furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
Aspects of Mercury in the Natal Chart
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☌ Mercury Conjunct Other Planets
Conjunctions can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, they combine the energies of the planets involved, enhancing their qualities and creating a powerful synergy. This can result in heightened strengths and abilities in the areas governed by the conjunct planets. On the negative side, conjunctions can amplify challenging traits, potentially leading to imbalances or conflicts if the combined energies are not well-integrated or harmonized.
Mercury Conjunct Sun: This conjunction blends intellect (Mercury) with identity (Sun), creating a sharp, articulate mind aligned with personal goals and self-expression. Individuals with this aspect excel in communication and decision-making, as their thoughts are closely tied to their sense of self. However, they may struggle with over-identification with their ideas or opinions.
Mercury Conjunct Moon: When Mercury is conjunct the Moon, thoughts and emotions are closely linked. This aspect enhances intuitive communication and emotional intelligence. Individuals can articulate their feelings with clarity and sensitivity, making them good at understanding and expressing both their own and others' emotions. There is a natural talent for nurturing conversations and connecting deeply through words. Mercury Conjunct Venus: This aspect enhances verbal charm and intellectual appreciation of beauty and relationships. It fosters eloquence in expressing feelings and a refined taste in arts. Yet, it might incline towards indecisiveness in choices and a tendency to prioritize harmony over truth in communication. Mercury Conjunct Mars: This conjunction combines mental agility with assertiveness and determination. It fuels quick thinking and decisive action, making individuals adept at strategic planning and debate. However, it can lead to impatience or a combative communication style when challenged. Mercury Conjunct Jupiter: This aspect expands mental horizons, promoting optimism, and philosophical thinking. It enhances verbal fluency and the ability to grasp complex concepts. Yet, it may lead to over-confidence or a tendency to exaggerate facts in communication. Mercury Conjunct Saturn: This conjunction blends intellectual rigor with discipline and practicality. It supports methodical thinking and long-term planning, but may also contribute to a cautious approach to new ideas or a tendency towards pessimism. Mercury Conjunct Uranus: This aspect sparks inventive thinking and originality. It enhances intellectual curiosity and unconventional ideas, but can also lead to mental restlessness or abrupt changes in thinking patterns. Mercury Conjunct Neptune: This conjunction blends logical thought with intuition and creativity. It enhances imaginative thinking and sensitivity to subtle nuances, but may also lead to confusion or impracticality in decision-making. Mercury Conjunct Pluto: This aspect intensifies mental focus and depth. It promotes investigative skills and a profound understanding of psychological motivations, but may also incline towards obsession or a desire to control through communication.
⚹ Mercury Sextile Other Planets
Sextiles are positive aspects that encourage cooperation and the easy flow of energies between the involved planets. This harmonious connection facilitates smooth interactions and enhances the beneficial qualities of each planet, leading to supportive and constructive outcomes. The ease of this aspect promotes opportunities for growth, creativity, and positive developments in the areas influenced by the sextile.
Mercury Sextile Sun: This harmonious aspect enhances clarity in self-expression and intellectual pursuits. It promotes effective communication and a balanced integration of thoughts with personal identity, fostering cooperative interactions. Mercury Sextile Moon: A Mercury-Moon sextile fosters a harmonious blend of mental and emotional faculties. This aspect encourages thoughtful emotional expression and effective communication. People with this sextile are adept at balancing logic and intuition, making them good listeners and empathetic speakers. They can easily convey their feelings and understand others, promoting clear and supportive interactions. Mercury Sextile Venus: This aspect fosters harmonious communication in relationships and an appreciation for artistry and beauty in expression. It enhances diplomatic skills and a refined, tactful approach to social interactions. Mercury Sextile Mars: This aspect enhances assertive communication and strategic thinking. It supports decisive action and effective problem-solving, fostering confidence in verbal exchanges and intellectual pursuits. Mercury Sextile Jupiter: This aspect expands mental horizons and promotes optimistic thinking. It enhances intellectual growth and philosophical insights, fostering articulate communication and a broad perspective on life. Mercury Sextile Saturn: This aspect combines practicality with disciplined thinking. It supports structured communication and methodical planning, fostering reliability and effective management of responsibilities. Mercury Sextile Uranus: This aspect promotes innovative thinking and adaptability. It enhances intellectual curiosity and original ideas, fostering progressive communication and a flexible approach to change. Mercury Sextile Neptune: This aspect enhances intuitive understanding and creative expression. It supports empathetic communication and artistic endeavors, fostering sensitivity to emotional nuances and imaginative thinking. Mercury Sextile Pluto: This aspect deepens analytical abilities and promotes transformative thinking. It enhances investigative skills and a profound understanding of underlying motivations, fostering strategic communication and psychological insight.
