sinseon · 1 year
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Barbie selfie generator with two of my favourite witchers. :D
Link to the generator here.
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sinseon · 1 year
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Seems to be the current trend, and it's Thirsty Thursday so...
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sinseon · 1 year
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My dear witcher…
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sinseon · 1 year
losing my mind
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feel free to come up with your own interpretations of what's happening here.
I'll see myself out.
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sinseon · 1 year
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damn cats...
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sinseon · 1 year
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Eskel’s commission wip
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sinseon · 1 year
I love the idea of Eskel and Letho. They’re both massive men used to people being terrified at the sight of them.
Eskel gets to drop the big brother look, let loose a bit and not have to worry about taking care of anyone. Letho gets to drop his tough guy shell for a bit to enjoy his time.
Their accents fade into each others but they don’t need to speak. Simple looks or gestures only they can figure out work just fine.
Plus Eskel’s endless supply of body hear is wonderful for a reptile like guy
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sinseon · 1 year
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just some fun quotes of the cats and the cat-in-law
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sinseon · 1 year
this one goes out to my fellow Lambert girlys. my fav boyfriend with daddy issues. also aiden is in this.
A Wolf And a Cat
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Lambert was never one for all those stupid touchy feely gestures. He wasn’t one for compliments either. He also wasn’t one for being around someone for days on end. Breaks were needed. The man couldn’t handle so much at one time. With someone there, there was no room for him to think. Feeling caged in led to aggressiveness on his part.
That was his look on the world. With anger it takes over the rest of his emotions. Pft other emotions? Lamb doesn’t have those. He cusses, drinks, and fights. Human or monster. Clearly his schedule was full without having anyone else around. No other mouths to feed. This was perfect and exactly how he wanted to live his life.
Until he got stuck working with a cat on a stupid Kikmora contract. No matter how many times Lambert cussed and threatened this guy would not leave him alone to think.
So why was he entranced by one person? Why couldn’t he stop staring at this guy? Most importantly why did it have to be a cat? Wolves and cats shouldn’t get along. It was a story that was probably even older than Vesemir himself.
Aiden. Lambert had learned that was his name. The man didn’t talk off his ear or stick to him like glue. No Aiden barely looked at him. The cat did things for him.
At first it was small things. The witcher would fetch water for them, start the fire, or set out their bedrolls. Lambert barely awarded him with a thank you.
Then it got bigger. Aiden would give him his last swallow or get his sword mended for him.
And then when Aiden asked to follow him home to Kaer Morhen it certainly didn’t stop there. The cat did chores for him, even the ones where he had to go outside and nearly freeze his tits off.
Why was this guy doing this for Lambert? To anyone else the answer was obvious. The cat was just as infatuated with him.
In return of these acts of service, Lambert let the man warm the seat beside him. They sat at the same table for hours together making bombs to use later. They did chores together, drank together, and trained together. Around this cat the wolf could breathe.
Lambert could think around Aiden.
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sinseon · 1 year
eskels nose 💞💞💞
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A discussion not for the faint of heart
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sinseon · 1 year
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Commission for @ohgodsalazarwhy
Lambert and Eskel emptying bottles in Kaer Morhen’s main hall, and while one’s already drunk enough to barely understand what’s going on, the other knows exactly what’s coming next, hehe!
Thank you so much for commissioning me! Can’t get enough of drunk, horny witchers.
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sinseon · 1 year
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me if falling in love with old men and fictional characters was a crime
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sinseon · 1 year
since some of you liked the first one, heres another eskel drabble 💞 this is sad and he probably needs a hug but whatevs. i’m not super happy with this so it might come down but for now i shall leave it. be warned none of this is cannon so dont yell at me.
The day Eskel gained his facial scar he knew it was over. His days of walking around carefree had ended. His own child of surprise had wounded him so badly he relied on his brothers to get him to safety.
Eskel remembered his school days. The days he was taught a witcher could no longer get himself to safety, he did not deserve that title anymore. Did Eskel still deserve that title? To be wounded by his own child? Don’t be silly of course he did.
Eskel had gone to great lengths to avoid the kid for years. He had let a rumor of the Black Sun scare him away. The man only hesitantly met her for the first time when she was an adult. Even then he barely spoke, barely even looked at her. Eskel supposed he’d be a bit upset too if Vesemir treated him that way.
The witcher had always been the oldest one. The biggest one. The reliable one. The kind one.
Yet he let his very own child of surprise dwell in her own rage until she unbottled it and released on on dozens of people. And no matter how many times he was yelled at by Lambert, stared down by Geralt, Eskel still believed it was his fault.
Lambert spent hours dipping a needle in and out of the older mans skin. The entire time the keep was absolutely silent. Nothing could cut through the tension even if it wanted to. Vesemir watched as the only movement in the keep was Lamberts hands. In the following weeks everyone had to start moving again. Chores had to be done around Kaer Morhen. Though Eskel laid stationary in his room from the wee hours of the morning to the late afternoon.
Lambert had tried first. Despite never admitting it, he missed the other witcher. When going in and trying to joke around with him didn’t work, it only devolved into picking a fight which Eskel didn’t entertain. He would deserve it.
Geralt went second. His tongue shifted around in his mouth silently as he tried to piece together words that never came out. So instead he sat next to him and stared down at what used to be his brother.
Vesemir went last. Only after the two had begged him. If anyone knew Eskel, it was Vesemir. He was the one Eskel always turned to in these times. So why wouldn’t he? Vesemir questioned this and finally got his answer after so long of not hearing his eldest’s voice.
“She had no one to turn to. Deidre had no one. She was a princess but clearly never loved that life. I chose her fate for her. Now we’re both paying a price.”
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sinseon · 2 years
the day I found out the guy who voices Emperor Emhyr in Wild Hunt is also Tywin Lannister.. my life changed
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sinseon · 2 years
none of the thoughts im having about this are in the bible
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Bard Eskel
I bet he also broke a lot of hearts.
Photo shot by ningnomaningnong and my PS edits.
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sinseon · 2 years
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It always seemed that ancient beings, having barely looked, could unconsciously know thoughts even on the periphery of their creation in the head. That's how a vampire sometimes looks.
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sinseon · 2 years
Eskel; haha first writing thing i need to rant about this stupid old man
Currently thinking of an old Eskel who has settled down. After Vesemir he decided to venture out on the path one more time before taking his leftover coin and belongings back to Kaer Morhen. As expected there was no one there.
Eskel finds himself roaming the halls for days on end barely getting sleep. He would stare out at the moon or stay in the library that was creaking every moment of the day. The keep would collapse over the next summer. He knew it. So when the sun warmed his face again Eskel left without looking back at the broken down building that he and hundreds of others used to call home.
He vowed he would never go back. What could he return to? Silence? He would never hear the laughing of his brothers or the quiet chuckling of the only father figure he had. Those days were over.
It only worked out that as he was heading South that year he learned a certain Vineyard was owned by a brother he so dearly missed. Winter didn’t have to have snow he supposed.
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