skramztier-blog · 8 years
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hi I haven't used this in a while but I still exist kinda and I'm only getting cuter tbh (Samira; no pronouns)
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
*sees a red-tailed hawk* nice animorphs reference
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
my future wife (cradling our newborn baby): isn’t this just the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen?
me (thinking about that video i saw where a guy solved rubik’s cubes while also juggling them): uhh it’s definitely up there 
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
Kendrick gets to be as superficial as he wants with his Kunta Kente aesthetic and his intellect and “pro blackness” doesn’t get questioned but Beyoncé has to constantly prove herself ?
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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This pic was originally taken in black and white in New York, 1963 but was colourised using digital technology
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
Date a girl without devaluing and dehumanizing her down to what’s between her legs
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
because the new world they make in homestuck will be entirely populated by the surviving characters, that means their utopia portrayal is one that is entirely white humans, because the humans are all white. (like, fanon races being condoned aside, hussie pretty clearly wrote them as white and just poorly tried to backpeddle and the trickster-mode incident is confirmation of that. John references Bro as being white. Roxy is drawn as white by Calliope. Jade’s grandpa is called an “English Gentleman” and portrayed as a colonial “explorer”,  Trickster-John was an easter-egg drawing him as white. and since they’re all clones of each other, they essentially all end up being white.  ).
their multi-species utopia cosists of white carapace (the least human/sentient-portrayed species since they can’t speak), black carapace, trolls, and white humans. Among the trolls were a few characters explicitly coded as corresponding to different human races (Aradia and Damara are pretty clearly meant to be east asian. Tavros and Meenah are pretty clearly meant to be black.) but none of those characters survived or are portrayed as existing in the new utopia world. Hussie’s ending is a portrayal of a White World.  and we know there were other races on Hussie’s Earth at the beginning cuz of referenced celebrities and in dialogue. Dave draws a black character in SBaHJ so clearly race exists in their world.
In Homestuck, Andrew Hussie has told a story of all people of color being wiped out by a pseudo-divine event which had the purpose of sacrificing those deceased so the all-white survivors could go on to make an all-white utopia. All portrayed as a “higher purpose.” 
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
Do you ever see a post that you agree with on some level, but it’s worded in an aggressive and mean-spirited way, so you’re just kind of
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
ya’ll really don’t want to this movie to make any money do you lmao
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
“Ellen Reads Her Chinese Viewers’ Names”
Ellen mispronounces Chinese people’s names and she and her audience laugh at them cuz it’s racistly funny apparently
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Ellen uses “American” interchangeably with “English”, as in, the language.
At 2:30: “This one, they didn’t even try to do American, this is just Chinese.”
The comments are turned off on this video, but how was this even cleared to be aired?? Fuck you Ellen. This isn’t the first time you’ve been racist on your show.
This is why you weaboos/koreaboos/white ppl CANNOT give yourself a “japanese” or “korean” or “chinese” name for yourself (or any name from a language and culture that’s not your own). Whites take our names as jokes and we’re mocked for it in real life and in the media. 
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We’re constantly othered, demeaned, and fetishized. Trash like you butcher our names and turn them into racist caricatures.
Our names are precious and beautiful and meaningful in ways you can’t begin to understand. Our names are carefully crafted together by our parents/family.
You trash don’t deserve to utter our names. Fuck you.
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skramztier-blog · 8 years
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