sirenslairwriting · 2 months
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Hey all,
I know it's been a little bit, but life has kept this siren trapped in her den for a bit longer than expected.
But as the picture says - I ain't dead yet.
I have a little something new coming soon, an original story featuring inebriated feasting and people willing to lean into it~
You may also notice that I've gotten a bit of a facelift! Well, there's a bit of a change there, too. I'm switching art programs, and updating my model. Who knows, you might just get treated to more pictures over on my DA gallery soon.
Until we next time....
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
Oh my... Just the kind of story I enjoy reading!
FFA/BHM fiction. Themes of secretly fattening⚠️
The roommate
I hate looking for roommates, but it’s a necessary evil I suppose. As I drove up to the bar, I look for someone who matches the profile picture. Brown hair, brown eyes, pretty generic. I spot carter at a table outside and make my way over.
“Hey! Great to meet you,” we shake hands and I take a seat.
The conversation flows and he seems like a good fit, hopefully better than my last.
He checks out the place and loves it so we finalize the move in date.
After a few weeks I feel like I can finally breathe because he’s actually clean and courteous. We share dinner a couple nights a week and I enjoy his company, but I have a rule not to have a roommate I’m attracted to for obvious reasons.
“Just signed up for my first semester of grad school,” carter announces at dinner.
“No way! That’s awesome. You’re studying business?”
“Yup,” he says in between mouthfuls. “Wish me luck.”
“You got this,” I reply.
Several weeks go by and with his new schedule he’s barely around and his portion of the fridge looks more bare than usual.
“You in for dinner tonight?”
“Sorry, I gotta study. I’ll pick something up on the way.”
“No worries,” I admittedly miss our more frequent dinners where we’d get to catch up.
As the weeks turn into months, Carter’s food in the pantry begins to shift. Where canned vegetables and rice once stood, chips and processed snacks have taken their place. The trash is always littered with fast food bags and candy bar wrappers, and his waistline is starting to show it.
One day after class, carter yells upstairs “if you’re meal prepping can you get enough for two?”
I run downstairs. “I might get some stuff on Sunday. What’s up?”
He sighs, “I gotta lose this. Cant be getting fat again,” and with that he grabs his belly, making my cheeks flush.
Gulp. Fat…again? He was fat?! Be cool.
“Oh come on, you look fine!” I avoid eye contact because I can feel my heart palpitating out of my chest.
“Ha, It’s not that bad but I gotta get back on track and you’re super healthy,” he scoffed. “Maybe you can help.”
I noticed his love handles getting a little larger but he mostly wore hoodies around me. If he gains any more weight I’ll be breaking my rule. He was already a considerable size to begin with.
“Oh stop it. I think you look good, but yes I’ll make some extra for you.”
“God, you’re the best!” Carter clapped his hands into a prayer pose.
When Sunday rolls around I decide to make two separate meals - one for me and one for Carter, just to wean him off of all the sodium and flavor of the fast food he’s been eating. Carter’s chicken gets a little bacon fat from the jar we save it in and my heart starts thudding in my chest. I shouldn’t be doing this…but it’s only to help him get used to healthier meals again, I tell myself, knowing deep down it’s a lie. I spoon out another heaping scoop of bacon grease. Oops.
Steamed veggies and rice for me. Creamed corn and buttery mashed potatoes for him. Perhaps with a splash of cream…for flavor! It’s still healthy…healthier than the junk food he’s been scarfing down every night.
When Carter gets home he thanks me and hugs me. For the first time I realize he is really getting bigger. A lot bigger. I feel his belly squish into me and notice his double chin has become more prominent. I feel faint for a moment. I want him to get bigger…but I can’t just tell him that!
“Oh it was no problem. I was already making it so I don’t mind.” I smile.
When Friday rolls around Carter has a few of his buddies over when I get back from the gym.
“Hey guys.”
“Leslieeeee!” One friend, I think Parker, calls from the living room. All of Carter’s friends are nice and I don’t mind crashing their party when they offer me a beer.
“See? You should be more like her and go to the gym,” Parker jabbed carter. “I bet she even noticed.”
I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.
“Oh shut up. If I had time I would,” carter retorted.
“I think he looks great,” I replied, trying to give a sympathetic smile.
“She’s only saying that ‘cause she’s your landlord,” Parker joked.
