sirnotsircos · 2 months
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Dorian Pavus, present age
Over a period of 10 years I imagine Dorian to have collected quite the library.
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sirnotsircos · 4 months
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my pen has still not been confiscated so it’s halsin’s turn in the ongoing turn-everything-into-Hades fever dream
others: lae'zel (bg3), astarion (bg3), wyll (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
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sirnotsircos · 5 months
Aaay das me and my friendos😍
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Neil at Calgary Expo 2024 featuring some incredible BG3 cosplay! Thank you to @sirnotsircosplay on insta for permission to share!
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sirnotsircos · 7 months
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i never should have bought this game now youre all going to suffer for it
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sirnotsircos · 7 months
israel is bombing rafah. as you read this, israel is bombing the one place they told palestinians was safe. they kept pushing the palestinians south and now they are bombing the only "safe" place left. israel is bombing rafah.
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sirnotsircos · 8 months
reblog if you’re gay, shy or a fucking idiot
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
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It's available on the sites listed below in eBook and Paperback (for sites that allow print orders)
Amazon Link, Barnes & Noble Link, Apple Books Link, Booktopia Link, Kobo Books Link, Fable Link, Goodreads Link, Indigo.ca Link
After hiding from his prophetic powers for years, a young Scribe must overcome the demons of his past to save the futures of the people he loves.
In a world of immortal angels, banished demons, deadly magic and endless war, how much of an impact can one human have?
Enoch Augnium, a Scribe working for the Church that rules over humanity, is content with a simple existence. For him, his solitary work in the Cathedral library is enough, and chasing after the future stolen from him isn't worth the risk.
But even a Seer, cursed with the ability to see the destinies of those around them, cannot escape the entangling threads of fate.
When an encounter with a kindhearted Pilgrim leads to a vision of death and devastation, Enoch realizes just how fragile his simple existence truly is. Demons lurk in the shadows of the capital. Deadly destinies plague his dreams. Unknown dangers threaten the lives of those he holds dear, and to save them he must choose between his peaceful way of life, and a responsibility too heavy to bear alone.
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
A Very Sapphic Chrimis
Hey Ho! I've been dwindling away on my own falling head over heels for these silly lil sapphic OCs. I was supposed to be actual plot writing today but a "Christmas in a countryside castle" playlist auto-played on youtube and well now I've written some fluff instead.
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So instead here's the same scene from both POVs
B/c there's no context what-so-ever here's a brief low down:
Denali: Ex-high Demoness, Hell ex-pat (it's hell in hell), stoic tall willowy mommy with a muted color pallet.
Nephili: Half-Angel ghost hunter, stout, curvy, and a bubbly mess of wonderful curly hair.
(these are neither of their real names, but celestial and demonic rarely translate well to earthly languages)
A Very Sapphic Chrimis 1.0 (Denali)
Delani gazed up at the granite mansion through the fog of her hot breath hanging in the cold winter air. She was quite proud of this estate, she hadn’t even had to kill anyone for this one. No, she’d earned it all on her own…after her dear friend Fredrick had passed away and left it to her.  She did not kill him, nor have him killed. She didn’t do that sort of thing anymore. 
The murky glass windows glowed warm with lamp light, the trails of deep green cedar branches Nephili had woven along all the running trim of the first level was lit up with string lights. The heavy iron planters Denali had never bothered to fill were now over flowing with greans and stray brancnhes, curling and twisting sprigs of deep red roots and great big red and white star shaped flowers. Denali’s heart was swelling at every twinkle light, ever colorful bobble and ribbon, her home had never quite looked so homey. 
“Dens?” Nephili’s voice chimed through the silence of the snow covered world. 
“Yes, Darling?” Denali turned to her love, knee deep in snow with her dark sprawling hair dotted with snowflakes like stars take to the night sky. 
Her glasses had been solved up into ther hair, sleet painting the lenses. Denali knew she’d be untangling them later.
“What’s your full name?” Nephili had been off in the woods all day collecting foliage for the house, the hounds prancing around her melting trails in the snow with their flaming breath. She hadn’t even come inside to warm up before getting to work. Her nose was red and runny, and her cheeks pink from the cold, but still she smiled and her eyes were shining. 
“It’s dreadful,” Denali frowned, “I have to make my tongue all long to say it.” 
