sixlaws · 2 years
hurt comfort prompts
“ you can stay here, if you'd like. “
“ please don't go. “
“ why don't we stay at your place tonight? “
“ can i get you anything? “
“ let's be pathetic together. “
“ are you crying? “
“ i'm glad that you're here. “
“ you're not doing this alone. “
“ i don't have anyone anymore. “ “ you have me. “
“ are you sure [about staying]? “
“ you didn't force me. i volunteered [to be here], remember? “
“ you are what’s important right now. “
“ it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent. “
“ are you sure? it's quite heavy [of a topic]. “ “ i've got all night. “
“ tonight is about you. you can make it up to me some other time. “
“ i've got nowhere else to be. “
“ you said you needed a distraction. “ “ so... where is it? “ “ you're looking right at it. “
“ why don't you come here for a second? “
“ wanna talk about it? “
“ i can't talk about it. not tonight. “
“ you need to distract me. do something, anything. “
“ i just don't want to be alone tonight. “
“ i'm tired of thinking. let's just... make out, or something “
“ i feel like shit. “ “ you look like it, too. “ “ hey! “
“ it’s okay to cry, you know. “
“ you’re a little hurt, that’s all. “
“ anything you want me to get you? “
“ nothing a good [drink] can't fix. “
“ let’s get you cleaned up. “
“ this is you thinking rationally? “
“ you're really all i've got. “
“ c'mere. let me give you a hug. “
“ and you're absolutely sure this is what you need? “
“ you don't need this right now. “
“ how long are you gonna sit there? “ “ all night, if that's what it takes. “
“ what's it gonna take to make you smile? “
“ if you're not ready to talk about it, let's not talk about it. “
“ wanna play some mario kart? it'll give us both a reason to cry when you beat me. “
“ how about we stay like this, holding each other? “
“ i don’t know what’s wrong with me. “
“ i can’t stop crying. “ “ i'll be strong for the both of us. “
“ i didn’t know where else to go. “
“ the door's always open, you know that. “
“ i thought you were leaving town. “ “ i can't leave now. “
“ there's that smile i know and love... “
“ stay with me. “
“ hey, what’s your favorite snack? “
“ i’m not leaving. “
“ just let it out. “
“ you're stronger than you think. “
“ how about i make a quick run to the store, get you some aspirin? “
“ grab a burger or something on your way home. “
“ you were always there when i needed you. let me repay the favor. “
“ i don't mean to bother you. “ “ you're not. “
“ hey, listen to me... “
“ you’re not a burden. “
“ aren’t you tired? “ “ this isn't about me. “
“ you’re going to be okay. “
“ hey, look at me… “
“ i don’t know what to do. “ “ we’ll figure it out. “
“ you’re not alone. “
“ hey, hey, hey, it's okay... it's okay. you're okay. “
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sixlaws · 2 years
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The Last Dragon. First of a four portrait series.
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sixlaws · 2 years
Question Sentence Starters
“What are you so afraid of?”
“What’s stopping you?”
“What made you do it?”
“What are you doing?”
“What’s making it hard for you?”
“What isn’t working?”
“Why won’t you let me in?”
“Why can’t you do it?”
“Why didn’t you talk to me about it?”
“Why didn’t you ask me?”
“Why are you like this?
“Why not?”
“How can I help?”
“How did this happen?”
“How did you get hurt?”
“How was it?”
“How are you feeling?”
“How do I stop?”
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sixlaws · 2 years
Ask my muse two questions!
One they must answer with the truth, and the other must be answered with a lie. You have to figure out which is which.
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sixlaws · 2 years
Muse Favorites/Preferences! Repost, Don’t Reblog~
tagged by: @buildabuddha tagging: ... I’m... honestly so out of the loop on here, I have no idea who has and hasn’t done this. If you wanna do it, steal it and say I made you do it! :D
Animal: Horses! He loooves horses, trained a lot of them, too, while he was still working farms.
Flower: Borage. (It was his sister’s favourite flower; he has a tattoo of one behind his left ear.)
Scent: Apples, cherries, leather and rain.
Coffee: He has no real preference, but he’s come to like a dash of chocolate in it.
Tea: He’s not much of a tea drinker, but nowadays, when he does drink some, it’s usually the kind Ana used to make. He misses her.
Drink: Typically, it depends on who he’s with, he tends to match them. 
Alcoholic Beverage: Any kind of whisky, especially scotch.
Food: Pancakes!
Dessert: ... also pancakes? Ice cream.
Article of Clothing: Man loves his hat, what can I say?
Candy: He’s a snickers kind of guy.
Left or Right Handed: Right to write and shoot, but ambidextrous in most of the rest (opening bottles, pouring drinks, holding objects, etc.)
Sloppy or Neat Writing: Oh, definitely on the sloppy side.
