skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
Giving a nod, Bonely took the gal by the arm and gently led her into a room near the shop’s counter. Clicking on the light, he left her side and trotted past a counter lined with quick food items, and a small cafe table with with a few stools. Once across the room, he reached to what might’ve been a wierd closet or bizarrely tall drawer with a knob at its top. Grabbing the knob, the skeleton pulled and slowly lowered a hide-a-bed cot, complete with tucked in sheets.
“Here we go,” he said with a nod, and hurried back over to the young skeleton’s side. “Just a few more steps ‘n’ yeh can sit down.”
Carefully, he escorted her to the bed, letting go of her elbow once more to shuffle through a closet next to the hide-a-bed. Out comes a large white box with a red in a circle on it, and from it, various bandages, ointments, and other things were set on the bed.
“So, uh, who did this teh yeh?” Bonely ventured, examining the injured legs. “If I may ask that is.”
Frisk blinked, when he grasped her arm, although it was a gentle hold, and followed him to a room that seemed to be by the shop’s counter. She blinked her sockets rapidly, when he turned on the light, leaving her to stand by the door idly while he went past a counter that had food items, a table and some stools.
She tilted her head curiously, as he stopped at what looked like a large cupboard? Closet? She wasn’t too sure, but she let out a breathy gasp, when he pulled down a bed, of all things, by using the knob!
She started signing rapidly, as he approached her, eye lights shaped like stars and dancing into her sockets. How had he done that? How had he put a bed there? Did he summon the bed? Could she summon a bed?
Escorted to the bed, she sighed quietly, happy at being off of her feet. She pulled her leg up lightly, removing her ankle boot first. Once freed from the boot, she let the heel rest on the edge of the bed, looking over the damage. She repeated the process with her other leg, frowning lightly.
She looked back up and blinked, thinking, before she moved her hands about before her.
It was an ice elemental? I thought he might have been nice, like Grillby but...
She stopped signing and shrugged.
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
“Eh, no worries,” Bonely answered, helping her to her feet. “Us bone-folk gotta stick together, y’know?”
He looked around again and, seeing that no one was about, gently guided her into the pawnshop. It was warm inside, though dimly lit thanks to most of the lights being put out for the night; a small blessing all things considered. With a soft knock on the door frame, the shudders closed further blocking any outside view of the pawnshop and concealing the skeletal residents inside.
Once the door was closed and locked behind him, the stocky skeleton turned his attention back on the younger skeleton. “There we go,” he said with a grin, “no more worryin’ about any surprise customers. However—” he paused and looked down at the gal’s leg. “—if yeh can make it teh the break room, I’ve got a first kit that’ll do that leg some good. Think yeh can make it?”
Indeed, bone-folk needed to stick together, especially in this city, it seemed. She sighed softly, once she was on her feet, blinking.
Her steps were shaky and unsure, as she followed the other into the pawnshop. She tilted her head to the side as she walked inside. Warm, dimly lit, it felt rather homely. She jumped lightly, when the shudders closed so suddenly, blocking the view. She placed a hand over her chest, sighing quietly.
With the door locked and secure, Frisk stood there as the other moved around. Bonely, he had said, if she remembered... Was...was it a pun? She tilted her head, looking back down to her legs. They were in bad shape, weren’t they? She nodded her head, signing with her hands.
I think so. Please, lead the way.
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
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Would she want a tub of cheese?
She ready to dip the bread in the tub of cheese.
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
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Some of you have already been in the first round–but to make it brief:  this account is a semi-automated question generator that asks random blogs random questions about their muses!
The point is:  reblog this post to get yourself added onto the list, to show me that you’re ok with receiving questions, and to get even more people aware of the process.  I’ll still seek out blogs on my own, but you can do this to expedite the process!
Multimuses, in the tags, you can list the muses you want questions directed to in the following format:  (muse1-muse2-muse3) and so on and so forth.  If not, it just won’t be directed to anyone!
Thanks and happy developing!
(In which I realize you can’t put commas in tags.)
