sirjustice157-blog · 4 years
Deleting a/c
I cant leave ya my food daily or give ya a dime, a male with 2 legs still alive, then u pride ya self and u got no agenda where this character will end. Stop dude, look 4 feasible solutions. With tumblr a/c if u don't follow any a/c like the horse in the link below then u cant shift the a/c to delete
Following u cant delete very many as they r following u daily even when what they want has been already made and it cant go that way as hay used to make gas and gadgets and fuels Russia where selling to them and they have known the same so will tantamount to war if they want to know much. They want people to fear them and live poor and even the foods they sell in Eu they have known how to make
Kebi saying with like a voice that mourned yesterday but now tired, Mochanda peana hiyo kitu, chini ya paja, kwenye surwali, wacha kukuwa ngumu, ambiye magdalin piya apeane hicho kitu. Wachakuwa mchoyo, haikulwi au ngoleka.
When no fuel or alternator generator has been made cheap, then stop telling 1 to still make it buy dude, as cheap as $ 50, then what do u want.
The starter comp like 4 kitchen in the link below can produce up-to 24-48 volts when rotated with 1.5 V motor with like 3 other gear to make it soft to rotate much bigger magnet to produce much power and take long as not to burden the circulation of current inside the motor wires to make the dry-cell weakens 1st
And the current should be much to be reduced to constant 12 volts to power the motor so even if the battery is like 30% to die still it produces 12 to make it overstay like even in a 12 hour journey b4 u replenish another 1 or changed the charged 1. The solar charger controller scc technology can help us with that and if 4 household take like 6, 48 such comps to give ya 300 Volts which again can have a scc that maintains the power like at 100-200 volts still being used by home or office appliances as that alternator generator that harbors the 6 comps can use 1 single dry-cell 4 like the whole day and friends this a new happiness altogether as a new happening or unbelievable twist upon which people are waiting to see as the doubting thomases as Bartholomew with Christ resurrection, saying “Unless he sees the marks is when he can believe that is that simple boy who has come up with the invention described above“ KEVIN Dawa rather Dawe of Minnesota.
The wet cell of already made E-vehicles or motorbikes as generators can be made using the technology above, where such are placed inside and still the legacy of the above innovation still lingers on. like in the link below makes still not branching to a near by gas station but to a chain-store or shop to buy another battery to replace the finished 1 with a new reality
When u said u want to delete the information on the following of sirjustice200 tumblr a/c and u have learnt u cant do the same better stop dude and move to ya own nation as previously thought. What do u want do and eating corpse as 1 of ya plans also blocked dude. Get to ya nation, wasting ya time, kinda bro, u will not win better quit early or now, if u cant separate them, leave them dude cause they want u not to join them cause u aint equals but of wired characters period dude, You stupid Mr Hindu or White male man.
Mochanda molo cha palo en-kende emathunde otiye kole mabel, kolo okomiya time as am wasting his time ka luonge, osungolena, anbe adwanyise ni kolo angithunde mochung ekola kaka mekego,okoblo kelo na sunga meke. Kebi was cought saying that late last night and infact he is in puberty with swollen nipple, that condition as signs 4 puberty 4 males or we know not maybe cancer.
Their is a new gimmick in them, want ya food like every hr from dusk untill dawn claiming they want folks to leave them, what is that u want folks to leave u alone so develop that bad character, nothing dude, want to hack a/c as above and kill the owner which has been blocked, then resort to advising ya women to leave ya thinking they will win u as gay, which if proves futile organize ya ambush liaising with even dignitaries and foreign embassies or bringing their kids next to ya claiming u have refused to feed them, yet still they are in pride and mark u the father to that kid aint dead or lame, still alive and gets to town very early in the morning, if u refuse the same they claim u r, kinda, beating kids in secrecy which they investigate not sending hooligans with even panga or rod to ambush ya like above, which if u ran away they get into ya house and still cause at that time ya door is opened, they time ya or send kids to ya house to ransack to later tell criminals of ya property b4 they still again which if u refuse the same they say the above on kids, Folks sickening and tiring. They don’t want ya to eat but with them eating claiming they r investigating ya if u love others food or glutton or of bad eye as if they are very important eyeing the same above which has been blocked dude. Finally they belittle ya but want ya food to the point of creating a fight, the masai character in them, investigating ya spending manner b4 again they bring their kids to ya or want ya food but still with pride Kenya is better than USA or on that road. Folks some people get to other nations cause they hate early morning argument or talks heading nowhere which is peculiar in Kenya, tires u and makes u hungry, eating much food which they hate and since they know side effect of morning arguments as eating much or needs food to send u again their kids and want ya food and give u names that u r masai blooded so u should accommodate them as u see things on ya eye so u r Hindu blooded so u should as well accommodate them which if u refuse they again resort to being gay on ya or to the vices explained above. Another bad trait is they think u want what they are up-to or want, which if u love is intense jealousy but don’t like they became futile with ya as starts investigating ya and giving ya names, like with women now its crystal clear they will never get as the a/c cant be hacked and deleted as make it theirs officially to get pride. Very very bed in deed, very very bad character indeed but happy are we, its long overdue.