Carter rolled his eyes and took another swig of beer. After several minutes I excused myself. When Carter’s friends left I wanted to ask him about what Parker had said, but I was too shy. Instead, he brought it up for me.
“You want the rest of these? Parker’s right. I probably shouldn’t be drinking them,” he indicated towards the IPA’s.
“Yuck, you know I hate ear wax beer. Just ignore him. You’ve got a lot going on with night classes and work so give yourself a break.”
He sighed. “Thanks. I’m going to bed. Night.”
“Im serious. Don’t listen to him. Night,” and with that he smiled and headed off.
The next morning he came downstairs in a white shirt that was considerably tighter these days and basketball shorts that looked a couple sizes too small.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you were up.” He looked startled.
“That’s okay. Coffee?”
“Sure, thanks.” I brewed us a pot and pretended to be fussing around the kitchen.
“Can I ask you something?”
Fuck. Don’t panic. “Of course, what’s up?”
He paused. “I’m probably looking into it too much,” he started. “I just noticed that when you cook you always make mine a little…different.” He looked at me as if expecting me to say something but continued. “This is gonna sound crazy, but it seems like you make your food healthier than mine. I’m probably just looking into it way too much since I’m trying to lose weight but…” now i have to say something. I froze.
“Are you…have you? I mean I’m just being crazy,” he deduced.
“Um, well I, I just…I wanted it to be more flavorful for you.” What a shitty excuse.
“Oh, okay…well, that’s nice.” He’s skeptical. “I mean, Parker said he thought you were staring at me but I told him he was crazy.” He wants me to admit it. Admit something. “Like…like you might like that I’ve gotten bigger…it’s crazy I know,” he laughed as if to make himself believe what he was saying.
I didn’t respond. I just looked down, ashamed for manipulating his food and being so obvious staring at him.
“So, was he right then? I noticed when you make brunch you use heavy cream in my pancakes but almond milk in yours. And you always offer your leftovers when you’re “full.” I didn’t think anything of it at first really, until I wanted to lose weight. It was so much harder for me to lose it this time around. And I think I know why now.”
I swirled my spoon around in my coffee mug for something to tether me down. I gulped, not ready to admit it.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“Wait, so it’s true?” He asked incredulously.
Sheepishly, I nodded.
“So, you’re into this?” He indicated towards his body and I nodded.
“And you wanted me to get…fatter?” Hearing those words made it real for me. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t even nod my head. He took my silence as a yes.
“You should have told me.” I nodded on the brink of tears.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. “Maybe I wouldn’t have wanted to lose weight.” This perked me right the fuck up. I looked up at him, not understanding.
He had done enough talking and was waiting for me.
“What? But…what?”
He shrugged. “I gotta know, what makes you like this?” He indicated towards his body.
I pursed my lips, trying to think of some way to explain.
“I don’t know. I wish I did, but I can’t help it. Like, I can’t help liking this. It’s like it was hardwired in me” I rambled.
“Have you ever…tried it out? Being with someone…bigger?”
“No,” I shook my head.
“What if you don’t like it?”
“I will. I can’t explain it.”
Trying my hardest not to get distracted by the tight tee shirt accentuating his soft body, I answered “nobody ever asks why people are attracted to abs or thin people or big asses. They just are. It’s the same way with me. Only…opposite? I can’t help it. When I was a kid I thought everyone felt like I did and I couldn’t understand why no one else had a crush on the fat kid. It’s just, like, a part of me. Like the sky is blue, fat is hot.”
He smirked. “Ah. So you must really be into it if you’re sneaking extra calories into my meals.” He’s never been this forward.
Again, the blood drained from my face. I couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Well, it’s unconventional but I think you made your point. So you’ve stopped me from losing weight. Now what?”
What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Sheepishly, I looked up.
Carter walked over to me and stood inches away, tight shirt clinging to every curve, waistband digging into his fleshy hips.
Cautiously, I reached one hand to his side and wrapped it around his back. Even his lower back is squishy with new a layer of fat now. He reached for my other hand and guided it around him so I was embracing him. Could this be real? Was this actually happening? After a few moments he broke the silence.
“So? How is it?” I broke away from the embrace to look up at him.
“Amazing.” He shot me a coy smile at my response.
“I’d hope so, considering you did this to me.” He didn’t sound accusatory, just matter of fact.
“I’m so sorry…” i began.
“I mean it’s kind of fucked up, but also kind of hot.” He could see my visible confusion.
