siren-turner · 10 years
Birthday || Open
Siren honestly hadn't expected anyone to remember her birthday, let alone make her a cake or give her any gifts, so it had all been a rather pleasant surprise when she'd gotten up that morning. She'd made her way to the kitchen just in time for the cook to pull the cake out of the oven, and now, she sat at the counter waiting for it to cool, humming quietly to herself as she played a game excitedly on the Nintendo Jacob had given her, with Esmeralda's friendship bracelet jingling quietly whenever she moved her wrist. She giggled enthusiastically, tapping the stylus on the screen as she saw that she'd beaten the high score. That was when she heard footsteps, and she looked up to see who was joining her in the kitchen.
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siren-turner · 10 years
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"Humans are quiet sometimes." Declan pointed out and crossed his arms. He frowned at the girl not because she was annoying him too much, but just because he could not comprehend how she could be smiling so much at a place like this. She seemed to be oblivious to everything that was going on around her, and he wondered how in the world she was doing so.  "No, not particularly. I just need to find my god forsaken room. I just don’t know how to find out what number my room is without one of them telling me." 
"I know, I wasn't saying it was bad or anything, I was just saying that I didn't hear you or know you were there. No big deal", she smiled, shrugging. He didn't seem to be in the best mood, and she recognized the way he was looking at her. It was the same sort of look that almost everyone she met gave her, the look of someone who clearly didn't understand or didn't like her attitude. There were the people who thought she was stupid for trying to stay cheerful, the people who didn't understand why, and some who even looked down on her for it. Sometimes, it kind of hurt, the look, but she reminded herself, that was the point. Letting people think she was just a simple, naive, happy little girl would protect her. The look meant that they believe the act she was selling. And these days, it wasn't even just about protecting herself anymore. She had to smile, she had to pretend, because otherwise, she knew she would just keep sinking into the spiraling depression. If she didn't pretend to be happy, she would completely lose herself. Sometimes, the forced happiness was the only thing that made her get out of bed in the mornings. "Oh, okay. Well, you could ask the receptionist, I don't think the nurses are the ones responsible for showing people around", she shrugged. "Did they at least give you a wristband when you came in?", she asked. "I saw some of the maids preparing one of the rooms on my floor earlier today, maybe you're supposed to be up there? Do you know at least what level? If you have a red wristband, you're on level three", she held up her own wrist, gesturing to hers. "I can show you where the reception desk is if you don't", she offered.
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Unpleasant Meetings II Open
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren raised an eyebrow, listening to his explanation, though her expression wasn't critical or judgmental, just slightly puzzled, with a hint of worry. "But....you know it's a bad idea, right?". She frowned, wishing she knew what to say that could help. Truthfully, she didn't have much experience with addiction. Or perhaps she did, if she counted her little murder habit. But then again, she'd had to break that, or at least try to, since she couldn't just murder people at Thornewood, especially what with all the security. But then again, she could kind of feel what he was saying, because after all, if presented with the opportunity to kill again, she knew that, depending on who it was, she probably would. But, killing people wasn't really self-destructive like drinking or drugs was, right? "Listen to yourself", she didn't want to sound angry, that wouldn't help anything, so she tried to keep any frustration out of her tone. "Did it make things better? You look like hell. I mean that in a nice way, really!", she couldn't help but add, worried about sounding mean. "But really. Did doing this sort of thing ever really make you feel better?", she asked, keeping her voice soft so it wouldn't carry to the rest of the cafeteria.
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At his next words, however, she shook her head furiously. "No! Stop, you can't talk like that. No. You're better than that, Jacob", she insisted. "Look, you've come so far, okay? Like when I met you, you seemed like you had everything together. I was jealous of that, okay? I really was,  because it looked like you actually got so much better in here and had a chance of getting out.", she took a deep breath. It was true. "You're not the kind of person who complains about yourself and having problems. You're the kind of person who takes responsibility for them and fixes them. So don't just sit there saying stupid things like that. Get up and make sure it doesn't happen again!", her tone was harder, more stern, which was unlike her, but she spoke intently, watching him, and meaning every word. "Maybe you  have screwed up a lot before, but that doesn't mean you should just accept that and let it keep happening"
Headaches and Hangovers
Jacob put his head in his hands, frowning a bit. He wasn’t sure how to answer Siren, because truthfully, there wasn’t just one answer. It was a million things. “I don’t know Siren…I didn’t want to, but  I did. It’s the curse of an addict.” He looked back up, taking a sip of the coffee. “Things haven’t been the same since I got back from that week outside Thornewood. It made things worse…and I just…I don’t know. Got a hold of some booze and thought it would make things better…I didn’t think I’d get carried away, but I did. I suck. I fuck everything up.”