“Oh,” Nephili chewed at her bottom lip, and consideration crossed her features, “I’d still like to hear it. Even if it’s just once.”
Those big dumb golden brown orbs grew tree sizes and Denali had to remind herself it was infact below freezing and she, an ex-high demoness would not be melting at the feet of this half morta- oh who was she kidding. 
“Fine,” Denali rolled her eyes in faux annoyance to cover for her weak will, “I suppose it has been an awfully long time since even I’ve said it out loud. I-well, I’m going to-”
Denali considered her words.
“Get kind of toothy,” she regretted the words she chose immediately.
“Toothy?” Nephili eyebrows went up.
“Yeah, for the long tongue to like move aroun- you know what,” Denali sighed, “I’ll just show you.”
Denali thought hard about her face, how it used to look when she occupied hell as nothing but a spawn, she had no will over her form. She could feel her jaw drop and elongate, her already fanger teeth shunted all which ways, skewing to make odd irregular gaps. Next was her tongue, long like a serpent dripping in drool and ichor, lashing around her knew jagged maw. 
It really sounded alot like hissing and gargling and two to three coughs and not at all as short and sweet and Denali. There were six-teen syllables in all and Denali wondered how she and her family had ever used to get it out so quickly and casually in the first place. Should she ever see her again, she’d need to have a long talk with her mother. As the name settled it’s time on her tongue, Denali began to focus on her new face, the one she’d grown most accustomed to. 
“Huh,” Nephili quirked her head to the side, her eyes dragging along the long lashing tongue before her, “that was long as fuck.”
Unable to speak just yet Denali nodded and blinked in aggreance. She was right, even for demons it was a lot.
“Sweetheart?” Nephili’s voice rang sweet as a bell.
Denali had just about finished contorting her face back.
“Keep the tongue out for a bit,” Nephili rose to her toes and pressed a chaste kiss to Denali’s cheek, turned and started towards the house, “you haven’t thanked me for decorating the house yet. I think I’d like a go with it.”
Denali’s tongue, which was in the process of shrinking, stopping in it’s tracks. Bright red blush bloomed across her cheeks and she found her eyes fell, most depravedly on her loves ass as he swayed up the steps. 
This was going to be a most merry Christmas, indeed.
A Very Sapphic Chrimis 2.0 (Nephili)
Nephili trailed behind the dogs as they zigzagged deep melted paths through the snow, yipping and panting happily at the cool sensation of the snow on their bodies. The good boys loved it up here in the winter, even for hell hounds there was a limit to how much heat they really enjoyed. She’d been sending them to and from the house all day to clear a path for her as the snow kept falling. Annoyingly enough Denali seemed to just be able to do some demon magic shit to walk stop the snow as if it were little more than an inch deep. Whereas Nephili guessed it would be up to her knees by now if she didn’t have the dogs and perhaps her waist by the time it was done flailing in the morning. 
Nephili toted the last cluster of greens for one of the giant iron planters at teh front door in a bundle behind her. The tips of her toes were just now starting to feel the cold creep in, her angelic blood kept a lot of her more mortal weakness at bay for longer periods of time than a normal human but still her cheeks were raw and if she screwed her eyes up just right she could see how pink her nose was. She’d long since shed her glasses, her breath had frozen across the lenses and refused to defrost with a wipe of her mittens. 
Denali’s slender form bowed to and fro across the lit windows of the mansion as Nephili approached. From here she couldn’t see what exactly Denali was doing but she was milling about the kitchen and judging from the grace with wich she moved she was in a good enough mood to be levitating. Nephili hoped dearly she was baking. Her macarons were out of this world, made purely with ingredients found in this world Denali had assured her. Oh, or maybe it was one of those orange walnut cakes, or-  Nephili’s stomach growled. 
With a new found determination and efficiency Nephili arranged the greens and red roots and bobbles,  and threw lights in whatever depths of the planter would take them. By the time she was done a warm smell had starter the waft through the old unsealed windows and Nephili’s stomach was positively dancing at the thought of what could be rising in that oven. So, she called out for her love and scurried back several paces until the house was in full view, her sweeping garlands and woven lights all perfectly arranged.
