sistersofsilver 1 day
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alright so. queue needs to be refilled. but more importantly, while i have the like. flagship theme poll in drafts, I'm not sure... if anyone cares, lmao? this problem just doesn't exist in the original hadesgame fandom, and like, fair, it's a much smaller game, i do feel a little silly! big "who give a fuck" vibes
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sistersofsilver 2 days
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HADES II gifs (1/?) "Oh, you were a wonder to behold!"
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sistersofsilver 2 days
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close up
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sistersofsilver 2 days
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He better be romanceable 馃槫
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sistersofsilver 2 days
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so happy to see you i could kiss you (i am going insane over them)
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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Practice with Nemesis in a suit!
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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Melino毛 Hades 2
link to print
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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walk with me 鈥硷笍 do you see the vision 鈥硷笍
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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More Hypnos featuring his very disfunctional family
I actually like thinking about the possible dynamic Hypnos and Eris could鈥檝e had, considering they are (supposedly) Nyx鈥檚 youngest children as well as the ones who have complicated relationships with her. Maybe they found comfort in being like the disappointments in their family and they both have a history of getting involved in things they shouldn鈥檛 be sticking their noses into (Hypnos putting Zeus to sleep twice + Eris basically causing the Trojan War). Idk I think these two would just goof around with each other knowing that the other wouldn鈥檛 get mad and be their true selves.
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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Mother Night
I finished the main story but I'm still enjoying the game a lot. I kept saying "just one more run" but it just kept on going.
Why are all the characters in this game so hot though???
Also Dusa is a cutie pie 馃グ
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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I hadn鈥檛 drawn the house of hades boys in years! Curse me! This isn鈥檛 exactly a remake of an old painting but it鈥檚 in the vibe of how I used to draw them all the time. Poetic and stealing kisses
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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identical twins but they hold their faces differently
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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sistersofsilver 3 days
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There Is No Escape.
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sistersofsilver 3 days
Spoiler warning for relatively advanced level of plot in Hades 2. I've gotten pretty far in it.
I am beyond fucking heartbroken for Hades himself. I am devastated.
He fucked up raising Zagreus. Yes, he eventually reconciled, apologized, all that, but it took until Zag was well past childhood. Zag himself had to do the (flaming) leg(foot?)work to make it all happen, too.
By the true ending of Hades 1, you know that Hades knows that he fucked up with everyone, from his wife to his child to his Olympian relatives to his loyal Chthonic court members.
Melino毛 is the child born of his rekindled relationship with Persephone. She is his chance to be a good father right from the get-go. He probably did whatever the Greek god equivalent of Lamaze classes and reading What to Expect When You're Expecting might be. I can imagine long and difficult yet loving conversations between Persephone, Hades, and Zagreus about how much they want the better version of their family to be the one that welcomes the new baby into the underworld.
And then, wham! Hades's own father shows up to be like "healing from ur toxic masculinity? learning that emotions are valid? caring about others? knowing better to do better? LOL BISH U THOUGHT" and takes it all away. Prior generations doing all they can to prevent cycle-breakers from healing. Too real.
I realized all this in the encounter where Hades tentatively and oh-so-tenderly asks after Mel's well-being and she responds with "LORD FATHER I AM AN INSTRUMENT OF VENGEANCE AND I HAVE NOT YET HAD IT SO HOW DO U THINK I AM DOING". Calling poor Hades "defeated" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Then, in the encounter right after that one, he expresses his regret that he, Persephone, and Zag weren't there to watch her grow up. And then HE ASKS HER WHAT HER HOBBIES ARE?!?! And seems saddened by the fact that her response is, yet again, "LORD FATHER I AM AN INSTRUMENT OF VENGEANCE AND I HAVE NOT YET HAD IT SO WHAT DO U THINK I DO WITH MY TIME". He is just so damn sad and full of regret.
He is the most dynamic character in the series, even without Hades 2 being unfinished. The series is named after him for a reason. Hades grows, changes, regrets, learns, all that.
My. Heart.
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sistersofsilver 4 days
Eris picking a fight with Melinoe every time Mel is on the surface is her trying to bag someone who matches her Freak.
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sistersofsilver 4 days
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i support women's wrongs
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