Clean or Messy Home: Messy in his really personal spaces (read: bedroom), but neat enough to let people in at a moment’s notice everywhere else. Really clean kitchen.
Shower in the Morning or Night: Night, usually.
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute: Depends on the task. Some, he’ll get out of the way early, while others he’ll leave until there’s practically no time left.
Love Language: Quality Time / Acts of Service (and to receive you’ll always get him with Words of Affirmation, every time)
Believe in Love at First Sight: No but you can walk by again, but he believes in attraction at first sight.
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sixlaws · 2 years
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❝  honestly i can’t sleep,  so if you wanna stay up with me?  ❞
Staying the Night Prompts | accepting | @therippingtides​
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The flicker of his lighter illuminated Flint’s face for the fraction of a moment until it made way to the much more gentle, dim glow of a lit cigar. He took a drag of it, exhaling slowly, and let his head fall backwards to look up at the sky. 
“Beautiful night,” he said after a moment. “Be a shame to sleep through it.”
That, and he shared Ray’s problem of sleeplessness tonight. He usually had no trouble falling asleep, even just for a quick nap on the way to or from missions, or outside the briefing room while waiting for Reyes to show up, but that only meant that when insomnia hit him, it hit all the harder. This was his second night awake. 
“Somethin’ on your mind that’s keepin’ you up, kid?”
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sixlaws · 2 years
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❝  when i said i wanted everyone to leave me alone i didn’t mean you.  i can’t handle everyone else right now but you…you’re different.  ❞ ~ The Swordsman
Staying the Night Prompts | accepting | @shouga-nai​
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It was an unexpected compliment, but he wasn’t about to argue against it. To essentially be told ‘You are the only person I can stand right now’ came with a certain burst of pride - ... and a matching streak of sadness, though he tried to hide it. Friends were few and far between in this world to begin with, and the Swordsman was shutting himself off from even those.
Then again, he could relate. Some nights just weren’t meant for the company of others, too heavy and full of memories to be able to carry anything else, and so he simply sat next to the other, leaning ever so slightly against his shoulder. 
“There’s always a new dawn,” he said. Sunlight made everything less suffocating - even bad memories. “I’ll see you through the night until then. And... -. thanks.”
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sixlaws · 2 years
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❝  i’ll be here the whole night okay?  nothing will get to you while i’m here.  ❞
Staying the Night Prompts | accepting | @flashofyellowlights​
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“Th’s mighty kind of you, Angel.” More than that, it was exactly what he needed, though he wasn’t sure how much of that she was really aware of. Nothing kept his dreams away as well as company, and hers even more so. There was something to be said about rationality as a tool against nightmares. 
Flint smiled at her, tipping his hat a little in gratitude. 
“I’ll be sure to keep some snacks on hand,” he promised. Maybe a good book.”
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sixlaws · 2 years
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞ 
❝  please stay.  i don’t think i can be alone tonight.  ❞
❝  i’m staying,  okay?  you don’t have to be alone tonight. ❞
❝  you shouldn’t be alone right now.  i’ll take the couch,  it’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i’ll be here the whole night okay?  nothing will get to you while i’m here.  ❞
❝  wait— have you been here all night?  ❞
❝  i thought you went home after i went to bed.  you didn’t have to do that— you could’ve at least joined me in bed that couch is shit for sleeping on.  ❞
❝  can i stay with you tonight?  i don’t wanna go home yet.  ❞
❝  it’s late,  you might as well just stay here.  ❞
❝  can you just…stay here?  and hold me.  ❞
❝  i know this might sound weird but,  do you wanna stay over?  i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but.  i think it’d be nice.  ❞
❝  i’m not expecting anything,  i just,  thought it’d be nice to keep you company tonight. ❞
❝  i don’t have nightmares when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i get you’re doing the whole protective thing— and i appreciate it.  i do,  but there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.  might as well come to bed.  ❞
❝  thank you for staying.  it just gets so lonely at night sometimes.  ❞
❝  i don’t want you to be alone tonight and honestly,  i don’t really wanna be alone either.  ❞
❝  do you wanna stay with me tonight?  ❞
❝  stay,  please.  ❞
❝  i’ll stay.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  end of discussion.  you gotta learn to let people take care of you.  ❞
❝  i’m not ready to say goodbye yet.  ❞
❝  i don’t wanna have to say goodnight.  ❞
❝  honestly i can’t sleep,  so if you wanna stay up with me?  ❞
❝  i don’t sleep a lot either these days.  we can be insomniacs together.  ❞
❝  well,  i can think of some ways to wear you out.  ❞
❝  if you can’t sleep,  there are other things we could do.  ❞
❝  i’d rather fuck than stare at the ceiling counting sheep to be honest.  ❞
❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight.  and i want to feel good for once.  ❞
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞
❝  the night doesn’t have to end here,  you know.  ❞
❝  i like it when you’re here.  so stay.  please?  ❞
❝  you’re just as lonely as i am.  might as well be lonely together.  ❞
❝  you can stay but i’m not letting you sleep on that couch.  ❞
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞
❝  you’re clearly exhausted.  you can go in the morning.  ❞
❝  you don’t have to pretend to be fine,  if you need me to stay i will.  ❞
❝  when i said i wanted everyone to leave me alone i didn’t mean you.  i can’t handle everyone else right now but you…you’re different.  ❞
❝  you need someone right now.  and i’m the one that’s here.  let me be what you need.  ❞
[ GUARDED ]  sender insists on staying the night to keep watch over receiver who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ GUARDING ]  receiver insists on staying the night to keep watch over sender who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ UNEXPECTED ]  one muse stays the night to keep an eye on the other after something traumatic and they end up having comfort sex.
