sirivsblack · 4 years
Autumn nodded her head, taking a moment to think. "If I have to wait for you to bounce it into the cup, I’m worried I might sober up.” She teased with a laugh, “So how about I drink if I get it in, and you drink if you do.” Autumn smirked and got herself into a more comfortable position. Although she did warn him that she was competitive, she wasn’t sure he understood the extent of it. Being an only child meant she was praised on everything and never compared to anybody else, so she always felt the need to be the best at everything in order to make her father proud of her.
She studied the empty glass between them, biting down on her tongue slightly as she lined up the the coin to where she wanted to bounce it. Letting it go, she watched as it bounced over the cup and landed on the other side. “Fuck.” She breathed, reaching across the table to pick the coin back up. “That was just a practice run, yeah?” Autumn looked to Sirius, a rather blank expression on her face. “I’ll get it this time.”
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"Suit yourself." He agreed easily, thinking of all the nights off he'd had recently with nothing to do but make friends and drink. Plus, the addition of the years him and James had spent in the common room doing just about anything but studying. That was, until Remus finally convinced them to do at least the bare minimum. It wasn't really sandbagging if she said it, was it? He watched her as she concentrated, fighting the urge to laugh. He'd have to remember to invite her the next time they all got together - he thought James and him might be able to have some fun here. 
"Sure." Sirius reached forward to snatch the coin before she could, the corners of his lips twitching as he twirled it between two fingers for a moment, before bouncing it effortlessly into the cup. It wasn't the first time he'd played, after all. "Sure you will." He winked, a lopsided grin taking over his features as he took a pointed drink from his cup, eyes never leaving hers. Sitting back once more, he stretched his arms out across the back of the cushions, relaxed. She could take all the practice shots she wanted, as far as he was concerned. He wasn't expected anywhere until a few days from now, they could play the game all night if they wanted. 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Something felt a little off about this dog. It seemed like he could understand everything he was saying, and no matter how trained a dog was, it was odd that it was taking orders from a stranger. Regulus tried not to think about it too much, though, seeing as he found himself much more relaxed in the presence of this random dog than he had in quite some time. He never really did consider himself much of an animal lover, but perhaps getting a pet might help him get over what was going on between him and Sirius if a stray could make him loosen up this much.
He couldn’t help but to smile down to him as they walked alongside each other, reaching down slightly to pat his head again. He was so well behaved, it was quite impressive. “Does anything around here look familiar to you?” Regulus asked, glancing around. He was half-tempted to knock on each door they passed by to see if the dog belonged to anyone, but for some reason he didn’t want to part with him just yet. “Do you live at any of these houses? Maybe this one up here? They’ve got kids, do you have a big family?” Usually talking to animals made him uncomfortable, but there was just something special about this dog that made talking to him feel so easy.
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Sirius bounced on his paws a little as they walked, his easy trot feeling lighter than usual. The two of them walked in silence for a moment, which bothered him even less as a dog than it did as a person. The sun was out, there was a light breeze to ruffle his fur, and Regulus hadn't started yelling at him yet. What more could a mutt want? He let his tongue flop out of his mouth as his brother's hand resumed its petting, tilting his head so the fingers in his fur hit just the right spot, just below his right ear. His eyes closed half way and he panted happily.
Perking his ears up at the question, he stretched his neck to look around Regulus and follow his line of sight. Letting loose a noise somewhere between a bark and a sigh, he brought his gaze up to the man beside him as if to say who knows? If Sirius could have, he would have laughed at the next question - do you have a big family? - well, technically, his brother was on the right track, he supposed. He let loose a couple of small, chattery howls like he'd heard some of the smarter breeds do, in answer to Regulus before pouncing on a wayward stick just next to where they were walking. 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
It was strange - it seemed as though the dog was smiling back to him, almost as if it understood him. Perhaps he wasn’t a stray, if he could get the gist of what he was saying, there was a chance there was some poor family out there missing their dog. He felt bad, and as the dog stood and took a couple of steps towards him, Regulus felt his eyes widen slightly. It was huge, but seemed friendly enough. Reaching a hesitant hand out, he patted the dog on the head lightly and chuckled softly. He never really considered himself a dog person, but he supposed they were better than cats.
