#eskel is my baby
sinseon · 1 year
Eskel; haha first writing thing i need to rant about this stupid old man
Currently thinking of an old Eskel who has settled down. After Vesemir he decided to venture out on the path one more time before taking his leftover coin and belongings back to Kaer Morhen. As expected there was no one there.
Eskel finds himself roaming the halls for days on end barely getting sleep. He would stare out at the moon or stay in the library that was creaking every moment of the day. The keep would collapse over the next summer. He knew it. So when the sun warmed his face again Eskel left without looking back at the broken down building that he and hundreds of others used to call home.
He vowed he would never go back. What could he return to? Silence? He would never hear the laughing of his brothers or the quiet chuckling of the only father figure he had. Those days were over.
It only worked out that as he was heading South that year he learned a certain Vineyard was owned by a brother he so dearly missed. Winter didn’t have to have snow he supposed.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
christmas time in your onlyfans!au pls?
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30 minutes is not enough time to colour it, but this was fun! They drive home over Christmas - and Vesemir is an old man..
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yakowo · 2 years
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«Eskel had noticed the monster had recently eaten, and before anyone could say, "Ready, steady, go!" he threw himself at the beast and cut it open with his silver sword. The basilisk's stomach opened up and the witcher saw the half-digested foolish little girl inside»
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0dde11eth · 6 months
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Ok but can you imagine the kaer morons having a bedroom like this?
It starts out cute until you realize Lambert has access to his brothers for pranks
Also jaskier playing musical beds all night
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Witcher Spoiler: Eskel
They did Eskel so dirty in the show. First, they make him an asshole and then they kill him?! They took the nicest little cinnamon roll who was one of Ciri's older brothers, completely changed his entire personality, and then killed him in a way that didn't make sense at all
Eskel is one of my favorite Witchers from the books and the games, and I'm so sad about how the show absolutely ruined him. You're telling me the man who cares for a goat called Lil' Bleater is whatever the show made him to be
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flightsfancy22 · 1 year
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My gift for @witcherficwriters's Winter Gift Exchange. The drawing is for the wonderful panda_spirited (BorealLights on Ao3).
Panda asked for 'winter at Kaer Morhen', 'fluff' and 'cuddling' which my brain translated into....
Jaskier convinces Eskel to take “the kids” winter camping, hoping to win over the sweet, shy Witcher’s heart.
Anyway, Panda, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and that 2023 brings you a lot of joy, love, and inspiration!
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j-hauke · 1 year
They did my sweet baby boy Eskel dirty in the show. He’s a fucking saint and look what they did to him.
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witchern · 2 years
miss hissrich admitting that they chose to kill off eskel in s2 because they thought he was only a minor book character and the writers' room didn't know how much the fans' love of eskel stems from the games – well that just.....says all i need to know about the writers' room, tbh.
like, once again, i don't need these writers to make their own gaming pc from scratch, or stick their dicks inside an xbox and fuck it, but the lack of curiosity about the larger world of the witcher (books and games included) is fucking ASTOUNDING to me. they have a mountain of existing lore, worldbuilding, and character development to pull from, and the fact that they choose to ignore virtually ALL OF IT is baffling.
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queerfictionwriter · 1 year
Writing Update: February 2023
Back in January, my goal was to shake the usual winter writer hibernation—and February absolutely did that. I’m feeling pretty good about where I’m at right now, and the momentum I managed to build this last month.
Total wordcount: 11, 703 
I wrote Witcher-fandom drabbles for Fluffy February—and posted them here 
I worked on Patreon content, and am getting to a place that feels good with it 
Worked on the Kinky Stargent fic—it’s in the home stretch now, and I’m hoping to wrap it soon 
Worked on the Eskfri series, co-written with @violaceum-vitellina-viridis, and we successfully finished and posted part three! (which you can find here) 
Added a little more to the BDSM AU I’ve been working on (unposted)
Goals for March:
Finish this chapter of the Kinky Stargent fic
Re-commit into the novel rewrite
Get April’s Patreon content made
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sinseon · 1 year
since some of you liked the first one, heres another eskel drabble 💞 this is sad and he probably needs a hug but whatevs. i’m not super happy with this so it might come down but for now i shall leave it. be warned none of this is cannon so dont yell at me.
The day Eskel gained his facial scar he knew it was over. His days of walking around carefree had ended. His own child of surprise had wounded him so badly he relied on his brothers to get him to safety.
Eskel remembered his school days. The days he was taught a witcher could no longer get himself to safety, he did not deserve that title anymore. Did Eskel still deserve that title? To be wounded by his own child? Don’t be silly of course he did.
Eskel had gone to great lengths to avoid the kid for years. He had let a rumor of the Black Sun scare him away. The man only hesitantly met her for the first time when she was an adult. Even then he barely spoke, barely even looked at her. Eskel supposed he’d be a bit upset too if Vesemir treated him that way.
The witcher had always been the oldest one. The biggest one. The reliable one. The kind one.
Yet he let his very own child of surprise dwell in her own rage until she unbottled it and released on on dozens of people. And no matter how many times he was yelled at by Lambert, stared down by Geralt, Eskel still believed it was his fault.
Lambert spent hours dipping a needle in and out of the older mans skin. The entire time the keep was absolutely silent. Nothing could cut through the tension even if it wanted to. Vesemir watched as the only movement in the keep was Lamberts hands. In the following weeks everyone had to start moving again. Chores had to be done around Kaer Morhen. Though Eskel laid stationary in his room from the wee hours of the morning to the late afternoon.