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siren-turner · 10 years
"Goddamn it. Look where you’re going." Declan cursed before turning to look at her. He hadn’t seen someone who was this happy since he was twelve. He almost forgot that people could smile so genuinely. For a moment, he missed Nana. At least, she understood what it was like to constantly feel afraid of someone attacking them. He wondered where she ended up. Was she okay? Had Lara killed her? Or had she went and hid with that other girl? 
"Patient. Who are you? Are you a nurse? One of them needs to do their damn job." 
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"Sorry! I didn't mean to. And you were being really quiet, I had no idea you were there!", Siren apologized again. The man seemed a bit grumpy, but then again, he had apparently just gotten there. "Oh god no, I'm not a nurse!", she shook her head furiously, as though being mistaken for a nurse were a truly awful accusation, and she wanted there to be no doubt that she wasn't. She lowered her voice, as though discussing classified information, "I didn't say anything, but some of them really don't seem very good at their jobs. I had one poke me like five times yesterday trying to draw blood. I think she just didn't know where the vein was and was too proud to admit it so she just claimed she forgot her glasses", she giggled slightly, even though theoretically, it really wasn't funny. "Why are you looking for a nurse?"
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Unpleasant Meetings II Open
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siren-turner · 10 years
Oliver looked cautiously at the girl as she took a seat at the table with him. He looked around to see if this was truly the only place to sit. Shaking his head, he scooted his chair up to the table and tried not to look so confused. “I’m not upset. I’m a little confused as to why these two people are getting married in a mental hospital.” 
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Siren nodded, listening to him as she took a sip of punch. "I really don't know them too well myself", she shrugged. "I just thought it might be fun to get out. I mean, weddings are always fun! And this cake is really great, have you tried it? If not you should!", she offered, smiling. "I mean, I don't know why you'd want to get married in a place like this either and from what I heard, it sounds all rushed too, like I guess she got pregnant and that's why they're getting married?", she shrugged. "I don't really know all the details. Yeah, it's weird, but I mean, why stress over the details?", she leaned an elbow on the table as she spoke. "Why not just enjoy the event, even if there's no good reason for it to be happening?", she suggested, laughing softly.
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren hummed quietly to herself as she stuck a paper mustached onto the large suit of armor in the entryway, and used her sleeve to polish the helmet for a moment. After spending the week mostly just alone in her room, she had found one of the old mustaches she'd cut out ages ago, and had wondered if maybe a mini-revival of her mustache joke might  make her feel a little better. And it kind of did. Seeing the dignified knight with the silly mustache did make her giggle quietly, and she took a step back to admire her handiwork, nearly running into a man who'd walked into the room behind her.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you!", she apologized cheerily, smiling, and offering a small wave. "Are you new? You look kind of new. Welcome! Are you a patient or a staff? Because you kind of look like a patient, but I'm also getting a possibly staff-ish sort of vibe too, sort of, so I'm not sure", she laughed quietly.
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Unpleasant Meetings II Open
Declan was actually pleasantly surprised by how nice Thornewood appeared to be. It wasn’t anything like he imagined. No sterile white walls with patients in ugly mint colored scrubs. If it wasn’t for the IDs, one might not be able to tell the patients from the doctors. He found that a little disconcerting, but he shrugged it off assuming he wasn’t going to talk to that many people anyways. He looked at the clock over the nurses’ desk to find he was on time, and yet there was no one there to admit him in. He sighed before shrugging and walking further into the building. It wasn’t his fault if something went wrong. “We’re going to have a great time here, Rashad.” Declan whispered to the man walking beside him. 
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siren-turner · 10 years
"What, are we blaming inanimate objects for our problems now?", Siren teased, coming up behind Esmeralda and pulling up a chair for herself to sit down. She'd finally been able to get out of her room, and had gone looking for her friend, in the most obvious place-the library. Spotting the back of Esmeralda's head as she leaned over a table, apparently writing something, Siren hadn't seen ESmeralda's hand and the pen, so as a result, at that moment, she was trying to be cheerful. Though how long that would last, no one could know.
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Shakes II Open
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Esmeralda sighed as once again her pen started to shake in her hand. She had been trying all afternoon to write her notes, but it seemed her nerves had her completely off balance. “Dadgum pen.” She cursed. 