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
rules : think carefully about your character and their development through their journey ( canon or oc ) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want ! repost, do not reblog.
deity of :  patience, determination associated with :  scholars, monks, trainers, dancers sacred plants :  Water Lily,  sacred stones / gems :  Ruby sacred animals :  Turtle, cat colors :  red, pink, blue food :  pekoe tea, spicy dishes, pastas scents : sweet, honeyed, cinammon accepted offerings / ways to honor :  tears, blood, sweat, written letters of confidence. ways to offend / earn their wrath: injustice towards others, bullying and crippling someone’s self esteem, betrayal
tagged by: @pawnshopsouls
Taggin: Whoever wants to do it!
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
For the blood of your enemies?
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
Bonely’s eye ridges pinched with concern as watched her sign. He’d taken up sign language ages ago to chat with his deaf customers but he never thought he’d need to use it for a skeleton monster in Vansia.
Granted, she wasn’t the first skeleton monster to receive his help in Ponchella. By some fluke, his buddy Smoke had come from a different Underground timeline just to see him. But now a newbie had come and highlighted the exact reasons he been afraid when Smoke came to visit.
Gently, he knelt down and extended his hand. “C’mon kid, let’s get yeh inside before anyone else finds yeh,” he said and jerked his head to the building she’d been leaning against. “I can heal yeh up in there ‘n’ we can talk about what teh do next.”
Frisk waited silently, eye lights peering up at the other skeleton, as if awaiting his judgement. She wrung the hem of her tattered dress nervously, perking up when he spoke.
He was friendly. Or well, at least, she hoped he was, and that he was not tricking her, but she usually had good instincts on that. She didn’t feel threatened. She visibly sagged against the wall in relief. 
It was with a shaky hand, and a watery smile, that she grasped the offered hand, thankful. She used her free hand to sign her thanks to the other skeleton, pushing herself up to stand with a small wince from the injuries on her legs.
Thank you, thank you so much.
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skxlxtonfrisk · 4 years
media quotes sentence meme
i looked through the gifsets reblogged by the famous burgertv tumblr and hand selected a few quotes from tv shows & movies. change however you see fit.
“ lets clear the air. are there any more lies i should know about?”
“ i’m not basic. ya basic! “
“ any last words? “
“ you stole my car! i like my car! “
“ how did you find me? “
“ i just thought that we could hang out. “
“ i’m not doing anything else for men today. “
“ you are stronger than you believe. “
“ what is … happening … ? “
“ man , we are in a social slump. “
“ they’re all the same. some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can’t act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. it’s insulting. “
[ sung in the tune to ‘ o christmas tree ‘ ] “ apocalypse , apocalypse , we caused it with our dumbness. “
“ why don’t they ever make a movie about what happens after the big kiss? “
“ oh , put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it , _____! “
“ the nights are the hardest. but then the day comes , and that’s every bit as hard as the night. and then the night comes again… “
“ you’re brilliant , charming , obviously gorgeous. “
“ your accent is so cute. “
“ what the fuckity-fuck is that? “
“ i’m not doing cocaine , _____. i just have a feeling i would be unbearable. “
“ should i apologize or leave? i’mma leave. “
“ i’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about. “
“ if you could see your whole life from start to finish , would you change things? “
“ hold on. are you filling those squirt guns with fake blood? “ 
“ oh my god , please please don’t kill me! i’m not caught up yet on my shows! “
“ no one dislikes you , _____. “
“ stop being so mean to me , or i swear to god i’m gonna fall in love with you! “
