skscenarios · 11 months
hi what pet names would Hao call their s/o? Curiosity 😸
Hey sorry for the late reply my life's been a little hectic and had to take a break, to answer this simply ill do a little scenario below please enjoy the little scenario and as per usual if you find my response lacking please respond and ill make the adjustments.
Scenario title: "But i like it~" You: NO
Hao: But whyy?
the long haired shaman asked in a teasing tone as the gentle fwumf of a pillow is head against Haos head as you sat pouting away from him with your arms crossed.
You: Because its embarrassing
You responded a noticeable blush appearing upon your cheeks before you feel a hand under your chin.
Hao: Now, now my little kitten is that any way to be seen in front of your king.
You: O-okay but NOT in public.
Hao: your wish is my command ...My little kitten~
(End Scenario) SKS
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skscenarios · 2 years
Hi Silversatin at SKS here, i know its been a while but i want to explain somethings that have been going on and why i stopped making replies, the truth is around the time i set up this scenario blog i had recently gotten a job, for a while i tired to balance both and making rulings that id only reply 5 asks at a time but sadly as time went on and because of my personal life i had stopped replying altogether.
I wanted to make an update sooner and i know this is gonna sound super lame but I was operating on the principle of ill hide from the problem, it also didn't help that of late with everything going on i have fallen into a massive depression and as of now i am in therapy for it, I know these are lame excuses and all but its the truth, I am sorry that ive shown inconsistency in my responses, I think for now the best I can do is go on an official Haitus till I reach a point where i can start making consistent replies with the same quality you deserve.
I will be going on an official Haitus after iv have finished the replies that I owe, the Haitus will be semi-Indefinate and I will be unavailable for scenarios, However if you still wanna talk SK with me hit me up on my main blog.
I will be starting the asks i owe at some point next week
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skscenarios · 2 years
hey could I have a S/O X Hao headcanons for when the S/O is severely injured and recovering? Hao tries his best to comfort the S/O but it stresses him out knowing how much pain you are in and is anxious about how he can help you. Have a good day ^_^
Yes I can do this ask, for you, for this, you are a Shaman tournament and on team star as a stand in for Lucerist or Opcacho, You stood in for one of them and you took the full brunt of this action, as per usual if my reply is not up to your liking feel free to me for changes.
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Shaman king: The cost of you (Hao X Injured reader)
As a stalemate with his brother had been met, the soon to become king took a moment to take it all in, Sure he took into consideration your life and it being one that he valued on the same level as his, yet the moment you were near destroyed by Peyote’s endless barrage of attacks he was lead to believe that you were lost.
As the dust settled, He searched for you, He worried, were you in hell, or were you in limbo, as a earth bound spirit because you died loving him, No life was precious to him, only yours, He never meant for you to be caught in the crossfire.
The moment he saw your injured form amongst then debris of the battlefield, he was convinced you were dead, but the moment you coughed he rushed to your side and swiftly pulled you into his protective embrace.
As the days passed you were in deed alive however your body was broken, each movement you made filled your mind with pure agony, it was also made worse as with every thought of pain filled Hao’s thoughts racking his mind with guilt, It was frustrating, as he felt personally responsible for your wrecked condition.
On one evening as you moved and winced as you did your wounds reopening you could hear Hao speaking when you heard the words he next spoke, you could sense he was crying.
“Great Spirit I beg you please, Help (insert name) be it in life or” Hao’s voice broke as he stammered out the last words.
With those words it strengthened your resolve to live as your shaman king could not loose his shaman king/queen, and like scorched ground after the storm the field that was your life slowly but surely grew back, each day bringing you closer to speaking with him once more as he cared for you.
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skscenarios · 2 years
hi! this is my first time asking for anything so i'm really nervous can you please write fem reader confessing to yoh it's okay if i could be the 💚 anon? if you don't want to do any of this that's fine too thank you so much 💚
Hi, Yeah I don’t mind answering you , Please don’t be nervous when approaching me for responses, I am merely a hobbyist writer XD, sorry for the delay in my response, things got crazy in my life but enough of that and with all Yoh posts I do I will operate under the principle that Anna and Yoh broke up, the reader in this instance will be a shaman of a lower ranked family who is shy because a lot of the other shaman girls tease her for having feelings for an Asakura, with that in mind lets get the ball rolling and as usual if this doesn’t meet your specifications feel free to message me ether here or on my main blog and I will make changes in accordance with your wishes.
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“I see…So that’s why we stopped hanging out” Yoh exclaimed rubbing the back of his head as you looked down at your hands as the gentle plumes of snow fell around you both, you looked up at him and finally got up the confidence to ask him a question about a rumor you heard from the shaman school you went to.
Shaman king: Could he love me? (fem reader confessing to Yoh Asakura)
You had known him for a while now, Asakura Yoh, the boy that was talked about a lot where you trained your shamanic powers in Izumo, in your childhood you used to play together he was a kind and peaceful soul, something that you saw in an S/O, but you would never be able to talk again like you did when you were children to him you thought, there was too many invisible walls stopping you from meeting him again as your family that was once well known had now fallen into ruin, what was once a powerful dynasty of shamans amounted now to nothing more than a mocked family of fortune tellers and quack doctors, yes there was no way you could be with him, or so you thought.