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siren-turner · 10 years
I will write about the following. Leave one in my ask box:
Dear person I hate,
Dear person I like,
Dear ex boyfriend,
Dear ex girlfriend,
Dear ex bestfriend,
Dear bestfriend,
Dear Santa,
Dear Mom,
Dear Dad,
Dear future me,
Dear past me,
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear person I had a crush on,
Dear [future] girlfriend,
Dear [future] boyfriend,
Dear *anyone*,
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren was just getting dressed to go have lunch. She hadn't felt like getting up for breakfast, but now she sat,combing out her blonde hair as she prepared to head down to the dining room. Leaning in a little closer to the mirror she sighed quietly as she dabbed some concealer under her eyes, trying to hide the dark circles. She hadn't been sleeping well lately, or just feeling very good in particular, and she didn't want to look like it.
Leaving her room, she shut the door behind her, and that was when she saw the familiar man down the hall, knocking on a door. "Hey Mr. Grumpy. How's it going?", she greeted him teasingly as she passed by. Though he had seemed kind of negative, she'd like him anyways-he was funny, and besides, he'd been nice to her.  "Looking for someone?"
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Kane sighed boredly as he walked down the third floor hall. He had nothing to do-his smokes were destroyed, and he really hated most of the people in the hospital and so he figured he might as well see about finding someone he actually did tolerate-and as far as he knew, most of the people he could actually stand were on level three. He didn’t know about Madison Perrie, but wasn’t Blondie on level three? And maybe Jay or Sabrina?
With a shrug he walked up and knocked on a door. If it was wrong, well, whatever, he didn’t particularly care if he was bothering anyone.
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren sighed to herself as she wandered down the hallway. She'd finally managed to leave her room, after spending another almost two weeks without seeing anyone, and she knew she needed to find something to distract herself. Shrugging, she found herself wandering down the hallway where the gym was. Though she had gone to gyms before Thornewood with friends, she preferred to exercise outside. After all, in her mind, why run to nowhere on a treadmill when she could be running around the beautiful Thornewood gardens? Maybe that would be a good distraction...she could go for a run outside, she thought, maybe get some fresh air.
That was when she heard some rather angry sounding music coming from the gym, and her ears perked up. Was that....Avenged Sevenfold? The sound made her feel almost both happy and sad at the same time. Growing up, her brothers had played all kinds of heavy rock music, and she'd come to like it. Sure, she didn't tend to listen to it as much as they had, but there were a few groups that she'd had a particular appreciation for. Smiling faintly, she went over and opened the door, only to see a rather buff man whom she didn't recognize working out. He didn't look particularly happy as he dropped to the ground and paused the music.
"Oh, no, just....well, I really like your music", she smiled, even though he'd snapped at her. "I heard it from out in the hallway, I love Avenged Sevenfold, my brothers used to play it all the time". And now it reminds me that they haven't visited me once. She tried to push that thought out of her mind, keeping the cheery look on her face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bug you, but you have great taste. Carry on!", she giggled, gesturing back to the pull-up bar he'd dropped from.
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It was night like these that Remus was glad that there was a gym in the institute; He just had to let some steam out. And he had made sure that the gym was soundproofed as well, he had an habit to play music loudly when he was in the pissed mood. He didn’t lock the door though, he knew that some other staff might want to use the gym at 11pm, but it wasn’t his problem if they didn’t like the music, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone politely right then. He plugged his iPod to the speakers and cranked the music up before getting on the pull-up bar, hanging down from it by his feet.
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He could hear his old doctor talking in his head “Oh you’re listening to your anger?” “This song is just like you, it tells your story.” “What a sad song, do you want to talk about it Remus?” and this is why he listened to it so loudly, he wanted to drown all the shit in his head. He sank into that state where he didn’t hear anything but the lyrics of the song, and focused on his muscles working for him
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But then he was interrupted and his eyes snapped open -whenever they really had closed, he didn’t know. He looked at the person at the door. It was nearly a miracle tat he had heard someone open the door over the aggressive music, but he still decided to not ignore them. He let himself drop from the bar and turned down the music before pausing it.
"Can I fucking help you?" He asked angrily, not really meaning it in the sane mind, but he couldn’t help it. Remus took the towel from one of the racks and swung it around his shoulders, waiting for the person to answer or ignore him. He didn’t really care.
