skylieclearwater · 25 days
Panic Attack/ Comfort Starters
Panic attack
The sender is having a panic attack
"I-I can't... I can't control it."
"I-I can't breathe... everything's spinning..."
"I-I need to get out of here... please, I can't stay... it's too much..."
"N-noise... too much noise... I can't think... I need to..."
"I feel like I'm going to die..."
"I-I can't stop crying..."
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for falling apart like this..."
"I'm scared... I don't know what's happening..."
"I feel like I'm going to pass out..."
"I need to get out of here... I can't handle this..."
"I-I'm fine, just give me a moment. It's nothing..."
: "I'm okay, really... Just need a moment to... to collect myself..."
The sender is comforting receiver having a panic attack
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Just breathe with me, alright? Nice and slow. You're safe here, I've got you."
"Tell me five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste."
"'You're not alone in this. Take your time; I'll wait."
"Let's count backwards from 100. One number at a time. You've got this."
"Shh, I know it feels overwhelming right now, but you're not alone. I'm right here beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."
"Focus on my voice, okay?"
"I'm right here beside you, holding your hand."
"Let's step outside for a moment. Take my hand, we'll get through this together."
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skylieclearwater · 1 month
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skylieclearwater · 1 month
He’s coming to boop you
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skylieclearwater · 1 month
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skylieclearwater · 1 month
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
((@katanamasako IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS))
Today's Seal Is: The Howler
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
Skylie got comfortable, watching as her brother held still for Karmal.
"Well, we've been living in foster care for a while now. Our parents died... Tucker is the only family I have left. We go everywhere together." Tucker nodded along with Skylie, cupping Karmal in his hands carefully.
“Eh, I’m used to it.” Karmal did crawl up onto Tucker’s hand, though, relishing the warmth that came with it. “So, mind telling me more about yourselves?”
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
They both nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, it's been a while since we last ate!" Skylie was all but bouncing for joy. She eagerly darted about, never straying too far from him. Tucker was more relaxed, staying by Alexander's side and keeping tabs on Skylie.
"So, how bad was the damage here?" Tucker asked, looking things over as he walked.
Skylie happily flopped onto one hand, hugging his wrist, with Tucker following shortly after. The two children were very happy to see him~ They were smiling brightly and giggling to each other, hugging Alexander's wrists.
"We missed you!" Skylie was now rubbing her cheek against him like a little kitten. Tucker watched her with a grin. "Yeah, that storm was a bad one!"
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
Tucker and Skylie both looked unhappy at that. "That's not nice of them... Well, you're safe when we're around." Tucker said strongly. Skylie nodding in agreement with her brother. Tucker offered his hand to Karmal, a gentle smile on his face. "You look kinda cold, buddy."
Karmal did admit it was a bit off-putting- though he wasn’t about to go saying that. “I can understand that. You humans call that… albinism, right?” He sat down himself, allowing the bandanna to cover his body more.
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
((My brain broke watching this))
American Woodcock demonstrates "distal rhynchokinesis," the ability to flex the end of its bill. This allows it to grab earthworms it encounters when probing in soil. Other shorebirds, including Dunlins & Sanderlings, can bend their bills in this way. 😃
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
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Oh, Sam…
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
She nodded. "Tucker's partial albino. He's got patches of light skin. But only one of his eyes is like mine-- Oh hey Tucker! Watch your feet, I've got a friend~"
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The twelve-year-old froze, looking down, then made like his sister and carefully got down on his belly. He was just as kind as Skylie. Just as thoughtful. "Hi... You okay?" Tucker asked Karmal, looking curious yet still treating him with the respect he was due. Like Skylie, all he saw was another person. Just extra small.
Karmal did admit it was a bit off-putting- though he wasn’t about to go saying that. “I can understand that. You humans call that… albinism, right?” He sat down himself, allowing the bandanna to cover his body more.
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
"Well that's not nice of them to do... You're a person just like me. Just smaller... I know I wouldn't like being kept in a cage." She carefully got down on her stomach, folding her arms in front of herself and resting her chin on them. Pink eyes blinked back at him. "Me and my brother, Tucker, have people get scared of us a lot. It's cause of how we look. Me especially. Lotsa people don't like the whole pink-and-red eye thing." she sighed.
Karmal blinked. She was… letting him go? This wasn’t on the list of things to watch out for. He sighed. “It’s no big deal- I kinda liked being up so high. It’s like one of your human rollercoasters. Besides, your hands were pretty warm,” he admitted. “Usually I’m near-frigid with my lack of layers.”
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
Skylie sighed, relieved that he didn't seem angry. Though she grew worried when he said he was usually cold. "Oh no! Um, hold on..." Skylie was quick to find a little bandana she sometimes wore. And she carefully wrapped it around him, without picking him up. But still being extremely gentle. "Is that better?" she asked.
Karmal blinked. She was… letting him go? This wasn’t on the list of things to watch out for. He sighed. “It’s no big deal- I kinda liked being up so high. It’s like one of your human rollercoasters. Besides, your hands were pretty warm,” he admitted. “Usually I’m near-frigid with my lack of layers.”
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
She blinked rapidly.
"No... I... You said your name was Karmal, right? Why would I give you another name?" Skylie was genuinely confused by this. Tilting her head to the side. Then it began to register. And her face turned bright red in shame. She'd just... Picked him up. Didn't even ask. Skylie knelt down and gently set him down.
"I-I don't want to keep you as a pet or anything! Oh gosh, no! You're a person, like me. Just... Really tiny... I'm sorry, I should have asked before I just picked you up like that!" Well there goes the idea of making a new friend... She wouldn't blame him for running off. Skylie looked very, very apologetic.
“No, I just left my pin in my room. And Karmal, if you must know.” The teen sat down with a huff- guess he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
"Oh... Um, do you want to go get it?" she asked Karmal gently. Skylie slowly stood up, cupping him close so as not to drop him. She'd feel awful if she dropped the little guy! Skylie wanted to make friends with him, not hurt him!
“No, I just left my pin in my room. And Karmal, if you must know.” The teen sat down with a huff- guess he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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skylieclearwater · 2 months
Skylie remained gentle despite his attitude. He was scared. And she just needed to show him she wasn't a threat. The albino tilted her head. "Did you lose something?" she asked, now looking for what he may have dropped. "Oh, my name's Skylie by the way. What's your name?"
Skylie hadn't been expecting this. A very, very tiny person. She didn't want to scare him, even though she really wanted a better look. The child kept back, sitting down to try and look smaller and less threatening. "Hi." she said softly.
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“…if you value your fingertips, I suggest you step away.” Strong words coming from a kid that is barely taller than a crayon.
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