□ Mercury Square Other Planets
Squares are negative aspects that create tension and challenges between the involved planets, prompting growth through conflict. This dynamic aspect often leads to struggles and obstacles that need to be overcome, pushing individuals to address and resolve the underlying issues. The friction generated by squares can be difficult to navigate, but it ultimately encourages personal development and resilience as one learns to balance and harmonize the conflicting energies.
Mercury Square Sun: This challenging aspect creates tension between intellect and ego. It can lead to conflicts in communication or challenges in aligning thoughts with personal goals, necessitating conscious efforts to balance rationality with individuality. Mercury Square Moon: Mercury square the Moon can create tension between rational thoughts and emotional responses. This aspect often leads to internal conflict and misunderstandings in communication. There may be difficulty in expressing emotions clearly, resulting in potential misinterpretations or emotional frustration. Learning to navigate and integrate these contrasting energies is crucial for improving communication and emotional balance. Mercury Square Venus: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or challenges in expressing affection and appreciation. It may create friction in relationships due to differing communication styles or values, prompting the need for compromise and clarity in emotional expression. Mercury Square Mars: This aspect intensifies mental agitation and impulsiveness. It can lead to arguments or hasty decisions driven by emotional reactions, necessitating mindfulness in communication to avoid conflicts and promote assertive yet diplomatic exchanges. Mercury Square Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism or exaggeration in communication. It may cause misunderstandings due to inflated ideas or a tendency to overlook details, prompting the need for grounded thinking and realistic expectations. Mercury Square Saturn: This aspect creates challenges in expressing thoughts with authority or adhering to conventional wisdom. It may lead to self-doubt or a cautious approach to new ideas, necessitating perseverance and clarity in communication to overcome mental blocks. Mercury Square Uranus: This aspect fosters mental restlessness and unpredictability. It can lead to sudden changes in thinking or unconventional ideas that disrupt communication, prompting the need for adaptability and open-mindedness to new perspectives. Mercury Square Neptune: This aspect can lead to confusion or deception in communication. It may create misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations, prompting the need for clarity and discernment in intellectual pursuits to avoid mental fog or emotional manipulation. Mercury Square Pluto: This aspect intensifies mental obsessions and power struggles. It can lead to manipulative communication or a fixation on control, prompting the need for transparency and ethical considerations in intellectual pursuits to avoid mental coercion or hidden agendas.
△ Mercury Trine Other Planets
Trines are positive aspects that create a smooth and beneficial connection between the involved planets, enhancing talents and creating a sense of ease. This harmonious aspect facilitates the natural flow of energy, making it easier to express and develop the qualities associated with the planets. Trines often lead to emotional balance, inner harmony, and an overall sense of well-being, as the supportive nature of this aspect encourages the effortless integration of strengths and abilities.