“ hey , i was never happy! i was just less pissed off. “ 
“ you know what? forget i offered to help you. forget the entire fucking idea. “
“ my tv is broken, and i can not be alone with my thoughts. “
“ … but i found you , didn’t i? “
“ ‘ be myself ‘ what kind of garbage advice is that? “
“ but this is helping … hearing your voice. “
“ besides … i look cute in a tiara. “
“ i’m about to do something terrible. “
“ when i write about my life , and i will , i will not be kind. “
“ eat shit and die. “
“ i make grave mistakes all the time. “
“ maybe you’re not so bad after all. “
“ where is my candy , you son of a bitch? “
“ bitch , i told you i was gonna wreck it. “
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
snap cube’s sonic 06 fandub starters meme
these are from youtuber snapcube’s real time fandub of sonic 06. change around as you see fit ! tw: implied drug use
“ lets get litty in this bitch. “
“ i will light this bitch up right now. “
“ we’re gonna get higher than a kite tonight ! “
“ yes , _____ , i got your bitch ! “
“ well , _____ , go read a book or something ! “
“ see ya , idiot ! “
“ maaaaaaaaybe something with … sprinkles. “
“ i can fly ? what ?! “
“ aww , we missed him again ! we always miss the ice cream aircraft , _____ ! “
“ we can play so much fortnite in here , dude ! “
“ the new rage is doki doki literature club battle royale. “
“ look into this orb , inside you’ll see the future. in your future it looks like you’ll kiss seven girls. lucky for you. “
“ if you were a true copy of me , you’d know i’m gay. “
“ ugh , i just want to sleep , please. “
“ aww , i fucking feel you there , buddy. “
“ were you talking about fortnite ? no , no i’m not even going to pretend you were talking about fortnite. i just really love bringing up my favorite game whenever i can. “
“ well i’m not a gamer , so maybe they’ll respect me ? “
“ that just makes you a beta cuck. “
“ i’m an alpha gamer. “
“ have you ever interacted with a woman in your life , _____ ? “
“ robots in the sky ! it’s like that one dream i had once about robots in the sky ! “
“ tell it to us in excruciating detail , _____. “
“ all of the gamers … all of the gamers will be on OUR side ! we’ll have an army of gamers to take on the world with ! “
“ oh my god this is , is this what a … what a tree looks like ? it’s beautiful. is that a rock too !? fuck yeah , this place rules ! “
“ uh … oh ! you’re not my boyfriend ! get out of here , ew ! “
“ this is the worst , this is the actual worst , i want to go home. “
“ my whole good mood is ruined , i hope you’re happy with yourself. “
“ hands are so important. when was the last time you washed your hands ? i haven’t washed mines in four days. “
“ _____ ! wait … how do i know your name ?! “
“ speak for yourself , motherfucker. “
“ i can never stop thinking … it sends me into a fit. always analyzing , always so superior to everyone around me. i know so much , _____ , my brain is too good for this world. “ 
“ you can’t stop our love ! “
“ … yup , i can kill you. “
“ that’s a fitting punishment , i think , for stealing my boyfriend ! i’ll fill your stomach with rocks ! “
“ hoooly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit , wow ! “
“ what the fuck does that even mean ? those string of words just absolutely mean nonsense to me. “ 
“ ________ , guess what ? i can never die ! “
“ oh no ! i’m having a flashback ! “
“ i’m more of a coke of cola fan. “
“ now everyone’s my boyfriend ! “
“ hey ? wanna join me ? you guys wanna start a polyamorous marriage ? “
“ hey ! hey ! do you wanna go out ? “
“ smash that like button. “
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
* soft tired prompts
‘ have a nice nap? ’
‘ you have sleepy stuff in your eyes. ’ 
‘ sorry for waking you, baby. go back to sleep. ’ 
‘ you’re exhausted, honey. ’ 
‘ time for bed, sleepyhead. come on, i’ve got you. ’
‘ was that a yawn? ’ 
‘ honey, that’s not how you make the bed. ’
‘ you slept for a long time. ’
‘ time to wake up, sweetie. it’s a new day. ’ 
‘ you’re finally awake. ’
‘ you stayed up past your bedtime again, didn’t you? ’   
‘ i thought you were going to sleep forever. ’ 
‘ why don’t we take a nap together? we can be nap buddies. ’