What they had not known 4 many centuries kebi knew at 9 years of age, how to make machines, the Negro in slavery, pissing u off, kinda and he brought even more that could not be invented in-case he died. Even made ya to protest as wants good life and come back to Africa so to learn the same and go back. U hold grudges out of that 1, u stupid braggart Mr Negro.
When the Embassy liaises with criminals to thwart 1 ambition in another nation then they should close down altogether cause to deliver what they were mandated to deliver proves futile but rather engages in dubious dirty activities at 1st they claimed they were championing 4 as well as the University sending hooligans to do the same to returned foreign student in their nation even monitoring their eating habits then it calls 4 immediate resignation of every official in that campus to pave way 4 new who knows ya not but USA wrecked, as the Government even sponsors terrorism via internet money they have refused to eliminate. Kinda, Good Girl gone bad Gimmick.
solar power yacht in the link beside
Vomitting, tea sound as artificial tea has finished them, could have left u once u said Mr Hindu gets money off 2goinvoice- wacha, wide eye, wanatowa, casket the wsu and USA at large meaning. Now they want to put a price tag, that u can get out of the joining if u pay an extra amount cause they r poor and wants to reap huge, Mr Hindu. Wakatwe na panga or they could do the same to ya. Eying xmas as well with her accessories. The above photo is on Mcsleepy nelson Fb a/c like in the link below
They don’t want people to live good as accessories that makes life livable are now made in any nation shown in following tumblr a/c of this a/c, where they don’t want this as well, when cash placed online, they if u pay on credit daily, weekly or monthly u wont escape paying as it will be automated payment from ya phone provided ya phone got money, so out of this they fear their will be no bad debts out of escape or-else in prison or death, folks click the link below 4 more explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mQJaXwGPlg
Gino, that thing, hiyo kitu, they keep on saying as will uplift them or benefit from yet they know not the bulk of these writing are gotten from the net proved by the links displayed they claim they understand not or gotten from other people Fb sent to my a/c.
Kebi en kijana ma mande silwal, lando kuonde moko to ratenge other sides, to eye okwang, but periodically if he frawns or his manhood pissed off it erects looking upside the sky with round ball on top, kinda, warning women to try it.
You can as well apply the many sensor placed in the head of the sicks in developed nation as make them as sensors and place them per equal cm on the roof top in case 1 lands on top of ya roof it sounds the alarm system to ring like in the link below.
Duvet bag holder the transparent 1 they locate people who have bought such dovet and ask them 4 the same where they place duvet gotten from houses as most houses are left without the door closed and from nursing homes place them inside the bag and sell them as new and many people in USA knows how to make the same themselves even in Mexico and do the same b4 shipping them to other 3rd world nations.
Kebi was given chance by moch as we hear, the next day while brushing his teeth, do u know what he was telling mochnda as moch says secretly within herself, this 1 i will leave soon if not drunk. “Dawa moch, dawa ya nini, Colgate, wapi dawa, where is the toothbrush drug, medicine in a disgusted voice as if the owner of the house“ moch though he had slight headache or was a gimmick wanted not to get off her house.
wet cell will be eliminated completely together with the acid, sorry to those who works in those company as it will be replaced with like rechargeable phone/ camera batteries or just dry cells as the starter comp where the motor rotating the magnet to produce power can use 1.5 volts dry-cell, it means the above folks, where it can be placed inside household appliances to power them eliminating as well sockets and wires to those switches cutting revenue 4 firms involved in that category of production or eliminates wires to bulb if bulbs as well are made that way, the same way eliminate gas and cooking gas as gas is no 1 Forex exchange for middle east nations and Norway, as well destroying the economies of those nations. Christ with king of the jew to cement the truth. A new phenomenon, instead of getting to the gas station to fill ya car u branch to a shop or a chain-store not to buy gas but if u don’t use rechargeable cell, u buy a dry-cell to power ya machine like with motorbikes, lorries, buses, tractors, speed boats, yatch or airplane. Its like killing many not just 2 written in books with 1 stone as u can place 2 battery as 1 being used another charged b4 an automated exchange is done, mfalme wa ya whodi to bring reality of Christ made to dies not ya own thinking in another version as Worker and vineyard brings down the reality, yath are trees u can hang wind turbine or medication as chwa/okwaju, tamarind seed with treating Aids, Malaya i will be fucking giving them cash, so spare me of ya daughters and leave me all alone to do my thing, my 1-2 step slowly and softly as smoothly.