Lambert had tried first. Despite never admitting it, he missed the other witcher. When going in and trying to joke around with him didn’t work, it only devolved into picking a fight which Eskel didn’t entertain. He would deserve it.
Geralt went second. His tongue shifted around in his mouth silently as he tried to piece together words that never came out. So instead he sat next to him and stared down at what used to be his brother.
Vesemir went last. Only after the two had begged him. If anyone knew Eskel, it was Vesemir. He was the one Eskel always turned to in these times. So why wouldn’t he? Vesemir questioned this and finally got his answer after so long of not hearing his eldest’s voice.
“She had no one to turn to. Deidre had no one. She was a princess but clearly never loved that life. I chose her fate for her. Now we’re both paying a price.”
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essskel · 2 years
witcher 1 remake????
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Honestly it took everything in me to keep from filling out the whole board
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School of the wolf no?
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0dde11eth · 2 years
It's not as well known (jaskier is NOT allowed to sing about it, but witchers all wear cups.
Think about it. With all their protective gear, they would definitely have invented something to take care of their downstairs. That's the one place you do NOT want to scar.
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teatitty · 3 months
Okay no but I'm thinking more about Big Brother Eskel hearing about this fucking bard Geralt has picked up and all the mischief and mayhem he causes while also bringing back a light to Geralt's eyes and making his path so much less lonely [wolves were never meant to be alone and especially not Geralt] and when he does meet him he's just like. Fuck. Look at this thing. He's so small and wild and free. Is anyone going to fuss over him like he's an errant baby brother or do I have to do everything around here my-fucking-self. And then he does and Dandelion's incredibly confused but he's not, like, mad about it
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So I had some time to think tonight at work (in between operating heavy machinery, swearing at the materials, and trying to keep the line running, fun times!) And I asked myself, "self, hypothetically, what might @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU look like in another generation or two - once people really get used to witchers being The Good Guys (TM) and helping out?"
And I was like "well, they'd probably get invited to social events - ooh! Who'd like which events best?!? What would that look like?"
Geralt, as we all know, detests anything too formal or Warlord-focused. He enjoys weddings and receptions, but his TRUE favorite is baby christenings. Seriously. Put him in a room with a tiny baby and he's happy as a clam. He'll happily growl away (or weaponize his puppy-dog eyes against) grannies, aunties, and other family members to hold the baby for as long as possible. He's also 90% of the reason that witchers are now rumored to be able to bless babies.
When Mouse and Treyse bring this new rumor to the council, everyone has to just sit. And process for a minute. Because what the ever-loving fuck?!? (Jaskier immediately writes the sweetest lullaby ever, "A Witcher's Blessing", and it is the ONLY song that Geralt ever sings in public, and only ever to babies and small children. Multiple women blame this for their immediate conceptions.)
Jaskier adores weddings and festivals of all types, and if a happy couple includes details of how they met and/or fell in love with their wedding invitation, there's at least a 50% chance that he'll show up to the wedding with a personalized love song, holy shit.
Ciri loves tourneys. Loves watching them, loves displaying in them, loves sneaking into competing in them (omg, heir, NO), loves WINNING them. She's a menace. She has various stealth coats of arms that she rotates between when she's not supposed to be competing, but her favorite is the battle goose. Obviously.
Eskel doesn't like crowds or being the center of attention, which are almost inevitable with public invitations, but he does enjoy being the +1 for his family. Several of his and their interests overlap, and even where they don't, he likes to see them enjoying themselves.
Yennifer becomes well-known as an extremely efficient - albeit terrifying - treaty negotiator. She'll talk to both sides, get a list of their must haves, deal-breakers, would-likes, and don't-wants (as well as - perhaps more importantly - the reason why each of those are on that particular list). Then she draws up a draft and viciously negotiates a compromise. She is genuinely surprised the first time that both sides thank her for her help.
Vesemir, with all his long years of teaching, loves visiting schools and seeing any sort of student performance or sporting event. Kindergarten to university, drama to music to dance recitals to track and field meets to football games to student symposiums to science contests to... He buys out bake sales and funds club field trips and donates several fortunes worth of antique knick knacks to various schools. He's invited as a guest lecturer, a commencement speaker, a competition judge, a referee.
Lambert and Aiden, at some point, discover bachelor's parties, call dibs, and never look back. People learn very quickly not to invite witchers to their stag nights unless they want the entire party to get horrifyingly drunk - but at least Lam and Aiden will make sure that everyone makes it home (or to the wedding) safely. Perhaps not soberly, or sans hangover, but definitely without major injury. (And if the bride asks nicely and the groom and friends weren't total jerks, Lambert can usually be counted on to make a hangover cure. He really is a softie at heart.)
Dragonfly and Serrit get tapped for the odd bachelorette party or ladies' birthday parties. Anything that falls under "I want to be able to drink and party with my friends without worrying about some strange guy hurting one of us." They are extremely protective and have both been drunkenly proposed to several times. (Livi finds this terribly amusing. Gweld just wants to know if he can watch.) Milena and Zofia sometimes go with them.
Milena loves going to wedding showers and baby showers, but outside Kaer Morhen, she has to stay in sight of Lambert or one of his brothers. Lambert's rule. (She got KIDNAPPED, okay? He's allowed to worry!) Usually she'll take Geralt (there might be babies! He's excellent protection!) or Eskel (he's very quiet and has excellent manners, and his signs are impossible to fight) for the more, ah, female-heavy events. If anyone asks, they're her brother-in-law and genuinely like spending time around kids. And very, very married.
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