Dipper had a creeping sensation up the back of his spine, but he had mastered the art of playing it cool over the years. “It’s cool , it’s cool this has uh, been happening alot the past few weeks.” He tried to say, he leapt up from his beanbag, nearly tripped over a kink in the rug, and beelined for the fuse box. All the switches were in place. The power shouldn’t be out. Dipper sunk to his knees to gather his thoughts, “If this is what I think it is just..wait an hour. Just give my an hour to be normal with my sister. Please.” He whispered, almost pleading to what he hoped was Bill to just give him this.
[Bill:] God damnit! Why was he so stupid! He didn’t have an hour! He had five more minutes if he was lucky! So that just left his sister to see sense. He looked for her through his hazing vision, and was thankful that her bright clothing stood out even against the muted colors he saw through. He tried again to sink through the mindscape and into material world, but again he was too weak. The only thing the material world did was project his energy, making it seem like there was someone there, just watching. He tried to say something to Mabel, he tried to say, “I’m still here.” to her. He hoped - dare he even think the word, prayed, that something in the veil that separated the mindscape from the material plane would give and she would hear him, even as a passing thought. He couldn’t stand being this weak. With what the had done to him, he was as weak as your average ghost! The only thing he had to bet on was one of these stupid humans to summon him.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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Entry 5: year 7 month 6
I projected again last night to try and get some sort of info about where Bill is. I keep running into walls, but I did find all the things i need to summon him in this world. Ha, the things you can find online, right? Anyway this is getting really frustrating because if noone on the mindscape knows where Bill is - even though they know full well who he is, it could mean I was right and something happened to him. I’m going to go into the woods and try and  summon him as soon as my things come in in a few days.
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I’m going to try and project again tonight when I log off and try and track Bill down. If I can’t sleep I’m going to get the things I need to summon him.
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Dipper laughed and joked with his sister for awhile about blogs and how it took Pacifica of all people to finally convince him to get one. The conversation lulled and Dipper attempted to turn Mabel’s attention to the fishtank against the wall behind him, to show her how much better off Stanley’s axolotl had been since he had been taking care of her. He had finally gotten back into the swing of talking to someone other than himself again, and he hoped he wasn’t boring his sister too much with his talk of Shirley the Axolotl, when he sensed something. It felt like static on the back of his neck. He looked around the room, searching for anything that could be giving off this nostalgic energy that he couldn’t believe he had to deal with now of all times, it couldn’t be any other time he wanted to deal with him, nooo, of course not. His internal anger peaked as a small blue spark lit on the fuse box in the next room, and blew out the power for the entire shack.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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Send me a Number and I will make a starter for that AU
1. Pharaoh AU; Muse A is a peasant and Muse B is a pharaoh who demands that Muse A marries him/her
2. Haunted AU; Muse A is a ghost that falls in love with Muse B, a paranormal investigator that just bought the mansion they are haunting.
3. Monster AU; Muse A is a monster hunter that enters a strange town under a curse where everyone is a monster, they along with Muse B, a citizen of the town and currently a monster, have to try and reverse the curse before the organization Muse A works for has everyone in the town killed.
4. Angel AU; Muse A is an angel and Muse B is a demon. Muse A is trying to stop Muse B from doing bad in a town and Muse B just wants Muse A gone.
5. Computer AU; Muse A is a computer designer and Muse B is an Ai they created to keep them company. Muse A is in love with Muse B, but Muse B cannot properly feel love.
6. Muse A is part animal *maybe they have bird wings and feathers or cat ears and tail*, Muse B owns them and keeps them in a cage, treating them like an actual animal. Muse A is desperately trying to escape their current situation, while Muse B is actually just disillusionaly in love with Muse A and does not want them to leave.
7. Charmed AU; Muse A is song/daughter of the mayor of their town and Muse B is a magician. Muse B wants company so they magically charm Muse A, who becomes completely loyal and blind to anything bad Muse B does. Using Muse A’s status Muse B gets away with whatever they want while Muse A blindly follows them.
8. Killing AU; Muse A was raised into killing, its all they have ever known. They are put into a mental hospital to try and help them where they meet Muse B, a nurse/doctor at the hospital.
9. Omegaverse AU; Muse A is an omega that was adopted into a family of alpha’s and given pills to cover their more Omega-like traits *going into heat, submissiveness, etc* and they have no real memory of being an Omega. But after they lose the pills they go into heat, where they meet Muse B, who is an alpha that wants to help them. *Can turn nsfw pretty easily depending*
10. Grimm AU; Muse A is a Wesen, a creature that can shift between the forms of a human and a monster while Muse B is a Grimm, the people who can see and kill Wesen. The two of them meet late at night one day while Muse B is investigating murders- they would either become friends or fight.