North Kenya was abysinia while part of North Tz was Italy, the owner will crush them to wretched end once they have know the machine making techniques which they migrated only cause they knew not at that time and Abysinia inhabitants were Chinese. Now u got the Sourer technology get to the planet u came from away from ours which u disturb us with creating havoc each day and night, get to ya own planet dude, Or what do u want with us dude, like luo to Pluto and kikuyou to Uranus and kisii likewise and many other similar character tribes i know not bro
If they used to telling people they drunk the blood of Christ and made others into meat when was still young at taking blood sample in hospital 4 diagnosis and when he died to make them sharp and still are locating him alive in other folks to do the same cheating other tribes to follow suit which blindly they want to engage in like with Killing kebi and doing the same.   Question arises and is, still Kebi is all alive like a dime yet they have made much tremendous developments in coming up with the very very machines u claimed or deluded people that if they drink his blood and some selected few will amount with wings like u. So its a pure lies, cause out of the following tumblr a/c of this even many African nations have made original gadgets without doing the same. Mr White-man my advice to ya, take your lies to ya self or will tantamount to acts of war, aint kidding dude. Now they have made sure they have blocked kebi ways as antagonize him with the locals so in times futurity not find a good place 4 burial as his corpse fears being exhumed with all the security measures he has explained explicitly laid down regarding exhumation of graves, u now want him to get to ya nation to do the same and eat him together with ya stupid Negros as now coming to Kenya is cumbersome out of all explanation that Kenya is not all that rich 4 u to come here cause u have learnt her tactics of wanting to make gadgets and artificial food as well as chemicals, disinfectants and gas to sell to ya even with Xmas lighting. So eating his corpse to facilitate the lie below only can easily happen in USA cause he is a stranger their and as usual no1 gives a hoot even of their own death or graves in the developed nations
Click the link below to get 100% software made in Benin 4 smartphone
Buy Negro made smartphone in the link below or whirlpool home appliances
Many such made drones like approaching bee or housefly in USA barracks fitted with guns and small detonators or grenade as bombs can finish the USA even in boot camps. Beatitude with Christ meaning and now made in Africa and the same African can make such anywhere. Even just a small made cylindrical plane controlled from the computer fitted with grenade launchers detonator at the mouth when directed to hit like a hard surface detonates and destroy the area and is dimmed a mini-missile and is now made right in Africa
The alternator generators eliminates as well the below completely                  
If the earth is 16 km or in some parts 10 km, then instead of cremation hurl people down that hole to the outer space with a drone taking down photos so its not waited upon with another radar controlled drone for the reasons explained below
Lake Victoria unless reduced, if u got that picture u see the fire en-kindled on it stops as well as lake Trukana were expanded, if u fish on that water u risk going to hell or bathe and if you place or take a voyage on it and that’s why the whites left cause many fell in fire, if u eat neem tree and u place the deceased in ya mind u see them whether waiting in a bench or already in fire of safe outside. Lest u repent fervently. Lake cant be that shallow but but deep like Tanganyika, even fish from those lake if u eat u risk the same, eat from fish-ponds.
Uhuru and Raila and other transfiguring people 4 u, a panga cut, many, awaits ya in podium as i hear just like with the news anchor approaching people from either in-front or behind like in the song below with hand hell BMI machine, it will not go 4 long dude, though u manipulated me, yours also long gone and dead, now u got it kenya poor and dignitaries got no cash so even forcing poor folks with positions, kinda, silly not as previously thought. White blood cell counter machine is another sure way as well and see how it works in the links below as well
Exhumation laws can be incorporated, in that the decease pays that amount to a certain company, either once or instruct the bank to pay monthly from his opened a/c, as this also opens employment, where like in every 5-10 years the grave is exhumed to ensure the grave safety and the explained below like casket taking or corpse and his attire aint done b4 again the grave sealed waiting again 4 the same period to do the same thing in-regards to how many years the deceased has placed his will where even wireless alarm systems and cameras fixed from below the grave but above the casket under bright lights illuminate the upper part of the grave to ensure no exhumation or if so rapid steps are taken to thwart the motives, bring shame and reality in the society of the explained above, the lights can be many depending on the bulb life span so if 1 burns up another is lit automatically or wirelessly as well can be placed on radar i.e in computers like in Skype 4 public or as in live you-tube
Mini-weight measuring machine even for scrap metal pickers or the vendors in the link below
Booster tall metallic poles if u leave all that large like in Australia or Beverly hills in Carli4nia then take like 500 watt wires with electricity that are invincible and cross on top in a linear way to thwart those using drones from another compound to settle on ya roof top or balcony at night when u know not to, kinda, rob or ambush ya.
