skyalvin111 · 2 months
Dtop Universal Carnival Launches International Hotel Booking Service, Upgrading Global Business Scene Ecosystem
Dtop Universal Carnival has officially launched its international hotel booking service, marking a significant step forward in enhancing the global business scene ecosystem. This addition enriches Dtop Universal Carnival's business travel offerings and injects fresh vitality into the traditional online business travel model. The move reflects the company's strategic vision to expand the value proposition of the business scene and advance the development of the global Web3.0 business ecosystem.
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In recent years, the global hotel industry has experienced robust growth. According to the latest market research report, global hotel revenue surged to $89.856 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $166.382 billion by 2029, boasting a compound annual growth rate of 9.2%. This growth is attributed to increasing tourism demand worldwide, improvements in the global economic landscape, and ongoing innovation in hotel services.
Dtop Universal Carnival has forged partnerships with over 300,000 hotels globally, including renowned brands such as InterContinental, Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, and Wyndham. By integrating into the Dtop Universal Carnival business scene ecosystem, these hotels gain access to an international booking system that offers brand recognition, membership benefits, streamlined booking processes, increased traffic, performance tracking, and digital payment options across six key areas. Leveraging a user-friendly interface and intelligent recommendation system, the platform tailors recommendations based on individual user preferences and location, ensuring a personalized experience for each user.
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As a leading Web3.0 business scene ecosystem, Dtop Universal Carnival is committed to empowering the hotel industry through resource integration and technological innovation. By fostering an environment of industrial innovation, the company aims to create a mutually beneficial business model for hotel owners and users, driving continuous growth and value creation within the hotel and travel ecosystem.
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Looking ahead, Dtop Universal Carnival plans to expand its presence in international e-commerce, travel, lifestyle, and services. The company will focus on strengthening partnerships and infrastructure across various channels, including global commodities, offline retail integration, logistics, trade ports, and digital currency payment systems. By doing so, Dtop Universal Carnival seeks to redefine the global business landscape, fostering a new era of prosperity and collaboration across traditional business sectors.
