fxithrush · 3 years
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"Remember how last time you asked me how I was doing," the female started off, foot dangling against his every now and then from the bench she was sitting on across from him. She had gotten the hint that Scott had hinted at Sebastian back then, she just didn't really want to mention it considering she did feel stupidly vulnerable. "I kind of lied," the female mused, rubbing against the wood from the bench with a small stone in her hand absentmindedly. "I'm GOOD now." She hadn't explicitly talked about .. things lately, with Mira and stuff .. but Scott deserved to know things every now and then. / @scottrileys​
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graysonberkshire · 3 years
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Unsurprisingly, Grayson isn’t the most receptive person when it comes to social situations and relationships. He hasn’t kept in regular touch with most of his Gallagher peers, which he thinks is fine because he has to visit occasionally on Ruby’s behalf. But when it comes to Scott, he figures there’s no escape when in the same room, so he decides to make the first move. “Are you doing another internship this summer?” He asks, instead of saying hello, which is rude. / @scottrileys​
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gregcollins · 4 years
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Grey hadn't been very focused since returning from DC, always a bit out of it after the entire trip took his energy away. So he was just trying to get back into the swing of things .. by just sitting somewhere in silence and watching people go about their day. He even brought a book but it had been a little too busy to read before, however, now noticing a glass just situated on the hardcover. " Uhh , dude -- that's a book, not a coaster." / @scottrileys​
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jas-michaud · 3 years
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jas is usually not one to take advantage of others. but she is one to take advantage of opportunities, so she is using her impending graduation as an excuse to force scott to let her fix his nails. she’s not painting them or anything, yet, just pushing his cuticles and buffing. she hums happily while she works. “obviously you’re going to miss me a ton when i’m gone,” she says knowingly, filing a nail before her eyes flit up to meet his. “so you should come visit us in dc once the school year is over.” jas assumes scott would book a hotel room, but she’d offer him the couch, which is allowed since it’ll be her place too. in this scenario, she’s also picturing luce coming, especially to see georgetown friends. weirdly, cosmically, she pictured the two of them, jas and scott, getting almost killed this year, somehow, like there was a prophecy half fulfilled. thankfully, all they got was double agents gathering useless information for probably no good reason. / @scottrileys​
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skylarsfm · 4 years
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starter for @scottrileys​ /  “so... i don’t think you told me, how did you do in d.c? did you let your huge bird do all the work for you, or did you fly over the city to complete your mission?” skylar teases him, “i hope your first day of class was better than mine.” 
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rizosguin · 4 years
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     “i absolutely think that doing my berlin scream in this city might just mean the end of my spy career, so i guess i won’t be having much fun right now!” | @scottrileys​
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honeybelon · 4 years
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        “i think i just saw someone get rejected at the botanical gardens earlier. sorry not sorry, but i’m happy i’m not the only one failing at romance right now!” | @scottrileys​
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tillylongfellow · 4 years
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tilly doesn’t talk to scott much, and why would she? especially considering her memory of their weekend away over the summer is not a particularly pleasant one. “did you have a good break?” she imagines the riley family is the type to take a vacation for the holiday, which she finds annoying. “i’m sure it was nice to get out of roseville for a while.” / @scottrileys​
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ingridsong · 4 years
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“i can’t believe you didn’t dress up as an anime character!” neither did aylin...they are traitors. “are you a highlighter?” she is asking politely. / @scottrileys​
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ashlannaughty · 4 years
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currently wearing: butterfly mask
“dammit,” he scoffs under her breath, running his hand along his roommate’s jacket. “have people just been touching you all night? maybe you were onto something.” except he thinks scott has a date already and ashlan will probably die alone (i hope). / @scottrileys​
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byrnetm · 4 years
starter  for  @scottrileys​.
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     at  this  point  in  the  night  ,  the  girl’s  had  her  fair  share  of  mixed  drinks  &  shots  ,  meaning  she’s  properly  plastered  ,  and  it’s  visible  --  from  flushed  cheeks  ,  to  an  exuberant  smile  brightening  the  atmosphere  .  ginny’s  dancing  ,  and  the  only  thing  to  stop  her  is  gray  hues  landing  on  a  familiar  figure  .  she’ll  rush  over  to  the  boy  ,  exclaiming  “  --  scott  !  there  you  are  ,  ”  and  she’s  drunk  ,  so  she’ll  wrap  him  into  a  tight  hug  ,  eyes  glittering  as  she  pulls  back  after  a  few  moments  .  “  --  i  just  wanted  to  say  thank  you  .  you’re  ,  like  --  the  whole  reason  any  of  this  is  even  happening  .  and  look  how  happy  everyone  is  !  ”  there’s  a  bit  of  awe  in  her  tone  .  she’s  giddy  in  this  state  --  and  you  can’t  really  blame  her  .
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fxithrush · 3 years
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" HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! " The female called out for the male, jumping up on him to give him a hug. Truth be told, Faith had almost forgotten his birthday amidst everything going on .. even when she wasn't too fazed by it and more so distracted by everyone else being negative but due to her handy little notes app, she knew what was up. "You gotta come with me to get your present." She simply couldn't .. lift it, at least not all the way here. / @scottrileys​
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monilanchest · 3 years
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : ROOFTOP W / @scottrileys​
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“If I wanted to kick someone’s ass, would you help me?” The answer better be a yes.
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komorcbis · 4 years
LOCATION  :  japanese  gardens
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      @scottrileys    //    “  𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎  𝚢𝚘𝚞  𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍  out  how  you’re  going  to  survive  without  me  next  year  ?  ”  they’re  already  halfway  through  the  spring  semester  .  crazy  how  fast  time  flies  .
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jas-michaud · 4 years
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“yay!” she says apropos of absolutely nothing. “yay!” and this time she grabs his arms and jumps up and down. “i’m happy, are you so relieved?!” jas can tell scott’s been even more nervous around her than usual. not because of the imminent threat of crossing her and earning the wrath of her friends, but because she’s been less upbeat than usual (understatement). but she’s already kissed louis about fifty times tonight so she’s in the best possible mood. “i feel like you’re not, though.” and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why! his lack of kisses from someone else whose name also starts with l! / @scottrileys​
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skylarsfm · 4 years
starter for @scottrileys​
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A green suited figure catches her attention from afar, and before she knows it; a curious Skylar’s moving toward them. It takes only a moment before realisation washed over her feature and a laugh escapes past her lips. “Hey albatross.” the blonde exclaims, looking up and down, taking his costume in. “What are you supposed to be? Sia?” The wig had to be a Sia wig, there was no doubt in her mind about that. “You look good.” 
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