Mercury Trine Sun: This harmonious aspect promotes clarity in self-expression and alignment of thoughts with personal goals. It enhances intellectual confidence and effective communication, fostering cooperative interactions and mutual understanding. Mercury Trine Moon: With Mercury trine the Moon, there is a natural synergy between intellect and emotions. This aspect enhances emotional intelligence and ease in expressing feelings. Individuals with this trine are likely to be articulate and intuitive, able to communicate their emotions with clarity and sensitivity. They have a talent for understanding and conveying complex emotional nuances effortlessly. Mercury Trine Venus: This aspect fosters harmony in communication and appreciation for beauty and artistry. It enhances diplomatic skills and a refined, tactful approach to social interactions, promoting balanced exchanges and mutual respect. Mercury Trine Mars: This aspect enhances assertive communication and strategic thinking. It supports decisive action and effective problem-solving, fostering confidence in verbal exchanges and intellectual pursuits. Mercury Trine Jupiter: This aspect expands mental horizons and promotes optimistic thinking. It enhances intellectual growth and philosophical insights, fostering articulate communication and a broad perspective on life. Mercury Trine Saturn: This aspect combines practicality with disciplined thinking. It supports structured communication and methodical planning, fostering reliability and effective management of responsibilities. Mercury Trine Uranus: This aspect promotes innovative thinking and adaptability. It enhances intellectual curiosity and original ideas, fostering progressive communication and a flexible approach to change. Mercury Trine Neptune: This aspect enhances intuitive understanding and creative expression. It supports empathetic communication and artistic endeavors, fostering sensitivity to emotional nuances and imaginative thinking. Mercury Trine Pluto: This aspect deepens analytical abilities and promotes transformative thinking. It enhances investigative skills and a profound understanding of underlying motivations, fostering strategic communication and psychological insight.
☍ Mercury Opposition Other Planets
Oppositions in astrology create a dynamic of tension and awareness between the energies of the planets involved. This aspect often highlights contrasting needs and urges individuals to find a balance between them. While oppositions can create challenges, they also provide opportunities for growth and integration as one learns to navigate the tension between opposing forces.
Mercury Opposite Sun: This aspect creates tension between intellect and ego. It can lead to conflicts in communication or challenges in aligning thoughts with personal goals, necessitating conscious efforts to balance rationality with individuality. Mercury Opposite Moon: Mercury opposite the Moon can indicate a dynamic tension between thoughts and feelings. This aspect often brings challenges in aligning mental clarity with emotional depth. There may be a tendency to swing between overanalyzing emotions and emotional outbursts. Finding a balance between rationality and emotional expression is key to managing this aspect and fostering harmonious communication. Mercury Opposite Venus: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or challenges in expressing affection and appreciation. It may create friction in relationships due to differing communication styles or values, prompting the need for compromise and clarity in emotional expression. Mercury Opposite Mars: This aspect intensifies mental agitation and impulsiveness. It can lead to arguments or hasty decisions driven by emotional reactions, necessitating mindfulness in communication to avoid conflicts and promote assertive yet diplomatic exchanges. Mercury Opposite Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism or exaggeration in communication. It may cause misunderstandings due to inflated ideas or a tendency to overlook details, prompting the need for grounded thinking and realistic expectations. Mercury Opposite Saturn: This aspect creates challenges in expressing thoughts with authority or adhering to conventional wisdom. It may lead to self-doubt or a cautious approach to new ideas, necessitating perseverance and clarity in communication to overcome mental blocks. Mercury Opposite Uranus: This aspect fosters mental restlessness and unpredictability. It can lead to sudden changes in thinking or unconventional ideas that disrupt communication, prompting the need for adaptability and open-mindedness to new perspectives. Mercury Opposite Neptune: This aspect can lead to confusion or deception in communication. It may create misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations, prompting the need for clarity and discernment in intellectual pursuits to avoid mental fog or emotional manipulation. Mercury Opposite Pluto: This aspect intensifies mental obsessions and power struggles. It can lead to manipulative communication or a fixation on control, prompting the need for transparency and ethical considerations in intellectual pursuits to avoid mental coercion or hidden agendas.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
Planets in the houses II
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════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════ Jupiter in the houses ═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 12th house
═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════ Saturn in the houses ═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════
1st house || 3rd house || 4th house || 5th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 11th house || 12th house
═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════ Uranus in the houses ═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════
1st house || 5th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 12th house
════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════ Neptune in the houses ═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ════
1st house || 2nd house || 4th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 10th house || 12th house
═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════ Pluto in the houses ═════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═════
1st house || 2nd house || 3rd house || 4th house || 5th house || 6th house || 7th house || 8th house || 9th house || 10th house || 11th house || 12th house
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
Relations signified by 11th House
Elder Sibling
Close friends
Influential friends
Social Media contacts
Father's siblings (3rd to 9th house)
Adopted children (5th to 7th house)
Child's spouse (7th to 5th house)
In laws of mother (8th to 4th house)
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
friendly reminder
Stay on top of everything! Make sure to check emails and any online portals for deadlines you might have missed! It’s easy to let things slip, but staying organized can save a lot of stress.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 3 months
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 4 months
The attitude of Rahu(North Node) :
1st house: I stand up for myself.