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skyalvin111 · 9 months
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
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skyalvin111 · 10 months
Dtop环球嘉年华亚洲环球节点受邀出席香港创新科技与艺术发展高峰论坛2023 | Dtop Universal Carnival was invited to Hong Kong ITA 2023
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skyalvin111 · 10 months
Web 3.0回归,建构黄金新起点。Web 3.0是数字技术与经济体系融合性的创新框架,是未来网络产业发展的趋势。为加速推进创新科技与文化艺术的融合发展,充分利用香港的国际化优势和开放的政策环境,汇聚全球资源,助力香港国际创新科技中心和中外文化艺术交流中心的进一步建设和发展,“创新科技与艺术发展高峰论坛2023” 于8月15日在香港成功举办。
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香港特别行政区行政长官李家超在视频出席并致辞表示,Web 3.0是互联网的全新发展方向,融合了近年广受关注的技术,有潜力成为推动金融和商贸未来发展的趋势。特区政府重视金融科技和Web 3.0的发展,香港对全球从事虚拟资产业务的创新者,持开放和包容的态度。政府将与金融监管机构合作,营造有利环境,促进香港金融业的可持续和负责任发展。今年六月,政府已经就虚拟资产交易平台,落实新的发牌制度,也正全力探讨稳定币的监管安排。此外,香港正全力发展成为国际创新科技中心和中外文化艺术交流中心。艺术科技是让文化艺术与创新科技对接的新发展方向。为积极推动和支持艺术科技的发展,特区政府通过不同基金和计划,鼓励文化艺术界在合适的项目上应用科技,推动艺术科技发展,批出的拨款已经突破1亿港元,共324个艺术与创科相关团体和人员受惠。政府会继续支持艺术与创新科技融合,也鼓励艺术家和艺团善用科技,构思、创造和呈现前所未有的艺术表达方式,为观众带来更多更新的艺术体验。
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香港财经事务及库务局副局长陈浩濂致辞表示认同Web 3.0和区块链有潜力成为金融和商贸未来发展的趋势,只要得到妥善监管,这些技术将能够提升效率和透明度,从而减少甚或解决目前在结算和支付等方面出现的问题。在2023-2024年度财政预算案中,政府拨款5,000万港元加速推动Web 3.0生态圈的发展和跨界别业务合作。香港将致力推动整个虚拟资产价值链上各项金融服务的可持续发展,当中涵盖虚拟资产发行、代币化、交易和支付平台、金融和资产管理,以及存管等。
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Web 3.0分布式跨境私域电商平台——Dtop环球嘉年华亚洲区环球共识节点受邀出席此次论坛并分享Dtop环球嘉年华作为Web 3.0时代下的商业场景平台,正在积极建设Web 3.0全球商业场景消费生态,打通在线零售、旅游出行、本地生活等消费应用通道,为用户提供便捷的全球数字化消费场景,实现共建、共治、共享的持续性商业场景生态价值。
当晚还举办了“ITA2023数字艺术之门“慈善答谢晚宴,紫荆杂志社副社长袁建代表主办方致答谢辞,香港社会贤达及国际知名艺术家、数字艺术行业代表、Web 3.0艺术创作者、数字艺术收藏者等齐聚一堂,助力青少年在数字艺术领域学习成长贡献力量。
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众人聚首,伟业启航。本次高峰论坛顺利闭幕,各业内精英共同探讨数字经济新蓝图,开启Web 3.0变革新篇章。区块链、NFT、云计算、Web 3.0跨境电商等各领域领军者将联手打造创新生态,共享新经济红利。宏伟目标激发志同道合伙伴战略融合,智慧碰撞迸发无限可能。众志成城,携手并进,助力推动数字经济发展。
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skyalvin111 · 10 months
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
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skyalvin111 · 11 months
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本次共识大会的目的在于让所有的Dtop商家更深入了解Dtop环球嘉年华的商业价值与远景。Dtop环球嘉年华旨在打造全球领先的Web 3.0商业场景应用生态,通过每位用户日常所需的在线购物、生活娱乐及海内外出行等商业场景从而实现消费流动性,最终达成数字化商业应用价值永续。未来的商业流动性支撑需要全方位的布局。除了传统金融和区块链技术,还需要利用大数据、物联网、人工智能等前沿技术,构建更可靠、便捷、智能的商业流动性新体系。Dtop环球嘉年华通过布局全球市场,消除了不同国家之间商业应用场景的壁垒,实现了商业模式的国际化流通,让消费者得以享受便捷的购物体验。此次大会让Dtop商家看到Dtop环球嘉年华平台的巨大价值,以及Dtop环球自治商学院在全球业务的蓬勃发展。