“You know, the fact that you were so into me gaining weight. You were so nice about me trying to lose weight but here you were trying to prevent that. I don’t think I wanted to admit it but I could tell something was up.”
“Still, I never should have done that. I’m so sorry, Carter.”
“The thing is I could tell something was up…but I think I liked it before I really realized it. I just didn’t want to admit it. I noticed how you added butter and salt to my stuff but never to yours. You always offered to make me so much food because I was “stressed” and needed to take it easy.” He stepped closer, inches away from me. “You manipulated me.”
I never wanted to disappear more than in this moment. “I-I-I didn’t mean to…I just-“
“Of course you meant to,” he snickered. “Just admit that you like me bigger,” he stood with his belly literally only an inch away from my body.
“I like you bigger,” I whispered.
His lips curled into a devious smile and he shook his head.
“Weren’t so shy about adding those extra calories to my food, were you? You know I researched this, right? What is it called? A feeder?”
My entire body went numb. I stood there in disbelief.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Why don’t you just ask me?”
“Ask you what?” I barely squeaked out.
“Ask if you can feed me.”
My heart pounded in my chest and I thought I was going to pass out. I’m dreaming; I have to be.
“Can I…feed you?”
Taking his sweet time, he offered a smug smile and let out a sigh.
“Even if I say no, you’ll just do it for me, right? I don’t really have a say in it. It looks like I have two options. One, move out so I can control what I’m eating and actually try to lose weight. Or two. Let you do it.”
He looked to me for a reaction. When he didn’t get one, he stepped closer, pushing his belly ever so slightly into me. In that moment I saw stars.
I nodded complacently.
Carter reached for my hands and placed them on his soft, growing middle.
“I’m hungry.”
In an instant we were voracious for each other. My hands tried their best to wrap around him and I dug my nails into his back fat, willing him closer to me. He pushed his belly into my small frame so hard that my back felt like it was crunched into the counter behind me. Soft moans escaped our lips as we recklessly explored each other. Carter scooped me up and swiftly placed me on the counter, his belly pooling in between my legs on top of my lap.
“God I fucking love how fat you’ve gotten,” my breathy voice admitted.
He responded by grinding his belly into me faster.
After a few moments he picked me up and carried me to the couch. He went to get on top of me but quickly realized there was no way he’d fit like that.
“Jesus, I did get fat,” he said almost to himself.
I lead him upstairs to my room where he plopped onto the bed, belly jiggling hypnotically.
Immediately my lips began exploring his obesity. His double chin begged to be kissed. His tight shirt begged to be removed. I gripped the bottom of his shirt, hesitating when he sucked in.
“Is-is it okay if I…” my voice trailed off.
“Yeah, I’m just not used to it,” Carter replied.
I nodded and slowly peeled the tight fabric away from his massive body. I was rewarded by soft flesh. Without thinking, I grabbed his love handles and his breath hitched.
“Sorry,” I quickly pulled my hands away.
“No, it’s okay. I like it,” he placed my hands back.
Slowly, I lifted his shirt to expose the rest of his body. The thick roll under his moobs. The perfect hanging belly. Soft fat folding in on itself because there’s nowhere else for it to go. His waistband still digging into him, taunting him for his gains.
Practically in a trance, my lips found his fat belly and nails dug into his back fat. He let out a barely audible moan.
“That’s so good,” Carter admitted, eyes closed, relishing his body being worshiped.
“It’d be better if you took these off,” I indicated, fighting to fit even my thumbs into the taught waistband of his basketball shorts.
“Oh would it now? Let’s get this off first,” he tugged at my shirt and threw it off the bed, then quickly helped me out of my shorts.
He rested his back against the headboard, allowing me to climb up on his lap.
“You tiny, little thing,” he wrapped his arms around me. I think for the first time we both realized the sheer size difference between my petite, slim body and his obese one.
I smiled and slowly began grinding on him.
“Oh fuck,” he breathed.
I grabbed his fatty throat and squeezed, watching his fat squish through my fingers. Then, laying on top of him so I could feel as much decadent fat as possible, I thrusted into him faster, feeling him harden beneath me.
“Get on top of me,” I practically begged.
“I’ll crush you,” he didn’t realize how much of a turn in that was.
“That’s so fucking hot.”
“Oh…Then in that case I’ll try. But I might not be able to hold myself up.”
“You have no idea how hot that is.”