Even on shoe u can make holes or on shirts, suits, jackets, trousers that u discard on the bottom tip parts, so not to fund illicit activities and make other dignitary stay in power out of that cause its crystal clear the money they r payed though huge, u owe it out b4 it gets in living in debts lest u resorts on other gimmicks like in the above. Like with shoes on the tongue like in the link below
Desist from buying meat products, go 4 the walking animal or bird as organize many people then u share but keeping in mind if u help in eating a walking animal which can be extinct soon, u can find ya self in hell. Even corpse can be cut into pieces and made into any meat sold in restaurants. Go 4 the 1 which 1 u know has taken blood sample i.e like from cattle neck or intestine of fish and gets into the room and makes b4 selling unto ya, even human plasma makes the same and u r qualified eating corpse or even sausages, the feces of the dead makes the same. Got and sheep parable to bring reality, the blood u see or ascertain as Malachi 4 comes handy to bring u reality dude, desist but its ya choice bro
Ice placed in dough gives u as well big planes, internet, decoder servers, computers, medical equipment as well as office appliances and military vehicles or glass bottles or vice versa or any product u see when u place such. Now i have given the police my Id b4 i replace another to give them cash they r tracing. Now find i who transfigures and withdraw that cash, stop disturbing me dude, u coasterians wanting free things on their side but on ya side cant help ya as runs away from ya, u got Jamaica blood and nice with prostitution if ya land is poor but if rich many will long to work 4 u and that’s the reverse dude. U white-man sympathizers to still oppress of ya color. And now he wants still say i wanna be a politician, u poor, want to bar me so i die here be buried in rural area where they can exhume my grave and eat me, u cannibals while in temperate lands can be buried next to the road in an expensive inside the city grave where such explained above are hard, that’s all dude, i know well ya plans. I will never or see me campaign but if u insist give me that position on a silver platter and u see as siren gas made this way dude, the next morning u will be all corpse so God place me in hell fire, cause i have warned ya prior and nothing can be more christian to cement my long term truth that i hate ya but rather tolarates ya, 4 how long will i say this absurdity. Must end dude!!!
In a big cylinder, u place hay inside with water or the dirty river water of Africa as River Nyando or Yala or Congo then seal it in an airtight manner then in the dark spit saliva many people on the big container sides and boom that gas formed whether methane or siren gas b4 transferring into other small containers. Christ with transfiguration to bring out reality like in the links below
Artificial fish is made with few or the fish intestine placed in ice flakes and many spit on the container that holds the above in the dark and boom the fish of ya type formed as much as with sugar and glucose. With detergents u place the detergent, chemicals, some few amount even with solid fat or applying oil using the same process as much as salt, it can as well be cold water same with finger lings, meat and most animal products as well as coin money and padlocks, bulbs or try with any product like in the above procedure. Even cereals and flour made that way, so they can bring about huge population, to make such and import and if u never know thats their supreme motive even with fuels made that way i.e ethanol, kerosene and car gas or cooking gas where such placed in big container or dirty flash sheet erosion water and the above gimmick done and boom ya gas type b4 transferred to tiny containers, even made with blood plasma of every animal as much as human mostly siren gas.
If truths wants to dawn about exhuming coffins, then lets us sample over 1000 graves in any part of the world mostly in cemetery and Africans buried in their rural homes, folks, i bet u will find the same and we can use, wireless camera to illuminate 4 folks to see the change in coffin or no coffin or parts of the corpse missing, so they know the same, so wanna bring violence so the truths sublime in war excuses as people exhumed the same 4 food as they are cannibal or sold the caskets cause at that time situations were hard. Inside the grave we can employ many lights that can be opened wirelessly in-case 1 burns to monitor the casket and those who can open to tamper with the same, it can harbor wireless camera with solar as described in other following tumblr a/c of this a/c period dude, to bring reality home.
Atuomo, owena, otuomokotugi, jowa said another passing by old woman. Ameachiwa wasee, anagong’a kungong’a
anyalo dhiye jela mang'eny donge,  owena anyono, steping on that thing like never b4
When u wear the covid mask to make ya ears kitten like, it makes u not feel all that food appetite u used to when they were straight, the indictment with those people with such earlobes as their rapid anger so white-men want to capitalized on that to make people intermarry with such to bring such kids not to enjoy the delicious foods around esp E-Africa.
With the toilet described below, u can employ the combined harvester mouth to grind the fecal matter b4 pumping it into the sewer system to even not heap but to pump even 4 one person immediately while its not hollow where u aim the feces to fall to the grinder but have an enclosure, either automatic when u sit or in a push pull manner not to allow smell from below into the room. Like in the link below dude, the header
The starter comps in the link below can be place 4 in a raw connected in a series connection to give 200 volts those of 48 volts while the (1) motor rotating the magnets on each either connected in parallel or series  or using a belt with 1 motor to rotate all the 3 other gears without a motor but with magnet on top of those other 3 gears, instead of heaping them (starter comp) above each other like described in the link below or u can use 4 such motors as the former. Just like in the diagram below on wood instead, u tell the devil just like with the alternator generator that was drawn in Kevinelson mondy Facebook a/c which many tried to make to bring confusion in town but now on shops as factory made as alternator generator or no fuel generator. History repeats itself dude and the same indictment we see has started falling on the above. Claimers to be of their tribe to benefit but luckily enough the comp is china made
The above can even use phone battery like in the links below or the photocopier belt system
The starter comp technology described above can be employed in stereos and TV that uses less than 40 volts, 1 such comp placed inside as inbuilt just as the TV with in-built decoder and with Gadgets that use more the 40 volts, i.e Fridges, blender, kettles, washing machine, oven, toasters, cookers can used the above that gives 200 volts, with iron box it will be big so can employ like 2 such above and used many watts small step up transformers, partially big than the normal iron box like in the link below
Ciara of USA, 50 cent, Knowles and like J-zay of yesterday we know and more are not those personalities rather others of same countenance or those who transforms as the drone they were using underneath as described above fell and no rescue to fall in land but just going down in the space, so they are long dead, if u wanna find out, this the answer those who transfigure into other Animals dont partake sour or bitter things and in-fact is more in African political figure and it should follow suit to avoid the former as u cant get a post if u fail to partake such described above to eradicate that shit once and for good with employing other feasible mechanisms such as Wireless BMI machines which are aim at ya the digits gotten
In-fact with explained in following tumblr a/c of this 1, as Lake Victoria was small and enlarged by making a big tunnel on its main draining to the sea rivers then on-top of the long tunnel, km and more heaped debris more than maybe even 100 meters 4 if the tunnel blocked the water dont over flow immediately but collects at the awasi border (Kendu bay homa bay road), the above was done and its crystal clear u see the lake drained its water in the Indian oceans and if u sturdy the East African Land topology, most likely the lake reached Nairobi, while the national park b4 the white relocated where animals gotten from Nyabondo plateau and transferred so in times futurity hamper the spread of the city 4 the better cause it was a lake land and could take ya to hell if u aint a fervent christian, so that will be their justification in time of judgement, has having an excuse, Jesus with Transfiguration another version to bring out reality. Friend get it straight like in the link below
Dont discard ya waste in plastic or metallic bottles or anything given to scrap dealership as u can combine such and sell and buy something meaningful 4 people in ya groups or society like motorbikes cause if u do the former u r promoting the bad character of wanting to eat in ya house trukana or Masai blooded who r now able even to bite and eat ya flesh in the midst of getting into ya conversation. Please thwart their motives dude.