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
Dtop Universal Carnival New UI Upgrade
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
除该款灭蚊设备外,Dtop环球嘉年华集合了众多高性价比家居产品,如薰衣草精油、Negative离子发生器、LED防蚊液等,全部采用环保无毒材质,安全性得到权威机构认证。平台不定期举行家居Category限时折扣活动,届时产品价格更为优惠,建议家居爱好者 seize the opportunity。
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
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什么是跨境电商: 跨境电商是一种通过电子商务平台,在全球范围内进行商品交易的新兴商业模式。它依托互联网技术和全球物流体系,让消费者能够在全球范围内自由购买和销售各类商品,彻底打破了地域和国家的界限。跨境电商通常涉及到跨国界的商品流通与交付,需要处理好与国际贸易和海关相关的法规、产品质量标准、全球支付结算、物流配送等诸多问题。其核心价值在于利用电子商务平台整合全球市场,满足消费者对更丰富选择和个性化产品的追求。
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Dtop环球嘉年华:Dtop环球嘉年华是一家分布式跨境私域电商平台,致力于为全球消费者提供电商消费场景服务,其公司主体之一ABBJ INTERNET TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD设立于新加坡, 采用Web 3.0与区块链技术,构建一站式运营平台提供产品和服务给用户。
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TikTok Shop:TikTok Shop是TikTok推出的电商平台,旨在为TikTok上的创作者和品牌提供在线销售的渠道。TikTok Shop首先在印度和东南亚地区推出,随后将逐步拓展到其他市场。
1. 市场空间更大:跨境电商可以覆盖全球市场,市场潜力远超国内电商。尤其当国内市场趋于饱和时,全球市场提供了更多机会。跨境电商需要在全球范围内寻找目标用户、开拓流量入口和构建品牌知名度。
2. 享受政策红利:许多国家和地区出台优惠政策扶持跨境电商发展,如优惠税率、通关便利化等,这为跨境电商创造良好的外部环境。相比之下,国内电商面临更多限制和监管。跨境电商需要密切跟踪政策变化,并利用政策红利进行市场开拓。
3. 同行竞争较小:虽然跨境电商市场竞争也激烈,但相比国内电商市场的饱和状况,竞争压力略小。跨境电商有更多机会开发新兴或小众的产品与服务。它需要在全球范围内发掘新的蓝海市场与机会。
4. 利润空间更高:跨境电商可通过出口实现高毛利,同时利用汇率汇兑等手段提高利润率。相比之下,国内电商利润空间较小。跨境电商需要不断优化全球供应链和渠道,同时密切关注汇率变化,以获得更高利润率。
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
Dtop环球嘉年华驱动Web 3.0国际电商行业创新升级
Dtop环球嘉年华电商平台作为一家分布式的跨境私域电商平台,采用了Web 3.0的区块链技术,开创了全新的电商模式,并通过新的渠道为消费者提供产品和服务。
Web 3.0的分布式存储理念已成为许多企业构建管理系统和商城系统的基础。Dtop环球嘉年华将这一技术理念与跨境私域电商相结合,打造了一个分布式的平台,使参与者能够更好地体现个人价值和在线权益。Dtop电商致力于实现数字化商业价值的持续性,让所有合作用户都能够在这个平台上创业并实现可持续经营。
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三、为用户实现梦想:打造Web 3.0生态应用
Dtop环球嘉年华电商平台致力于打造Web 3.0生态应用,为用户实现梦想提供了全新的机遇。Web 3.0已经成为人们向往和推崇的新一代互联网,其核心概念是去中心化,意味着将控制权从中央机构手中夺回,并将其交给每个个体,从而促进平等和实现民主。
过去的Web 1.0时代,互联网信息是单向的,用户只能被动地阅读,网站功能简单且有限。而Web 2.0时代,互联网进化为互动的平台,用户可以参与并生成内容,如Facebook、Instagram、YouTube等社交媒体平台。这一阶段的理念是"互联网即平台",强调用户的参与和创造。
Web 3.0的出现改变了这一现状,它不仅仅是一个趋势,更是为所有人带来保障。Web 3.0构建了一个以平等利益为基础的互联网。它通过分布式存储技术,在成千上万个节点上安全有效地储存数据,确保数据的可用性和机密性。这种分布式的架构保障了平台的安全稳定性,并建立了用户和平台之间可信且稳固的关系。
Dtop环球嘉年华秉持Web 3.0的理念,通过区块链技术和分布式存储的应用,为用户提供安全可靠的交易环境。用户的个人信息和交易数据不再集中存储在中心服务器上,而是分散保存在多个节点上,确保数据的安全性和隐私性。这种去中心化的架构不仅保护了用户的权益,还为用户创造了更公平、开放和透明的商业环境。
通过打造Web 3.0生态应用,Dtop平台实现了用户对于互联网的梦想。用户可以在这个去中心化的生态系统中充分发挥自己的创造力和潜力,享受到更多的自主权和控制权。同时,用户不再成为数据的被动提供者,而是拥有数据的主人,能够自主决定数据的使用和共享方式。这种新型的互联网模式将赋予用户更大的权力和自由,促进创新和共享,推动全球向更开放、包容和民主的方向发展。
瞄准趋势 把握商机
Dtop环球嘉年华电商平台以三大价值理念为核心,通过分布式管理和区块链技术的智能合约,优化组织架构和管理机制,实现高效自治。这让全球用户能够充分发挥创造价值的潜能。在Web 3.0时代,用户的努力和成就都将得到回报,与平台共同构建共建、共治、共享的Web 3.0生态价值,进入一个共赢共荣的全球分布式电商新时代!
