sissa-lady-of-iris · 8 years
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some guy: instinct just memes around uselessly, i hardly see any of their gyms
me: holds ur face gently listen to me you little shit
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 8 years
“it would be impossible for this disabled character to be played by a disabled actor because of the things this character can do in this movie” well then maybe…… you fucked up in the writing of this disabled character……
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 8 years
I want you to understand a few things about the violently brutal murders we have seen by police against Black people.
1) This is not new. This has been happening since police departments were originally formed in this country in the early 1800s as armed slave patrols.
2) The criminalization and murder of Black people is not an accident. The intended function of the police is to maintain the rule and authority of the white-supremacist, capitalist state and to use force whenever needed to achieve this.
3) Racism is institutionalized within the state so that the working class cannot find solidarity in their common struggle against the state.
4) Black resistance and liberation threatens the state because a society without racism is one in which people are no longer divided by what makes them diverse, but empowered by it, enabling them to act in solidarity against capitalism.
5) Police will continue to murder working class Black people because they are not answerable to working class Black people. They kill without consequences because they only answer to the needs of the white-supremacist, capitalist elite, and black death does not hurt that system. Black exploitation and death are integral parts of what that system is based on. As long as we allow it to stand, it will continue to act in the same way.
6) You cannot reform such a system to the point of actually serving and protecting the working class without fundamentally breaking the system down and rebuilding it over again in a way that is nearly unrecognizable. Calls to diversify police departments, for example, in making the departments look like the areas they patrol, will, the claim is, result in departments which are naturally less antagonistic against the community. But as things are getting worse, and as mass incarceration continues to skyrocket, our police departments have been more diverse than ever. Recruiting from communities of color in an effort to legitimize the police, rather than achieving this supposed aim, only ends up legitimizing the state-sanctioned violence carried out by the police. Police officers of color kill black working class people too. It is the bones of the system itself that need to be broken, and changing the color of the face of who carries out that violence, does not stop the violence.
7) Our response to this must be revolutionary. It must involve all of us demanding radical change. It involves people out in the streets, refusing to let those in power be comfortable in their privilege. It demands a new way of structuring our society that actually meets the needs to working class people of every race, sexuality, nation of origin, gender, and ability. We do have the power to do this. That is why the try to fear monger us into submission. Because if we worked together for revolutionary aims, we could beat them. We could win.
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 8 years
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
One time I went to see Wicked with my friend and he's green/brown color blind so for the first half of the show he looked slightly uncomfortable and at intermission I asked if he was ok and he was like "they all hate her cause she's black that's not right..." And everyone stared at him for awhile and then slowly he looks down at the program and goes "wait a minute is she.... Green?" And that's the story of how my friend thought we brought him to the most racist Broadway musical ever
oh my gOD
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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This is what people asked the library before Google. (via)
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
If we want our community to be inclusive, you need to listen to our points of view.
There is no homogenous experiences in the ace community. What aces of colour deal with is not the same as what white aces deal with.
Asexuality does not exist in a vacuum, and must be...
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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Just sayin’
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
When people ask you why you make science puns:
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
in stories featuring aliens, they’re always like “on my planet this never happens!” or “in my culture, this differs from your human culture.” and that’s neat and all because i like worldbuilding and all that jazz but wouldn’t it be fun if they just. couldn’t do that?
i want a story where humans encounter an alien who frustrates them because they don’t know enough to tell them anything concrete
like humans will ask “tell us about politics in your planet!” and the alien’s all “uh… hold on it’s been a while since i took gov. um….”
“what sorts of plants grow on your planet?”
“i dunno i grew up in the suburbs. they’re like… purple? idk what you want me to say”
“tell us about the culture on your planet!”
“do you have any idea how many fucking countries are back home, i don’t even know where to begin”
“your planet is obviously much more scientifically and technologically advanced than ours. is it possible for you to enlighten us on certain matters concerning space travel, or would that be a form of interference you must avoid?”
“naw it’s cool, it’s just that, um, i’m a philosophy major”
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
2010 me would literally be terrified of 2015 me and I love it
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
Did you know? Lesbians and male homosexuals would marry each other in Nazi Germany just to escape persecution? Queer history tho like I honestly am learning things everyday that shape my knowledge of what it means to be LGBT? Like did you know Malcolm X was bisexual? Did you know the Nazis persecuting homosexuals said they were protecting “traditional family values,” the same arguments used today by Republicans? Washington in the 1780s expelled several soldiers for engaging in consensual same-sex acts? FDR launched a plan in the 1920s where he forced young sailors to try and trap other sailors into sex? I think schools need to stop erasing queer history from social studies and queer literature from English classes. And also start teaching children to respect gay people at a young age, like grade five. That’s the only way I can see any change coming about…
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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Where’s the justice!? (photo via skuse11)
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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I will always be here for you guys. ;v; Please stay healthy and happy.
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sissa-lady-of-iris · 9 years
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Ah, so that’s the age of Ultron. 
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