[ CONSOLE ]  sender asks receiver to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling.  
[ CONSOLED ]  receiver asks sender to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling. 
[ ACCIDENT ]  sender winds up staying at receiver’s house all night because receiver fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ UNPLANNED ]  receiver winds up staying at sender’s house all night because sender fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ STAY ]  sender is carrying receiver to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  receiver grabs their hand so sender joins them in bed. 
[ STAYING ]  receiver is carrying sender to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  sender grabs their hand so receiver joins them in bed. 
[ APPROACHED ]  sender is staying with receiver for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ APPROACH ]  receiver is staying with sender for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ SHARE ]  sender is unexpectedly staying with receiver overnight,  receiver insisted sender sleep on the bed while they take the floor but sender winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ SHARED ]  receiver is unexpectedly staying with sender overnight,  sender insisted receiver sleep on the bed while they take the floor but receiver winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ FOUND ]  sender is staying with receiver who had them take the bed while receiver takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  sender goes out to join receiver on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ FIND ]  receiver is staying with sender who had them take the bed while sender takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  receiver goes out to join sender on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ DISCOVERED ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender was watching over them. 
[ HAVEN ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender felt safer with them. 
[ WEARY ]  sender cries themselves to sleep in receiver’s arms. 
[ TIRED ]  receiver cries themselves to sleep in sender’s arms. 
[ PROPOSITION ]  one or both muse(s) are having trouble sleeping so they have sex to pass the time. 
[ PURPOSE ]  one muse can’t sleep so the other initiates sex to wear them out. 
[ TRAPPED ]  one muse ends up staying the night with the other due to a storm. 
[ KEEP ]  sender fell asleep on receiver and when receiver tries to get up,  sender whines so they stay put.  
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sixlaws · 2 years
Ahhh, god, I love Junk's Revenge. The setting, the tone, the interactions...
Makes me want more Van Helsing plots.
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sixlaws · 2 years
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Oni Genji! (By far my favorite Genji skin! >:D )
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sixlaws · 2 years
@shouga-nai !!!
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animal forms are for SERIOUS BUSINESS and are NOT 2 BE AFFECTIONATELY MOCKED !!!
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sixlaws · 2 years
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“Now, I would never do somethin’ like that... if I learned anything in life, it’s don’t bite something with longer teeth’n you. But... maybe the tiger would like a drink?”
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“Should you thread on a tiger’s tail… best you be prepared to meet the tiger’s eye.”
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sixlaws · 2 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
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sixlaws · 2 years
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A gift appears for the cowboy.
A tin full of mixed cookies, a couple packets of fancy but easy to make cocoa. A mini bottle of whiskey, and amidst it all an old photo with a note.
It's the team at a past Christmas party. Gathered together with smiles.
' Merry Christmas Cowpoke. Enjoy a little holiday cheer on me. - G '
Christmas Gifts! | @calisunshinereyes​
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It was uncanny, how well Reyes knew him. Not that Flint wouldn’t have been downright elated about any gift - he’d only really started with the Christmas traditions in Deadlock, his father had never cared enough, and a gang of outlaws played things a bit fast and loose, even when it came to holidays. Sometimes, Christmas presents had simply been days off to spend together, and he’d loved them all. But this... 
He turned the photo in his hand, smiling to himself. Food was never a wrong choice for a man who loved to eat, cocoa was his comfort drink, his preference for whisky was well-established by now, and with it all came a reminder of people he’d come to consider family. Still holding the picture, Flint pulled out his phone to send a single text: 
[Bullseye, Boss. Merry Christmas to you, too.]
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sixlaws · 2 years
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Commission for @burnlaws!
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sixlaws · 3 years
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“  i miss talking to you.  ”
3, 4, 5 Sentence Starters | accepting | @flashofyellowlights​
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Her voice sounded different over the phone, more distant. Older, he supposed, but then that was no surprise, given the circumstances. God, he’d missed her voice. Some nights, he would have given his other arm just to hear her laugh again. 
“Listen - I’ll be comin’ your way soon. You wanna meet up?”
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