Next time I’ll get the salt free ones to keep my big sis, happy!  Any plans for spring break?
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Oh, you know me. I’m going to have a wild spring break, doing absolutely nothing exciting. I’ll probably just start my morning runs up again. I’m sure you have something far more exciting planned?
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Okay, but like if I step on a pup’s tail I just give him an extra treat and we go about our day.  If I accidentally step on a kid I’ll have to lawyer up!  Working at a daycare sounds like working in an active landmine field… but that’s coming from me, the guy who trip getting off the bus today.
Recorders are just as awesome, er well, annoying, but in this case I think that makes them awesome!  Get a clip and we can sample in on the new EP.  
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Alright, you got me there. You wouldn’t make such a bad lawyer yourself, proving me wrong and shit. Ha. Typical clumsy ass JD. I’ve been telling you, you need to start wearing elbow and knee pads. One of these days you’re gonna get hurt.
Ha. Cute. I doubt these toddlers will make anything worthy, but we’ll see.
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Oh, sure!  Well I got an architecture degree from UC Berkeley, but the job pool didn’t really speak to me when I graduated, so I decided to come back to school this side of the way.  So, I’m working on my masters in architecture, but I’ve also picked up studying photography, and I love it.  It makes me wish I didn’t waste so much time on something I lacked passion for.  I feel you can be just as brilliant making art than wherever your engineering career would have taken you.  I hope you find that success!  I’ll bring along some shots if you’d like!  I took a day trip to Napa Valley, and want to live inside some of those photographs!  I look forward to meeting you, Bea!  You name precedes you, I’ve definitely heard of The Comaros.  My cousin seems to be good friends with your brother. 
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So that probably makes you a bit closer to my age than most other students, then? That’s a relief. It may be a few years, but most people at our school end up feeling much younger. I think I’ve accidentally adopted around 10 freshmen, and let me tell you, they are not easy to care for. Architecture is a romantic comedy career, so you certainly have something going for you...but I have to say, passion is one of the most important aspects in life. Well, passion and comfortability, though the two rarely go hand-in-hand in my experience. Thank you! I’d love to see some shots, so please by all means! Do you travel often for photos? I love traveling, and I highly suggest you visit Tibet with your camera one day. There are views so spectacular they’ll make you cry. I look forward to our meeting as well. Oh! Your cousin must be Cassiopeia. She’s an...interesting girl. Nico seems fond of her. What a small world! 
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I can make a few Egyptian deserts thanks to my father insisting upon all my nannies with Egyptian too.  A few of those recipes have stuck with me, but take like nine years to make.  
Oh, I know it, but it’s always nice to hear. Thanks, babe.  
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What the hell? That’s really cool, Jaspar. Why haven’t I tried these desserts yet?! Probably because of the nine years thing, but we’ve been friends for way longer than nine years, so...what’s your excuse now, buddy?
Any time, babe. I’m always here to fluff your already fluffed ego.
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Rosa chewed on her lip as she watched Nico, feeling completely out of place. She used to love his shows - she felt pumped, wired. Now she felt like she shouldn’t have come. In hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have. Popping up at your exes show and listening to him sing a bunch of songs about you was...interesting, to say the least. Especially given that she’d just been on a good date - a great date - and now here she was...back pedaling, or something. It wasn’t like that - she wasn’t here to ask him to take her back or anything. She couldn’t really explain it, he’d just been on her mind the past few days.
Rosa was ready to walk away and go home when Nico hopped off the stage, and Rosa realized that maybe he was actually going to talk to her. “you know it!” Rosa grinned mischievously before immediately making her way towards the bar and taking a seat. Rosa ordered her drink - a basic bitch vodka soda - and then turned to her ex, “I’m sorry for showing up like this. I really did just miss you. Do you ever miss me?”
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“actually… i just miss you.” 
Nico never stopped wrapping his guitar chord up around his elbow.  The band only had fifteen minutes to get their gear off stage before the closing act, and he really didn’t want to piss off another bartender.  Rosa’s words didn’t quite register over the loud, yet thinning crowd, but he could feel her eyes on him.  If he didn’t address her soon that gaze would turn to a stony stare.  He knew her well enough to know that.  “It’s a little too late for that isn’t it?”  Nico said, lacking the courage to actually look at her.  He closed his guitar case and before he could make an exit, Jeff was taking the gear from his hands.  Nico attempted to object, but his best friend just walked off with a smile.  Why did the dude have to be such a good roadie?
From his vantage point on the stage he saw a rare sight: two free seats at the bar, and he knew Rosa wasn’t going to let up so easy.  It’s one thing he always loved about her, but being around her just hurt.  If the songs he still wrote were any clue, it was still a very open wound.  Nico swallowed all that pain along with his pride before hopping off the small stage.  
