knew as the Operator at the time of his manipulation. His friend, Alex, was killed in a series of incidents when they were in high school. Tim and Brian were the only ones to survive these events, a sort of 'initiation', as explained by Slenderman. Tim was sick. His parents and family thought it was schizophrenia, a mental illness that caused him to see images of the Operator when he was just moving from high school to college. Tim was growing more and more sick. He was coughing, bleeding, unable to sleep, in immense pain. Nothing seemed to cure it. Nothing anyone did could help. Slenderman offered him a way out. "These pills," he explained, "Will solve everything. You can get them from me. If you win." His friend group were pretty normal and all wanted to focus on film and writing, and during their first year they played a sick game that turned them all against each other. Alex died trying to win, trying to escape. Tim did not let him live. He needed to win, to have a cure to this sickness, a way to make it stop, even if it was just temporary. It was what was promised of he could win, if he could prove himself. It was sick, it was twisted, but he had no choice. After Alex died, the 'game ended', and Tim stuck with Slenderman due to the sickness, the need for pills, he was stuck. he was a husk of his former self. He didn't know who he was, what he had become. His parents didn't know. His friends were all gone. except Brian. It's all a blur now. Spending so much time around Slenderman seems to has rotted his memory of what actually happened. replaced it with false memories, maybe. But he knows he can never go back, he could never undo what was done. he can never apologize. He'll never see Alex again. Because wherever he goes when he dies, Alex will not be waiting for him.
Now he is a quiet, observant, obedient servant for the creature that stole his life away. He is usually calm and collected, and when he isn't he is smoking or drinking to drown out all the noise. He has never known a life without the static in his ears, scrambled images in his head. He is under constant pressure to perform well, to protect everyone, and to do whatever it takes to finish this war. And so he will.
"There's nothing I want more in the world than to be dead tomorrow."
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 1: Jeffrey Alan Woods
{Alright, this is where the rewriting stuff comes in. I will be reworking his story and implementing personal and some fanon/canon stuff into his backstory. I will also include his ref sheet I designed and colored, its rough but it works for what it needs to.}
After analyzing this particular boy I can come to the conclusion that yes, indeed, he is a crucial part of this project. One of the very first, right after Masky and Hoodie at least. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. If you see him, you're already dead.
Jeff Woods Status: Alive Age: 22 Species: Human Danger: Extremely dangerous, do NOT approach Appearance: A lanky, lean young man with very pale, pasty skin and a plethora of scars all over his face, neck, chest, and hands. He has long, unkept black hair and fringy bangs that protect his very sensitive icy blue eyes from the sun or mood while on missions. The most striking part of his entire appearance is the permanent smile cut into his cheeks, self inflicted, that refuse to heal. Often seen in just a hoodie and jeans and whatever running shoes he could find.
The boy is deranged, to say the least. A killer with a headstart, even before Tim and Brian began killing. It all began at the age of 14, when he was bullied so severely in his last year of middle school. Bullies taunted and teased him for his relationship with his parents, which was rocky due to an unfortunate ongoing divorce process. He and his brother were severely abused due to this process by both parents and as a result, Jeff would find himself with bruises and marks when he went to school. Kids noticed, and kids are cruel. At the age of 15, Jeff was attacked by three of his bullies at a school event, an event he had attended in order to escape his home life. The attackers doused him in bleach and set the boy on fire in one of the bathrooms at the football field snack stand. He was left there overnight, burned, scarred, and bleeding. His eyes were now extremely damaged and as a result his eyesight is never very reliable. he was unable to cry due to his burn injuries, and could only sniffle and sob without tears. Returning home that night, the boy was chastised and further humiliated and attacked by his parents, who told him he would be better off dead. In the heat of it all, his parents screamed at having to raise such an ugly boy'. His brother, 11 at the time, was horrified and tried to defend him. The final straw was when his mother handed him a kitchen knife, and told him to 'finish himself off in the bathroom'. Jeff didn't know what to do. The boy was overloaded with emotions, and ran to the upstairs bathroom. His brother followed. In the bathroom, Jeff would have his first suicide attempt. It was only an attempt. Because he had another idea. Staring in the mirror, mourning who he was the night before, he brought the knife to his face and cut into his cheeks, to form his permanent smile. No longer would he be ugly. Now, he was beautiful, like his parents wanted. His brother was mortified, and ended up being Jeff's first 'victim'. In a rush of adrenaline, he 'killed' his brother by stabbing him, three times. Unknown to him, his brother lived while he continued his rampage. Running downstairs, Jeff surprised his parents, who were equally horrified. In their shock, Jeff was able to kill them. their screams were forever etched into his mind. His mother tried to fight back, but failed, and his father tripped trying to run out of the house. Both were swiftly dealt with. Alone in his house, Jeff felt.. Sick. then excited. He was free! Free from it all! And yet he cried. he couldn't help the screams that came from inside. He was devastated. Destroyed. And yet he was free. he was a whole new person. Unfortunately for him, his neighbors heard the screams and within moments he could hear distant sirens. In his panic, he tried to burn down the house, setting the couch on fire with a lighter. he grabbed his school jacket and escaped through the backdoor, where he ran and ran and ran until his legs gave out. Now, in the middle of the forest, collapsed to the ground, he as alone. Alone with that searing pain from everything coursing through his body. At the age of 15, he had become a monster.
Slenderman found him shortly after his collapse in the woods. He offered a helping hand to the 15 year old murderer. He promised protection, if Jeff vowed to work for him. At the time, Jeff was just trying to go as far away as possible. So he took the offer, and was swiftly brought to, at the time, the manor in Missouri. It wouldn't be until Jeff was 18 that the Project was moved up north.