It was a snowy day as you went to the nearby shrine to make your new years wish, as usual you wished for (Insert thing you want here), you were done with your wish when you saw him, the orange headphone boy in front of you walked past you, at that moment you froze, you were in a shared space with the boy whom you had come to love, it took a moment for you to snap out of if, it had been years since you saw him in, when you snapped back to reality you turned round and reached out to him.
“Yoh.. is that you ?” you asked as he turned and his brown eyes met yours and with that, you knew you still had affection for him as he took down his headphones giving you the “holy crap its you” look before you began conversing with you.
After Yoh made his new years wish you both sat and talked about the old days, how you climbed a tree and got stuck up there leading you to cry which lead to him cheering you up with an origami hat, how the last time you saw each other your father was being excommunicated from the Asakura branch of shamanism.
“I see…So that’s why we stopped hanging out” Yoh exclaimed rubbing the back of his head as you looked down at your hands as the gentle plumes of snow fell around you both, you looked up at him and finally got up the confidence to ask him a question about a rumor you heard from the shaman school you went to.
“Is it true that your engaged” You asked him a deep blush appearing on your face as you felt your heart hammer hard within your chest, the next words would make or break you.
“Well yeah I was but long distance made it difficult so we parted amicably as friends” Yoh trailed off as he looked up at the sky, you made a physical smile almost saying thank god.
“Well I better get going, it was nice talking to you” Yoh got up and began walking away as you stood up and finally worked up the confidence to say It, those words would mark the beginning of something you hoped.
“W-would you consider going on a date with me?” you asked out of the blue, in that moment you thought what the hell am I doing he is probably still heartbroken over his ex, you tried to diffuse the situation as he looked at you with a confused expression though your awkward gestures you heard one thing that made you stop.
“yeah sure, well I mean I liked you when we were growing up so why not give it a try”
Truly an awkward start to your courtship with Yoh Asakura.
PS: Not that its relevant but Yoh still is keeping his promise to help Anna albeit as a friendly gesture XD
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skscenarios · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a scenario where S/O suddenly sees their bf's spirit ally? (Hao and Yoh)
I can't help but imagine just how freaked out S/O would be but I am curious on how you think Yoh and Hao would handle/explain it.
Yeah I can do this and sorry for the late reply, yada yada life stuff, right I will answer this under the grounds that the S/O began with no furioku meaning they were involved in some kind of NDE thus awakening them to some baseline of furioku allowing them to see spirits, Also I will operate under the consensus that Anna and Yoh didn’t work out with Yoh’s response, with that ill continue.
The second one will see the reader possessed by a spirit and Hao exorcises it from you but as a result you gain the shamanic ability to see spirits.
As per usual if I am completely off mark with what you have asked feel free to contact me Via DM and ill amend my response to your liking.
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Shaman king: Don’t worry it will be okay ( Yoh version )
You acted without hesitation, You saw the child in front of you be moments away from being hit by the truck, you had always had a deep caring for children and so you acted without much thought, your class mates saw you act, even him who cared for you but held no real connection to you, It didn’t matter as your eyes met him as the truck made contact with your body.
“Y/N” you hear in a despite cry as your body is cascaded into the air before your vision fades to black, when it dose your greeted by the sight of a cross roads, hearing Yoh’s voice call to you from the left one you follow it and in no time your awake and recovering from your wounds in a hospital when you were having a conversation with a girl in your room as the nurses looked at you weirdly.
You just Shrugged it off and rested to the afternoon when Yoh was visiting you in your room, he asked you how you were doing whilst peeling a Clementine that he brought for you as you stressed your dislike of the hospital food the first time you woke up.
“Yoh I have something to ask” you asked him timidly as you noticed Amidamaru standing by his side, at the moment of realization he dropped the Clementine on the look of holy crap appeared on his face as he put his hands carefully on your shoulders.
“Wait you can see him now ?!” he asked you looking you dead in the eyes, you knew your response had to be serous, but HOW could it not be he is RIGHT there the spirit of a long dead samurai was in your hospital room.
“How can I not see him” you responded as he took you into his arms as you freaked out big style, He calmly stroked your hair as he asked Amidamaru to help him explain.
“So you weren’t just joking when you said your family were spiritualists” you responded as Yoh rubbed behind his head and laughed carefree as usual as you looked at Amidamaru.
“Relax, Y/N everything will work out, Ill protect you”
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Shaman king: A new student of souls (Hao version)
“That’s right, It’s HIS fault!” were the last words you heard as you lost agency over your body, the soul of one of Hao’s victims possessing you to use you to do its bidding, in your heart you prayed for Hao to be safe but unfortunately you lost control as your body began acting out the will of the spirit in control of you.
Every attack your body made against Hao, you felt as he responded, He growled in anger as this is an outcome he DID not want to happen, this is why he broke up with you, to keep you safe as the only human he came to respect as you were campaigning to save the planet from pollution, In that timer you were just a simple curiosity to him and experiment as it was to see if he could love a human with no link to shamanism, the main reason he broke up with you was that his enemies found out about the love you both had and would use it against him, in his heart he told himself it was to keep you safe however it had the selfish undertone of his own self preservation, a miscalculation that lead to his current predicament of should he kill you to save you or not.
“Enough !” he spoke out in anger as he started noticing the wear and tear on your body as the possessing spirit showed no care, to it you were simply a vessel for revenge, At that moment red encapsulated you as your vision faded to black.