“You seem pretty cool.” Regulus said, his grin widening as he realized the dog wasn’t going to attack him. “I guess we can hang out for a bit.” He chuckled lightly, looking around to see if there was anybody around them. The street seemed empty, he wondered if the owners lived nearby and if they were out looking for him. Since the dog seemed so well behaved, perhaps he could get him to follow him on his walk. If they passed by his house, hopefully he would go home. “Wanna go for a walk?” Regulus asked, placing emphasis on the word walk in hopes that it would excite him. “C'mon.” He turned taking a few steps up the street before turning around to see if the dog was following.
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As Regulus pet him, Sirius nudged his head further into his hand, unable to help himself. This was easily the friendliest the two had ever been past the age of five - and he determinedly didn't think about how only one of them knew it. Sirius let out a high pitched bark, slightly louder than before and wagged his tail in earnest at the praise. Even James would be the first to admit he had a better temperament as a dog, so he was unsurprised by Regulus' words, although he was still pleased. I guess we can hang out for a bit. The words stabbed at him, equal parts elation and pain, and yet he knew he would stay. 
Eager as always to play the part of a faithful pooch, he perked his ears up once more at the word walk and danced lightly between his front paws. After all, it would be indescribably nice to stretch his limbs after laying out on the cold pavement for so long. He let out two short, excitable yips as he shook his fur out and then Regulus had turned and started off down the street, and Sirius dutifully followed. He trotted lightly to catch up as his brother turned, falling in to step on his right side and lifting his muzzle to sniff at the breeze as it blew by - happier than he'd felt in weeks.
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sirivsblack · 4 years
She listened as Sirius took on a different tone, eyebrows raising almost in anticipation for whatever it was he came up with. Maybe she should give him more credit but, well, Lily had come to know what his many different tells meant. “Ah, so it’s Moony’s fault when you act out for not being there to rein it in now, is it?” Lily asked, a laugh escaping into the words. “I knew that we kept him around for a reason.” Of course she knew better than to think anyone could ever truly control Sirius, he had proven that. It was one of the many things she had first admired, no matter how much trouble she gave him for it now. 
“I suppose so.” Lily shrugged, doing her best to keep the action a simple one. Hell only knew that she had her fair share of bruises over the years; hard not to, spending your childhood climbing trees and teen years at Hogwarts. Still, it was difficult not to worry when they sprang up on anyone she cared about. Especially Sirius. Especially now. Letting out a quiet sigh as their eyes met, Lily nodded, pressing her lips together in a weak smile of agreement. It didn’t take much to know, even without asking, that it wasn’t a conversation he would want to have. But Sirius never did keep things from her, not when she asked. That was a simple fact she had never questioned. “Okay. Slots it is, then. I’ll be honest, I’ve never played, though I’m sure that isn’t much of a surpri – ” Lily cut off mid- sentence, turning her eyes away from the crowd surrounding them and up at Sirius once again. This time, they widened for a different reason, curious amusement met with a laugh. “What did you do to get kicked off a poker table?” 
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"No, no, no." Sirius shook his head, holding up a finger. "You've got it backwards, love. It's Remus' fault when he is there to rein me in." He laughed, shooting her a playful wink. He let out a loud laugh at her words, shrugging easily. She had a point, after all. They kept Moony around for any number of reasons, but he supposed his calming effect on himself and James was one of the most beneficial (at least it probably was for everybody else). Breathing a sigh of relief as she let him distract her, his smile stretched to the usual wide, boisterous one they'd all come to know. He'd tell her - he would - he just wouldn't tell her right now. 
