skyladywrites · 2 years
Pet names that my hero academia characters would call you
I feel like Deku would call you sweetheart, baby, or honey. Like he’s one of those guys that kind of sticks with a traditional and simple nicknames
Bakugo would probably kind of stick to traditional but adding in his own names, my personal head can and is that he would call you snap dragon.
He would be extremely romantic, he would probably call you things like my dear, or Darlene, or Jewel possibly even dove,
I feel like she would call you honey, or dear or just call you by your normal name.
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skyladywrites · 2 years
1a Class S.E.X  (part 1)
HEy everybody! its my first post on here and wow im getting right into it, and Smut at that... one of the things that inspired me to write this was the fact that i cant seem to find smut on mha that i like anymore. so i sat and thought “well if i cant find any then ill write it myself!”
this is a story basied on the idea of a sexist world where men are more powerfull then women. 
character details- reader is female, uses she/her pronouns, anything else or how you picture her sis up to you
TW- noncon, sex toys (vibrator and dildo) public sex (somewhat) , sexism against women, bad spelling (becuse im bad at editing my own work)
characters- Tokoyami, izuku, ochaco, asui, momo, and more but i prob forgot
It was your first day in class 1A. You had been attending Ketsubutsu Academy. For years haveing taken classes even before you got to highschcool. Haveing taken a deep breath you slowly opened the door. But apon entering there was something wrong. You heard whimpering and mabye a moan? Your teacher was not there but a few students were.
 A green haired boy, two black haired girls, some sort of bird person and a girl with light brown hair. But as you went to your seat you nodesed the brown haired girl was sitting on the green boys lap… you stood in the doorway for a moment but quickly looked at your paper to find your seat. You walked pasted the two students and nodesed that the brown haired girl seemed sick or tired. “You ok?” (Y/n) asked and you decided to take a chance and glance up. That’s when you saw it. The green haired boys dick was in her. The girl was just sitting on it as he rubbed her clit a bit. “She’s fine, just doing her morning training” the boy said nonchalantly. He then looked back you. He began to them fuck himself in and out of her pussy holding the girl strongly. That’s when you took a moment to really look around.
The black haired girl who seemed forglike was sitting at her desk. Her legs were spread and…tied to the legs of the desk? You quickly ran over to see if she’s ok. “Are you Allright?” You asked but before you could finished the bird man came behind you and grabbed your hips. “You must be the new girl, you know your not in uniform…” this confused you. You looked down at your uniform. “Until a girl is claimed they don’t get to wear panties” summoning dark shadow he cut you underwear in half letting it drop to your feet. 
That’s when toteoki came to your side. “New Giles must also wear the required vibrator…” he held out a medium sides dildo shaped vibrator. “Momo as female class rep how about you our it in her” he said and momo npdded she asked over and grabbed your arm. “Come with Me” she said. Leading you through the hallway untill your reached the bathroom. “Spread your legs for me honey…”  she said. “W-why?!” Momo sighed. “Listen we might be a hero class but this school is not safe especially for us” she said as she rubbed your thighs. “Trust me when I say you want to leave this corse as soon as you can” her hands trailed up closer to your now exposed clit. You held a sharp breath and her hand grazed across you clit. “Please sit down…it’ll make things easier” you nodded and sat down. “I..I’m going to touch you…ok?” “Why do I have to do this?” You asked. “It’s required if you don’t have a suitor” “suitor?” You asked she nodded. “Yes, most of the firs here have a suitor, that boy that chooses them is allowed to do whatever they wish with them” you froze “like deku and Uraraka?” 
She nodded again. “Yes but likely she is ok with it” she began to fun a finger up and down your slit it slowly getting wet. This caused you to moan a little. “Basically the boys or mr azowa will control the vibrations via a wireless remote” “only the boys who don’t have a girl can” she began to rub your clit focusing on your specific spot. You mean again. “So far only myself and you don’t have a suitor, becuse I’m class rep I don’t need one according to their dumb rules” she sighed and began to slip the vibratory into you.it looked allmost like a chastity belt It had rope to hock it to you like a belt. She adjusted the straps and slipped it up. Vibrator B was round shaped and dipped slightly inside your pussy while a second part vibratory A that was connected via wire was pressed against your nub. You let out a gentle Yelp. “I know it feels weird…it’s gonna be a rough first day but you can move up and make things easier on you” “move up?” You asked 
Momo moved from her but to her knees. “Becuse I have no suitor I wear this” she lifted her shirt up and you saw that the underwear she wore had a kind of dildo stick thing. It was sitting in her pussy a little bit of juice comming out. “The thing will be that you’ll wear the vibratory during class and after you be tested, I’d nobody picks you during your first week then you’ll be able to wear one of these instead.” “I see” (y/n) said she then stood up as did Momo.” “So witch boys are going to try and get me?” You asked “so the boys who are looking are Eijiro Kirishima,totroki shoto, Mezo Shoji, and Fumikage Tokoyam,i” she said “so what did you mean by testing?” That was when the bell rang. “Now come on let’s get you back to class” she took your hand helping you walk as it was weird with a vibrator in your pussy. Apon entering all eyes were on you. You say down at the desk behind. Uraraka had moved back to her seat at this point as well. 
