skylarsfm · 3 years
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skylarsfm · 3 years
maia curfman​
“i think i can do that. date or no date,” she agreed, turning slightly to hold a finger up toward a waiter who was carrying around a tray of champagne. she grabbed a flute for both herself and skylar, and handed one to her friend. “i don’t think he’ll be too peeved. unless you plan to make a move on me,” she teased. “though, i’ve never seen him jealous. maybe you should.” maia wiggled her eyebrows teasingly, smiling at the other in amusement. 
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“...i mean, you won’t hear me complain.” she teases, smiling over at maia as the waiter approaches them with the tray. “well, thank you. and you know i might! keeps these beauties coming, and you’ll see what i’m capable of.” laughing lightly, skylar shrugs her shoulders. “seriously? wait, like.... never ever?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
scott riley 
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he waits a few seconds then strolls out. “ oh hey, skylar. what’s up? fancy seeing you here. ”
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“trying to scare me, aren’t you? it’s not going to work you know! i can kick ass on heels.” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
luce  frear  
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                          ‘   are you a leo ?   ’
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“...huh? why?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
jae woo 
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“ uh … i’ll  also  be  gone  in  three  days ,  so …  personally ,  i’d  say  i’m  more  deserving .  ”  jae  lifts  his  palms  in  a  little  shrug ,  trying  to  keep  his  expression  neutral  despite  the  smirk  dying  to  show .  a  laugh  escapes  as  she’s  in  his  arms ,  pulling  her  in  a  bit  closer .  “  i’d  be  insulted  if  i  wasn’t ,  ”  jae  raises  a  brow  before  he  sighs  softly .  “  ah  . .  i  guess  you’ll  be  missed ,  too .  ”
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“um, well, since this is a debate, i have to win it. it took me longer to get prepared, so i’m more deserving.” skylar responds, batting her long lashes while her expression turned into an innocent one ; big blues staring back into his own. “are you not coming back?” keeping a smile on her face, she tried her best to keep the good mood going, because hell, goodbyes are not her thing. 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
julian eaton​
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“Of course I’ll want to get a drink with you,” he says with a slight chuckle. Though, Skylar is aware of his usual one glass rule. It’s obvious he isn’t abiding by it tonight. He hasn’t abided by it in half a year. “Yeah, they do.” He leads the way. “Are you enjoying your night?”
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“my, my -- must be my lucky day.” skylar teases, before motioning toward the bar. she wonders what’s up, because there’s no way this is his first drink but at the same time she’s not going to be complaining. “yeah, it’s nice. no idea how many people will be sticking aorund though. kinda weird, no?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
ria flicke​
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“By now they’d be that awful healing green color and that’s not cute even if it’s badass,” Ria laughed. Scars would look a little cool. “Always. People are going all out… Since so many of them are leaving.”
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“it’s all part of the process, ri. besides, you would have been successful on your mission.” and in all honestly, that’s all that matters to sky. she bruised easily anyway, so it wasn’t something she was bothered about. “i know right? it’s weird. are you staying?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
esther alonso ​
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“i don’t really drink but the ones i’ve had are very good, yes.” esther’s a bit of a lightweight and most of her medicines can’t be mixed with alcohol anyway. “i’ll miss you as well, but surely we’ll keep in touch.” a pause. “and you and ricky.”
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“then we can find you something else. no worries, they have something for everyone, i’m sure we can find something you’ll like!” skylar responds, feeling confident. they have everything in there anyway, so it wouldn’t be a problem. “we will. i promise. and you have my number, so you can call me anytime. i’ll be a third year as well, so i can get out and everything... just in case you want to meet up.” the blonde smiles, before shrugging her shoulder. “i dunno. maybe. if he doesn’t forget.”
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skylarsfm · 3 years
ting zhao​
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“well it looks lovely on you! is that someone your date?”
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“thank you, you’re the sweetest. and no, no dates, but maybe i want to look nice before i say goodbye to someone.” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
thomas black ​
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        “ WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT ? ”   he snorts, nudging her hand away playfully with his.   “ levi ?   i didn’t realize you two were that close. ”   hardly knows the guy.   “ just wondering what your plans are. are you going home before your trip ? ”
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“i mean, i’m skylar knight why wouldn’t i ask you that?” she flashes him a toothy grin, wiggling her brows. “i wouldn’t say close. but i don’t think you want to know our deal either.” tommy’s smart though, he probably could tell what she meant. “i’m going home for a week, then flying to london. i’ll take it from there.. what about you?”
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skylarsfm · 3 years
ricky alonso ​
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– “TWO CHEEK KISSES? yeah, i must be doing SOMETHING right, ” he laughs, touching the spot where her lips just were a second time. “ well, i don’t think that’s how being a favorite works exactly, but sure, you can have the spot…for now, stay vigilant…! ” ricky glances at her, “ oh, yeah ? where’s your cowboy hat ? ” 
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“....what can i say, it helps you don’t say no to me.” she grins, squeezing him gently.  “how does it work then? please enlighten this poor blonde.” skylar joked softly, moving to face him. “back in my room, duh. want to come see it? i have something i want to give you anyway.” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
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          scarlett leithold
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skylarsfm · 3 years
parker brandt​ 
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“You can wear something other than gym clothes?” Parker joked. “This is more interesting than finals or the mission, I’ll give it that.” A lot of people too. “Have you been having fun?”
closed @skylarsfm​
“...is that a compliment gone wrong, or what?” the blonde replies, grinning widely. “well, i won’t disagree with you on that. and the drinks help with the fun, so.” nodding her head, skylar lets out a happy sigh. “yeah. i feel more relaxed than usual. you?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
bea fitzsimmons ​
“i don’t know, but i could ask you the same question! you look gorgeous,” bea gushed. “don’t mind if i do.” she took the champagne and raised her glass before taking a sip. “sort of. this is my last night at gallagher ever, so it’s is bittersweet for me.” she was excited to leave, but she already missed her friends. “are you having fun?”
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“well, thank you. i wanted to look good, since i can be the last thing some people see before they leave this place.” smirking slightly, skylar shrugged her shoulders. “wait, you’re leaving?” now, that’s not something the blonde liked to hear, but a lot of people wanted to get away... and before the mission, she was one of them. “i’m having fun, yeah.. i love dancing, so.” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
esther alonsos​ 
closed for @skylarsfm​
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“if i had to say anything positive about gallagher, i would definitely start with the parties. they’re just so well done, i’ll certainly miss this a fair amount.”
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“...and the drinks, don’t forget the drinks.” skylar responds, letting out a laugh. “i’m going to miss you, you know.” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
ria flicke​
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“Are you glad that you don’t have a bunch of bruises to cover? Those things probably look disgusting at this point.” Healing bruises were not cute. Ria bitched and moaned about not being on the mission, but she was glad she was unscathed.
closed @skylarsfm​
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“...god, yes. though, i wouldn’t mind having a few, looking badass is hot as fuck.” skylar replied, holding her drink up to the air, before taking a quick sip. “are you enjoying the party?” 
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skylarsfm · 3 years
sebastian castillo 
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“  right ,  first  one  to  down  their  drink  wins  ? ”  he  eyes  her  up ,  as  if  he’s  ready  to  start  counting  down .  
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“....wins what exactly? you gotta give me something.”  
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