“There’s a couple seats at the bar.  Can you still keep up?”  
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KAT: Katrina eagerly listened as Rosa answered her question. How the other woman spoke about film reminded Kat of her own relationship with food. She believed to truly master the craft, you couldn't just focus on one style or aspect, you needed to step out of your comfort zone. "I don't think that sounds corny. I'm all about following my heart these days," she added with a smirk.
As the conversation shifted back towards food, Kat felt excitement bubble from within, and found it hard not to completely derail the conversation with random culinary facts. However, even her mouth didn't have a chance to move ahead as butterflies fluttered at the thought of cooking for Rosa. She hadn't cooked for anybody in a long time, on some level it was was act of intimacy. Cooking wasn't always taking a recipe from a page and bringing it to life, Katrina saw it as something more personal than that. "I still have three semesters left of my culinary management degree," she mentioned sign a roll of her eyes. "So, I wouldn't go breaking out the premiere dress quite yet. Not that it's not something I'd love to see," she added with smile, and a quick glance at the woman in the driver's seat.
Katrina chewed her bottom lip in an attempt as to not seem to eager at the idea of a second date. "You're treating me tonight, I think it's only fair I return the favor," she replied. "I can't impress you with a fancy restaurant, but I can make you your favorite meal," she chuckled, tapping her toes to the radio. "What would that be? You know for future reference."
ROSA: Watching people talk about their passions was always a treat for Rosa. She often felt as though she got more enjoyment out of seeing others success, more than her own. Rosa was a hype man at heart, and she wanted nothing more than to encourage Katrina to say fuck school and open her restaurant next week. Not everyone had the privilege of being able to do everything they wanted all the time.
"Alright alright, the dress will have to wait. But there will be a dress eventually, and if I end up picking it sometime within the next year? Well, I like to be prepared," Rosa teased playfully.
"My favorite meal? That's a tough one. I'd have to say Rojões à Moda do Minho is my absolute favorite. I also really love pasta, though. Feed me a ton of pasta and I'll be a happy gal," Rosa joked, pulling into the restaurant. "You ready?" She questioned, eyes sparkling with excitement. She could tell Katrina was excited to be dining at such a fine establishment, and Rosa was excited to treat a cute girl. With a reassuring smile, Rosa stepped out of her ride and tossed the keys to the valet.
"Be nice to my baby!" Rosa warned the valet, half joking as she moved around to the other side of the car, meeting Katrina. Bold as ever she wasted no time linking their arms and walking into the establishment.
Approaching the host, Rosa shot him a bright smile. "Good evening, I have a reservation. Cruz?" Rosa never wasted much time flashing her name - when it suited her, she liked the name and the fame. When the paparazzi annoyed her and her parents embarrassed her? Not so much. Rosa exchanged pleasantries before the two were whisked away to their table - one with an astounding view, of course.
"So, what do you think? Is it everything you'd hoped for?"
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GAVIN: Eh, I got nothing to hide. We can head out whenever you'd like. I found us a place to rent gear at, and a place for us to set up camp.
AVERY: Yay! You're the best! I was prepared to sleep on the ground, but that's way better.
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GAVIN: For you I can make it work. When do you want to get out of here?
AVERY: ASAP! I'm already all packed. I'm about ready to start packing for you tbh. Is that crossing some kind of line? Probably. I'll be patient.
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Anytime!  If you ever have extra of anything I’m sure I can cook something up with it.  That’s how I discovered my new favorite food combo: pretzels and salsa.  I was out of chips but had a ton of leftovers!  I still got some if you want to take some off my hands.  
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Pretzels and salsa sounds delicious, actually! Pretzels aren’t too unhealthy, they’re just a bit high in sodium. I’ll never say no to some good salsa.
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GAVIN: We can take a stop at the half way point to stretch our legs and grab some food. There's gotta be a decent diner somewhere along the way. When's spring break?
AVERY: That sounds perfect! You can always find little diners on road trips, it's a law or something. Spring break is right now! Think you can find anyone to cover your shifts for a couple days? 😇
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Wild women don't get the blues But I find that Lately I've been crying like a Tall child
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GAVIN: Hey you. Sausalito has decent camping, but if you really want to get out of here we can go down to big sur. Its about four hours on my bike. I'm in If you're in.
AVERY: Four hours isn't too bad, let's do that one. You know I'm in!
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KAT: "I'd love to," Katrina confirmed with a nod. She always felt in her element around food, even just in a restaurant setting, "If the perfect menu exists I think The Boulevard's would be it, so I don't think I could make a wrong decision here. And, I like those odds," she chuckled, allowing herself to freely enjoy the conversation.