11. Magi AU; Muse A is a traveling merchant or a peasant in a small town, wanting to conquer a dungeon. Muse B is a magi who is looking for someone to make into a King. They meet and decide to go into a dungeon together. (Note; dungeons are based and named from demons in The Lesser Key Of Solomon)
12. Fairy Tail AU; Muse A is in a wizard guild, one of their strongest members, while Muse B is a solo wizard who wants to join a guild. The two of them meet and can either become friends or maybe they are competing over a job. But either way both of them have a similar goal, even if they butt heads.
13. Soul Eater AU; Muse A is a meister and Muse B is a weapon, they can be partners, enemies, friends, rivals, anything.
14. Blue Exorcist AU; Muse A is an exorcist that was sent out to kill a powerful demon, Muse B. Though upon meeting them they realize that Muse B is actually really innocent and pretty friendly. They still are supposed to kill Muse but cannot bring them self to do it- so they try to hide them from everyone else.
15. Siren AU; Muse A is a Siren that comes to Muse B’s school/workplace/apartment complex and begins manipulating people, though Muse B seems to be immune to their charms. This causes Muse A to either want them dead or seek after them to figure out why.
16. Fallen AU; Muse A is an a recently Fallen angel, confused with what to do with themselves now. Muse B is a demon that is willing to ‘help them’. In reality they are using Muse A for their own twisted plans.
17. Partner AU; Muse A is an assassin who was sent to kill Muse B, but instead Muse B saves their life. Muse A is honor bound to Muse B now, but the organization Muse A works for is out for blood.
18. Attendant AU; Muse A is the attendant/servant of Muse B, a corrupt ruler. Muse A has to decide whether to support their ruler or to leave them.
19. Nature AU; Muse A is a nature spirit who lives in the woods, Muse B is a human that is lost. Muse A can either try to help them home and find themselves in a human world or Muse B can not find their way back and have to try and survive in this strange place.
20. Pet AU; Muse A is a human-animal hybrid of some sort, and they have been Muse B’s pet all their life, living in a cage and being treated fairly well. But when Muse B takes them out one day they notice that hybrids are free creatures and that keeping them as pets is wrong. Suddenly they have the urge to escape Muse B and live free as well.
21. Vampire AU; Muse A is a newly awoken vampire, changed by Muse B. New Vampires need to feed or they are hopelessly confused and weak. Muse B can either choose to help their new underling or leave the for dead.
22. Voice AU; Muse A is a lonely, quiet, and depressed person. Muse B is a demon. Muse B starts talking to Muse A, giving them hel and cheering them up. Muse A uickly begins to follow suit with whatever this voice wants. Muse B is simply rewriting Muse A’s mind because Muse B wants a pet and they think Muse A is the perfect one to have.
23. Magic AU; Muse A is Muse B’s apprentice, both of them are magicians/wizards/witches. Muse B is in love with Muse A and that is the only reason they are teaching them.
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Gravity Falls role play community be like
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I really hope this coffee addiction doesn’t leave my teeth too stained. This is my third cup today.
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*gideon voice* stanford
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If we RP I hereby give you permission to fix my typos in our threads.
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He grinned stupidly, not knowing how else to respond to someone saying‘i got to sketch a naked dude’ with such enthusiasm.  He shifted in his chair and tried to explain what little he had been doing these past two years. “I’ve been doing..things.” he started, “I’m writing my own journal now, to pick up off where Stanley’s left off, ya know? It’s even got my hand print on it like his does.” He boasted, even though Dipper’s hand was almost half the size of Stanley’s, so there was much more cover space on his journal. “I even, uh, I even started a blog. To keep a dream journal and monitor changes in my life. S-so I don’t keep losing or ripping up paper journals!” He explained, very embarrassed of the fact that he caved and made a blog.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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“Pf, fat chance!” He snickered. “I thought you were a customer. It has been two years since almost anyone but customers have shown up.” He leaned forward and raised a brow, mock judging his twin for not showing her face for years at a time. Dipper sat on the counter next to the coffee pot and watched it filter through into the pot. He never knew why he loved watching it, but hey here he was. Watching it go. He made milk coffee [1/3 cup whole milk and the rest coffee] with five sugar spoons, turns out coffee was the one thing he and Mabel shared tastes on: sweet over bitter no matter what. He hopped off the counter with his coffee and settled into his beanbag chair a few feet away from Stan’s chair. He took a sip of his drink and enjoyed a quick moment to himself with his eyes closed.  “So" He began, yanking himself from his moment. “How’s New York? Are your classes going well?” He wanted to ask her if the town had followed her in any way, if she had dreams about it or noticed anything in the ‘outside world’ that they found out about in Gravity Falls -but he deemed it too heavy of a question for right now, and tucked it away for later.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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He had to shake off a moment of shock after hearing Mabel curse. He thought that out of anyone he knew, Mabel would be the one to come up with ‘creative’ ways to not curse. Oh well. “Yeah it’s..not not as great as it’s sounds.” He admitted, laughing. “Come on in, I’ll make coffee.” He offered, turning into the door. He breathed another sigh of relief as he loosened his tie - he opted to wear a real one instead of a clip on like Stan did. He hated wearing them as they made him feel choked.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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"Good she’s still the same old Mabel”, Dipper inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as he accepted the hug offer. He wondered for a quick moment if she noticed he had build some muscle since they last saw each other from his lessons, and went a step further and half-assumed she did, which made him smile like an idiot. “Yeah, sorta.” He shrugged, “He sorta gave me the shack and works for me now, though? So I guess it’s sort of my Shack now.” He explained, still a bit confused by the whole thing himself since Stan had tricked him into signing for the Shack in the first place. He pondered on it for a moment longer than he figured he shouldve, and cleared his throat in hopes it would imply an ‘anyway, moving on.’ “So, uh, how’ve you been Mabes? How’s New York?” He asked as he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets to avoid picking at the dead skin around his fingernails.
Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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Mabel took a look around, she hadn't been here in so long... She knocked on the door, her curly brown locks pulled up in a messy ponytail. She waited for her twin or her Grunkle to open the door. Still felt the same so far... {missladymabelton}
Dipper leaned back in his chair, away from his laptop and pushed his fingers through his shaggy curls. At least with this blog journal he could keep some of the clutter on his desk down. He fidgeted with his socked toes he wondered if he should project again. Maybe ask the merchant in that cave or the mermaids if they had any info on Bill.“I need to make a page for mermaids..” He thought out loud, looking at the hand-sewn leather-bound journal he was working on filling. He wandered off into his own thoughts, wondering and summarizing his notes about mermaids and all the different species of them, when the door knocking snapped him out of it, followed by Stanford shouting to Dipper that, code red, it was tour day and they weren’t expecting customers.Dipper all but fell out of his chair, and slipped and skidded around on the hardwood floor in his sockfeet as he wrestled with his work clothes - a baby blue button up with a black tailcoat and tie. He talked himself through his preparation list like clock work:-Get dressed-Comb hair with nasty gel to shape it a little bit-shoes-eyepatch-attitudeHe all but fell down the staircase as he did this, and and tried to get his belt to go through the final loop at the same time. He pulled his converse shoes on, and slipped a novelty black plastic eyepatch over his left eye - which had turned into a symbol for staff of the Shack over the years. All the while berating himself for being so stupid as to not be dressed on work day, and to always, always expect customers.“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, where we put the ‘fun’ in -” Dipper froze mid recital, “Mabel?!” He couldn’t believe it. Dipper flipped up his eyepatch and rubbed at his eye to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Here she was, Mabel Pines, his twin sister, in Gravity Falls. After two long years, she was here again to bring some color to this dark town.
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Hate yours
Be rude to yours 
Become your character’s enemy
Be willing to attack/fight yours in a plot
Develop a bromance or platonic relationship 
Have or receive UNreciprocated feelings with yours
Team up with your character against others
Otherwise engage in non-romantic interactions
Reblog if you give permission for other characters to:
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Hey all! I’m a new older Dipper blog, and so far all I have is Dipper’s journal entries among a few other things. I’d appreciate anyone checking my blog out [especially Bill’s and Mabel’s]. I’m going to be posting some pretty unique things, my Dipper muse keeps a journal and dream log on here, as well as creating his own journal which I’ll be posting pages of!
My Dipper is 21 years old and has been living in gravity falls since he was 16. He’s a beginning pagan and is completely obsessed with searching for Bill Cipher to demand answers from him [though he won’t admit to his obsession]. He is a transguy that’s been on hormones since 16, he hasn’t had any surgery yet.  He is creating his own journal to continue off of Stan’s journals. He has another journal dedicated entirely to demons and Bill Cipher, how to find him, summon, control him and etc.
I have 5 years of rp experience, and have honestly never rp’d on Tumblr before at all, so bear with me please. I’m very open to au’s, selective about oc’s but they’re perfectly welcome to message!
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Entry 4: year 7, month 6
I can’t help but think that something has happened to Bill, for better or for worse. I dunno, it’s a thought that’s been nagging me for a about a month now. Usually Gravity Falls has this presence around it, and you feel like your being watched no matter where you go. But for the past few month’s that presence hasn’t been there. I’m need to try and summon Bill again, but I don’t have the materials I need. Sigh. I feel like I’m running into a wall and I don’t know what to do.
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