sky-flying-psychic · 3 months
You know I’ve heard about the fusion guy, I think maybe he could make your little friend get some wings 
Oh, hello Fellow Team Sky Member! It is I! Choi Kang, the engineer of team Sky! But I guess you knew that already… so, how’s it been?
Oh I’ve been fine hun.
Had to do business in alola recently so that kinda sucked but I got more followers!!! And that’s always a plus ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
And of course there’s the stress of the new members (who should not be allowed in) that the boss let in but I guess it’s at least positive that we got more members
How’s work been treating you, pal?
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sky-flying-psychic · 3 months
Oh, hello Fellow Team Sky Member! It is I! Choi Kang, the engineer of team Sky! But I guess you knew that already… so, how’s it been?
Oh I’ve been fine hun.
Had to do business in alola recently so that kinda sucked but I got more followers!!! And that’s always a plus ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
And of course there’s the stress of the new members (who should not be allowed in) that the boss let in but I guess it’s at least positive that we got more members
How’s work been treating you, pal?
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sky-flying-psychic · 5 months
How To Survive A Bewear Attack
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First, make peace with the fact that you could die. Pray to whatever legendary you believe in, and hope you get to the afterlife.
Anyways, actually, how to survive a Bewear attack if you don't have any battling pokemon with you.
First off: they're not like Pangoro. Standing your ground won't work. It'll just make you an easy target. DON'T TRY TO INTIMIDATE THEM. Bewear don't often attack anything they deem weaker than them, so make yourself look as least threatening as possible. Get on the ground, play dead, and cover your head and neck. They might come and paw at you, but they most likely won't attack you and move on. Make sure you know it's gone before you get back up again, bcuz they will come back if they see/hear you get up.
A bewear will show that it's about to attack by waving its arm in the air. IT IS NOT AN INVITATION TO COME OVER! This is them saying, "I'M GONNA FUCKING SNAP YOUR BONES IF YOU GET TOO CLOSE." This is a point where you run. But if they start chasing you, at that point, you just gotta run and hide. Bewear are very fast, and once they see you as a threat, they will try to kill you. This is why I said make peace with the fact that you could die. The best way to prveent this even happening is to put on repellent, and avoid forests with Bewear; they often have warning signs.
Bewear Behaviours
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Notice anything about this Bewear? Its arms are not waving, and it is in a relaxed position, with a paw over its mouth. This Bewear is just curious, and is not in attack mode. If a wild Bewear does this, you want to get on the ground and cover your head and neck.
Notice anything about this Bewear?
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This Beware has raised arms and is standing taller to make itself look bigger. This Bewear wants to murder you, and is about to attack if you don't leave soon. Remeber: when this happens, run as fast as you can away from the beware. If you stand your ground, they will attack you.
Hope this helped! I grew up in the Wild Area in Galar, and this was literally the only pokemon that my mom didn't want me to come into contact with. I came into contact with a bewear once when I got lost (my mom sent her Dragapult, Golurk, and Sigilyph with me she didn't let a 6 year old into the forest without any protection. I just ran away from them when I forced them into a game of hide and seek like the little crap I was) It was in curious mode and I did what I was told, but I also silently cried when that happened and I genuinely thought I was gonna die, lmao. It poked me for a bit before walking away, and then I ran home immediately, and I used repellent for the first time in my life the day after that.
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sky-flying-psychic · 5 months
Hello Team Sky Member! I just got a Crobat and I was wondering what moves would be best if I want to make him into the BEST flying Pokémon possible
Well, for starters, you must think about what moves would be more practical for the types of battles you have.
Of course, I must recommend the regular smegular  Battle weaker people to get stronger stuff, but if you go into a raid battle, you can collect exp candy to try and make it a bit quicker.
Of course, since you have a crobat, do you have any knowledge on our friendship, and I assume the the use of it in battles. Just keep on making sure your friendship is that a map, and you have a pretty strong crobat.
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sky-flying-psychic · 5 months
Any of y'all heard of Team Sky? Apparently they're some group of people that are obsessed with flying Pokémon and want to "Expand the sky" or whatever that means. I think they originated in Hoenn? Rotomblr and Pokeblr, please give me info on this team, you all seem to know about it.