When you woke up a few days later, things were different as you looked up at Hao who looked at you with apologetic eyes, He stroked your hair as you looked up behind him seeing the air filled with wisp like spirits, you went to speak but he cut you off as he knew what you were about to ask.
“Yes they’re real” he replied as he summoned the spirit of fire into his hand showing you his ally and explained everything to you, the break up, his enemies, the tournament and his initial plan to take revenge on the humans.
When the dust settled after your conversation with him and as you both looked at each other, true it didn’t make it ALL better, those months without a real response to why he broke up with you still left scars on your broken heart, but you had came to the conclusion that you would meet him half way seeing as you received a reasonable response and you sensed that deep down he still loves you.
“So what now ?” you ask him as he stood and dusted off his poncho, He then looked at you with concern as the next question he was about to ask you would ether give him life or take it away.
“That’s up to you my dear” he spoke with an uncertain tone on his lips as he went to leave, He was trembling as you ended the uncertain cloud in the air taking his hand in his.
“I forgive you ..”you spoke as he turned and embraced you tightly in his arms vowing never to leave you again and to help you become a shaman and to help you learn your powers as his student and lover.
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skscenarios · 2 years
Hi can you make a headconnan You Are My Flame Hao with S/O when she feels really cold at night after a shaman fight was over Hao come warms her up make it cute and sweet at the same time ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hey, yeah sure and I apologies for how long you have had to wait, I got a little burnt out from handling my personal life and this blog so I took a step back to catch my breath, but anyway lets get down to business with your reply, right I will have this happen after Hao displays his power to the other shamans and as per usual if this was not to your specifications feel free to message me with amendments you wish for.
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Shaman King: You are my flame
(Hao X reader who is cold)
It had been a few hours since Lord Hao had decimated the X-laws, You were astonished by the display of power you had witnessed, But there was more pressing matters, You were freaking cold you thought as you sneezed, Even from a young age you struggled to keep warm on the evenings, It was on one of these cold nights that Hao found you and became your blanket of warmth as he would be this evening as well.
“ Y/N I see you are cold again” a familiar voice spoke to you as you felt arms embrace you from behind as you felt him pull you close to his heart, you felt it him breathing as he looked into your eyes with a warm tenderness as his long hair covered both your faces as he came in to give you a warm kiss.
“that’s better you seem to be warming up” Hao spoke as your cheeks flashed red, you hid your head under his chin as he played with your (insert color) hair, He hummed softly as he made you both a camp fire with his spirit ally, Your thoughts were at that moment those of love, love for the man who saved you from those cold nights.
“Lord Hao…please never let me be cold” You asked as he stroked your hair and looked down at you with eyes filled with burning love, He smiled kindly and ran a finger across your soft lips whilst he mused lightly.
“Such a hefty request…Alright I will comply if you do me one thing” He asked you as he sat you up and held both your hands whilst you looked back at him with a smile.
“Ill do it no questions asked “ you responded with a smile .
“Hmm well alright my Shaman Queen, Ill be your fire and you be my ice”
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skscenarios · 3 years
hi can i request scenarios tired & tough yet cute & cuddly Hao after a long day 🥺 with S/O maybe something nsfw because we all know how he is lol
Hi, No problem and I am sorry for the wait …blah blah blah busy blast ill blah, ENOUGH lets get down to the sexual business, whew I promise you this is coming from the deepest gutter in my mind, Trust me this is going to a hot, this situation will take place after a hard days work for you an Hao and will obviously be set after the time skip, I was inspired by our communications for the start, without any further notice lets get right into it and it goes without saying this will be NSFW, meaning not safe for under aged readers move along, and my usual promise still stands if this does not meet your requirements message me with any amendments you wish applied.
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Each kiss, Each moan, Each sexual note bringing you both closer to pure unadulterated ecstasy as finally in that moment your bodies connected, Gentle thrusts turned into fast slams as he entered you again and again, Moans shattering the silence as your bodies acted like lighting as sparks went off, you both were lost in sexual bliss as he pulled you closer to him your bodies on fire as he looked into your (insert color) eyes, fire burning deep inside him, Deep lustful fire that inflamed both your souls in passionate embers.
Shaman king: intoxicated love
(reader X Hao Asakura NSFW Scenario)
You and Hao had a busy day attending to his many duties as shaman king and after all this work you both deserved a well earned shower to recover from all that work, You walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, the water cascading as you disrobed your soft skin exposed ready for cleansing, You got into the shower and proceeded to wash your soft and supple breasts as you did a familiar person got in behind you as you blushed lightly.
“Lets share this one my love” Hao's voice spoke into your ear his fingers tracing down your body as you gasped in pleasure, His hands knew where it felt nice as he stroked each of your soft breasts teasing them as he placed a kiss upon your shoulders.
“Lord Hao yes…” He touched each part of your chest running his fingers over every inch of your skin as you turned to face him, Your lips meeting his as you kissed him and began kissing down his chest as he grasped you from behind, Laying your back against the wall as he pulled your eyes up to meet his, those eyes burning with intoxicated lust as he licked at your soft nipples and nibbled them as you laid against the shower wall, your bodies becoming wet by the cascading shower water (and other things).
“Ah my love…that’s it” he whispered as you stroked in between his as you touched him sensually, Hao in all his years and lives had lovers but none of them matched you, To him your touch was the fine wine that satisfied his lustful pallet, He moaned lightly as you stroked his length and caressed his chest before he took dominance again as he pushed you back lightly and began rubbing against you making you make such sweet sounds, he kissed up your neck leaving his mark upon your soft skin the lust in his soul taking over you as fresh moans left your lips.
