hello-catt-blog · 6 years
So where to began
Perhaps some more insight on me? I tend to ramble. But that was entirely the point of this blog. I'll get to spilling the tea soon but for the time being lets babble about how much I overthink childhood. My life was pretty normal as a kid. I was homeschooled. I was a brat, Occasionally... I personally realized as I grew most of my acting out was simply from not understanding things around me. The world is scary as a child. Giant people and animals everywhere. 100+ people talking in a small store. Loud noises and bright lights. Adults thrust you into 'fun' activities with no explanation of why you should enjoy it. Of course you're going to scream and cry and freak out. You don't know how to explain how overwelmimg and frantic it feels. I did say I overthink things. Right? Being homeschooled was great. My mom may have let me slide but I think I learned things better than I would've in a classroom. She always was good at hiding lessons in plain sight. It didn't take much effort for her though. I was always one of those "Why?" Kids. The difference is she gave me the answers no matter what they were. I recall asking her what a cannibal was once and she explained it with a calm and dictionary esque way. She didn't make a big deal about it. She didn't freak out. She just...Explained it. And I was like "Oh. Gross." And went back to watching history channel. I bring it up because I recall the shock a digust her friends had aboutthe things I knew. I think that parents shelter to much to the point of being obnoxious and stunt there kids. For the year I was unfortunate enough to go to public school I'd hear the same things over and over whenever I'd ask about something "You're not old enough to understand that." My teachers got mad at me for getting crime novels when my entire class used there free book thing on fucking captin fucking underpants. Like. I'm sorry I have a brain. :I I feel like I'm bragging. I don't think i'm any sorta genius but. Like. I was that kid tho. The one who got her homework done before anyone else since she knew it already. Except math. Freakin math. T.T Quadratic equations are legit the only thing keeping me from getting my ged now. Childhood though was mostly normal. Me and my brother lived in like nowhere so readimg and video games were life. It wasn't until I was a teenager that things literally went to shit.
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hello-catt-blog · 6 years
I'm not even sure how to start something like this. I could act like and excitable upbeat obnoxiously chipper youtuber. Or I suppose I can just be me. Who am I? Well. I barely know myself. What I can tell you is I'm a 23 year old, Female. I'm attempting to stay anonymous on this blog on purpose so you can call me Catt. "But, Why stay anonymous?!?" I hear you shout through my screen. Well. Because I plan to use this as a public diary of sorts. A venting place where I can share my life. My stress. And hopefully help some other people on my way... It seems unrealistic that a 23 year old could have anything that shocking to share but trust me...You'll find out that I have lived through more chaos then some people who are 90+ But maybe some good can come out of it? For me and you.
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