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
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dtop环球嘉年华 #dtopuniversalcarnival #web3 #onlineshopping #ecommerce #blockchain #区块链 #跨境电商 #跨境私域电商
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
近期,我们了解到全球Web 3.0分布式跨境私域电商平台 - DTOP环球嘉年华接连与多个国家的支付巨头达成战略合作并成功接入通道,这是DTOP环球嘉年华在构建全球跨境私域电商生态方面的又一重要举措。通过开通这些支付系统,DTOP环球嘉年华将升级其全球支付网络体系,覆盖线上与本地支付,打破跨境交易的最后壁垒。如今,任何用户都可以选择最安全且便捷的支付方式与全球各地商家进行无障碍交易,这标志着全球贸易正迈向开放互联的新高度。
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作为韩国主要的电子支付平台,Kakao Pay的接入有助于DTOP环球嘉年华开拓韩国市场并增进与韩国消费者的互动。这将吸引更多韩国消费者加入平台,提升整体用户基数。
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True Money是泰国本土最流行的支付工具,让泰国消费者可以更轻易地在DTOP环球嘉年华平台上购买任何国际商品。通过接入True Money将有利于平台在泰国市场的成长,为泰国消费者带来更加方便的跨境购物体验。
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作为马来西亚主流支付电子钱包,Touch 'n Go eWallet的开通能让马来西亚消费者在DTOP环球嘉年更自在的购物。这将推进其平台扩大在马来西亚市场的份额,同时帮助马来西亚消费者轻松接触到全球优质商品和服务。
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1. 提升全球支付网络覆盖范围
2. 优化用户购物体验
3. 加速跨境交易缩短支付时间
4. 提升平台竞争力及增强平台的风险抵御能力
5. 推动Web 3.0电商创新
作为一家Web 3.0分布式跨境私域电商平台,DTOP环球嘉年华不仅提供便捷的支付方式,还将区块链技术与电商业务相结合,实现去中心化、数据透明、开放共享的Web 3.0电商生态。在支付领域不断推陈出新将有利于平台在Web 3.0电商创新的持续突破,也为全球跨境电商产业注入更多生机和活力。
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DTOP环球嘉年华作为全球领先的Web 3.0分布式跨境私域电商平台,通过与全球多个国家的支付巨头建立战略合作关系,为用户带来了更加丰富的支付选择,也优化了购物体验。同时,这些支付通道的接入也为跨境电商带来了更多的价值与好处,包括跨境支付的便捷化、支付安全性的提升、商家经营效率的提高以及全球供应链的打通。DTOP环球嘉年华分布式跨境私域电商将继续秉承开放共享的理念,在未来将继续完善支付体系助力全球跨境电商市场的蓬勃发展,为消费者、商家以及整个行业带来更多的机遇和价值。
dtop环球嘉年华 #dtopuniversalcarnival #web3 #onlineshopping #ecommerce #blockchain #区块链 #跨境电商 #跨境私域电商
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
【Dtop环球嘉年华】全球Web3.0分布式私域电商生态发展峰会 | 电商链Happy Go
dtop环球嘉年华 #dtopuniversalcarnival #web3 #onlineshopping #ecommerce #blockchain #区块链 #跨境电商 #跨境私域电商 #ch90
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
Successful Launch of Dtop Universal Carnival's Global Web 3.0 E-commerce Summit
dtop环球嘉年华 #dtopuniversalcarnival #web3 #onlineshopping #ecommerce #blockchain #区块链 #跨境电商 #跨境私域电商 #ch90
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
Successful Launch of Dtop Universal Carnival's Global Web 3.0 Distributed Private Domain E-commerce Ecosystem Development Summit
On May 7th, the Dtop Universal Carnival Global Web 3.0 Distributed Cross-border Private Domain E-commerce Ecosystem Development Summit and Strategic Cooperation Memorandum Signing Ceremony were grandly held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The summit gathered community initiators from Dtop Universal Carnival Korea, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries, regional representatives of the Global Autonomous Business School, fans and users from different countries of Dtop Universal Carnival. There were also hundreds of guests present, including global private domain e-commerce and Web 3.0 leaders, blockchain technology experts, and representatives of encrypted investment institutions, witnessing a Web 3.0 industry feast.
The conference, hosted by the Web 3.0 Distributed Private Domain Cross-border E-commerce Platform “Dtop Universal Carnival”, revolved around the trends, industry development, and future prospects of Web 3.0 distributed private domain e-commerce. It shared and discussed the latest achievements in cross-border e-commerce and blockchain digital development, and jointly announced strategic cooperation with the international leading Web 3.0 private community platform “CH 90”.