Each kiss, Each moan, Each sexual note bringing you both closer to pure unadulterated ecstasy as finally in that moment your bodies connected, Gentle thrusts turned into fast slams as he entered you again and again, Moans shattering the silence as your bodies acted like lighting as sparks went off, you both were lost in sexual bliss as he pulled you closer to him your bodies on fire as he looked into your (insert colour) eyes, fire burning deep inside him, Deep lustful fire that inflamed both your souls in passionate embers.
With one final push he and you screamed into the night, every moment bringing you both to the sweet crescendo, He held you close as he finished in you and brought you closer to him as he carried you from the shower before going in again as he laid you on the bed, You kissed him again yearning for his touch to which he obliged as he feasted on your soft breasts claiming you as his both in body and soul as you traced your hands up his back.
When all was said and done and all were satisfied and he turned off the shower, He laid his head on your chest holding your hand as he kissed you cheek, He smiled looking into your eyes as you both caught your breaths.
“Well my love lets bid farewell to this intoxicating night as tomorrow dawns a new day”
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skscenarios · 3 years
Hey! I saw that requests were open and I wanted to request Hao with a S/O that likes to tease him out of love not in a mean way but just to poke fun here and there if that makes sense Have a good day/night 💜💜
Hi, Yeah sure thing my apologies for the late reply I have been so busy of late and last week I was poorly but that’s enough excuses, right here goes, I will have you being playful in this ask and as a result he responds with teasing , Think playful cat Mew ^_^
And as per usual if this isn’t what you are looking for please message me with any changes you want and I will adapt to your wishes.
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Shaman king: Hao im bored
(You Teasing Hao)
“I am bored Hao” was the words you heard as Hao knew exactly what was about to happen, he sighed lightly and turned to face you , you looked like you were in a playful mood as you went to stroke his long hair.
“If you are bored my love then why don’t you go read” was his suggestion as he sighed knowing your thoughts as you would take the suggestion and completely ignore it, He sighed as you began braiding his hair with a smile on your face, In truth he didn’t mind your playfulness it made him think of you as a cat, He turned to face you with a grin on his face.
“W-what is it Lord Hao?” you inquired as you worried about what was to come, You flinched a little as he came close to your face and with a smirk on his face he flicked the end of your nose gently making you blush a deep red.
“Well my sweet short thing it would seem your flustered” Hao mused as you pushed him back onto the couch as he laughed, you looked at him and playfully acted cross as you folded your arms and pouted.
“No fair Lord Hao” You spoke out about to stand as he gently took your arm pulling you under him looking into your eyes with a grin on his face, You looked up at him as you thought “Damn how can I stay mad at him”.
“Indeed you cant stay mad at me, My sweet short thing~” he chimed out kissing your lips as you stroked his hair back from his face reciprocating the kiss, Another attempt at angering him thwarted as he won this round, He smiled resting his ear on your chest as he hugged you looking like the cat that got the cream.
“Well my love it would seem you’re no longer bored anymore”
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skscenarios · 3 years
Hello again ^^ thank you again yes please make them older this time around make it more side of nsfw ^^ also super duper romantic if possible
Hi, Yeah can do, this request will be a continuation of what you previously requested, It will take place during flowers making Hao and the reader in their 20s, to make this special I will make it set the during the reader and Hao celebrating their first anniversary of their marred life, He has taken The reader out for a romantic night out and this has resulted in a night of passion, All up to speed ? Yes, well lets get the ball rolling and if this isn’t to your specifications please feel free to message me with any changes you wish to occur and I will adapt accordingly.
Warnings : NSFW content NOT meant for those who are underage, Please follow this rule and scroll on if you are underage.
Also beware spoilers for SK in general
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He went into more and more kisses, Claiming your body as his as you claimed him, The gentle light of the moon witness to your love, When all was said and done he rested his ear on your chest listening to the heart beat of the only one he would love, You kissed his head as he smiled at you, Two souls entwined in love.
Shaman king: Passionate souls
(adult Hao Asakura X Adult reader NSFW)
The years had passed since the shaman tournament and you and Hao lived in relative peace, You would spend your days attending to your work as Hao didn’t want to rob you of your chance to shine, He would spend the day attending to his duties as Shaman King, A duty he took very seriously and a duty you respected, To you it didn’t matter if you went months of even half a year without seeing the man that had become not only your lover but your soul mate and your reason, to you both the moment you were reunited the time would melt away and it would be as if you only saw each other yesterday.
The morning of your anniversary fresh snow had already began to stick to the ground, You mused as you looked out the window of how you and Hao had been married the previous December under the gentle cascade of falling snow, Red and white adorning you both as you took your vows, It had been a few months since you last saw your king as you proceeded into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for yourself and the orphans that lived with you, to your surprise you saw the vision of you husband preparing the breakfast.
“Good morning my love” He spoke out in a kind tone as you ran to him and wrapped your arms around him as he responded in kind making sure not to ruin the breakfast he was cooking, After breakfast he gave you a present in remembrance of your anniversary, It was tickets to see a Bunraku play based on a Japanese love story, You were over the moon, It was to be a date night as you swiftly made reservations at a restraint and prepared a babysitter for the orphans.
