skyler-white-writes · 3 months
Oh, I love mood boards! They're great for inspiration! :)
Here is mine, for @heisenbergthecook.
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I'll "tag" @agentschrader!
(Unironically love what Pinterest gave my chosen name lol)
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
Oh, is this another past student of yours? I'm sure we can find an opening for her. :)
'm getting bored again guys! I need a job, can anyone give me something to do so I don't get in trouble yo??
@yocapncook @badgersblog-yo @yo-im-skinny-pete @heisenbergthecook
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
Was it non-homogenized? Cream can collect into chunks like that.
ugh i just drank expired milk n i was a lotra sips in before i noticed am i gonna die?
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
You'll be fine, Jesse. If you didn't notice anything right away, it's probably not that soured.
ugh i just drank expired milk n i was a lotra sips in before i noticed am i gonna die?
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
are you aware jesse has porn mags of milfs
That is really none of my business.
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
They really should, I'll never understand why they don't. I can teach you both sometime. We'll make an afternoon of it. :)
i need a Udlt
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
What's wrong? This had better not be about those suspicious brownies I'm hearing about, young man.
i need a Udlt
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
what was the nicest thing he said to you?
Well, he complimented me on my cooking again, and said I have pretty hair. At one point I think he mistook me for... Well, that was shortly before he really came to, he probably wouldn't want me sharing everything he said.
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
After spending time with Jesse, do you have a better opinion of him?
I do, yes. He's actually a very sweet young man. We spoke a little while he was in the hospital, and although he was under the influence of painkillers, he had nothing but nice things to say to me. I think I understand what Walt sees in him.
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skyler-white-writes · 3 months
No one is putting you back in the basement, Jesse. Not while Walt and I are here.
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i told u not to edit that one wHEN U FUCKIN KIDNAPOED ME YO
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
So if Jesse is family, is he like, a cousin?
He's Jesse. That's all there is to it.
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
I don't hate you, Jesse. I owe you an apology. I didn't realize the situation was this serious.
If you need anything, Walt and I both are here for you.
yo jesse! congrats on finally being adopted by the Whites!
what?, didnt u see mes whites posts she hates me man
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
I'll be over there soon with a few things then.
I found Jesse. He's hurt, but he'll survive. I brought him to the hospital.
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
Is that where you are? Do the two of you need anything from the house?
I found Jesse. He's hurt, but he'll survive. I brought him to the hospital.
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
I thought you liked jesse? :(
I do. And if he is Walter's family, then he is my family too. That's how it works.
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
You're being kind of glib about somebody's life being in danger, M r s. White.
You don't know Walt and Jesse the way I do. You don't know how regular these.. erratic patterns are.
If something terrible really has happened, I apologize for having doubts. I'd even offer to help, if Walter would let me. But he won't tell me what exactly he's worried about. He tells me nothing, Anon, and he knows more than he's letting any of us know.
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skyler-white-writes · 4 months
Then, I will say this to you again:
You are free to do whatever you feel is best, Walt.
No one can stop you. You've made that part clear.
Did you disappear Jesse in a fit of marital jealousy??
Absolutely not. I have nothing to be jealous of in the first place. Walt is well aware of who he's married to.
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