skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“So are we all just totally fine with the fact that my mother spontaneously combusted? Everyone seems way too calm with everything that’s just happened.”
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“Are people being calm? Ahm surprised. Ah haven’t had a chance to talk to Jean or Scott yet. Thought Ah’d give them a second to recuperate, y’know? Are they doin’ okay?”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“I am not here to listen to your whining. The Avengers must deal with the consequences of their own actions in Pleasant Hill. I want no part of it.”
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"Ah ain’t whinin’, darlin. That ain’t the way Ah was raised. What Ah am doin’ is lookin’ for Hope. You see her?”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Are you sure you don’t want me to go replace this? I think there’s a bodega just a block over.” It looked like she was planning on baking something, and he’d hate to be the reason why she couldn’t. It was the least Marc could do after crashing into her. The name sparked some familiarity as Marc nodded at her. “Right, you’re one of the X-Men. It’s.. yeah, it’s nice to meet you. Marc.”
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He’s persistent. “Sure, sugah. Ah’m sure my husband would be happier if we get some more.” The beignets weren’t going to make themselves. “Was one of the X-Men. The team switches out yearly and Ah knew mah time had come ‘n gone.” 
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“If there’s a God, you should be cursin’ him for givin’ you the uglier version.” 
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"What a piece of work you are. I’d ask if yer always like this, but Ah know the answer to that one.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“can’t say i have,” hunter raised an eyebrow, “sounds like i’m missing out apparently.”
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"Best ass in the bayou, tried and true.” She laughs. “He’d be the first to tell you that.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“You want my two cents? It’s just a different kind of mess everywhere I go. That’s all I’ve got to say.”
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“At least it’s somethin’. Some people are just talkin’ outta their asses now.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“Actually…no. I haven’t been able to find a shop worthwhile and my skills are shit. It’s actually the tragedy of my day.” 
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“Krakoa has gates all over the world. Maybe Ah’ll send Remy on a mission to find some. Least he can do.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“You want my two cents? It’s just a different kind of mess everywhere I go. That’s all I’ve got to say.”
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“Ah’m always interested in advice from you.” Old man Cable has seen some stuff. Rogue respects anyone who keeps on fighting when the shit hits the fan. “This man seems bad, Nate. Real bad. Ah’m not sure what you’ve heard.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“Mmm, parfait!” Smiling, Remy shuffled the cards one more time, then laid out three of them. “Ok chere, we got de queen o’ hearts here.” He turned over said card. “Now, bein’ as you a perfect queen o’ hearts yourself, I know you can find her if I mix t'ings up like so.” He put the queen back facedown, then spun the three cards around. “Well? Did you follow along? Where you t'ink she’s got to?”
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Rogue sucks at games like these. There’s a lot she’s good at, and she knows that. She can be confident and still make fun of herself, which’ll inevitably end up happening when Remy once again schools her. Staring down at the cards, there’s a pause before she taps the left one with a gloved finger. “Let’s try that one, sugah.” Rogue doesn’t want to ruin the fun, but she also can’t help but sigh and lean back. “You hear about what went down with Irene and Raven? My mothers are... things with the Council are gettin’ dicey, apparently.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“Considering your track record, I think they would.” He cants his head curiously. “Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?” 
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“I’m reformed, darlin’. Ah ain’t caused anyone a lick of trouble ‘n years.” She chuckles. “Nah. Only if ya got thin skin.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“Yeah, I bet I look real good for my age.”
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“Ah was actually gonna say that yer lookin’ a little older than when we were both X-Men. Don’t tell me that the new team is workin’ ya too hard.”
"Yeah, I bet I look real good for my age."
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“There is effort involved in seeing possible futures. It requires concentration. If you assumed that it comes easily or freely, that’s your own fault.”
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Irene’s her (adopted) mother, but she’s difficult. She’s always been difficult, to an extent. “Ah know, I know.” Her voice is soft. “I ain’t here about that. Ah just wanted to check in on you after everything that happened. Ah’m sorry for not comin’ by sooner.” She’s been trying to get in touch with Raven, but her other mother is on a warpath. 
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“I might’ve caught a few syllables here and there. Was it important?” 
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“It ain’t anymore.” She sighs. “You at least know where we can get some o’ those tamales yer thinkin’ about?”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“You? You can have anyt'ing you want, mon amour.” Remy smirked. “O’ course, dat is if you win.” Which, he had to admit, he was rather inclined to let her do.
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“Then let’s not waste anymore time, Cajun. Deal ‘em up.”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
“Are you threatening my life?” He’s clearly mocking her. “That’s a big no-no, you should know that.” 
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“Ain’t nobody gonna believe that I threatened ya.” Besides, Rogue isn’t violent without cause. “Yer really a piece of work, ya know that?”
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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Marc glanced down at his black shirt, which was now completely covered in the exploded flour that he’d made the woman drop. Layla would definitely get a good laugh out of it once he got home, if she got past the concern about him losing so much focus that he bumped that hard into a stranger. Reaching down, Marc held out a bottle of oil towards the mutant. “At least it wasn’t this. That woulda been a pain in the ass to get out of our clothes.”
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Rogue reaches out and takes their bottle. Their fingers never brush. Shoving it back in her bag, she just shakes her head with a laugh. “An’ that’s the last thing we need, huh?” There’s been so much struggle and pain in her life that it’s still odd that Rogue can now be laughing about something as trivial as spilled flour. The struggles aren’t entirely gone, of course, but her life has more balance. “Ah’m Rogue.” 
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skunkheaded-archive ¡ 1 year
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“ah, forgive me. sounds like a guy i’d like to meet one day.”
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“You ain’t never meet Gambit? That’s a shame.”
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