"It was a whole thing with a drink and a skirt and a dragon hide handbag." Sirius waved away her concern, pulling a face at the memory although steering them plenty clear of the table in question as he noticed they hadn't switched out dealers yet. "How was I supposed to know the guy was her father? Poker's overrated, anyway. Lot of fat heads over at that table." He informed her matter of factly. Honestly, why use felt in a place where people were heavily drinking if you were gonna get so mad if it got wet? "Speaking of." He glanced first into his near empty cup and then over at Lily. "You hungry or need a drink or anything?" 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Regulus hated the fact that he was unemployed, it made for incredibly long and boring days. Lately he had spent most days in his bedroom, rearranging his furniture every few days just to have something new to look at. It seemed everybody in the house was growing annoyed with his constant presence, even Kreacher seemed to be avoiding him. It wasn’t unusual for Regulus to go out for a walk in the evening, but there was something about tonight that was telling him it might be better for him to simply stay home. He chose to ignore that feeling, though, and headed out for his usual stroll around the neighborhood just to have something to do.
He was only a few steps out the door when he had noticed the strange looking dog up the road. It was huge, easily the largest dog he had ever seen with his own eyes, it looked scruffy and unkempt, and he assumed it was likely a stray. Regulus knew he should have just continued walking, it definitely wasn’t smart to approach a stray dog, but he had nothing better to do. He figured, worst case scenario, if the thing bit him he, could visit Andromeda and she would help with no questions asked. Taking a couple of cautious steps towards the dog, Regulus couldn’t help but to smile as he noticed his tail wagging. “Are you lost?” He asked, knowing damn well that there was no way it could answer him. “Do you need help finding your way home?”
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It was a strange feeling, interacting with Regulus when he knew that his brother had no idea what was really happening. It felt wrong, deceitful and would probably only leave Sirius more confused than before he had arrived - but at this point, what was done was done, and he couldn't bring himself to walk away. As Regulus smiled at him, he opened his mouth in what was as close to a lopsided grin as he could manage. He'd never seen the expression turned on him before, not that he could remember. 
Lifting his head, he cocked it to the side and pricked his ears as Regulus went on. Well, he'd learned one thing, at least - his brother seemed to be a dog person, ironically enough. Sirius let out a soft sigh of a bark, pushing himself to his feet and indulging in a long stretch before he padded lazily toward the other. Being as large as he was, it only took a couple of steps to cross the small distance and he looked up at his brother questioningly, his tail wagging somewhat hesitantly as he waited to see whether or not he'd be welcome. 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Remus’ brows furrowed, watching Sirius intently as he seemingly struggled to get out whatever he was going to say. His expression immediately softened as he began to explain what happened between him and Regulus, and suddenly Remus felt bad for even bringing up his brother in the first place. "He apologized?” He questioned in disbelief. The two of them had hated each other for so long, it was definitely hard to believe that Regulus was even capable of feeling sorry, but there was no way Sirius would just make that up. “Pads, this is a big deal. Why didn’t you tell me before?” But when he stated that he didn’t want to talk about it, Remus simply stared at him for a moment before nodding his head. “Alright, I won’t force you to talk about it right now, but if I remember in the morning we’re definitely having a chat about it.”
Now making it his personal mission to keep a smile on Sirius’ face, he scoffed at his answer. “I’m not your type?” He asked, a grin on his lips, “Aren’t you always telling people that you’re in love with me? And now you’re saying I’m not your type? Make up your damn mind.” It was definitely strange that he didn’t want to go look for Marlene, usually he would jump on an opportunity to spend time with her. Taking the last few puffs off his cigarette, he threw the butt a few feet in front of him and pushed himself off the ground, turning to look down at Sirius. “Alright, c'mon. We’re gonna go get into trouble, I can’t do it alone.”
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"Yeah." Sirius murmured, his eyes trained on his boots. It was a big deal, wasn't it? Maybe he'd been hoping he was just too connected to it and being as dramatic as everyone always accused him of. "I…." He sighed, running a tired hand through his hair as he thought it over. Why hadn't he told not just Remus - but even James or Peter? "I don't know." He said softly. Sirius figured he thought he'd have it figured out by now - he wouldn't still be trying to figure out what it all meant and how he felt about it. He tensed under Moony's gaze, knowing they both knew that if he asked, Sirius would tell him, no matter how much he didn't want to. But he should have given his friend more credit, and as he let it go for the moment, his shoulders relaxed again and he let out a small sigh. "Yeah, 'course." He'd known, after all, he wouldn't be able to avoid talking about it forever. 