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren looked around for a seat. Honestly, she didn't really know either of the people who were getting married, but she would've taken any excuse to get out and have fun, and wear a pretty dress. Holding a piece of cake on a plate in one hand, and a glass of punch in the other, she managed to maneuver over to a mostly empty table, and she set her plate and cup down, pulling out a chair and smoothing her dress as she sat, before smiling at the guy sitting there, whom she didn't recognize. "Hello! Mind if I sit here? I probably should've asked that before sitting down, sorry! But I hoped it would be okay, since you have this big table, and there's nowhere else. Oh, are you okay, by the way? You look kind of upset", she paused to take a sip of punch.
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*sitting at a table by himself, trying not to look as confused as he felt*
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siren-turner · 10 years
Journal #4
Dear Journal,
I didn't get up this week.
I think I might have a problem.
                           I definitely have a problem.
0 notes
siren-turner · 10 years
Jacob was more than grateful when Siren pressed her coffee mug into his hands. Sighing he took a sip, willing the coffee to ease his headache. “I’m not dying,” he promised, though when Olivia found out she might kill him. Leaning over he whispered in Siren’s ear, “It’s just a hangover. I’m an idiot, ya know?” Siren was Jacob’s closest friend besides Essie, and though they didn’t really know much about  each other, he felt that he could trust the bubbly blonde.
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"That's good, at least!", her lips twitched faintly at his words about not dying, and she moved over to a table, pulling out a chair to offer him a seat. At his confession, however, her mouth settled back into the uncharacteristic frown, and she sat down next to him, lowering her voice as she frowned at him in concern. "But....I thought you said you didn't want to drink again, because you didn't want to get addicted again?", her brow furrowed as she recalled the subject briefly coming up, back when she'd been joking about how old he was on his birthday. "Why?", she asked, lifting her head slightly to meet his eyes. She wasn't really one to yell at people, especially not when they were clearly feeling bad, like Jacob was, but she was definitely concerned. Though deep down, part of her knew that she herself was unlikely to get out of Thornewood, she wanted to see the people she cared about get out, and of those people, Jacob was the one who seemed to have his shit together the most, and he actually seemed like his chances of leaving Thornewood were pretty good, and she was surprised to see that he was risking throwing it all away by drinking again. "Did something happen? Or did you just....want to?". Her tone wasn't even angry, just upset, with a touch of confused.
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Headaches and Hangovers
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren Turner, Halloween Costume
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siren-turner · 10 years
Siren eyed the breakfast selections in the cafeteria as she absentmindedly poured herself a cup of coffee, and spoke to the server behind the counter. "Do you have any biscuits? I really liked those ones you had last time, the ones with the strawberry jam-Ouch!", she squeaked. accidentally spilling a few drops on her fingers as she forgot to watch where she was pouring. She jumped as she felt the hot coffee sting her fingertips, and she waved her hand in the air, frowning in pain, feeling kind of like an idiot for spilling in the first place, though the frown was replaced by her usual smile quickly, brushing it off. That was when she noticed Jacob, and all too quickly, she frowned again in concern. He looked almost....sick. Hearing his request for coffee, she immediately held out the cup she'd just poured, and lowered her voice. "Jacob, are you okay? You don't look okay. What's wrong? What happened? Don't die, please don't die!", she looked at him, wide-eyed with concern, and though her words were still fast and energetic, this time the energy was a more worried kind than usual.
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Headaches and Hangovers
Jacob walked around the cafeteria, mumbling to himself. “Coffee,” he said with a grumble. “Where are we hiding the fucking coffee…” Placing a hand to his head he let out a sigh. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a hangover this bad.
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siren-turner · 10 years
Romeo nodded and fiddled the cuffs while listening to the girl. He really had never thought about if his killings were justified. Of course they were justified! His mother ruined his fucking life, she’d better be rolling in her ashes right now. He shrugged his shoulders at her question and kept his eyes on the cuffs. “I’d say yes. My mother; Should have killed her long before I did. That secretary? A whore, she was married too. The other ones? I don’t really give a single fuck what they were.” He laughed lightly and looked up to meet her eyes again, a bright smile on his face. “But I like causing trouble, and subtlety is  n o t  really my trademark.” Attention whore. That’s what you are.
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     ”Oh God I agree so much!” Romeo said partly pissed but also enthusiastically; Finally someone with some sense. “I don’t understand people who hide behind pills when obviously they’re made however the fuck they were. Personally, I love my personality. Others may not, but is it my problem if I don’t get up every morning to please the people on the high horse? Fuck no. Fuck them.” He spoke angrily, letting out a bit of that anger he had in for the world.