Jeff now lives in the manor as a permanent resident, forever bound due to his contract with Slenderman. At the time, he was not a proxy, but after discovering his brother was still alive, he vowed to server Slenderman until he eventually dies in exchange for protection of Liu and Nina. His freedom, forever gone, was exchanged for the safety of his most valued people. The last selfless act he every will do.
Now he is restless and rowdy and loud. At only 22 years old he has one of the highest body counts of all the residents. He is quick, quiet, but sloppy and an extremely important asset to the Project. As one can imagine, he is irritable, cocky, and overall a little brat who needs to be humbled. Due to his status though, no one dares even touch him. DO NOT INTERACT, just RUN. or better yet... Go to sleep.
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"Hold still now, I'm gonna make you beautiful.."
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 0: Slenderman and the Mansion
It has come to my attention that the man himself, the big boss, the operator, the most evil creature alive, has not been properly observed and detailed since [redacted] . As a result I have brought it upon myself to make a detailed entry on his existence, to warn others of him and hopefully deter them from seeking him out in the near future.
Slenderman Status: Alive Age: Unknown Species: Unknown Danger: Lethal, DO NOT APPROACH Appearance: A very tall, thin humanoid creature, capping at about 14 feet, with a featureless white face. It appears to be wearing a tuxedo but that may just be the way his skin patterns appear. It grows tentacles when angered or threatened. The creature seems to be as old as evil itself. It can manipulate people by breaking into their minds and planting fearful ideas in their brains. You know that it is nearby due to the static it emits, and sometimes it can even mess with depth perception and cause other visual problems. If you are ever left alone with this creature, you should stay quiet, avoid 'eye' contact, and appear as small and as meek as possible. It hates when people talk back, and is not above torturing someone simply for getting on his nerves. Its origin is unknown, however its purpose is. It exists purely to destroy the creature known as ZALGO. Slenderman exists to build an army to destroy Zalgo once and for all. It will go through as many proxies, as many killers, as many soldiers as it takes to build the proper army to take down Zalgo. It is unknown what happens after Zalgo is defeated. For now though, all that matters to Slenderman is that it gathers as many weapons as it can. End entry 0
Entry 0.5 04/03/2024
The Slender Mansion (Wisconsin Location) Status: Slightly damaged, still standing Age: Unknown Species: N/A Danger: Safe Appearance: A very large mid century gothic mansion built in the middle of a massive clearing found deep in the mid Wisconsin forests. It is huge, meant to house upwards of 25 people at a time. The interior seems to change and twist but that could be the effects of its inhabitants. If you stumble onto this mansion, give up. You can't leave now, they already know you're there. The interior, usually, consists of 3 floors, a basement, and an attic. The bottom floor holds the kitchen, living room, den, and library, as well as two small emergency medical rooms. There are three bathrooms, usually used for post mission clean up. The middle floor holds most of the bedrooms that the residents reside in, as well as two full bathrooms, one on each side of the floor. The top floor holds Slenderman's quarters, Tim, Brian, and Kate's rooms, as well as 'the safe', where all guest data and files are stored. The bedrooms on this floor have their own attached bathrooms as full closets. The basement is where hazing and body storage is, as well as emergency resources. The attic is for extra storage and extra guest facilities. The mansion, or manor, or house, depending on who you ask, did not exist until Slenderman needed it. It was built under mysterious circumstances by an unknown crew, and there are 6 others just like it scattered across the country, but remain unoccupied at the moment. They are used as emergency escape routes, and nothing more. A backdoor in case someone contacts authorities. The Wisconsin Slender Manor, its technical name, has a barrier created by Slenderman that protects the house and residents from outside authoritative forces. It's like a blank mind field. Once someone who is not connected to the Project enters and exits, they do not remember what happened in the time they were there. However, once that field is left, if something happens outside of the property, it can be recorded and identified by police. This mansion is extremely important to the Project, as it houses the man himself and all his little minions. Use EXTREME caution when going anywhere near its location. End Entry 0.5
"And it was I that brought you here, but it was you who chose to stay."
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Sinshine's Slenderman Project {General Info}
Hello there. I created this blog to archive all of my rewrites, designs, and headcanons for the OG creepypasta characters. This will be influenced by my personal interests plus some other fanon aspects. It'll be riddled with those darn opinions everyone hates so much.
DISCLAIMER: this will include Tim and Brian from Marble Hornets, as well as Kate the Chaser.
-I don't think I will be talking about ships, as I do not want discourse flooding my activity feed. Just characters (unless specifically asked)
-Characters will be changed around, aged up, redesigned, and rewritten to fit my narrative I have created but it will follow some of the same fanon tropes we all know and love
-THESE ARE SERIAL KILLERS, so I will discuss some of the grotesque and tragic stuff that comes witht heir backstories. Tags and warnings will be listed accordingly
-These are all purely my opinion, not canon, and you do not have to agree or like anything I post
Asks are welcomed and encourages. If you want to know about a specific spect, ask away. If you wanna ask a specific character something, go right for it. Though, there are a few ground rules..
I will not answer NSFW questions about minors. In fact, you'll end up blocked asking such things
Spam requests will be ignored, please do not spam
Anonymous asks are welcome, but if you want something truly unique or special, you should ask with your own account and face
Art + Writing
Most, if not all, of the art you will see in this blog belong to me. Fanart is definitely welcomed, as well as design suggestions and perhaps a few little doodles teehee.
All of the writing here will be my own as well, based on research from the canon stories and some fanon ones as well. Most of it will come from my previous creepypasta RP, where almost all of these headcanons come from, as well as my Ao3.
With that out of the way, enjoy the stories!
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"Running in circles and yet you can never seem to escape, can you?"
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