Given the story about the car, Rosa's answer wasn't exactly what she was expecting; however, it just lead to further intrigue about the woman. Katrina was half expecting a flippant answer about wanting their fortune, but not their careers, and it was a stark reminder not to judge a book by it's cover... or it's sport's car. "I get that," she nodded. "What do you want to do? Write, direct, act... or are you a bit of a Renaissance woman and want to do it all?" She asked with a quirk of her brow, excited to learn more about her date.
Then the question was turned on her and she was suddenly aware of her lack of locked and loaded date answer. She shook her head, pushed some dark brown hair out of her eyes, and took a deep breath. Why was small talk suddenly rocket science when it's a cute girl on the other end of the conversation? "Food," she answered simply, an easy smile on her face. "Food is the true love of my life," she laughed. "I've been cooking ever since I was tall enough to preheat the oven, and I don't really think I've stopped since. Someday I hope it's my own restaurant with the best views of the bay."
ROSA: Rosa's passion was always obvious when she was talking about her projects. While she often lacked the motivation to complete said projects, you could tell her heart was in her work. Her eyes lit up as Kat continued past her parents, asking about what she did. It was so rare for anyone to care about her when she was dangling information about her more famous parents around.
"When you're in film you have to do a little bit of everything, but my heart lies in writing and directing. I'm sure I'll end up producing and editing and maybe even, ugh, acting...but right now I'm trying to do what my heart tells me to," Rosa laughed at herself, "It's corny, but it's true."
Rosa's eyebrow quirked at Kat's answer, "Cute. I love food. More eating it than anything else, but it works out. You're gonna have to cook for me sometime. Hit me up when you open your restaurant, I'll be there on opening night with my best premiere dress," Rosa continued driving, at ease in the San Francisco traffic. It was only a little worse than Los Angeles, and she'd been blessed with good company.
"You should probably cook for me before that. Maybe for our second date. Or am I getting ahead of myself?" Rosa laughed her own eagerness off and turned on the radio, letting some catchy top 40 song quietly fill the car.
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That’s you!  Being around you makes me happy.  Things in life are rarely that simple, but with you they are.  Good!  ‘Cause I’m not going anywhere.  I got too much going on for me around here.  
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Good! I really like you being happy, so I’m probably going to be around you all the time now. I love seeing you smile. Ha, good. Cool. I’m not leaving, either. Mostly because I’ve been here my whole life but also cause...y’know. There are some pretty cool people here.
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Well not to brag but I’m awesome at Blackjack, so I don’t think playing my cards right will be a problem.  My poker face on the other hand is terrible.  Everybody likes to mixed into everybody else’s business back in Tennessee.  I don’t miss that at all.  Except I did need to ask my neighbor for batteries during a power outage a few weeks ago, and they looked at me like I was insane for asking.  Ah, dance!  Color me impressed, yet again.  Everytime I think I can dance my body reminds me that I should save my coordination for the rink.  Do you have a favorite type of dance?  My mom taught me that one.  Apparently she had a feline who would take it out on her shoes when she’d get embarrassed.  You can offer up a few more of those facts when we take a burrito run.  I’d love to hear ‘em.  
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I’m terrible at cards, and especially poker. I’m very, very good at operation, though. Steady hands, just one of my many good qualities. I can imagine. That sounds exhausting. I like minding my own business - it’s one of my hobbies. I prefer ballet! I’ve been dancing ballet since I was a child. I do like to incorporate more modern dance, when applicable. Of course, I’m also trained in tap, jazz and clog...but ballet is my passion. Excellent, I’ll get a mental list ready for you. 
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I can’t remember the last time I researched something that I knew I wouldn’t be graded on.  I used to read for fun all the time, but these days I don’t have time for much of anything that isn’t a textbook.  With spring break coming up maybe I’ll become a homebody for the week, and catch up on all the books I’ve neglected.  I doubt it but it’s nice to think about.  Read anything interesting recently?
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That’s tragic, but understandable. When I was in school, I didn’t read anything that wasn’t medical related. It was draining. Dropping out was a a huge relief and I suddenly loved learning again. Just like magic. I really hope that happens for your spring break, though! Yes, actually. I’ve been reading a lot of murder mysteries. I live for the suspense. I’ve most recently been re-reading The DaVinci Code for the thousandth time, and I just finished a novel from 1974 called Helter Skelter. It was thrilling.
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I can make you a peanut butter, jelly, and banana bread sandwich, but that’s where my culinary career begins and ends.  
Rude!  You’re lucky I’m more hungry than offended.  I got Sake bombs covered! 
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That is equal parts adorable, tragic, and delicious. Even I can make one or two decent meals. That is, when I don’t have the luxury of a personal chef. Which is almost never, but still. 
You’re the best! The only thing better than free alcohol is free food. 
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