skoosh-snoosh · 5 months
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skoosh-snoosh · 5 months
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Translucent little snail
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skoosh-snoosh · 5 months
Listen, I love snails.
But…. I have some gripes with the rabbit snail. Is it okay? Is it doing alright? Does someone need to check this guy into rehab or something? I’m concerned for his overall well being.
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I just want to know if he’s doing okay. I’m concerned.
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skoosh-snoosh · 6 months
the world is in peril, and people are hurting
but even so, we can take comfort in knowing we have creature of wet slop. grins.
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skoosh-snoosh · 7 months
Assassin snails
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Ready for all your funky snail friends to die? Well that’s what the Assassin Snail is for. These guys are genuinely used to clean out aquariums of unwanted pests, because these snails won’t hesitate to eat other snails or even shrimp. They stay pretty small and are easy to control the population of them. What a cute little menace.
The scientific name is Anentome helena and while they are mostly marine some can survive out of water. They’re native to southeast Asia but are often sent around the world for snail killing missions.
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skoosh-snoosh · 7 months
the great return of snail facts
diving right back where i left off, Vampire Snails. What? Why? How? Continuing the trend of horrible scientific names, we have Cumia reticulata also known as Vampire Snails or Fire Snails. These are all different names for the false triton species of snail. They’re native to Malaysia and are absolutely horrifying.
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Now why do they look like they enjoy the state of the american healthcare system? Probably because these little spawns of satan actually eat blood. These sea snails are known to feast on the blood of fish. If I had to see them so do you.
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skoosh-snoosh · 11 months
Day 6 of sharing snail facts to take over the world.
Okay it’s time to address something important. Snails are small. They are steppable little guys.
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This is the Giant African Snail. Scientifically known as Lissachatina fulica, Giant African Snails can grow to a full length of 8 inches. As cool as it is that these things actually exist, Giant African snails are one of the most damaging snails on the planet. Consuming hundreds of types of plants, these guys are serious dangers to the environment. So much do that the United States has banned the transport of these snails without a permit. They can also spread meningitis. What silly guys.
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skoosh-snoosh · 11 months
day 5 of sharing snail facts in order to take over the world
Oh boy, I’ve got a funky snail for you. The Liguus Virgineus (which is swear is it’s actual name) is a species of snail known for their exceptional shells.
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It’s nicknamed the Candy Cane snail because of the shell. Why do these squishy guys have such colorful shells? Well it’s from certain glands called chromophores, which pigment the snails shell. The chromophores continue producing this pigmentation throughout the snails life, giving it all those stripes. These dudes are tree dwelling and live in the caribbean.
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skoosh-snoosh · 11 months
day 4 of sharing snail facts to take over the world
slugs are divorced snails.
“hey Mindy, how’s the divorce going?”
“bill took the house.”
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
day 3 of sharing snail facts in order to take over the world
The largest snail to ever live was the Campanile giganteum. Very big snail. Although they are extinct, fossilized shells of these chonkers have a length of 16 to 35 inches.
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
Fun snail facts!!!
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The answer? Dentists should fear snails because the snails are always watching.
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
day 2 of sharing snail facts in order to take over the world
The clusterwink snail is a species of snail found in Australia and New Zealand with the ability to glamor their shells glow bright green.
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Clusterwink snails use the glow as a defense mechanism. The snails actually tend to flash the light rather than glow for a long period of time. Natures strobe lights.
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
snails have teeth. snails have more teeth than any other animal. do what you will with this information.
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
day 1 of sharing snail facts in order to take over the world
The courtship process of snails can take between 2-10 hours. Sometimes the courting process involves the snails shooting “love darts” at each other. Love darts are literal darts of calcium carbonate which one snail will shoot into the others body, as a way to transfer pheromones. The actual release of the love dart is not throwing as much as it is one snail stabbing the other, but in a romantic way.
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
i really like snails. they are squishy little guys. how have they survived as a species for this long?
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skoosh-snoosh · 1 year
*leith ross existing*
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