Grunting and positioning himself over me, Carter’s arms began to shake from holding his weight over me.
I desperately tried to pull him onto me.
“You masochist,” he chuckled and slowly released his weight onto me. I saw stars.
“Is that okay?” He propped himself up, arms shaking.
It was euphoric. All I could do was nod and reach for him to do it again. A few more seconds this time. I gasped when he came back up.
“God that’s exhausting,” he complained, “I’m too fat for this.” He was already out of breath.
“Let me get on top.”
We changed positions and the bed creaked in response, not used to this kind of weight.
Sliding him inside, we both moaned.
“Oh my god you feel amazing,” he said between labored breaths.
With every thrust his belly jiggled mercilessly. Even the slightest movement made his body sway and wobble.
I leaned over so I could sink into his fat while fucking him. It was as if every pound jiggled and swayed beneath my small frame. With each thrust I wanted to be closer, although that was impossible.
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum,” he could barely get the words out between labored breaths.
I bit down on his moob to silence my orgasm and collapsed on top of him. We laid there like that for a while to catch our breath.
I rolled off of him and grabbed a handful of flesh. Carter smiled.
“You forgot something,” he remarked.
“The food.”
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
So uh….some dude apparently recreated Adobe Photoshop feature-for-feature, for FREE, and it runs in your browser.
Anyway, fuck Adobe, and enjoy!
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
As far as my own writing, I tend to post on DevArt. There is some good AO3 stories, though
Feedist fiction writers and readers: where do y'all like to read and write your feedist fiction?
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
Is it just me or does Feederism go great with vampires or demons as feeders, who're just so strong that they can easily dominate any feedee and use their powers to manipulate them to gain weight even faster... Idk why but thinking about this gives me a weird sensation
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
As someone who creates fat fiction and audio content, I feel this.
There are some websites I don't frequent because of things like this.
Yeah, there's a shared interest. But consent and respect go both ways. Don't assume. Ask, and be willing to accept no as its own complete answer.
Important! To all feedees out there!
I bet you're all nice people and that you all want to find someone either on here or on other platforms to share this special interest in feederism with. I get that you feel lonely and probably have been lonely for quite a while. I get that there is probably nothing that turns you on as much as a hot girl (or guy) telling you they want you to be fatter, even telling you they'll fatten you up. I get all that. Your emotions, desires and wishes are valid and there is nothing wrong about them.
That being said: you really have to bring this obsession to an end. I'm having the same conversation over and over again. "How would you fatten me up?", "Am I fat enough?", "How fat do you want me to be?", "Wanna see a pic of my belly?" are just a few of the messages I read every day. The messages aren't the problem though, it's that I'm having all these conversations with 'faceless' people. Some of you start off a conversation with "I've eaten so much today" or "Wanna fatten me up?", probably without realizing that I'm not some feederism-sexting-bot but actually actually a human being. I know it's easy to forget about that when you're on the internet, especially when you're horny, but please keep this in mind. I don't want to see your belly after 3 messages. I don't want to tease you or tell you what to eat after 5 minutes, knowing you're probably masturbating as I talk to you. I really don't want to talk about future plans or even living arrangements after just a couple of days or even weeks.
Talking to some of you makes me feel used, sucking out the energy from my body and leaving me back empty, with some depressed feeling. 9/10 times people text me either while or after eating, noticeably horny and obnoxiously needy. I'm not your mother. I'm some girl on the internet that happens to share the same kinks as you. It's not my job to tell you what to eat, how fat you should be or even what clothes you should put on. You're all adults, some of you are actually grown men/women but you still have the neediness of a 6-year-old. Please grow up a little, nurture your mental health and fix your issues.
I'm more than happy to have nice conversations and make you devour tens of thousands of calories. I don't want to be your jerk-off-sexting-bot you can just chat with whenever you're horny again. I'd be thrilled to see pics of you as you grow and get fatter, but getting loads of mostly involuntarily pics of some strangers, hairy belly is just off-putting. I'd love to have some feederism roleplays with you and make you stuff yourself, but I don't want to be pulled into your concrete fantasies right at the start of a conversation. Yes, I like teasing and telling you what a good piggy you are but I don't want to praise some stranger on the internet, satisfying their need for (a lot) of attention and approval. It's really not enjoyable anymore when you're talking to 7 people simultaneously who're basically the same person, craving for attention and approval.