"Yeah." Remus' argument managed to wrangle a genuine laugh out of him and he shook his head, although his smile stayed put this time. "I said what I said." He stretched his hands out before him, arching his back as it had started to ache from sitting on the concrete for so long now. "I am in love with you." He continued, voice distorted somewhat with his effort to crack his back. "But you're still not my type." He turned his head, and with the satisfying pop he glanced up at Moony where he was now standing before him. "Bit of a Freaky Friday moment we're having here, don't you think?" He raised a single eyebrow, but pushed himself up to follow, regardless. "Alright, then what's the plan?" 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
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New Girl (2011 - 2019 ) S01E04 | “Naked”
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Lily’s eyebrows raised as she nodded, a laugh escaping her. “Okay, glad to know you’ll behave for someone.” She shot back, rolling her eyes in response. It felt good to be able to joke around, even if only for a moment. Of course that was always easier with Sirius - most of the time, she wondered if he’d made it his personal mission just to make her laugh, especially lately. And then, the rest of the time Lily decided it was better not to know. Her expression shifted quick, a small sigh falling through her lips as she shook her head. This wasn’t the place to make a conversation of it, in the middle of Gia’s birthday party where Lily had made the decision to enjoy herself - but damn, if it wasn’t difficult. She was no stranger to finding Sirius donning new bruises, gathering new stories as to how he got them, but he was never exactly against telling her where they came from. Granted, she didn’t exactly give him a chance. 
Her head tilted at the words, an eyebrow raised in a silent question as Sirius winked. “Should I take that to mean they look worse than you?” It was easy enough to suspect what might have happened, what could have been bad enough he wouldn’t want to tell her - but all the same, she bit down the urge to ask and confirm it for herself. Instead, Lily fixed him with a look, letting her shoulders relax. She couldn’t help it, any of them showed up with bruises and it bothered her. “Okay.” Lily sighed, letting it pass, the corner of her mouth quirking up at the antics. Oh, she could certainly stay mad at Sirius Black if she wanted to, history had proven that. But that was the thing, she didn’t want to, not now. “I haven’t yet, actually.” She admitted, letting out a laugh as the galleon appeared between his fingers. Of course he had saved one, though it brought another question that was better not getting the answer to, just how long had Sirius been gambling away his money before she got there? Good thing she had thought to bring a bit extra with her, just in case then. “Where should we start?” 
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"To be fair." He started reasonably. "Remus is the only one who usually asks me to." Sirius grinned. "Still thinks he can make an honest man out of me, poor chap." He watched the different expressions flicker across her features, kicking himself for being the cause of anything but a smile, but he supposed this time, it couldn't exactly be helped. Not without taking James up on his offer of applying makeup to him, which was certainly not going to happen when he was about to be in public.
"Bit, yeah." Sirius shrugged one shoulder, before a smirk tugged at his lips. "But that's true before all the bruises, innit?" He asked with a chuckle, but it and his smile faded as quickly as they had come and he sighed, leaning closer so he could drop his voice. "Look, we can talk about it later, yeah?" His eyes found hers. "Promise." And he meant it. Sirius Black may be many things, but chief among them he was a man of his word. But now, now it was time to have some fun. He leaned back from Lily, slinking an arm around her shoulders as he surveyed the room. "Slots, I'd think." He nodded thoughtfully, pointing. "I'm right garbage at blackjack, and they kicked me off the poker table about twenty minutes ago." He grinned sheepishly. 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
When Sirius spoke again, he definitely sounded better, but Remus wasn’t a fool. There was obviously something going on, but if he didn’t want to talk about it, he wasn’t going to pry. They were at a party, after all, they were supposed to be having fun. “Okay, alright. I won’t bother him.” He promised, taking a drag from his cigarette before turning to flash a mischievous look to his friend, “Unless he starts it, then it’s game over for him.”
