skilllist · 6 years
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skilllist · 7 years
It's all about the first step.
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skilllist · 7 years
Nature is beautifully scary.
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Julian Callos x INPRNT.
The stellar, fascinating artwork of artist Julian Callos is available as fine art prints in his INPRNT Shop!
This is a sponsored post by INPRNT (Check them out on Tumblr!) but I still choose and write about the artists ;)
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skilllist · 7 years
Rise from the ashes.
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skilllist · 7 years
The 5 P’s Of Procrastination
1. Passion - loving what we do. The only way to do great things is to love what we do, if we don’t love what we’re doing - procrastination is to be expected. To completely rid ourselves of procrastination we must focus our actions on what we love.
2. Purpose - caring about what we do. Having a strong why is the way we overcome the obstacles in our path, when we catch ourselves procrastinating we must remember why we started. If our why is strong enough - we can overcome any challenge.
3. Presence - being in the now. Often times when we sit down to work the mind begins to wander and this is when we need to acknowledge that we are not living in the now. The present moment is the only place where we can take action on our goals - implementing a mindfulness practice such as taking walks in nature regularly and paying attention to our senses keeps us grounded in the now.
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4. Practice - sticking to a daily routine. Building a daily practice that helps us to accomplish our goals is one of the best ways to beat procrastination. We’re all individuals and each of us will require a different approach - try mixing exercise, meditation with study/work time to keep the mind focused.
5. Patience - not judging ourselves. We can be our own harshest critics, hence why we must have patience when it comes to breaking out of old habits and forming new ones. 
The only way to do great things is to love what you do.
Peace & positive vibes.
Check out today’s episode of Drive Time - Why I Don’t Have Regrets :)
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skilllist · 7 years
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BROMANCE: a story of an idea of a project that might be a video game one day, who knows, maybe. It’s a project I really hold at heart, and I realized I drew quite a lot for it. It’s still developing, like a little plant, and I hope one day it will be a nice tree bearing fruits (see what I did there). So here’s a SUPER 2017 POST that summarizes everything that was revealed this year about the project! Of course, there’s more to come, I’m not leaving that project alone.
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Hector Perez (on the left) and Nicholas Roy (on the right) met at a really young age. Their friendship was born from odd events… that will eventually be explained. But let’s just say they became fast best friends and were pretty much always together. Fun note: even if it doesn’t seem like it, Hector is quite older than Nicholas.
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As they grew older, they stayed by each other’s side, and decided to go live together as room-mates. When together, they usually enjoy spending time in front of videogames….
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(Until very late hours)
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Watching movies (usually Mary Potter, which is Hector’s favourite series)…
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Buying silly stuff on Mamazon.
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Doing dumb shit.
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Oh. And battling gods, monsters and weird stuff too. Normal bro stuff.
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But when they can, they pretty much avoid it, thanks to their bromance being a bit contagious.
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Actually, they are usually the ones to get attacked.
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But more often than not for simpler reasons than it seems.
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Sometimes, things end not too well…
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And sometimes not well at all…
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Hector is a wizard. Since his young years, he always was interested in the different paths of magic the world had to offer. His grandmother left him her “cooking book” at her death. Reading between the lines, Hector realized it actually was her grimoire, full of potions, spells and other fun stuff for him to learn.
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Since then, he was able to develop his magic skills. He’s doesn’t think he’s that great yet, but people tell him it’s neat. Old Mexican powers, Cigarette Spells, Demonic Healing, Summoning, Cheap Commercial magic… Hector has a whole world to discover.
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It can be hard to study magic, but it always ends up useful. And not only in battle!
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Hector works a Dome Hepot in the Gardening section. He mostly works here to have an easier access to ingredients for his potions, slacking off most of the time (to the deep displeasure of his boss).
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Nicholas is a knight. Well… a self proclaimed knight. He always was a sportive type, but stopped since a few years to work full time. He gladly takes the hits for Hector during battles (who then has to stitch Nicholas up).
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He still tries to stay somewhat in shape to always be ready and active. Some could say he does that to impress his best friend…
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But secretly, he’s jealous of Hector’s magic, and thinks it would be so rad to be able to impress him with his own. Sadly, he doesn’t really have the predispositions for it. Nonetheless, he still practices, in private, to maybe one day cast his first spell.
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Nicholas works as a waiter in the restaurant called Infini-Tea. He really likes his job, where he can meet a lot of people… and strange shadowy ghosts in the mirrors filling the restaurant (the place being a mirror shop beforehand).
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Also, fun fact, Nicholas has about 1000 exes. He falls in love quite easily, and loves a lot of people, often at the same time. He’s for open relationships, and has a bit too much love to give.
