skyfern · 6 years
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Order of dress for 15th century knight, from undergarment to full suit of armor. I can’t seem to find credit for these illustrations - please attach if you find it.
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skyfern · 6 years
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Happy Halloween! 🎃
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skyfern · 6 years
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As the turf war between Larry the cat and Palmerston (@Diplomog) intensifies, the Telegraph is literally creating maps of the ever increasing number of official cats who are now civil servants. (This is part PR move, part necessity as Westminster is full of old buildings, overrun by mice.) The newest cat is called Cromwell, a name which has been causing controversy.
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skyfern · 6 years
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Taron is actually surprisingly good. The best person I’ve ever trained. He’s a really fast learner. I wanted Taron to look like archery is his second nature. Like it’s fast and dynamic, so he’d shoot an arrow without thinking — Lars Anderson, Taron’s archery trainer. Taron could fire three arrows a second. He could hit moving targets in the air. He was a really impressive archer by the end of the training — Otto Bathurst, director of Robin Hood (2018)
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skyfern · 6 years
*watches recipe in cookbook*
Okay so I need 3 eggs
*walks over the fridge*
3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs 3 eggs
*opens fridge*
Wait was it 2 eggs
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skyfern · 6 years
I am sick and tired of stories about how “her innocence and purity is the only thing that can defeat the darkness”. You don’t defeat the darkness by being innocent and pure. You defeat the darkes by kicking and clawing and raging. You defeat the darkness muddy and sweaty and bloodstained and on you knees. You defeat the darkness by raging war on hell until the devil himself begs you for mercy. You don’t defeat the darkness by singing to squirrels and being a virgin. Stop telling little girls that any woman who slays her enemies with her own two hands can not be good or kind. I’m not saying you shouldn’t sing to the squirrels. Sing to the fucking squirrels, but you better get your claws out when the knights of hell come to call because your “innocence and purity” are sure as hell not gonna defeat them. I’m all for the disney-princess-stuff, but women aren’t split into virgin princesses and evil queens. I know a lot of people have a hard time grasping this, but warrior princesses can sing to squirrels to. ♥🌹
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skyfern · 6 years
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Jenna Barton  -  http://dappermouth.tumblr.com  -  https://www.instagram.com/dappermouth
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skyfern · 6 years
This is not a tag, but I read this and snakes started manifesting in my house physically, so I thought you all should see it too:
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[Image Description: Fic title reading “that fanfic where shrek is a kingsman and gorillaz are helping him to rescure cory in the housw from Darth Vader and other bad guys x-treme (pre-view)”]
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skyfern · 6 years
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skyfern · 6 years
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What does it take to teach a bee to use tools? A little time, a good teacher and an enticing incentive. Read more here: http://to.pbs.org/2mpRUAz
Credit: O.J. Loukola et al., Science (2017)
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skyfern · 6 years
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[Image Description: Tags reading “Death Kink, death fetish, terrible aftercare”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Succeeding at necrophilia but failing at necromancy
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skyfern · 6 years
If you’re ever in an Irish speaking part of Ireland (Gaeltacht), and you see a mother with her child, tell her, “Ith an páiste.” It’s a beautiful way of saying, “Your motherhood glows with radiance and grace.” There is no English equivalent for this so give it a go!
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skyfern · 6 years
I love kids they’re all like.. “when i grow up i’m gonna be an astronaut and a chef and a doctor and an olympic swimmer” like that self confidence! That drive! That optimism! Where does it go
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skyfern · 6 years
Oh god please yes
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Alan Rickman takes a self-portrait backstage of the RSC’s Troilus and Cressida at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon (1985) [ x ]
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skyfern · 6 years
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skyfern · 6 years
it would have actually been such a power move to just cast colin farrell as grindelwald because it would make dumbledore’s failings so much more relatable. the rest of the characters are questioning how he could be so shortsighted and blinded and all Dumbledore can offer is “I was in love” and the entire audience is just
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skyfern · 6 years
“I would eat his heart in the marketplace” is legit the most savage line I have ever heard, I’d like to personally thank Shakespeare for putting into words that feeling of rage and protectiveness women get when some fuckboy hurts another woman
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