That night you were dressed to the nines, You wore your finest kimono and put on your special make up that was reserved for occasions like this, You walked though the bustling streets with Hao to the theater, You shivered and he wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm.
After the play you both headed to the restaurant and had a good time dining and talking about what you both had been up to since you last spoke, You told him of the cat shelter you built with the orphans and he spoke of how the world seems to be falling into a gentle state of peace, He even thanked the day he met you as with the help of his brother and your kind words the hole in his heart had become filled with warmth and love, to him you stood as living proof that humanity was a worthy cause.
When you got home the babysitter told you both that the kids were fast asleep and left, As you closed yours and his bedroom door he stopped you in your tracks with one simple sentence, A sentence you thought he would never ask.
“Have you ever considered us having our own children?” Hao asked kissing you on the lips deeply, even after all these years no one could make your heart race like he did, your cheeks flushed a delicate pink as you both lay down on yours and his futon.
“Well yes I have considered it I just wanted to wait till you were ready to be a father” You answered and with that you both knew what was to happen as you felt the orbi of your kimono loosen exposing your warm pink skin, You moaned at his touch as he kissed your soft skin, Your hands interlock as soul met body, His lips feasted on your skin leaving fresh love bites upon your skin.
He disrobed and yours and his skin met, He gazed into your eyes those eyes that only had love for you, He took you in his arms and planted a kiss on yours before you felt his lips upon your breast, each kiss making your voice gently call for more, You responded by kissing his shoulders and chest, Moments passed as your souls and bodies fully synced, Hearts beating in tandem as the time came for the crescendo as your bodies joined in the moment, each second more tender and beautiful as the last.
He went into more and more kisses, Claiming your body as his as you clamed him, The gentle light of the moon witness to your love, When all was said and done he rested his ear on your chest listening to the heart beat of the only one he would love, You kissed his head as he smiled at you, Two souls entwined in love.
Forever entwined in the red ribbon of destiny
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skscenarios · 3 years
Ask blog status
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skscenarios · 3 years
Hello ^^ can i request a scenarios headcanon with Hao with a short human s/o, especially how she handle him during his heat? It be either funny or smoochy ^^
Hi, Yeah no problemo, I apologies for the wait as I have been busy in my personal life, But that is enough of that complaint lets get into your request, Interesting a short human GF for Hao?, I am operating on the principle that she is to be like Manta who is human and can see spirits, right this shouldn’t be too much to handle and as per usual if you wish for amendments just drop me a message and I will act accordingly to your wishes.
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Shaman king: Is it hot in here?/No its just me.
(Hao X Human reader scenario)
One night you were sitting in your room doing your coursework, You had no time to day dream about the man in your life, you had problems to deal with as your family would not take “Shaman” as a real occupation and you did have your future goals as did he, You worked thought your homework till you fell asleep at your desk.
“Over working again I see~” A familiar voice cooed at you as he ran his fingers thought your (insert color) hair as he moved you from your desk to your bed, He sighed running his fingers though your hair, In his mind he still danced between leaving you or taking you deeper into his world, the latter would keep you in his life but subsequently deny you any chance of a normal life.
You wake up looking at him with wide eyes as you wiped the drool of your lips, He simply laughed as you fixed yourself, “Not coo Hao” was your thoughts as you were sure he wasn’t visiting tonight, You face going bright red as he fixed your fringe back looking at you with a knowing look.
“My, my you’ve went all red my little robin” He mused as you went an even brighter red, He then shook his head stroking your hair, You looked up at him feeling rather hot as he gazed down at you and brought your face close to his, at this moment you were so sure your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
“H-Hao ..What are you” were the words that escaped your lips before he kissed you deeply holding you in his arms, He let you go for a breath as he kissed you again looking at you with a burning love in his eyes, At that moment he made his decision, He was keeping you.
“Should I open a window it’s a bit hot in here” You inquired before he pulled you to him laying you down next to him kissing you again and again, such a greedy little devil he was as he looked at you with wicked intentions.
“Don’t worry my love its not hot in here, Its just me”
: Authors note:
Wow that happened, I have never written Hao like that before JFC, Also if you wish I can add to this with the reader X Hao when they are older if you wish
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skscenarios · 3 years
Hi could you do a scenarios with Hao being best friends with reader sounds like so much fun Or friends to lovers sounds like fun
Hi, yeah sure as before I am sorry for the late replies, Yada yada life stuff yada yada but that’s enough excuses here goes, In this scenario you have asked for Hao from best friends to lovers, for this I am going to operate under the lines that the reader has known Hao from early childhood, probably a shaman from a broken family that he has taken under his wing, this scenario will take place the night before the second round happens and the catalyst is an off hand joke made by Kanna about how clingy you are , right we all covered ? Yeah and lets go and as usual if this doesn’t meet your specifications please feel free to message me with any amendments and I will make the changes you wish for.
Trigger warnings: Death, Bullying, Mental health issues.
“And I love you (insert name), Please be the one to traverse the vast sea of souls with me, No one else has that honor…it’s a place just for us”
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“And I love you (insert name), Please be the one to traverse the vast sea of souls with me, No one else has that honor…it’s a place just for us”
Shaman king: Wait no way ? He’s only a friend.