Portacabin houses are now cheap, like 1 room goes 4 $200, so b4 the pursuit of processing ya green-card to avoid u being victimized u can buy such prior in rural America to go to instead of shelter or 1 house or school that increases the victimization index. In-fact should be placed in ya process ya green-card procedure with i.e like buying an E-Motorbike to aid u in ya movement in-case blocked. I went, i saw and i conquered the truths to tell ya, so a blessing in disguise. Once in a century appears 1 like Nelson but not always as mostly rarely. Not even ya education will help u at that time, in snow is cumbersome dude, lest u got the above or take a flight back home just like Kebi did homies.
Wasee pigeni rungu, hambiya watu waache kung’edhia, hata peeni kebi motisha apige rung’u, awache kung’edhia ng’edhia tu hapo nyumba, madem ni wengi mno, hata hawo wanajidai madignitary wapige rungu, message from Hamphrey Eteni OF meridian nursing home in Kansas friend with Mike of the same at Via Christi Hospital
If know nothing u need to eat much to make u much fat 4 people to avoid ya as destroy ya brain as well vice versa with investigated sharp people and 1 of the reasons people grows wild over u and some cases police arrest if u eat much yet sharp, they want not, disturbs peoples mind.
Starter comp 4 kitchen that gives 48 volts if u connect 4 in a series connection way gives ya 200 volts rotating the a long shaft inside them with 1.5 V drycell mounted on a slight gear like the toy car wheel system to rotate more fast as finding 2 of such gear where after connecting to rotate on the other end still u find the same connect vice versa on the same end leaving the gear to be rotated by the motor to rotate the shaft cause its soft on that end more than the end connected on the end rotated by that motor on its soft gear part, i mean the part that rotates the wheel, kinda, the shaft can all magnet like the rod inside the radio which wires rolls on, the turning of station part, without placing a step up transformers dude like in the links below, or 8, 24 such below or 16, such 12 volts, Generic 1Pcs Mini Micro Small 3-phase Wind Turbines Hand Alternator Generator 3V-24v 12v. Unless i see i when i can believed as forwarded to me in my Facebook a/c
Odila compounds in KSM migosi estate was where King Solomon house stood along time and besides the road at that time was where the lake started b4 River Nile was dug to shrink it as at that time it drains its water to red sea or Indian ocean in Somali, the mouth to the out let was at awasi border along kendu bay Homa bay road, they heap artificial made debris to make not the river flow again and if u pass their u see the land on this side hangs while the lake water kind wants to overcome the land and fall over but relatively far. They blocked it b4 leaving as it had much water falls that could generate electricity which could hamper they huge population motive as time gets by transport electricity below the earth crust to evade the sea to get big cash from the high population they are championing, even bringing people here from other spheres to facilitate the above truth. When the owner comes knows how to make military vehicles and what they don’t know, will cut ya into pieces, the Naphtali tribe, they feared war cause no point to fight yet they got no internet technology which the people they killed got, so had to relent but now they even know how to make home and office appliances that makes life movable. The Italians machines are the most sophisticated and durable, so imagine and that’s why the Guard tribe killed yesus thinking he will tell Italians the same and subdue them economically and in war dominance and get pride as Christ emanated from their tribe but don’t do that as they fear the explained above.
Buy America whirlpool, mabe or Mexican NAFTA home appliances bro in the link below, must stay ahead of competition to be good and accept reality, rather their goods wont be bought or discarded altogether if they join the bad like support America.
Artificial ground nuts, sunflower or sim sim used to make as well artificial oil is grinned not that much then much water added then many spit saliva in a big container in the dark and boom they are formed or a little oil on water in a container then the above done and boom the cooking oil. Christ with little kids to cement the truth.