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sky-flying-psychic · 5 months
There are not many rules in this team. The requirements are considerably low, SO TELL ME WHY MY BOSS BREAKS THE RULE OF NO CHILD LABOUR!!!
If we have any grunts there are any grunts in paldea, could you get me the answers I need, cuz I’m gonna go insane.
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Mannnn not even team galactic has child labour
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sky-flying-psychic · 6 months
I got bored and decided to just decided to post myself without the wig
+old pic of me with long hair
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I hate the colour blue
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sky-flying-psychic · 6 months
If this post gets 5 likes I’ll show my lame boring hair without my wig (yes I wear a wig) 
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sky-flying-psychic · 6 months
Wait so you're telling me that you're a team of people with a certain goal, revolved around a certain type.
And you're NOT evil?
You don't go around stealin' from people and being jerks?
Is this real? Y'all might ACTUALLY be one of the few that I've seen that don't do crazy stuff like that.
How do you keep your funds up if you don't rob people??? Genuinely???
~ @cooltrainerbarry
no, no we’re not evil (anymore) we just wanna help the sky.
nowadays, we kind of just get the grunts to hold up a sign in whatever like popular town/city their in and say they have like a charity to stop pollution to the air.
Some of us have jobs outside of team sky as well, like I am a streamer. Like the pay is a teensy bit low, because like we’re not exactly government funded but it’s whatever.
If you have any like adult friends, please promote the team, like get them to join.
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sky-flying-psychic · 6 months
Hello! My name is Grace-currently based in Paldea but I travel a LOT. I've heard about Team Sky and you guys seem pretty darn cool! I'm always down to help people protect the land, sea-AND Sky. Or y'know just-the world in general. So if there's anything I can do to help out, I'd be happy to!
~ @trainergraceneedstherapy
I would recommend something reckless like blowing up a building that’s causing a lot of air pollution, but boss said I can’t do that anymore.
so I recommend just like protesting and stuff for whatever and promoting more sky Pokémon, that would be great.
Also, like go on less airplanes and stuff. Expose celebrities for excessively going on their private jets, it’s always great to know what celebrities are harming the sky 
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Listen. Listen I’m a very busy person, I don’t have time to read my emails all day. So like yeah, maybe I did a few little bad things before finding out but honestly that’s my fault.
A few hours ago I got the news that Team Sky isn't really an evil team anymore and now just protects the sky.
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Sirene flights, pleasure to make your acquaintance, truly a pleasure.
Hello, I believe we have never interacted on here before. You are a fellow member of Team Sky, yes?
Yes indeed! Recently just joined this site, but I can’t wait to see the lovey community our glorious team has built here.
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
It’s horrendous, isn’t it? 
Hello, I believe we have never interacted on here before. You are a fellow member of Team Sky, yes?
Yes indeed! Recently just joined this site, but I can’t wait to see the lovey community our glorious team has built here.
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Hello, I believe we have never interacted on here before. You are a fellow member of Team Sky, yes?
Yes indeed! Recently just joined this site, but I can’t wait to see the lovey community our glorious team has built here.
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Actually did walk on that once
I swear to arc, they’ve had like 20 different divorces 
Help Skykie
(Btw the three teams have a truce).
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(Btw let me know if you want to know my headcannons for these 3)
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Team sky is absolutely nothing like those inferior teams!
Our marvellous leader, Michael, has vowed to protect the skies from any damage, and he isn’t a eco-terrorist like those other two. He is far superior, he even befriended Rayquaza.
The beautiful creatures of the sky shall be cherished by us, instead of being underappreciated by mediocre trainers who can’t see their true potential. 
Team sky has at least 2 hundred members just thought you might wanna know and as a fellow member we might also tell you that your champion will be overpowered by our leader soon.
Reyn looked at her first question and was confused by it
"Who's Team Sky? I have never heard of this group. Are they some sort of a third terrorist organization group like Team Aqua or Magma? Weird question..."
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sky-flying-psychic · 7 months
Honestly this is good for me, it keeps me from being cancelled 
A few hours ago I got the news that Team Sky isn't really an evil team anymore and now just protects the sky.
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