(Hao X Reader who was a friend now lover)
It was the night before the next rounds of the tournament, Hao had asked all this followers to meet for a pre next round meeting, to this you obliged as you walked towards the meeting hall oracle bell on your arm and weapon by your side, Ever since you had been found by Hao at the age of five still clutching the arm of your recently deceased mother who died due to exhaustion keeping a roof over yours and her heads after your father ran off after finding out that you and your mother could commune with spirits, All that was heard at your mothers wake was “well I cant take (insert name ) in I already have children” and “It cant be me I am much too busy to take in a child” this hurt more than anything, you had lost your mother and it looked like no one wanted you.
“Is that all you people can say?” the voice of a strange boy adorned in a cloak spoke as he walked towards you, With that you had became his responsibility and as the days turned into years you both became dependent on one another in many ways, He was your first best friend but you were always insecure as you weren’t his first friend.
After the meeting you followed Hao as he asked to speak to you, A fact that angered Kanna who looked at you with a smirk, She followed you as you walked to Hao’s room, When you both got half way there she stops you in your tracks.
“Don’t get to chummy with him (insert your name) He only sees you as tool, one in which hell dispose of soon enough. Why I am surprised he keeps you round you weak lost puppy” Kanna taunted you as you looked at her with anger in your eyes, Part of you did feel like her words were true, its true you were a talented shaman but you were sill one of the weakest in Hao’s upper echelon.
“That’s no true he helped me back…” You spoke out as she cut you off looking at you with jealousy written on her face at that moment Hao had came to see what was keeping you, When he saw you were being mistreat he broke the conflict.
“You see he’s always coming to your rescue, Why not do him a favor and die already…. Just leave your soul” Kanna called those words breaking you as you ran off with fresh tears on your face, you ran and ran till you were now alone in the woods nearby your lodgings.
When you finally stopped running you crumpled to the floor, All those years of hurt finally exploding out in a rapture of tears and angush, You did indeed love Hao but there was no way you could see you both ending up together, He needed strength and power not love, He was to be shaman king and the one standing by him would have to have the same level of mana as him.
“Its hopeless, I have tried time and time again to kill these feelings but no matter what I do I can’t, Lord Hao I love you so much but it cant ever be” You spoke to the moon as Hao watched you from afar, He approached you from behind and hugged you tightly.
“That’s not true, I do need you …Its true that you lack in Mana but you have the one thing I need more than anything, Like my wish to become shaman king I want to make that (Insert gender) I met that day happy, I wanted to tell you my true feelings but I didn’t want anyone bullying you for being my lover” Hao spoke to you trembling as he read your soul, He could sense all the pain and anguish in your soul and felt partly responsible for it.
“I love you Lord Hao” you spoke to him as he stroked your hair comforting you as you turned to face him looking into his eyes that spoke an inaudible apology to you as he pulled you close to his heart, Protecting you in the way you needed.
“And I love you (insert name), Please be the one to traverse the vast sea of souls with me, No one else has that honour…it’s a place just for us”
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skscenarios · 3 years
yeah sure make it as a reader x hao thank you for doing this again i love it so much
Hi I am terribly sorry for my late response I have been busy in my personal life, I see you have taken me up on my offer of a reader X Hao situation, right I will operate under the assumption that you wish for the reader to be a Shaman, I will also make it so that the reader is in the tournament and they meet Hao the day before they are about to face Hao in combat, with those guidelines I will begin and as with all my replies if you aren’t completely satisfied with my response please message me with your feed back and will adapt accordingly with your wishes.
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Shaman king: the one person he couldn’t kill
(a response to a response from an ask prompt)
(Reader X Hao Asakura)
You were preparing for your match the next day, You were nervous as you were to face team hoshi gumi, A team that was headed by the infamous Hao Asakura, Since the tournament began you heard tales of his ruthless killing intent, Growing up you were always taught that everyone can be redeemed, A mantra taught to you by your late mentor.
As you traversed the location the tournament was taking part in it was getting dark, You were heading to the hot spring to take a bath and relax before retiring for the evening, As you walked further to the hot spring you over heard a person speaking from the hot spring, It was Hao, He was musing over his longing for a kindred soul, You listened to his words intently, the words that made you snap was when he talked about how could blood covered hands be worthy of love.
“That’s not true, Anyone can be forgiven if they show remorse for their actions” You called out, Oh damn you’ve done it now you thought as he was certainly going to follow the trail of a voice back to you, in your heart you prayed to what ever spirit would help you escape an encounter with a crummy juncture.
“Ah I see my words were being overhead by a little mouse” Hao chimed in as he located you making you jump backwards in panic, such an action made the long haired shaman before you laugh as you had stumbled backwards falling into the hot spring, When you had fixed yourself Hao stood with his back against the nearby wall looking at you with a grin on his face, He meant to toy with you a little longer as he found you amusing at this time.
“So you think that even a cold blooded murderer as me could be forgiven his sins? That naiveté might get you killed” He trailed off coming closer to you set on intimidating you into running away from him, Intent on messing with you simply because he was bored and you overheard his personal feelings.
“Yes I believe there is always room for forgiveness, My late mentor taught me that as long as a person has a shred of light inside them that they can be rede…” He cut you off pushing you against the wall holding your face in one hand looking deep into your (Insert colour ) eyes, His eyes burning into your very soul.
