skirteditor · 2 years
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Forever an enigma to us 
Monica Belluci, undisputable legendary actor and extra-mundane woman. She is hard to figure out. What is not difficult to figure is that she is a living icon and is for fashion? Let's just leave it there. She is a sound reference when it comes to personal style. Skirtmag is at many times a Monica Belluci homage, for she is another one of those deep cut references we oh so depend upon to piece together an idea of an all-in-one elegance. Pure, sharp, sexy, wholesome, deadly, she embodies all these traits which are luckily immortalized in her roles and appearances. An artist of her rigour does not go uncelebrated for all she encompasses. We have to credit her for being as dedicated and sympathetic to the arts as she is, to offer herself as radically to film as she has. She literally is the definition of taking it too far for her art. Extreme and haunting says it perfectly when it comes to her performances, but it would not be complete without mentioning how captivating this lady has always been. How can she be that enchanting? I mean, she makes everything looks so good! How can we not reference her for a lifetime?
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skirteditor · 2 years
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In September, when the sun sets soon, It radiates on you
The month of September is a symbol of break-through for Skirtmag. Much of the content and projects for Skirt are finished, ready and will debut within this month. It is an optimistic season, readily getting back into gear as we bring this year to a halt with visual potency and much more inspiration. Finding a healthy way to indulge in creativity and art has been what most this year’s focus was about. This blog has become somewhat of an expression of the mind when it deals with discovery and appreciation of talents and creators .Finally speaking from a place of having made sense of it all, we can attest that this is an exciting time to take part in art and fashion for there are many brands, people and projects we are loving and enjoying. One such example is the brand Tekla, which have fallen completely under it’s anointing. Tekla has brought us in easily with their love for ambiance and passion for textiles, which has inspired the visual direction we foresee Skirt going in the near future. We have also gone back to revisiting the classics such as Birkin and the original Les Filles en Rouje and fell in love again with the classic icons which are an inspiration that is the back-bone if Skirt. It is a joy to be embarking on a journey to share this experience and information with you, that has been trans-formative for us. We hope the energy of Skirtmag will radiate on you in September ,when the sun sets soon.
PS : The September reference is from a lovely song by Damon Albarn called  You & Me
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skirteditor · 2 years
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I am always chasing substance within an artistic expression.Rouje has done an amazing thing here. Since the beginning you could always count on the team to deliver refreshing art,products and content with depth.Depth as in Soul.Soul with a capital S.Soul which reflects that the people who make this brand really live a life that directly influences their work and that they contribute that to the brand,staying true to the lifestyle of what they find inspiring.This has made Rouje very original and better yet they share that with us through organic content. The concepts and inspirations behind the collections are well studied and carefully refined so that we can enjoy them artistically and as well as in the form of an exclusive luxury.This is outstanding and can inspire anyone to reflect upon the immediate beauty around one. You learn to deeply appreciate the wonderfully complicated and varied range of beauty in simply timeless garments like knits,florals or denim. That is the irresistable Rouje way.
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