Long story short: I know that feeders are rare, but we're just human beings too. If you want us to take the time to encourage you, please take the time to first have some regular, decent conversations before diving into the feederism talk.
I encourage you to reblog this and just spread some awareness about this. I'd really appreciate it. Nothing is meant to be harmful, I just felt like it needed to be said.
Stay healthy and take care of yourself! Thank you for reading! <3
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
Hell yes, this exactly.
this is ENTIRELY unscientific but i feel like. part of the ace-kinky overlap is, like, we aces are already starting from a deconstructed perspective when it comes to sex. all the brainpower we don't need for thinking abt "normal" sexual interaction can just go into progressively more deviant shit. like, god shut one door but opened a lot of REALLY strange windows
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
Definitely my style!
Soft Feedism
I'm such a sucker for the soft and loving feeders out there. The ones that sit in your lap and praise you, while stuffing you with your favorite treats. When you start to get full they lay you down and give you so much love. Belly rubs and kisses, more praise as they tell you how proud of you they are. Growing your waistline with every day that passes because you can't stop eating for them. It just feels so nice and comfy after all.
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
yo where’s all the positivity for shy doms? like doms who aren’t particularly good at being vocal and telling their subs what to do but still wanna be in charge? reblog if you are a shy dom, support shy doms, or love a shy dom.
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
saw feedism described as a "provider fetish" and let me tell you it fits. let me provide and nurture for you sweetie
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sirenslairwriting · 2 years
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
Hey tumblr kink baby:
• remember to take time off from the screen
• remember that you are a human being who deserves respect
• remember that dominance as bdsm play should ALWAYS feel good, and you should ALWAYS feel safe to say NO.
• walk away from any conversation or person who makes you feel like you can’t trust your own feelings
• walk away from anyone who makes you feel unsafe to express your needs and feelings
• always make sure your play partners understand the concept of consent
• no piece of dick / pussy is worth the trauma of having someone taking advantage of you
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
Making him down home cooked, stick to his ribs, buttered up, gravy smothered meals is the best way to make him your cute little chubby pork chop.
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
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Photo credit: WartimeSweets Hello, everyone! The day is finally HERE! Miss Studebaker Returns is LIVE on Amazon, Smashwords, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Scribd. My apologies that there is a price hike on Amazon due to their royalty structuring. Miss Studebaker Returns is a revamping of an old character from my early days on DeviantArt. She’s a tricksy kitchen witch turned college tutor who loves feeding up her students into extreme obesity. Polly, her latest victim, is a plump girl who just wants her fatphobic family to leave her alone and looks to Miss Studebaker for help. Will she get her wish? Buy your copy today to find out! Check out what these writers have to say: “Miss Studebaker’s Return is one of my absolute favorite erotica weight gain scenarios, a naive young glutton falling helplessly under the sway of an experienced temptress. Tender, sensual, and sexy with just the right hint of darkness to satisfy the discerning connoisseur of the carnal arts!” - Molly Coddles “This is an erotic tale of corruptive gluttony; of aggressive weight gain; of Faustian pleasure. It has stuffing, playful degradation, and a whole lot of fat. If you enjoy feederism with dire but non-health based consequences, then this novella may be right for you.” - Juxtaterrestrial “Miss Studebaker Returns is fun and gleeful and with nothing extraneous. It tip-toes between a number of clichés in a way that is elegant and unpredictable. It has a real dollop of heart in it, a real empathetic soul, but the crackling undercurrent of malevolent mischief. It’s fantasy but grounded but also a fable, but also a fable with a sting in its tail. It’s naughty and nice.” - Swahilimonkfish
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
I know this blog is a horny blog that deals in fetish but for a minute let’s say some important things.
Consent is essential and sexy. What makes you comfortable and happy is important, don’t let others make you betray that. Respect is important, yes I tend to be very dominating and do a lot of degradation and control play but we need to respect each other and make each other feel safe. Your mental matters, you should be able to prioritise it over being someone’s perfect sexual partner or perfect feedee. You’re a person. trans people can be whoever they want, their expression does not have to meet any standards of beauty.
Okay I’m done preaching lol back to being a horny blog that demands you eat and obey and let me spoil you xx
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
Commenting fanfiction is the easiest thing in the world once you start doing it. 
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sirenslairwriting · 3 years
Motherly feeder types who push you to eat more as you're stuffed to your brim by buttering you up with a lot of assertive gestures and love and affection~
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