Romeo laughed at her reaction and nodded slowly. “Ri—ght, I got you cupcake. You don’t wanna talk ‘bout it. An normal reaction, you know, if you have friends to protect. I don’t got anyone, that’s why I run around yelling about the people I killed.” Okay, that sounded so much sadder than he though. fuck. "But no matter, I’m devilishly handsome and you got your dirty little secrets. Idle flattery will keep my dirty mouth shut for a while!"
Siren shrugged. "I don't know. Is it really worth ending up in here though? Judging by the very colorful language you used with those guards a few minutes ago, it didn't sound like you were particularly thrilled to be here", she smiled, not meaning her words as offensive, just honest. She'd always been the more subtle type of killer herself. Yes, she enjoyed the struggle, sometimes, but it was the actual act of taking the life that had always thrilled her the most, but no matter what, she had always tried to be careful-keeping her little secret had always been number one priority for her, and she'd done so well for years, until that one night, when she'd been stupid. "Causing trouble is fun though, sure, depends on the trouble though. I mean, there's got to be a point to it. Otherwise it's just a waste of time", she shrugged.
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"Or they just make things up so they can get drugs and sympathy. I don't get that. I mean, why would you want pity? That's not really a good thing in my book", she shrugged. "I'm kind of the same way. Except people like me more because I tend to not swear in their faces and threaten them", she shrugged, her tone almost teasing, not meant to be rude. "You sound like you could be the angry, guy version of me. That's actually kind of funny!", she giggled.
Siren tried to look nonchalant, as though it didn't really matter. "How would I be protecting anyone? I was just kidding around. I mean, do I look like a murderer to you?", she laughed, gesturing to herself, knowing full well that she was probably the last person most people would think of if they thought 'murderer'. Or at least, that was how it had been with everyone she'd known before Thornewood. None of them had seen it coming. "I don't have any dirty secrets", she shrugged. "The handsome part is true, sure, but dirty secrets, I'm afraid you have none. But if you really want to believe I'm a murderer go ahead", she shook her head, laughing, as though at how ridiculous the notion seemed. "People would probably find that thought pretty funny", she giggled. Or at least, she hoped no one would believe it. She tried very hard to act in such a way that people wouldn't. She knew she usually tended to not talk about herself much, but h that wouldn't mean that people would leap to the conclusion that she was hiding something big, right?
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siren-turner · 10 years
"Busy doing what? I mean, you don't really seem like the type of guy who'd just follow the rules, and like, actually go to therapy, and socialize", she teased. "I can't, can I? Is that a challenge?", she asked, winking at the man. It had been so long since she'd had anyone to banter teasingly with. This sort of thing was usually only reserved for her brothers, or her very closest friends from before Thornewood....though they probably weren't her friends anymore, if she was being honest, and realistic. She blushed faintly when he called her pretty. The last person to do so had been her ex boyfriend, and that hadn't exactly ended well....getting convicted of multiple homicides had turned out to not be the best way to further a relationship, apparently. "Oh, silly me. Did I say grumpy? Clearly, I meant cheerful and dashingly handsome", she couldn't resist adding, laughing. "Okay, fine, I'll give you blondie", she pretended to sigh, as though conceding. "I mean, at least you went to the effort of coming up with something, no matter how unoriginal it may be", she shrugged, starting towards the snack table.
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Siren stopped as she heard a voice she recognized, smiling slightly at the nickname. “Hi!”, she turned around, smiling brightly at the man. “Unimaginitive as ever, I see”, she teased. “Still Blondie? You’ve had, like, a day to come up with something better”. She realized she still didn’t know his name, and made a mental note to ask for it at some point. “Well, I don’t really have a lot of Harry Potter stuff. I always said you could be a fan of things without having to buy a lot of stuff for it. But come on, it’s just fun! I bet you’re a Slytherin, since you’re so grumpy all the time”, she joked, grinning. She realized that she might have been acting a bit too familiar with him, seeing as she still barely knew the man, but that was just how she tended to be with everyone when she first met them.
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"Well hey now…. I’m a busy guy…..can’t spend all my time trying to come up with nicknames to fit the ridiculously high standards of the first pretty girl I meet", he argued playfully, starting to feel a little less disgusted by the whole evening. At least someone he could tolerate was there, even though he usually had little patients for overly-peppy people. "Come on, you can’t bug me about that one forever!", he shook his head, smiling faintly. "What, me, grumpy? I think you’ve got the wrong guy!", he shook his head. "Slytherin though…ehh, probably. And what about you-you know what, don’t think I can call you anything, since you’re so damn picky"
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