Artificial made pineapple makes ya head shape cone shape 4 the better as the face shape of inverted cone piss many a woman or men but eat it ones and divorce its usage, cause much makes it more/much that way 4 kids to start their laughs or people thinks u r sick or malnourished.
Kebi saying where is that Mochanda and MAGDALENE who has refused to get into his love trap, playing not hard to get but rather star-bon, he has done all hairstyles but to no avail including changing attires, now he is signaling women around that his penis can be played with and looks up indirectly by wearing kiri kiri or akala with aerial like projections looking up to cement the truth of the above waiting finally 4 the 2 women say cause like he says he cant stand an erection thinking of them, warning them they can find themselves in hell out of that. Like in the link below
Dough in ice or cold water make Radios, Tv, home appliances as well as office or medical equipment or glass/plastic bottles or containers. Ice in dough or cold water or vice versa makes artificial tea if u spit saliva in the dark, tiles, tires, guns or any military vehicle or ammunition and even toys and many more gadgets u come to see after u partake neem leaves in ya meditation.
Daily wages is sweet than that saved in the bank if relatively easy to get and can take ya too hell if u do it daily as opposed to people who r looked at who got much cash and life in danger of being robed hence applies tight security measures.
Those who love like kids or rice or play love flat lands with flash like water on them not dry. Those who love snacks love flat dry lands and its known dat way bro. Those who love cold mountainous lands love corpse and if u like such lands investigators think u r 1 and many taken to prison out of this even when u select online. Those who love plain lands or champions in explaining things love lands which are flat but not all that dry like lands which has just experienced slight flash rainfall. Food lovers loves partially hill places not rolling while those who love themselves loves the later rolling lands and its true and ya character known that way while those who love women love lands with water bodies as cities next to or generally people loving people character. Living in big cities creates another character of instilling chauvinism or class in u as vice versa, lands with few people breed love and ya character pegged on the above underlying truths
Pit latrine which are clean with water beneath when u shit in them gives ya the calmness of mind as directs ya or open ya ways bro, serious and try dude and toilets where feces fall on water b4 flashing wobbles ya mind and makes ya less sane scenario with many whites yet they know not but instead give those using pit latrine names as much as with negro folks. It should be made dry where if u sit the shit fall directly into the below part which can be made like 2 meters b4 the fecal mater heap to add much water to pump it to the sewer line using a water pump to avoid the explained above with mind wobbling period dude like in the link below
Now their is affirmative action with the new E-bikes which don’t spoil unless wares out in wheels or break parts after long and eliminates completely fuel money the previous use giving ya like 200% profit of the money u made using the gas powered 1, so women not complain or wait on men no-more, as they can buy the same to save their money they used on the same as transport while carrying other women they found on roads like in the links below or just organized to take women in the morning to town and drop them from work in the evening or when call made like from airport or hotels, women now is the time to pro-act and stop waiting on men as E-motorbike profit is huge. Like in the link below
In the above link u take out the shit u don’t flash it out to the sewer line and its like the pit latrine gimmick above
Buy Zero USA made motorbikes in the link below
The know nothings wants u to join their bandwagon which if u refuse they say u hate not good looking people as u disrespect them, as talk much as them with their ears closed and mouth wide open, MR crocodile the Governor where is the utility of all ya Degree which theorem machine have u come up with to help masses or just talking in reproaches and planning hooliganism with hooligans, tell me dude, ya daughter in love with kebi wanna elope or what dude, talk Mr Governor or afraid wont get ya post again. They say Kenya good than USA without proper reasons b4 again saying they r Negros, if they get their they will send us much dollars, stop dude and figure out, they have not know yet how to make home appliances if we know a head of them will sell to them and be rich but now they have known the same as per the links below even with motorbikes. Stop Stop stop, accept u r defeated and lets move on
They still locate people houses to disrespect them and economy wont build that way on disrespect lines but stiff principles below which don’t select whether poor or rich and all ya dirty dubious ways explained below now blocked so source 4 others which r blocked as well. Google bro, now with cheap portacabin house like in Nigeria when other nations have learnt the same, placed in credit eliminate the vice u have heaped upon people 4 ages. Go to hell and die if u wanna dude!!! Locating folks with money to join them, bad character or if not so plan their downfall to start disrespecting them, or cut them in view of exhuming such people casket b4 they sell again even seats brought from Kansas should bore drilled holes as marks on the hind parts using a drill and with anything one left to thrift store or place outside their homes i.e plates that finds their way to Africa so we know they r from the USA to be made cheap or given as donation to thwart the old gimmicks of getting rich fast yet belittling the very people who are hardworking to buy the same. Kids get to the same rest rooms as parents and find feces particles of the later which breeds disrespect among families or people, houses ought to have different toilets to place a mark between parents,kids and visitors to avoid the above. Make ya toilet clean like 100% to avert the later.