“Oh are you sure I can be redeemed or for that matter that I WANT to be redeemed, We are alone right now, What is stopping me from burning both your body and soul to ashes, Your too naïve far too naïve “ He taunted you as you began feeling anger well in you, He was disrespecting the mantra your mentor had lovingly etched into your heart, With one flashed second you reached up to his cheek and hit him hard with all the force of your hand making him let you go.
“Your horrible I cant believe I felt sorry for you, Goodbye” You trailed off as you left in a bad mood, Hao still stood there with a shocked expression, Other than the slap given to him by his brothers fiancé, he never thought another soul would raise a hand to you, He liked that you had sparked something inside him.
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Part 2: Day of the fight:
“they actually hit me ?” was the thoughts inside my mind as I looked up at the dawning sky, What an interesting little robin you are, very well I will test your resolve in our fight today, Lets see if you have what it takes to survive against me, I will give you no choice to face me in battle with all you have.
I walk from my room and make my way to the fighting ring with my team, Before me I see you, Oh how cute your still angry with me, Good your anger is the spice to this fight, so well then “Try” to show me this so called redemption you preached about last night, You will fall like so many others before, just another soul I have sent to a better existence.
The battle begins as we exchange attacks, do you still think me worthy of redemption as I burn your comrades to death, As I tear soul from life and feed upon their souls, Go ahead let your anger dictate the manner of your death.
“You see what your kind words have achieved you are the last one alive” I speak out hearing a response from you as you look at me with a look that stops me in my tracks for a second as I hit back to which you simply turn and go to leave, Are you ignoring me little mouse.
“You know what Hao Asakura, your full of contradictions you whine about no soul showing you kindness yet the moment someone shows hope in you they are targeted for death, I cant be bothered with your misplaced anger” You speak to me as you go to leave, this isn’t how it goes I think as I go to attack you, I come close to rending the life from your very body but something stops me.
How could this be ? I have killed so many yet the words of this shaman that refuses to engage me any longer have me stopping my endless assault, I don’t…I don’t want to kill this person, I think as I call off my attack as you look back at me with wide eyes.
With that we are frozen in time as your soul becomes linked to mine, Heh this is strange feeling, Sparing a life is refreshing, Your eyes fall into kindness as you see that I see it too, Alright I will try it your way this once.
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skscenarios · 3 years
Asks temporarily closed
Hi sorry for the late replies i have been busy in my personal life, I will be temporarialy closing the Ask box to catch up with my replies and to also do some admin work.
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skscenarios · 3 years
Hello, hope that you are alright
How would Yoh comfort his girlfriend if she is as scared of heights as he is? She even struggles to climb a ladder, can they both promise to afront their fear together? Maybe going together to have a ride on the machines in the amusement park?
Hi, Yeah no problem I apologize for the late response I have been at work all last weekend, Right I have came up with a structure for this ask, First off I will come up with a good reason as to why you are afraid of heights and how Yoh discovers this fear, I will then write a plan of action the reader and Yoh come for dealing with this phobia and then finally the execution of the plan and the outcome so in total this will have 3 parts covering the whole story and as per usual feel free to message me with any changes you wish to be made if this isn’t to your specification, with that in mind lets get the ball rolling.
Also in this I will also be operating under the lines that Anna is merely a childhood friend of Yoh’s
Shaman king: Wait your afraid?
(Reader X Yoh dealing with a phobia of heights)
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Ever since you were little you have had a phobia of heights, it all stemmed from an accident that happened when you were five years old, You were on the swings at your local park and one of the kids in your play group had dared you to try go all the way round on the swings, to this you agreed, things were going well till you lost control and the swing began acting erratically, if It was not for the fast actions of your father you would have seriously hurt yourself but in that regard even though you came out of it physically unscathed the mental damage had been done as from that day forth you refused to go to the play park and you became anxious around anything involving heights.
It had been six months since the headphone wearing boy had transferred into your school, Since then you had become quite close as you both shared similar interests and it also helped that you could see ghosts like he could a symptom of your near death experience as a child, one day you and him were asked to clean the classroom by the teacher an action that was reasonable however the chalk board had ran out of chalk and the only place to replace it was on top of a high shelf, With this you ceased up and began shaking, your palms began sweating.
“(YN) are you alright? You look pale” the voice of Yoh spoke to you as you tripped over your words trying to gain the strength to speak to Him with each attempt you began panicking even more as his concern grew, He could tell something was really wrong with you but he wasn’t a mind reader you had to communicate the issue to him somehow.
“Th-the …the shelf…can’t go …shelf ...too high” you spoke out as Yoh stood looking at you the cogs in his head clicking as he looked at you then the shelf and vice versa till it finally hit him like a bolt of lighting, it was basically realization in three, two, one as he scratched the back of his neck as he began to speak once more.
“Are you trying to tell me that your afraid of heights?” Yoh asked in a calm tone as fresh tears fell down your cheek, Finally someone clicked on after all these years, at this point only your parents knew about your phobia but they only did the bare minimum to alleviate your anxiety.
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The plan
After calming you down and finishing the rest of the cleaning work in the classroom Yoh walked home with you, As you did you both talked about the phobia you had and he even mentioned that everyone has things they can’t handle he gave an example in the form of that he can’t deal with Anna’s training regime.
“I see so Kyoyama-san is that strict?” you enquired as Yoh nodded his head in fear as he has flashbacks of the days of him being tormented in, whist he thought he came up with a bright idea to help you and asked you in for dinner to discuss the plan with you.