Denali stared, and stared, and then stared some more. She stared so long that Nephili ended up staring at Denali while waiting for a reaction. She stared at the demoness for so long that her mind strayed into every thought that barely grazed her peripheries. Did Denali like it? Did she even like Christmas? Has she celebrated christmas? Are we going to send out cards like as a couple? Because if we do I’m going to need to sign my name name instead of Nephili. Does Denali have a name name. Wait, of course she does. She said she need a long tongue for that. How long. And big teeth. Can she just do the tongue. How useful is it?
“Dens?” Nephili’s voice reach out before her train of through had even come to a safe and complete stop.
“Yes, Darling?” Denali turned to her, her long silver hair flowing like a stream of crystal water and her fiery eyes glowing like embers. She likes the house. 
Denali had come out in her “at home only” suit, which was a drapey satin pant suit with no structure that she often wore with no blouse underneath so that the glow of her blade she’d pressed into her torso as a tattoo for the time being. Easy access to the blade…amoungst other things. Nephili tried to clear her head. 
“What’s your full name?” Gods she wanted to see that tongue.
“It’s dreadful,” Denali frowned, “I have to make my tongue all long to say it.” 
“Oh,” Nephili chewed at her bottom lip, she already knew that “I’d still like to hear it. Even if it’s just once.”
Nephili had one trump card, it was reserved for only the most dire of circumstances. She looked up through her thick lashes, and her eyes grew. Not so much that she looks like a cartoon but enough so that she could see that fragile demoness willpower begin to crumble. It took six seconds. New record.
“Fine,” Denali rolled her eyes in faux, “I suppose it has been an awfully long time since even I’ve said it out loud. I-well, I’m going to-”
Denali paused, thinking.
“Get kind of toothy,” she finished with a frown.
“Toothy?” Nephili eyebrows went up.
“Yeah, for the long tongue to like move aroun- you know what,” Denali sighed, “I’ll just show you.”
Nephili watched as Denali’s face began to changed, her jaw elongating and growing monstrous. The skin on her cheeks stretched taunt and hollow, great big fangs forming and shifting around. And then came the tongue. It as long and agile, flicking around in skilled arcs. Huh. Nephili bit down on her bottom lip and rolled out her neck to remain respectful. That familiar pull on her lower stomach doing its best to thwart that effort. 
Denali finally spoke and boy was it horrendous, not because it wa a demon name but because her mother was a psychopath and it was sixteen syllables longs and halfway through there was a choking noise that had Nephili genuinely concerned for a breath. Now she understood why Denali didn’t use it. 
“Huh,” Nephili quirked her head to the side, her eyes dragging along that glorious tongue, “that was long as fuck.”
Unable to speak just yet Denali nodded and blinked in aggreance, her face already smoothing back out to that definitivel regal face Nephili had grown so used to.
“Sweetheart?” Nephili smiled sweetly.
Denali had just about finished contorting her face back.
“Keep the tongue out for a bit,” Nephili jumped up to her toes and pressed a chaste kiss to Denali’s cheek, smiling as she watched Denali’s feet lift just off the top of the snow, “you haven’t thanked me for decorating the house yet. I think I’d like a go with it.”
Nephili started back towards the house happy there was still a semblance of a path left by the dogs for her to walk though. It would be much easier to weaponizes her hips of she wasn’t having to trudge back through knee deep snow. 
She was going to get laid and then eat some damn cake.
This was going to be a merry Christmas, indeed.
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
what if i *remembers that making suicide jokes is not conducive with my goal of improving the wellbeing of myself and everyone around me* transform into an oyster
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
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Ive drawn so many asl hugs. But not these two before. Because. They make me sad.
I am a completionist.
So here we are.
Close up pics 👇
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
isn't it so funny there's such a thing as "customer service voice"? Like I have to speak to you like a child or you'll rip my face off like a wild chimp
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
"Sex is what makes us human" is stupid. Almost every species fucks. Humans are the only species that jumps motorcycles over school buses that are on fire. Some other things too probably
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sirnotsircos · 10 months
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sirnotsircos · 11 months
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Kill The Masters Inspiration: Judith and the Head of Holofernes by Gustav Klimt
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sirnotsircos · 11 months
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Ah yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her 200lb owlbear cub.
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sirnotsircos · 11 months
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Spooktober Day 12: Van Helsing
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sirnotsircos · 11 months
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🥀 Vampiric Dramatics 🍷
Did I love how femme Astarion Turned out? No no, not really. DID I BRING THE VAMPIRIC DRAMATICS?! Oh yes, yes I certainly did.
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