Signs of a brighter day bro, we cant teach old Dogs new trick just let them lie as they know not of the below as a good turn deserves another period.
shampoo made out of grass grows ya bald so desist bro  ya information. Kenyan motorbikes in the link below  
The link below represent E-motorcycles which are Kenyan made called Fika, grab your today bro, now stop standing on the road to poke others or in a base to propel hooliganism lest arrest let the law be implemented as fast as the speed of sound period, thought it will never change, dude change will change ya if u don’t relent and obey, We arrived as tumefika not sluggards bro
https://www.google.com/search?q=small+solar+lighting+from+china+images&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiQl_yGmZDpAhWK_IUKHeVLCJgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=small+solar+lighting+from+china+images&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1C52gFYy4QCYI2MAmgAcAB4AIABnBGIAf80kgENMC4xLjUtMS41LjktMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=h8qqXtC3Mor5lwTll6HACQ&bih=910&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-dUnless i
see a generator that uses a 1.5 v dry cell to generate 240 volts is when i can believe to alludes of CHRIST 1 disciple called Bartolomeo or just illusions. Can even use the phone battery charging technology as u charge another to replace it cause charging 1 battery and using it at the same time without replacing it cause landslides and heavy downpour. Like in the link below or can be automated in that if the battery reaches a certain voltages it becomes the charged 1 while the was charged 1 now rotates the shaft to produce power and it goes on and on
Even electric bulbs and other accessories are made in euphorbia mixture with water where u place 1 sample of bulb and boom many are formed, torches as well and solar kits, even some phones.
Placing tea in dough and spit on the mixture gives even cooked chapati or raw, mandazi, other biscuits, cookies or cakes.
Put stains on shelter materials like clothing, nursing homes apparels like blankets, bed sheets, pillow or duvet that are permanent so if seen in the markets of other nation are barred from being bought as shame, kinda or make holes at the tip the around the hole sew it again to avoid over-tear to be a mark as above to discourage dubious ways of getting money leading to triumph belittling others for nothing who are industrious and yet know not of ya hidden dubious agendas. A people who are geared at forging the country ahead no-matter what as u joke and give in to play.
The plane in the link below can take to the sky up-to 5 years and used to transport the above using fissures on the earth crust to another nation as being controlled from the computer as a wire is rolled underground to emanate from these holes to make it not lose direction and fall or just a person b4 he hangs it on a hook after reaching the hole to the earth crust as the destination. It has a not 1 coil system to heat the siren gas cylinder but like 3 like the alternating press pen in that it rotates to change the coil if burns up as the wire that carries the same current to heat every coil has a red light to signal its working which if goes off means the coil aint working so u change another as switch a switch to rotate the 1 in use out as u remove it to allow another 1 works as much as having enough spares on the place to sail ya through
With tumblr a/c if the email is guessed and has more than 30 characters u cant get back and log in even if some1 gives ya the password period dude, get this straight, let it not be a debate bro lest wanna put up a fight even if u try to open that guessed like g mail a/c to send magic link to still get access to the same a/c u cant bro. Get it straight fellows and all my following tumblr a/c displayed in sirjustice104 r opened that way, so what u r saying u want to delete then take out a flight out the hood is a pure impossibility unless u attack the servers of tumblr company in Ny. Dude whats ya take or what u r up dude b4 u resort to wanting my food in a rich nation as u claim as rich people have developed another character away from the known behaving like poor people or b4 u look at my property to steal in open way or want to grab my manhood esp Mr Hindu doing roadside show businesses along the way. Accept defeat and lest move on, me i see thing in my eye like Robinson or Minaj booty in USA while me in Kenya but u, u only see 10 km radios, as u claim not me, if u were me u ought to see the same, fuck u Mr Hindu and stop ya sick open games and resort to hard works. In these day not even ya cash will aid ya period.
Even the photos of hairstyles and cuts of people when inserted on dough or used bottles, snow flakes or chaff make gadgets not necessarily cut heads that can be a target in political instigated even like demonstration, reason being the same above yet the normal people know not as u r targeted of hair-style to make with machines.
Any1 in life who has been a head of ya, manipulated ya in 1 way or another their is away u get him in life, just like in a movie some good get bullet shots to teach u the same that also u with another aint spared and how life is, even with America, Eu or Asia, most African nations have come up with machines ahead of them and are left in awe as long they used to say its the skin color that makes them think as opposed to Africans. Question fellows where is that gimmicks, even those ahead in class u get them as later in life ahead of them in cash and they get perplexed as they were tought aint right as not only school define life, so can advice others to take another course of life. Christ with prostitutes going to hell ahead of u. Folks some people r never judged after death cause their sins minimal and many wonder that judgement houses like in Minneapolis to small 4 50 million-people who die annually as per records.
The people who are not all that bad in life gets to the bottom cold floors of hell as described below in hot lands and vice versa in cold lands like the tundra, those bad get to the hottest floor bearing the above in mind, neither bad nor good gets in the middle and as well what was ya favorite city temp, so they fight the reverse to get where u did not want whether hot or cold.
Volt meter on planes need not capacitor or place 2 after and b4 the capacitor as placing 1 b4 only tells of power past SCC but the capacitor as well can burn and it doesn’t show that rather if u place them many even 5 in a parallel connection.