“I have an idea, If you want to ill help you overcome your phobia of heights if you can help me become a little less afraid of Anna” Yoh suggested making your face light up, it was the first time someone actively offered to help you with your fears.
And with that you and Yoh spent the night coming up with a plan of attack, you both agreed that researching coping methods would be for the best and for the next few weeks after school you both worked on parts of the things that scared you both, He helped you by getting you a step ladder to help you gently expose yourself to being off the ground and you helped him by talking to Anna about his concerns, She did seem angry that you were interfering but did see your point of view.
After a few months of exposure therapy Yoh had came to you with the flyer of a funfair that was going to be in Funbari in two weeks, He came up with idea that you and him should go there on a date, You were still nervous about heights and so he did understand if you were to say no but to his surprise you agreed.
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The execution
After two weeks passed you were getting ready for your trip to the funfair with Yoh, You had decided to meet up with him at his and walk with him, At this stage you were nervous as you both walked as you held onto his arm, When you were about a few steps away from the funfair Yoh stopped walking and stood in front of you.
“If you get uncomfortable at any time just say our code word and ill take you home, I am here for you and I love you” He calmly spoke to you hugging you gently in his arms making sure to reassure you that he was here for you .
“Alright, I can do this” you told yourself as you both walked deeper into the funfair, the first thing you both did was go on the go karts, it was thrilling as you both zoomed round the track, it was disappointing that you both lost but it didn’t matter you had fun, He then did the test of courage as you ate some cotton candy, it was then that you noticed a set of charms on sale so you bought one for yourself and one for Yoh.
“Yoh I have a present for you” you spoke as you offered him the charm as he smiled and thanked you he then took a small bag from his pocket and offered it to you as you took it from his hand you opened it, Inside was a necklace with luck and love in kanji written on it, you smiled as he helped put it on you.
“So what’s next?” Yoh asked as you surprised him pointing to the Ferris wheel, He held your hand and walked towards the fair attraction as he did he made sure you knew he was there which is something you appreciated, You were getting nervous as visions of your childhood accident flashed though your mind, for a split second you were going to throw in the towel but you thought no, Yoh had gone to such a good effort and was understanding with you all this time, He stood by you and made an active effort to help you with your fears and he settled your heart when it was adrift in the sea of doubt.
With that it was like the fears were shattering around you as one by one those memories were being overpowered by the courage Yoh inspired in you, true the trauma will always be there but now you had a sacred trinket shielding you from fear and it was his love, His pure warm love that wrapped around you like a blanket of orange flame, Protecting you, empowering you to become brave and helping you see though the storm of your fears to the blue sky that you wished to look upon with brave eyes again.
With one brave step you boarded the Ferris wheel with him and took to the sky, No longer chained to the earth you looked upon the view from on high as you did the fear you once held was almost completely gone, Yoh smiled at you and held you in his arms as the sky became a lit with fireworks from the funfairs attractions.
“I am proud of you (Y/N) I will do you proud too” Yoh spoke as he kissed your cheek gently as the night became filled with beautiful lights as you both rode the Ferris wheel enjoying those halcyon days before the storm of the shaman tournament would encapsulate your lives and would test your love to its fullest
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skscenarios · 3 years
hi could I request an scenario or headconnan with hao being needy wanting someone for loving him for who he is if that not a problem with you
Hey, Yeah can do sorry on the late reply I have been busy of late, right to tackle this I will write it like a ficlet, it will take place during the second round of the tournament after Hao displayed his true power but before his followers go on the hunt for souls for him and if you would like a follow up of this involving a reader just drop me another ask and as per usual if this doesn’t meet your criteria please message me with any amendments you wish to be carried out… all up to speed …Aright lets get this started.
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Shaman king: Longing
On a moon filled night after his power debut, Hao took a bath in the nearby hot spring, He mused over how his power increased but still he found himself lacking still, but what?
Its true that he had more power in his little finger but he still lacked one thing, that red ribbon of destiny attaching him to a kindred soul, deep down Hao longed for someone he could traverse the vastness of the shamanic world and even if he was at heart accustomed to isolation it didn’t stop him from having a want and desire for the other half of his flame and a partner who shared his vision for the world.
“This is frustrating, I need no one I have gotten by on my own merit just fine over my many lifetimes yet still I crave for someone who will share my future” Hao mused looking upon the silver moon in the sky as he washed his long hair and wondered if such a soul exists out there, That he could find love in this life like all the others he had lived.
Its true that Anna Kyoyama peeked his interest but her destiny was firmly tied to his twin brother and was simply out of the question and for the bride of the future king he would want someone who was a bit more malleable, Someone who could learn from him as he could learn from them.
“ah well, It looks like I still traverse this world alone” Hao spoke in sadness whilst getting out of the hot spring and pulling a robe over his shoulders, A deep sadness inside his heart that he filled with a burning rage that had consumed multiple lives.
And so the night passed as Hao planned his next moves, Burdened by the weight of his mission and the feeling that he was to forever atone for the countless murders he had committed on his way to the top.
“For could blood covered hands be worthy of love?
End scene
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skscenarios · 3 years
thank you so much doing the hao one i love it so much been now i have break 3 days only here is another one opacho Nightmare: what’s your favourite Halloween movie?
Hey i am sorry i currently don't do asks for Opacho perhaps in the future when i have gotten better at these responses my stance may change
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