skylerklew · 7 years
Cafe Lalo Writing Session 2017-08-21
1. I am thankful that I finally cut my hair today (after nearly 3 months), and it turned out OK.
2. I am thankful thank that Jia met up to have dinner with me.
3. I am thankful for my good health, which is why I made it a point to get back into my work out routine today.
4. I am thankful that I am going to Boston this weekend.
5. I am thankful that North Korea backed off from bombing Cuba.
6. I am thankful that I get to spend time with my grandparents, even though I feel like I miss having my own space/apartment.
7. I am thankful for having my cousins Wes, Cass, and Jaime in my life.
8. I am thankful that I told Jia about my faith in God.
9. I am thankful for getting to explore New York City since I decided to make the big move here.
10. I am thank for that cool message about world peace with regard to the solar eclipse.
================================================== 10 FAVORITE MEMORIES FROM THIS SUMMER (10 MINUTES) @10:00PM
1. The last night we dj’d at Soho with the crew with our equipment, which I ended up taking with me to New York City.
2. Conquering a solo x-country trip in 2.5 days. Reaching New Mexico circa 15 hours of driving and being totally exhausted and wanting to pull over, but feeling scared about the two hill billies that came out to smoke cigs and eyeing my car down from afar. Saying to myself, fuck sleep and pounding an energy drink to power through another 200 miles of driving to a safer stop area. Being surrounded by mostly 18 wheelers and driving through the 2 lane highway in Kansas with no divider between the opposing traffic for hundreds of miles and little sleep.
3. Cooking dinner for my grandparents.
4. My nephew Oliver’s first birthday party @ Sam’s aunt’s house.
5. Aunt Amy’s bbq for Daniel’s man cave debut, even though the man cave was just meh.
6. Late night Battery Park walk with Jia.
7. Dog-sitting Winnie for Cass & Ash.
8. Biking with Cass during Summer Streets.
9. Not settling for less, knowing my worth, and getting a FAT ass annual raise at work which I negotiated like a fucking boss.
10. Working remotely by Pacific Beach with Ardes on a bench at the end of Zack’s street, right before I gave Zack my bong as his bday gift.
11. Sammie throwing my going away party that me, Vinh, and BT DJ’d then house rolling. That was one of the most thoughtful things ever.
12. When Jia came to visit San Diego and hung out with Minh and I. Taking her to North Park. We hotboxed my car and smoked her up for the first time in Hillcrest. Taking her to Soho. Then she came over and I spun some electro house for her hahah.
13. Aunt Tammie’s bbq for Corey & Grandma’s birthday.
14. Lance’s high school graduation, driving to Boston and back to NY with Bren. Partying with Bren like actual adults :D
15. Going to see The Chainsmokers with Sean, Marisa, and their mom Sandra LMAO.
16. Sean showing me around the city to check out Arlene’s Grocery, Fat Buddha, W&W @ Webster Hall, Brunch Bounce to see Sosupersam @ La Marina, A-Trak @ Coney Island.
17. My 33rd birthday dinner @ Georgia’s with grandparents and Caitlyn.
18. Helping Aunt Jean scrape the old paint on the side of her house in Long Island.
19. Making travel plans during this summer into the autumn/winter time (i.e. Berlin/Singapore for work, Cancun to be in Uncle Bobby & Raziel’s wedding, then Thailand with Scott for a week, SF/LA/SD in December).
20. Late night city excursions to the Upper West Side indulging in debauchery, writing at Cafe Lalo, and eating Thai comfort food with Jia.
I remember Minh telling me that he was going to meet up with a friend from New York that he met while he visited. I was just coming along for the heck of it at first. Then I realized that this could and would be a good opportunity for me to make a friend for when I move to NY, so all the more reason. When I met Jia, I was like wow, she’s so much taller than Minh and I but whatevz. I hope she doesn’t mind hanging out with two short guys looking like we’re her younger brothers’ friends. Her vibe seemed laid back though. I wondered if she had the impression that Minh and I were fuckboys haha. I was really impressed with how she does her eye makeup and had very nice hair lmao ;)) I got kinda worried at first when she said she doesn’t drink that much and never smokes. I thought she might be a sheltered goody two shoes girl that would judge me. However, all of that cleared up when she was down to smoke for the first time with us. Then while we were smoking in my car, I realized that she might not handle weed well, then I started to feel paranoid that she was gonna get paranoid about being high around strangers, but she was actually chill about it. I thought she was going to judge me when she came to my ghetto ass studio in City Heights, but she was fine. She really liked the music I spun for her and I was imagining what her friends in NYC were like and if I would ever be able to DJ in front of them. Time.
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skylerklew · 7 years
just super saiyan’
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