slahtizarchived · 7 years
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
————     AND   YOU   HAVE   BURNED  SO  VERY,    VERY   BRIGHLTY  !!!
                                  I’VE MOVED!!!                                             FIND ME HERE!!!!
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
➳ // muitos, bryan and brie.
@muitos | super duper angst meme | accepting !!
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                          ❛   Why would you do this to yourself?  ❜  
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
➳ // punk and brie.
@kiingsofgold | super duper angst meme | accepting !!
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                          ❛    There’s so much more at stake here! Don’t you understand ?!   ❜  
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
“ I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghosts. “ ~ punk cause he's a loser
@valiantbeings​ | halloween meme | accepting !!
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                          ❛    Babe, you’re SWEATING  ---   ❜     Arms were linked together, two hands firmly grasping each other’s. None of them would admit it, but this horror house was way scarrier than expected. Yet the fact that his voice was shaking amused Sara qui------------------      Cue to her screaming just as they turned around the next corner. 
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
“ That’s the shittest pumpkin I’ve ever seen. “ for sasha from charlotte!
@manmaketh​ | halloween meme | accepting !!
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                        ❛   You’re just jealous that we didn’t invite you to tag along, Char  -----   ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
You look… hot /carmella
@lolotoituaiga | halloween meme | accepting !!
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                        ❛   I KNOW. Borrowed the kitty ears from Nattie  --  I wear them better anyways.  ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
If people say they just love the smell of books, I always want to pull them aside and ask, To be clear, do you know how reading works? - Peeves
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                       ❛   Peeves   ----   have you EVER even touched a book ?!   ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
“ That’s the shittest pumpkin I’ve ever seen. “ /brie
@lolotoituaiga​ | halloween meme | accepting !!
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                        ❛   Well, I like it  --  and you can try but you won’t be able to take my love for HALLOWEEN away, you big grumpy.   ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
“ Spooky spaghetti ? “ for claire
@raptorraised​ | halloween meme | accepting !!
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                        ❛   YOUR SON has thrown such a tantrum in the supermarket because he wanted those damn ghost noodles, so you better enjoy them because I am in no mood to discuss this shit.  ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
;;    when u really wanna revamp but u don’t wanna pull up with this yahoo login shit on this account...........
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
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“Sorry? I did call your name a few times though. Watching you jump was interestin’ though!”
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                         ❛   So now that you’ve got my attention in the  m e a n e s t  way ever, whatcha want from me big dog ??   ❜
@lolotoituaiga​ | cont.
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
❛  ━━━    ❪ CHARLOTTE. ❫
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“Let’s both keep our fingers crossed just in case that happens. Do you have any sort of requests?” Charlotte smiled as she held her sharpie between her fingers. “I don’t expect to see this on eBay right?”
♛ - @slahtiz
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                          ❛   Nah, write anything you want. And don’t you worry, I’ll keep this masterpiece forever. Well, maybe lend it out to some, but ebay? Forget it, there’s too many  c r e e p s  on there. ❜
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
❛  ━━━    ❪ SAMI. ❫
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                                huff  spills  betwixt  rosy  tiers.   FRUSTRATED   /   INDIGNANT  /  ANNOYED.   HE  SHOULD’VE  KNOWN.   all  he’s  ever  been  approached  for  recently.     RAGE  COILS  against  surface,   wanting  to  intercept,   want  to   CLEAR  HIS  NAME   despite  the  evidence  fighting  AGAINST.   sweat  beads  forehead,   throat  closes.   a  shake  of  his  head  is  given  prior  to  responding,           ❝       hey  —–   HEY,  it’s  nothing  like  that.     ❞          there  is  an  evident  PANIC   lacing  syllables,   shaky with  breath  held  back  trailing  close.            ❝      i  just  did  what  NEEDED  TO  BE  DONE,  alright  ?  that’s  it.  nothing  more.     ❞
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                           ❛    So you’re sayin’ you needed to put our commissioner in hospital? ❜     Arms were crossed, bitterness apparent in her voice. Truth was, she was  D I S A P P O I N T E D.  He might think he did the right thing, might felt very happy right now  --  but Sasha knew the darker side of such decisions. She’s been there before, she had tasted it, lived it. It wasn’t something one could survive undamaged.        ❛   There are always other ways. But no, no  --  You needed to do that.  WHY ??  ❜   
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
❛  ━━━    ❪ SAMI. ❫
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              SNICKERS  WERE  TO  fall  past  open  lips,   until  it  RESORTS  to  full  blown  laughter  heaving  from  chest.   cheeks  began  an  ACHE,   unfamiliarity  lies  when  attempted  acts  of  STOPPING  A  SMILE  on  features  occurred   ;   only  invoking  an  even  BIGGER  GRIN.          ❝         ——    ah,  d-don’t  be  so  f-flustered,  p-paige.     ❞          vocables  weaseled  ways  through  laughter.   EVIDENTLY  out  of  breath,   impossible  to  be  voiced  or  perhaps  heard.   takes  a  FEW  SECONDS  to  calm  down,   a  deep  inhale  to  assist  REGAIN  COMPOSURE.          ❝      you’re  cute,  even  when  you  look  like  you’ve  seen  a  ghost.     ❞
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                                     The phone was put on the table and arms crossed in front of her chest; amusement glistening in her eyes as she watched the other’s outburst. It had been quite some time since Paige had last seen HIM laugh like that,  &  even though she wouldn’t admit it, the sight of it warmed her heart.        ❛   I’m th’ palest one around, I always look like I’ve seen a ghost.    ❜      A chuckle slipped through her lips which soon turned into a mischievous grin.      ❛   Ah, so ya think I’m  c u t e.   ❜  
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
❛  ━━━    ❪ PHIL. ❫
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                         his head slowly smacked against the painted brick before him in as gentle a manner as possible given the fact he was  i n d e e d  smacking his head against a brick wall. there was just so much pent up frustration from hearing his parents bicker back and forth, the constant fighting, his brother doing nothing when his father decided to backhand his mom hard enough to bust her lip. that only caused phil to but into their fights with his father’s WRATH turning on him. ‘ fucking piece of shit, ’ he cursed under his breath. blood trickled down his lip while he seethed with rage, leaning his forehead against the wall just off the school grounds. he’d  h o p e d  no one saw him, but of course he’d be wrong.
*:・゚✧ — @slahtiz​​  //  sc for sara — ✧ !!
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                           ' Sag ihr, dass ich sie auch vermisse. Und dass ich sie heut Abend anrufe. Gruß an Oma, hab dich lieb. ‘   Her thumb hovered over her phone for an instant, hesitating ever so slightly. It were moments like these in which she realized how much she actually missed her family, and how a text message simply couldn’t replace an actual face-to-face conversation; especially when her little sister was involved. With a little shake of her head Sara pressed  ‘ send ‘,  looked up  ----  &  was stopped in her path immediately. The scenario unfurling in front of her forced every other thought into the back of her mind. The phone disappeared into her purse, hands were balled into fists and, well, the girl saw red. It was apparent that something had happened again, and it broke her heart to see him like this.  A g a i n.  (  he deserved so much better, and if she could, she’d sell her soul to turn back time and let him experience a fucking normal childhood.  )  Long legs were closing the distance between them, and a second later a hand was put on his chin; soflty, though firmly forcing him to look at her  --  and stopping the process of him  h u r t i n g  himself in the meantime. It was probably against all guidelines to interrupt him in such a moment, yet if there was something Sara was entirely sure about, it was the fact that Phil would never lay his hands on her.      ❛   Babe    -------    STOP THIS.     ❜ 
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