The police like, coast, Jamaica blooded men, find new excuse as argument cause u have thwarted their thinking, now where is ya mask which if covid is over we don’t know the new slogan they will put on their lips every-time and another is about the home appliances, guys who are making these things after u read my tumblr a/c, purely is me giving them the guiding-lines to make such but little did u know they start to quarrel with me again on something am championing to defeat Mr white man as buy from ya country and discard from nations that supports the derailment of the above but if they change still u can hang on their gadgets as excuse can be ya home made are detriment to the eye while their not that bad, so folks they build up animosity if i say the same that u ought to buy from ya nation on what i have help build. Bad character anyway as u have blocked them to kill ya and eat ya corps so they hold grudges upon ya. Its a new debate with ya all together.
Most never wants to love kids as situation aint still good and loop holes r going to be blocked, so have known the same, so by locating those who eat they send dem kids to ya and you knowing u don’t love them as it makes u feel bad as kinda, an umbrella opens up on ya mind and close the nerves of ya senses in ya brain to stop u from thinking, so many hate kids around them and many give them names yet they know not the above or just know to wanna spread the raising kid expenses to others or give ya names or maybe they teach ya of the same to look into how u can make people love simple life cause maybe they see u can do it and have not realized not. It goes this way in life, u cant expect me to accommodate others in my house yet me i was not accommodated rather was terrorized with my peers around me and chased by grown ups, scratch my back i scratch yours is the norm of the day, get it straight dude, never just give people names yet u don’t understand their past, its a spirit that needs to be eliminated with tricks to reverse the above.
Artificial foods Af just like Africa with mad, breed belittlement on you to people around you,kinda, it snatch out respect out of ya and many are sent to investigate as eating corpse described above as it will be part of judgement in life after death with like appendix, kinda,1 sees u like useless, weightless as flying to indicate the above, u wont deny in hell everything got side-effects even if eating in secrecy or corners.
Blessed are the comic, 4 they shall inherit the earth, without china i could be in bondage as Eu nations would not have made the same alternator generator to at-least calm the situation but Nigeria had made it, if at all they did not made it they could have helped liberate the situation. Planes should be made like comic plane to avert plane fall and they above employed as the running along the middle parachute or individual ones placed inside the plane 4 the same.
The starter comp 4 kitchen alternator resembling the motorbike 1 in the link bellow can be made big like of much wire and a big portion of magnet to instead of producing 24 volts as specified bellow produces 220 volts where it can overtate complete alternator generator for better/good as well in the link below as it will be small and can use like one 1.5 V dry-cell creating a new wonder or phenomena in the world of innovation without passing via an electric inverter. Make work easy, pro-act dude instead of reproaches
When made it will something like the describe gadget in the link below powering ya house or ya business premise, in fact its portable and can walk with it alongside ya and never feel the pinch
Africa is like the head of some1, so countries on the back of the head as west African states will have the day with speedboat or yacht transport via the sea to America as much as parcel delivery and on the nose as horn of Africa and North Africa nations bordering the sea after good roads developed as well as railway. With tumblr a/c if u follow no-1 u cant shift the a/c or if u use a browser like opera mini or chrome u cant do the above or when creating the a/c u used a pass-code more than 30 characters u can log in again even if u know the created password. And on Instagram or FB i just search the country name and find where to comments and follow them or send personal text b4 they react and u can check on my following how many nations i have done the same, in fact all nations of the world, so if u ambush me out of wanting that to be ya own u r on wrong side of history as they got the same and moreover i have searched under google to post to ya on my following tumblr a/c what they have made period dude. Dude what now do u want? Answer me homie!!!
shampoo made out of grass grows ya bald so desist bro  ya information. Kenyan motorbikes in the link below while 1 made out of Euphorbia after long protrudes ya 4head out as Malachi 4 cements the truth another version. They are gays so guides ya women to leave u hoping they will be yours in short time which they find not easy and that’s the gimmick, “we have been warned“ mostly dignitaries and lazy men in society. Resort to bar soap women with barnabas to guide ya!!
Siri Lanka speed boats r too expensive, this the quotation they tell me for their boats, compare with china made ones bro b4 selling to respect fellows
50-60 feet semi long line vessels $120000-150000
U can opt 4 the below machines in the link below
kebi could not stop saying moch nyimi long'o as he was giving it unto her
Houses are even made with cereal chaff or the remains of harvested cereals like with maize, millet etc, where foundation dug only they the above heaped even with garbage and u can fence to hold them in place, b4 in the dark many spit upon the above and boom the house of ya type u inserted many photos of gotten from the net formed even with city buildings, bridges and sky scrappers.
On the wireless alarm system to call ya phone after subscribing 4 unlimited with like cricket as explained in 1 of the following tumblr a/c of sirjustice200 u can use the radio call in the link below instead but 4 short distance if u leave by
For the 1.5 volts battery described above u can use these ones instead of phone battery if u like or wanna as u replace each after 1 finishes in power
some truths as well make money via blockchain like in the link below            
https://www.blockchain.com/ and remote controlled kid boat        
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