Me azowa entered the room. “Allright class lets begin, he sent his capture scarf and lifted up your skirt a bit then smiled. “Looks like our new student (y/n) is in position for us to begin. So let’s get started.” He turned his back and faced the bord “now that we will be learning about…” however you interrupted by yelping as the vibrator turned on. Azowa ignored you and kept teaching. You got a few grins. The vibrator turned off shortly after but then the one in your pussy got turned on it felt like heaven. The vibrations sent chills up your spine. But still it was hard to stay quiet. The vibrator turned on a few times during the peroid off and on throughout the day. Soon it was lunch time. The bell rang and you stood up. “Wait (y/n)!” You saw Uraraka running up from behind you. You paused looking at her. She moved closer and without warning reached under your skirt. “Ohh Mann your so wet!” She said excitedly. She pushed a bit on your vibrator A and you let out a moan. “And sensitive too” she said she dint even seem to care that people were watching you in the hallway.
She moved part of the rope and pushed her pointer finger up into your pussy. “Very tight too…” she said less excited. “I can’t wait to see if you get claimed” Uraraka said as she walked off licking her finger and she left. You took a deepe breath and continued onward. Walking to the cafeteria you got some food and looking around. The cafeteria was weirdly colored. Chairs had either blue or pink colors to them. You sat down on a side that only had pink chairs but realized that all of the chairs had a dildo on them. Like it was somehow connected to the chair. That’s when another fir from your class moved over to you it was Mina. “I know it’s a little weird but don’t worry, the beginner ones are small for a reason.” “Here I’ll help you” she helped you say your stuff down and took your hand. As you hovered above the small dildo she slowly helped lower you down getting a moan from you. Mina then say opposite to you. She slipped down onto a dildo herself though all she did was bite her lip. she then we can’t eat like everything was normal.
“ i’m not even hungry anymore…“ You muttered mean I looked at but you slightly confused. “ you must be hungry though, it’s your first day after all“ she said “ how does any of this seem normal to you though! Like at my middle school yeah men have always been racist to us girls but this is like too far!” You added with an annoyed voice. “Y/n this is how every high school is, ours is just a bit more well large… Because we’re studying to become heroes!” Mina seemed to motion down to the dildos. “ either way, some of the boys are going to have the chance to claim you, it was different for me because all of the boys didn’t have girls but I would assume that they’re going to do it-“ mina was interrupted when Momo came down and sat on the edge of the table slipping onto a dildo like it was nothing. “ it is going to be slightly different for you y/n. The boys are each going to test you out”
“Test me out?” Momo nodded “ i’m not entirely sure how Mr. Aizawa has it set up for you but it could be most likely one of two things. Either you would stay the night in each boys dorm room, they could gangbang you at the end of class or you might have an hour with each boy or some thing else you never know” she said. I’m almost and Mina began to talk for a little while leaving you silently sitting there. Your stomach felt too sick to actually eat anything but the moment that you heard the bell rang you still up to leave. The rest of the classes went by quickly nobody really decided to mess with the vibrator until final period.
The teacher had been going over some sort of assignments that they were going to be giving out in a few days when you felt the vibrator spring back to life. But I didn’t even if a few people turn to face you but then quickly pay attention to the teacher again. What do you were just made a vibrator continued throughout. I’m not giving your pussy a break. When the class. Had finally ended you had gotten a text from your mom saying that all of your stuff had been moved into the dormitories. “Perfect!” You said. And then you left the classroom. On your way out though you were stopped by Mr. Aizawa “miss y/n” he asked and you turned around. “ yes sir?“ “ here’s how this is going to work, until the end of the week everybody’s going to have a chance to claim you. There are five boys currently that are able to. Each day you’re going to spend an hour in one of these boys rooms.” 
“tonight you will start with fumikage tokoyami”
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skyladywrites · 2 years
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skyladywrites · 2 years
My hero academia oc
Name- Lucy
Class- 1A
Quirk- illusions- (she can create anything she can picture in her mind weather it be a sound illusion or physical one. The more constrated she is the better and stable illusions she can make)
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