Rolling his eyes at the subject change, Remus snorted softly. “What, I’m not good enough for you? You’re gonna ditch me to hang out with Marlene?” He teased, knowing that that wasn’t the reason he brought her up at all, but it was still amusing to poke fun at him. Taking a moment to think about it, he hadn’t seen Marlene, or really anyone else that he knew. He was positive their friends were somewhere in the party, but there were so many people around and so many activities, he hadn’t spotted anybody. Shaking his head, Remus shrugged his shoulders, “Actually, no. I haven’t. I’m sure she’s around somewhere, though. Wanna go look for her?”
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He knew he should have laughed with Remus, especially as he shot him a look, but he couldn't bring himself to. Not over Regulus - not anymore. At least, not right now. "He won't." Sirius murmured, no trace of humor in his tone. Biting the inside of his cheek, he debated. It would feel good to tell someone what had happened - and Remus was the perfect person. But he was drunk, and it was a party - it wasn't really the time, was it? It seemed his mouth had other ideas, however, as he began to speak again before he'd fully decided whether or not he even wanted to. "I saw him the other day, you know." He started, speaking quickly as if he needed to get it all out before he changed his mind. "After the… .you know." He amended, gesturing at his still bruised face. "We didn't fight. He apologized, and…" Sirius trailed off, taking a breath before continuing quietly. "I told him I'd leave him alone - that I didn't ever want to see him again." He swallowed thickly. "For good this time." Glancing sidelong, he sent him a steady look. "And no, I don't want to talk about it." 
He was actually grateful for Remus' current state of intoxication, and he barked a laugh at his question. "Usually, yeah." He shrugged easily. "What can I say, Moons, you're just not my type." His laughter faded away and he shrugged easily. "Nah, it's okay." He surprised himself with his answer, truth be told. Sirius almost always wanted to go find Marlene, he didn't even have to think about it - it was more of an instinct. But he wasn't himself, and he didn't think he wanted to subject her to less than his best, not when he'd already whined enough to her. "I'm sure I'll run into her at some point." 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Autumn rolled her eyes, scoffing at his comment, though there was still a smirk on her lips. "A bit cocky, are we?” She asked, shaking her head. She had to admit, he had every right to be conceited, but she wasn’t about to let him get away with it too easily. It was oddly nice to just be able to hang out with Sirius without it feeling awkward after what they had just done. She supposed that was the benefit of actually being friends rather than just being some random hook up. Autumn shrugged as she took the bottle back from him, “Perhaps I’ll stay if I get too drunk to apparate. We’ll see what happens.” She didn’t want to make any promises, but there was a pretty strong chance she would end up crashing if they ended up finishing off the bottle. It was the good stuff, after all.
Watching Sirius pulled the coins from the pocket, she gave him a puzzled look while he attempted to bounce one into the cup. “A game?” Autumn questioned, raising a brow. “Sure, I’ll try.” She agreed, taking the coins from him and standing to move to the other side of the table. “I must warn you, though. I’m quite competitive.” She smiled slightly as she sat down on the floor, folding her legs under herself as she got comfortable. “So the objective is to get the coin in the cup? And then what, I drink?”
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"Nah." He replied easily, although it wasn't the first time he'd been accused of such - although most of the time it wasn't friends, and wasn't delivered in quite the same tone. Either way, he wasn't bothered - and perhaps it was true. After all, Sirius was good and he knew it. Everyone else might as well, too. "Either way." He shrugged, perfectly fine with whatever she chose to do. People always said not to sleep with your friends, but if this was anything to go by, it was far superior than most of the times he'd brought women back to his place. 
"Yeah, I guess." He furrowed his brow slightly. "Or I do. I don't really remember most of that night." He admitted with a boyish grin, rubbing at the back of his head and causing his hair to stand at odd angles. He scooted forward so he was perched on the edge of the couch, trying to give himself as much of a chance as he could, but he knew it was all probably moot, regardless. Autumn was much more competitive than Sirius - having been friends with James for so long, he had become a much better sport than he'd been before he knew him, and while he could be competitive, he had a feeling it was nothing compared to Autumn. "Alright, go on then." He goaded, smirking. "Show me how it's done.”
