siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
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Nothing explains lily and remus better than this
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
Why do you hate Snape so much? He wasn’t that bad? He loved Lily.
I seem to have pissed off the Snape fans.
I’ve had quite a few of these. I mean I’m kind of pleased because it must mean that the way I write him has hit a nerve? Let’s respectfully agree to differ and leave it at that? I don’t read pro Snape/pro-Snily fics and I suggest you should avoid fics clearly tagged as ‘not for you if you like Snape’ and are a Snily fan??? The reasons I hate Snape are many and varied and have been exceptionally well documented by this fandom. We are never going to agree on this one. He WAS that bad.
On the other hand, maybe I will take this opportunity to suggest if any of you dislike Snape and want to read what is apparently a very anti-Snape marauders/Jily and Wolfstar canon fic with a different ending, you might enjoy reading We Can Be Heroes? 🤷‍♀️
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
maybe when i make my jilytober prompts list i can just sneakily put in all my favourite tropes so i can read new things again...
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
james: yeah sex is cool, but have you ever been treated as a priority instead of just an option.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
we should have kept this energy for 2020 <3
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here’s the energy for 2019 everyone ✨
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
headcanon that sirius black talked to every single dog he ever came across, as if it was a real person. he had every single one of his friends convinced that he could talk to dogs, until one day james came across a stag in the woods, tried to talk to it, and got kicked in his face. remus & peter never managed to tell anyone, even lily, the story, because every time that they begin to tell it, they burst out in uncontrollable laughter.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
i’ve recently become obsessed with jily aristocratic aus and royalty aus and i really need more but i’ve read all of the ones @jilyarchive has recommended so if anyone has read any good aristocrat aus please send me the link ❤️
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
should i make a jilytober 2020 prompts list?? i could?? i have some ideas??
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
also screw corona virus because now i have time to do things and write and make art and take pretty pictures and instead of doing all that i’m having an existential crisis and stress baking. my family cannot physically eat anymore cupcakes.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
re-reading fanfics that you wrote but never finished is so FRUSTRATING. i want to know what fucking happens next but my idiotic 14 year old self quit on it. FUCK YOU 14 year old kira.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
my tongue is numb because i licked my finger to turn a page in PoA after putting after burn on my sunburn. shoot me.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 4 years
can someone write a story about a vampire and she’s really self conscious because she doesn’t know what she looks like and everyone is always telling her she’s beautiful but she can’t see her reflection and she doesn’t show up in photos and then maybe just maybe she meets a blind woman who teaches her that beauty isn’t just on the outside and they fall in love because i really need to read that right now
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
jilytober 01
she watches the stag prance around a bit, before returning to the dog. her eyes flutter, the wind is in her face. she’s outside of the school, she followed the dog out. who would bring a dog to hogwarts? and who would just let it wander about? it was irresponsible. she wanted to have a word with them. lily blinks, her eyes are too dry. when she opens them up again, the stag and the dog are gone, and in their place, two young men.
lily walks over to them, she’s confused, where have the dog and the stag gone?
“ev- lily,” says james, he slips up at first, nearly calling her evans. it’s their sixth year at hogwarts, they’ve been friends for a while now, she asked him to call her lily at the end of their fifth year, rather than evans. he obliged of course. and here they are. “what are you doing out here?”
“where is the dog?” she asks, tucking her auburn hair behind her ear. “where is the stag?” her eyes are wide, and her heart is beating quickly.
“erm,” says james, pushing his glasses up how nose slightly. “they’re-“
lily’s green eyes flash with recognition. “you two, padfoot and prongs…”
“lily, i-“
“you are the stag and the dog,” lily interrupts him. “you’re animagi, aren’t you? but why?” she takes a step closer, and james looks at her feet. she’s wearing slippers.
“we are,” sirius breaks his silence.
“you’re unregistered,” lily speaks again. she shivers slightly, it’s cold outside, tiny snowflakes litter the surface of the ground.
james takes off his jumper, it’s burgundy. gryffindor quidditch captain, it says, and he hands it to her. she puts it on gratefully.
“i always knew that you were smart, you know. you four have always been the very top of our class, you’re incredibly intelligent. this, this is dangerous though,” james’s jumper is loose on her, and it smells like him. she balls the sleeves up in her hands, they’re too long.
“we know, lily,” james assures her, and he takes a step closer to her. “it was worth the risk.”
“why?” lily’s eyes are wide, she looks almost like a doe.
“i can’t tell you that,” says james. he presses his lips together tightly and runs his fingers through his hair.
“alright,” she inhales deeply, as if she’s unsure of what to say next. “your secret is safe with me. please, just, don’t get yourselves into trouble. or hurt.”
“we won’t, lils,” says james. lils. she decides that she likes it when he calls her that. his raspy voice, the way his lips part ever so slightly. “your lips are blue,” he remarks.
“oh,” she says. she wants to stay, to question him more, even just to talk with him for a little while, but sirius is still there, and it’s cold, and late, and it’s not the right time. lily turns around. she walks back into the school, all the way back to her dormitory.
she dreams of dogs, and stags, and james potter.
it’s not until the next day that she realizes that she’s still wearing his jumper. it still smells of him, maybe a tiny bit less than it did the night before, but it surely does. this proves to her that the night before had happened. she smiles ever so slightly, balling the sleeves up in her fists again.
maybe he’s an unregistered animagus. and maybe he won’t tell her why. but that’s okay. she should turn him in, but she knows that she won’t.
because somewhere, deep down, lily evans is beginning to fall in love with james potter.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
james: what’s another word for stupid?
sirius: idiotic
peter: dumb
remus: unintelligent
lily: james
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
Wolfstar Coffee Shop AU Where…
Sirius and Lily work at a coffee shop that James’s parents own, and one day Sirius is refilling a coffee and he looks at the person’s face and it’s Remus Lupin and he pours the coffee all over him.
Of course Sirius is like « Oh shit mate! Sorry, here, » and takes off his uniform and gives Remus the jumper he’s wearing underneath.
So now there’s a dripping Remus Lupin, a shirtless Sirius Black, and Lames (what Sirius and his friends have elected to call Lily and James) in the background dying of laughter.
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
sirius black did not want to be a gryffindor.
do you really believe that going into hogwarts, sirius black wanted to be sorted into gryffindor?
hell no. he was eleven. he was afraid. he wanted to get into slytherin, be adored by his parents, follow in his cousin andromeda’s footsteps. for he knew that slytherins could be good too, andromeda had proved that to him.
but as he put on the hat, as it belched out, ‘gryffindor,’ he realized that that was not his place.
the glares of the slytherin table bore into him, his family’s, his would-have-been friends’. sirius was frozen to his spot. his eyes were watering, his breath was shaking. then a curly haired boy, still waiting to be sorted, began to clap. james potter clapped and cheered for his newest friend until the gryffindor table followed suit. sirius held back a smile, put on a brave face, and walked heroically to the gryffindor table, already feeling more confident in his sorting.
he knew that being sorted in slytherin would have been easier on him. but did he wish once in his years at and after hogwarts that he’d been sorted there, rather than gryffindor?
hell no. he was a lion, and gods forbid you heard him roar.
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