‘ goodnight, baby. sweet dreams. ’ 
‘ you don’t get enough sleep. ’
‘ i’m going back to bed. ’ 
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
dream  daddy  is  a  game  released  by  game  grumps  ,  a  dating  sim  to  date  dads  ! feel  free  to  customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  right  .  yup  .  definitely  repressed  that  memory  .  ❜ ❛  weren’t  you  the  one  who  threw  that  flaming  tennis  ball  at  the  police  station  ?  no  -  wait  .  that  was  me  .  ❜ ❛  aw  man  a  nap  sounds  great  !  if  sleep  wasn’t  ,  you  know  ,  for  the  weak  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  someone  needs  to  do  a  three - point  turn  on  their  attitude  .  ❜ ❛  I  GOT  A  PROBLEM  WITH  AUTHORITY  !  ❜ ❛  you  can  never  be  too  sure  .  see  that  baby  in  the  stroller  over  there  ?  government  operative  .  ❜ ❛  you  know  ,  frisbees  are  traditionally  caught  with  your  hands  ,  not  your  face  .  ❜ ❛  children  in  general  are  just  …  tough  .  ❜ ❛  …  are  you  just  afraid  to  meet  new  people  ?  ❜ ❛  c’mon  ,  what’d  we  say  about  meeting  new  people  ? ❛  …  perhaps  i  should  leave  saying  “  baby  ”  to  the  professionals  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  in  no  way  fit  to  be  responsible  for  any  living  thing  ,  including  and  especially  myself  .  one  time  ,  i  drank  an  entire  jar  of  marinara  sauce  for  dinner  .  it   was  unholy  .  ❜ ❛  medium  sized  dog  ,  handkerchief  around  the  neck  ,  i  get  to  name  it  .  that’s  what  it’ll  cost  me  to  give  up  on  my  dreams  .  ❜ ❛  yeah  it’s  just  like  ,  my  entire  future  .  no  big  deal  .  ❜ ❛  are  you  actually  fine  or  are  you  just  saying  that  ?  ❜ ❛  okay  ,  cool  .  while  you  do  that  i’m gonna  do  some  drugs  and  commit  some  light  arson  .  ❜ ❛  i  would’ve  expected  you  guys  to  be  up  to  white  collar  crime  by  this  point  .  maybe  money  laundering  at  the  least  .  ❜ ❛  i  love  someone  who  knows  their  way  around  balls  .  ❜ ❛  i  -  i  ,  uh  .  don’t  normally  …  do  this  …  ❜ ❛  aw  man  .  i  was  kinda  hoping  you  had  gotten  kidnapped  and  i  was  gonna  have  to  come  rescue  you  .  ❜ ❛  …  have  you  been  reading  my  tweets  ?  nevermind  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  a  beautiful  work  in  progress  .  ❜ ❛  we  have  to  be  fashionably  late  .  who  shows  up  anywhere  on  time  ?  ❜ ❛  i’d  shake  your  hand  but  i  have  a  glass  of  wine  to  tend  to  .  ❜ ❛  this  plate  of  cookies  is  my  new  _____  .  bye  .  ❜ ❛  that’s  cold  blooded  .  i  like  that  .  ❜ ❛  kids  ,  right  ?  gotta  love  ‘em  .  you’re  required  to  by  law  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  tired  of  talking  to  old  dudes  who  blame  my  generation  for  the  failing  economy  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  just  have  to  accept  the  fact  that  as  an  adult  ,  i’ve  become  the  machine  i  once  raged  against  and  accept  my  fate  to  unironically  wear  socks  with  sandals  .  ❜ ❛  my  ,  do  you  know  how  to  treat  a  lady  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  might  have  taped  over  a  veggietales  VHS  with  the  shining  .  who  knows  .  ❜ ❛  he’s  probably  stuffing  dirt  into  his  mouth  .  who  knows  ?  toddlers  are  pretty  resilient  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  not  gonna  do  the  thing  where  you  wait  silently  for  me  to  come  home  in  the  living  room  with  all  the  lights  off  ,  are  you  ?  ❜ ❛  you  really  scared  me  .  just  …  please  don’t  do  that  again  .  ❜
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
Alternate Universe: Soulmates
send in a number or ‘ 💕 ‘ for random. ( these are from various soulmate!au ideas i’ve seen around in social media or i’ve thought of before. )
People stop aging at 18 years old. They’ll start to age again when they’ve found their soulmate.
People are born with the knowledge of their soulmate’s first name.