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sirivsblack · 4 years
He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing - or rather, why he was doing it. Sirius supposed one of the perks of being so completely unemployable was having a rather large amount of time he didn’t need to qualify to anyone. And yet - he knew that if his friends asked, he would lie. He wouldn’t tell them he was lurking around the small fence that blocked off number twelve as the abnormally large, scruffy black dog, and he certainly wouldn’t tell them he was really there waiting for a chance to see with his own eyes that Regulus was still okay.
His joints were aching from sitting statue like at his post at the end of the walk and he laid down slowly, laying his head down on his two front paws. He let loose a large sigh, watching as it blew a leaf away from him down the sidewalk. Sirius wasn’t sure how long he lazed there, napping in the sun, waiting - endlessly waiting - but then he saw him, down at the end of the street. He’d just wanted to see him, and now that he had, he told himself he would let him walk by and he’d leave. Sirius honestly wasn’t sure how Regulus even felt about dogs, but as he walked by he let loose a soft whine, unable to stop himself. And as his brother’s gaze found him, he wagged his tail.
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sirivsblack · 4 years
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TEEN WOLF  3.15 – “Galvanize”
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sirivsblack · 4 years
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Remus stared at Sirius for a moment, feeling rather shocked that he wasn’t enjoying himself. This was exactly the type of thing that would usually pull him out of a bad mood, so whatever was bothering him must have been serious. Placing his cigarette between his lips, Remus grabbed his arm with both of his hands, shaking him back and forth slightly, “What the hell is wrong with you?” He questioned, his tone still light and playful, though there was a hint of concern behind it. He absolutely hated seeing his friends in a bad mood, but it always hit differently when it was Sirius. Usually he was the one trying to cheer everyone else up.
Puffing on his cigarette, he pulled it out of his mouth as he relaxed against the wall behind him. He knew that Sirius had gotten into a couple of fights recently, one with Regulus and one with Severus, but surely that couldn’t be the issue. It definitely wasn’t the first time he had fought with either one of them, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last, either. However he noticed that Sirius had been unusually quiet about it, normally he would brag about it a little more. “Is it your brother?” Remus asked, glancing over to him, “Is he here? Did you see him? I’ll go beat him up for you, if you want.” He had never been in a real fight, but if it would make Sirius feel better, he would be more than willing. Although Remus was positive he could beat him at a duel. “Okay, maybe I can’t beat him up but I’ll happily duel him. I might be drunk but I can still use my wand.” He smiled, chuckling softly. He was only half joking, if Sirius asked him to fight Regulus, he would absolutely do it without a second thought.
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“Well.” He started with a sigh, before he smiled, making sure when he spoke again his tone was back to the light hearted teasing he was best known for. “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” Sirius chuckled, shrugging slightly. He couldn’t have given him a straight answer even if he wanted to - he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him. 
"You will not." He snorted, rolling his eyes although he appreciated the support. Still, the last thing he needed was another fight on his hands, even if he wasn't directly involved. Especially between his brother and his best friend. "No, it's… it's fine. Really. It's taken care of." Sirius assured him, swallowing thickly and clearing his throat before continuing. "That's over." He nodded, shrugging lightly as he snuffed out his cigarette on the sidewalk to his left and snagged the fresh one from behind his ear. "Have you seen Marlene?" He asked suddenly, hoping Remus might let him distract him with a subject change. 
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sirivsblack · 4 years
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sirivsblack · 4 years
“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Remus teased, pulling the pack away quickly before he changed his mind, “There are a lot of magic words. Fuck, a third of my vocabulary is magic words. Spells and charms and shit. I can give you many magic words, but you need to specify.” He laughed, pulling a cigarette out and placing it between his lips before tossing the pack back over to Sirius. It had been quite some time since he was this drunk, usually Remus was more than happy to babysit everyone else while they were partying, it felt nice to let loose for a change. He definitely wasn’t anywhere near blacking out, but he was drunk enough to be more fun than he usually was.