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He has peculiar exes. For example, Captain Shark, a sailor with a tragic story of seas, sharks and death. He also seems to have a baby shark on his head for some reason?
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Nicholas missed the many lovers he lost. His heart seems to never be at rest. He also seems to want to get closer to Hector… maybe to Bromance change into Romance at one point?
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Hector doesn’t seem to be interested in that idea.
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But who knows what will happen between them. (Note from author: I do. I freakin’ do)
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Summoning demons.
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(Who then stay on the surface and go work with Hector at Dome Hepot)
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Going to conventions.
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Enjoying (or not) winter.
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Waiting for buses under the rain.
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And pretty much trying to find a meaning to living.
Bromance. The story of two guys who are not sure about the future. And who battle monsters.
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skilllist · 7 years
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skilllist · 7 years
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During Training
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skilllist · 7 years
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I have personally never believed in the concept of restrictive eating when it comes to weight/fat loss. I always believed and suggested to people to eat BETTER instead of less. See this above is speaking the truth… When I hear people saying that they don’t eat because they’re trying to lose fat it makes me laugh (deep inside) because not eating actually slows down the metabolism, so when people start eating restrictively they are actually sabotaging their fat loss efforts; slow metabolism = NO weight loss! The body thinks it’s starving, so it will go on the “survival” mode which means it will literally slow down its calorie-burning capacity in order to “survive”.  In other words, by not eating the body will sense that it is in “trouble”, so it will try to conserve the little amount of energy it has left as much as possible, which will result in a slower metabolism! Fat is emergency storage for your body. Your body will burn muscle first if you get on low calorie diets, so the body is going to use muscles as fuel, yes muscles, so not only the metabolism will slow down, but the body will also lose some precious muscles. So… Moral of the story, you don’t have to eat less - you just have to eat BETTER!! In the above picture you can clearly see the sticking difference between 1575 calories of “junk” foods and healthy foods. Remember this, when you’re eating right you don’t have to constantly worry about counting calories
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skilllist · 7 years
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skilllist · 7 years
Patch 1.00
Alright then, the gear for this patch of skills just arrived. I just got a Nikon D3200 camera with an 18-55mm lens to practice my ...... *drumroll although its pretty obvious* ..... Photography! Now as a Crossfitter and a vlogger wanna be, I think photography would help me out a whole lot with taking and editing content for my channel and my tumblr account. So yay! I currently know zero things about photography, to the point where I just learned what shutter speed is and what it does. So let’s see how this’ll go! 
Other than photography, I’ll be starting with a new proper diet as soon as I land to Kuwait since I’ll be staying there for the time being. I’ll be joining a crossfit gym in the upcoming week and starting work on Sunday. I’m pretty sure that there are plenty of skills I can learn at my job, so I’m pretty excited!  And parallel to photography, I’ll be learning how to edit images on Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I still don’t have these two programs installed but luckily, I’ll my older brother is a computer genius and he’ll get em for me :3 <3 
Life is just ....Great!!! <3 
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skilllist · 7 years
A little post about Me
Well, I’m a 22 year old confused person. 
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Confused in the sense that, I don’t know where I’m going with my life. Everyone I meet tells me that I have great potential. and that someday I will be a very successful person. But tbh, I don’t see that day coming up anytime soon because I don’t know what I want. It’s not that I don’t like to do anything, on the contrary.... I love doing everything. From arts like playing instruments, singing and drawing... to educational stuff like problem solving and learning scientific knowledge, to being an athlete: A crossfitter, a track athlete etc.... There are just so many things i enjoy doing that I refuse to be or do one thing for the rest of my life.
Right now, I found a good paying job in a company that will help me settle next to my older brother for the upcoming few years. After extensive research, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to go for MBA’s incase I want to move forward with my career. That’s what I’ll be doing for now.... BUT... I will be improving other stuff in the process. My job is going to consist of 8 hours of work. So that leaves me with 10 hours of my day to plan strategically (16-6 hours of sleep).
I’ve developed this thing called the Skill-List, basically what I do is I pick a few skills out at random from this huge list that I made and I stick to it for 2 weeks or so. I’ll try developing these skills in that time and see if I like the experience of doing so.... If I do, then I’d try integrating it into my daily life style. My goal is to have a minimum of 25 skills by the end of June. 
For now, the two main activities I practice are Crossfit:
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and Gaming. Lots of it.
I’ll be cutting down on the gaming part a whole lot if I want this to happen... I’ll be blogging about my progress in the hopes that It’d keep me motivated. So let’s see where this goes!!
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