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Dtop Universal Carnival is a distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform based on Web 3.0, which aims to provide a one-stop online shopping platform for global consumers by leveraging its rich global supply chain resources and perfect logistics system. Dtop Universal Carnival uses Web 3.0 blockchain technology to realize the on-chain and value of e-commerce transaction data. By generating a unique digital identity for each transaction, the platform can preserve the digital value generated by transactions, confirm ownership, and maximize the mining and release of e-commerce data value. Dtop Universal Carnival users can not only create value for the platform but also co-build, co-govern, and share the continuous ecological value of Web 3.0.
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CH 90 is a blockchain technology community and content platform that aims to build a high-quality information exchange platform in the blockchain and Web 3.0 fields. Adhering to an open and transparent philosophy, the CH 90 team provides a safe and convenient information interaction environment for community users. The platform is dedicated to promote blockchain technology and connecting more technological innovations with user needs.
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Community initiators from various countries of Dtop Universal Carnival, representatives of Dtop Universal Carnival Global Autonomous Business School community, and representatives of CH 90 community delivered speeches and extended sincere blessings at the event. Both parties will focus on the overall situation, plan the overall framework construction, and fully promote the development of the global Web 3.0 distributed private domain e-commerce industry.
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At the conference, Ms. Winnie Xu, the co-initiator of the Dtop Universal Carnival Singapore community and representative of the Dtop Universal Carnival Global Autonomous Business School, delivered a keynote speech on the comprehensive development trends of Dtop Universal Carnival's distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce. She introduced several key aspects, including deepening supply chain channels, international services, payment finance, logistics fulfillment, marketing support plans, and ecological co-construction plans. She also officially announced the strategic cooperation with CH 90 to jointly promote the new stage of global Web 3.0 distributed cross-borde r private domain e-commerce development.
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Ms. Winnie Xu is the co-initiator of the Dtop Universal Carnival Singapore community and has invested in several global Web 3.0 projects, building multiple global Web 3.0 community systems. She is now committed to the global distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce ecosystem construction of Dtop Universal Carnival.
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Signatory Xuwicha Buathong A-wut is the co-initiator of the Dtop Universal Carnival Thailand community. He was a famous designer in Bangkok, Thailand, and has been involved in the overall planning of multiple commercial brands. He is now dedicated to the development of Dtop Universal Carnival's global Web 3.0 distributed e-commerce integration.
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Witness Hazel Zheng is the co-initiator of the Dtop Universal Carnival Australia community. She is a Sydney-based inheritance trust planner in Australia and has been involved in several international family office and family trust global investment projects. She is now working with Dtop Universal Carnival to promote the ecological development of global Web 3.0 distributed e-commerce.
Dtop Universal Carnival aims to drive the deep integration of global Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce and blockchain technology, release the potential value of distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce and data, and accelerate the popularization and growth of the digital economy. By leveraging the openness and trust mechanisms of blockchain, they strive to build a fair, transparent industry ecosystem, optimize industry norms, and commit to making Web 3.0-enabled internet platforms not barriers to information but key links connecting global industrial chains, enabling the effective release of data value, and creating more business opportunities and shared value.
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Dtop Universal Carnival provides global users with 1,000,000 SKUs of globalized products, connects cross-border logistics transportation channels in nearly 200 countries and regions worldwide, and continuously optimizes supply chain depth to strive for greater benefits for global users. They continuously promote the in-depth development of Web 3.0 and digital business application scenarios, combine the technical advantages of Web 3.0 with traditional e-commerce, and enable consumers to integrate into the Dtop Universal Carnival e-commerce ecosystem, sharing the consensus results of the Dtop Universal Carnival global distributed private domain e-commerce ecosystem.
The Dtop Universal Carnival Global Web 3.0 Distributed Cross-border Private Domain E-commerce Ecosystem Development Summit and Strategic Cooperation Memorandum Signing Ceremony became a feast gathering industry elites, leaders, and innovative forces. This is not only represents the inevitable trend and win-win move of the development of the Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce industry but also marks a new starting point for the development of Dtop Universal Carnival. This event is set to create a leading digital cross-border e-commerce benchmark project and usher in a new era of Web 3.0 distributed private domain e-commerce digital economy.
#dtopuniversalcarnival #web3 #onlineshopping #ch90 #ecommerce
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skyalvin111 · 1 year
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