People are reincarnated soulmates, but only one of them remembers their past lives. 
Painless bruises, scars, cuts and other injuries show up on people’s bodies. They’re actually injures their soulmates have endured.
When that suspicious feeling in your gut that something is going to go bad even though nothing bad is happening, is actually because your soulmate is in danger.
The ‘voice inside your head’ is actually your soulmate’s voice.
People are born only seeing in black and white until they find their soulmate. Then they can see in color.
People’s hearts ‘ glow ‘ once they’ve met their soulmate. 
People are born with a mark on their body, as they grow it starts to form into words. By the age of 10, the mark shows the first words you’ll ever hear your soulmate say to you.
People are able to get a timer installed on their wrists that works as a countdown until they meet their soulmate. The catch? The other person has to get their timer installed too or the timer will never start counting down.
On the new year after a person’s 22nd birthday, exactly at midnight, they and their soulmate switch bodies for that one minute. They have to frantically leave a clue to their whereabouts/address/etc.
The song stuck in people’s heads are because their soulmate is singing/humming it at the moment.
When people write on their skin, it shows up on their soulmate’s skin, wherever the words were written.
People can hear their soulmates thoughts.
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
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Hello dearies! I am officially doing an Art Raffle! I’ve reached a certain unholy number and I figured- let’s do this thing, muahaha.
I will say this now and again down below;
Rules Will Be Under ‘Read More’~
Keep reading
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
pawnshopsouls replied to your post: //I kinda want to draw Frisk as a changeling,...
//duuuude go for iiiiit
//I think I will, just not sure how I’ll make her changeling form//
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
//I kinda want to draw Frisk as a changeling, hng// 
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skxlxtonfrisk · 5 years
Taking another drag from his cigar, Stan made a show of not looking at the skeleton as they dived behind his alley dumpster. The scent of fear and tang of injury wafted over on the breeze, but found no hint of necromancy, sorcery, or any other kind of dark magic. To his surprise, there was a hint of monster magic to it!
‘That can’t be right though,’ he thought glancing over at the alley. ‘Only sanses can shortcut teh other worlds, ‘n’ even then, they’d still need a boost teh get here!’
But his buddy, Smoke, had made it into Ponchella and was fortunate enough to be found by the pawnbroker before anyone else. If there was a skeleton from Mt. Ebott here… who knew what the frightened residents might do to them?
Running a hand over his chin, Stan tiptoed over to the alley. He was tempted to peek behind the oversized bin, but looking human might alarm the skeleton even more. So, taking gander to maker sure the coast was clear, the dark-haired fellow snapped his fingers. With a whirl of black smoke, the pudgy pink flesh was gone and nifty white bone was left in it’s place. Satisfied that he wasn’t going to scare this new skeleton, Bonely peeked around the alley dumpster.
“You alright there, kid?” he asked gently, and let his indigo eye lights glow just a bit brighter in hopes of easing the other’s nerve.
Frisk had waited for a moment. Not hearing footsteps following her, she started to assess her conditions. She had injuries, some of her bones were nicked for sure. She puffed out quietly, delicate phalanges running over her femurs. Nothing too deep, at least. Some had a bit of marrow leaking, it seemed. Huh, she’d have to get some first aid.
She tensed, however, when something snapped. It was a quiet snap, like a finger snap? Maybe someone walking back snapping their fingers. She pressed herself against the wall, wishing it would swallow her up whole, at this moment. 
Something didn’t feel right, though.
She wasn’t used to feeling so much magic around here, and there was a source of it on the other side of the bin, she was sure of it. Well, mostly sure. She shifted lightly in her crouching position, hands gripping the very bottom of her tattered dress, holding it tightly in her hands.
She flinched, almost falling off on her side, at the sudden skull that peeked from the other side of the bin, indigo eye lights aimed at her. White eye lights stared on back at the skeleton.
Confusion, fear, maybe relief flashed for a moment, her head trying to catch up with what she was seeing. Leaning heavily against the wall, she moved her shaky hands to sign at the skeleton.
Got attacked, have injuries.
She stumbled over her words, still shaken.
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