Lighting his cigarette with his wand, Remus’ brows furrowed and he shot Sirius a confused glance at his words. “You? Sirius Black is partied out?” His head shook in disbelief as he returned his gaze to the empty street in front of them. If he was at a party and not having a good time, there must be something wrong. Remus knew he had gotten into a fight with both Regulus and Severus recently, but surely that couldn’t be the problem, it definitely wasn’t the first time he had fought with either of them. “You feeling okay, Pads?” He questioned, almost not expecting a full explanation tonight, not here with so many people around, but perhaps he would tell him something. Shaking his head at his question, Remus laughed again. “You kind of need money in order to gamble.” He patted his pocket absent-mindedly, “I have exactly three sickles and I don’t think I’m lucky enough to even double that. I’m not taking any chances, I can’t risk losing it.”
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"Alright, alright." Sirius huffed, rolling his eyes although a small smile crept over his lips. "Just light up if it gets you to be quiet, will you?" He laughed, ashing his own cigarette before finally bringing it to his lips to take a drag, although most of it had been wasted by now. Catching the pack easily in one hand (he wasn't as drunk as most people might expect of him), he slid one out and stuck it behind his ear before pocketing it once again. 
Sirius shrugged slightly. "Wonders never cease." He replied easily, hoping he wasn't going to be made to talk about it. Honestly, he wasn't sure exactly why he was in such a funk lately, but it only made it that much harder for him to pull himself out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe. I dunno." He shrugged, frowning for a moment. It wasn't like he hadn't gotten in fights before - and fights with both Regulus and Severus, at that. But it was different this time, there was a note of finality to his last meeting with his brother, and the desperate desire to get out when he'd heard his name only confirmed it. The fight with Severus - well, that had purely been catharsis. He chuckled once, patting his now empty pockets before turning them out for inspection. "If only I was as responsible as you."
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sirivsblack · 4 years
Of course he was having fun, how could he not? But it very quickly became overwhelming. There were so many loud noises coming from different machines, people yelling over each other, lights flashing in every direction. It was a lot, and somehow he ended up wandering around alone. Finishing off the last of his beer, Remus stumbled his way towards the door, realizing that maybe he was a little more drunk than he thought he was. He supposed there wasn’t a moment he didn’t have a drink in his hand, but he had no idea how that happened considering he only paid for one. It was as if one glass emptied and someone shoved a fresh one in his hand. Not that he was complaining, but this definitely wasn’t his intention for the evening.
Pushing open the doors and taking a few steps outside, Remus let out a sigh of relief as the noise of the party was completely silenced as the door closed behind him. A hand ran through his hair as he glanced around, there were a few others standing about in small groups, still laughing and acting as if the party had been extended to the sidewalk. It brought a small smile to his lips, at least everybody was having a good time. Taking a few steps away, Remus noticed a figure a few feet away, one that was instantly recognizable to him. Quickly moving towards Sirius, he stopped beside him and grinned down to him, wondering how long it would take for him to notice his presence. "No such thing as peace and quiet with you around.” He laughed, pressing his back against the wall and sliding down beside him. “Gimme a smoke, would you?” Remus asked, holding out a hand expectantly. He almost never smoked, mostly because he couldn’t afford to, but he always craved a cigarette when he drank. “What’re you doing out here all by yourself? Usually I’m the one that sneaks away.”
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"And yet you're the one disturbing me." But there was a smile on his face as he spoke, shaking his head slightly. He leaned over, using his free hand to snag the box of cigarettes from his pocket but before he handed it over he eyed his outstretched hand with a smirk. "What's the magic word?" He taunted, in an almost sing-song voice before he dissolved into laughter and slapped them down into Remus' palm, not really having cared if he got an answer or not. If he was asking to bum a cigarette, he may be more intoxicated than Sirius was himself - the tables certainly had turned tonight, hadn't they? Perhaps he'd have to try to muster up a second wind and catch up. 
"Just partied myself out, I guess." He shrugged, throwing him a lopsided grin, although it faded quickly. It was true - Remus was usually the one slinking away; Sirius tended to find and join him because he didn’t want his friend  to be alone. Sirius wasn’t one to get ‘partied out’, and yet, here they were. He sighed deeply, averting his eyes back to the empty street in front of him. What he wanted to do, was to turn into a dog and run himself tired, but that was hardly an option at present. But he had seen both Maya and Gianna, so maybe leaving earlier than he'd planned wasn't exactly off the table. Truth was, he wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted. "Won any jackpots?" 
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