skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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If you're still interested in a Skins RP, but in a smaller setting, Admin Erin of Skin UK RPG has began a Skins UK Based 6x6 RP and would like to welcome you all to come check it out! 
Skins UK Based 6x6 Group - Now Receiving Applications
London’s a big city, and each one of these kids thought they were hot shit, but they’ll soon learn the error of their thinking as they come face first with reality. 12 young adults, 12 different stories and personalities come to life, 1 city.
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
It pains me to make this post, more than you will ever understand, but at this time in my life, I no longer have my heart in this roleplay. I'm sure I'm not alone in the belief that it has begun to dwindle. I'm sure it's shown that I've slowly begin to give up and I feel like that's not fair to all of you!
I'd like to invite you all to continue as you'd like, you may take your bios, your characters, your plots, and continue them, however it will no longer be under the name 'skinsuk-rpg'. If you'd like to continue this, someone can make a new main blog and continue, please don't let this stop you all from being great people! 
Maybe when my life is in a better place for large group roleplays, I will reopen skinsuk, but at this current time, I regret to inform you that I am, indeed, closing.
I will be starting a much, much smaller 6x6 group, and if you happen upon it in the tags, don't be afraid to drop in an application.
I understand that this is a really crappy thing to do and I'm so, so sorry, but if the admin's heart isn't in it, it begins to show. 
I'd like to thank you all for being here, you've all been incredibly wonderful over all this time, and you've made it possible for me to say that I've had all but two main characters at once!
I wish you all the best of luck, and please don't hate me,  --Admin Erin
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Colton Knight - {UNFOLLOW}
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Anwar Kharral - {UNFOLLOW}
Gabriel White - {UNFOLLOW}
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
do you guys accept misfits characters?
Not sure what you mean, dear. If you mean the show Misfits, we'd love to see their faces around here! However, this is not a fantasy/superpower RP. You can use their FCs to build an OC though! 
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Jacob Nightingale
Jamie Cummings
Nick Levan
Matty Levan
Luke Martin
Zach Hicks
Colton Knight
Pandora Moon
You all have a total of 24 hours to update. 
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
wheres all your open roles page? im on mobile. c:
We currently have Jal Fazer, Karen McClair, Thomas Tomone, and a premade Dylan O'Brien FC. You're also welcome to suggest a minor Canon Character for us to write, or you may write your own OC.
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
Dogdays-skinsrp are literally coping your bios word for word
I'm going to clear up the confusion now before this gets out of hand. The bios in question are technically both of our bios. I used to admin an RP with the lovely ladies at dogdays, and we collaborated to write these bios. They're lovely admins and I spoke with them about all of this, but please understand that this is not the roleplay that I feel has copied us! Thank you for your concern.
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
Looks like someones copying your rp.
I think I see where you're coming from. I hope I'm wrong here, because I don't want to start any drama.. But this RP is my baby, and I've put so much work into it that I really do hope I'm wrong. Thanks for the heads up.
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Sorry this took me so long to post, darling, do forgive me, I've been under the weather! Anyways, congrats Heather you've been accepted as your OC Veronica Thompson (Taissa Farmiga FC). I love her back story! It's so interesting and I think she'd be great to have in Bristol! Send in your account in the next 24 hours!
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
We've only got a few canon characters left, but we're looking for a second batch of minor canon characters to add! Come request a character from Skins that you think would add great things to this lovely roleplay! We'll accept characters from all seven series of Skins, so long as they're not already listed on our character list!
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Nick Levan
Luke Martin
Alisha Woods
Lyra Everett
Elle Lawson
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Hey everyone!
The other admins and I have been extremely happy with the influx of apps we’ve gotten lately. Our family has been getting bigger and stronger, and we are so glad to see this. Not only have we filled the roles of many canon characters, but we’ve also added so many wonderful OCs to our list that only add to our appeal from the outside.
However, with new characters come new plots and new relationships. We understand that it’s all too easy to become overly excited at the idea of plotlines and ships, but we’ve seen quite a few cases lately where the relationships between characters is taken too quickly without much time for development. We would just like to remind everyone that this is a semi-realistic rpg, and partnerships here need time to grow, just as they do in the real world. Please keep this in mind as you are interacting with other characters, we greatly appreciate it.
- Admin Elise
(Please like this post if you have seen and read it!)
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Jacob Nightingale - {FOLLOW}
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
We have gotten so many new characters lately! It's fantastic to see how much Bristol is thriving. Why not come snatch up one of the few remaining canon characters or add your own Original Character to the mix? We'd love to have new folks!
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Jamie Cummings - {FOLLOW}
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skinsuk-rpg · 11 years
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Alex Henley - {FOLLOW}
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