2nd house: I make myself financially stable.
3rd house: I'm here to show my valor.
4th house: I'm obsessed with home.
5th house: I have unique creativity.
6th house: I'm a destructor of enemies.
7th house: I crave for people of other culture.
8th house: I want to untangle the secrets of universe.
9th house: I don't follow normal customs.
10th house: I want to have reputation at any cost.
11th house: I don't get enough of money.
12th house: I have insatiable lust.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 4 months
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Literally just came across this. Had to share!!!
1111 good luck post 🍀
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 4 months
𐙚 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𐙚
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Having Saturn in the first house can be a challenging placement. Saturn represents structure, boundaries, and discipline, and when it is in the first house, it can lead to feelings of restriction, insecurity, and inadequacy. People with this placement may struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem, and they may have a tendency to be self-critical and overly serious. However, Saturn in the first house can also lead to a strong work ethic, reliability, and a deep sense of responsibility. Overall, it's a placement that requires hard work and perseverance to overcome its challenges.
Saturn in the second house suggests that an individual may have challenges with material security, self-worth, and possessiveness. They may struggle with feelings of scarcity or insecurity when it comes to money or resources, and they may find it difficult to trust in the abundance of their finances. This placement can also indicate a tendency to be frugal and cautious with one's resources, as well as a need for practical and grounded approach to earning a livelihood. On the bright side, Saturn in the second house can also indicate a strong work ethic, discipline, and a sense of responsibility towards one's material needs.
Saturn in the third house suggests that an individual may have challenges with communication, intellect, and siblings. They may have difficulties expressing themselves clearly and effectively, leading to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. Additionally, Saturn in the third house can suggest a tendency to be overly serious and overly critical, especially when it comes to learning and education. On the bright side, Saturn in the third house can also indicate a strong analytical mind, a love for research and investigation, and a strong inclination towards detail-oriented work.
Saturn in the fourth house suggests that an individual may have challenges with their home environment, family relationships, and emotional security. They may struggle with feelings of restriction or limitation within their family or emotional life, and they may have a tendency to be overly serious and reserved when it comes to expressing their emotions. However, Saturn in the fourth house can also indicate a strong sense of responsibility and a strong need for security, often leading to a sense of stability and grounding in life.
Saturn in the fifth house suggests that an individual may struggle with creative expression, romance, and leisure. They may feel restricted or hindered in their ability to express themselves creatively or experience joy and pleasure. Additionally, Saturn in the 5th house can indicate a tendency to be overly serious and mature in their approach to leisure and romance, leading to a fear of failure or rejection. On the bright side, this placement can also indicate a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility towards one's passions and hobbies.
Saturn in the sixth house indicates that an individual may struggle with their daily routine and work responsibilities. They may have a tendency to be overly critical and self-critical when it comes to their work, leading to stress and burnout. Additionally, this placement may indicate challenges with health and fitness, as well as a tendency to be overly cautious and restrained in their physical pursuits. On the bright side, Saturn in the 6th house can also indicate a strong work ethic and a sense of discipline and responsibility towards one's daily routines and duties.
Saturn in the seventh house suggests that an individual may struggle with relationships and partnerships, often experiencing challenges in their ability to create healthy and balanced relationships. They may be overly serious and reserved when it comes to romantic and interpersonal relationships, leading to difficulty in communication and expression of emotions. Additionally, this placement can indicate a tendency to hold grudges and be overly critical of others. On the bright side, Saturn in the 7th house can also indicate a strong desire for a committed relationship and a sense of responsibility towards maintaining them.
Saturn in the eighth house indicates that an individual may struggle with emotional intimacy and trust in relationships, often experiencing challenges in their ability to form strong and meaningful bonds with others. They may have difficulty expressing their emotions and may be overly guarded and reserved, leading to difficulty in accessing their deeper emotional needs and desires. Additionally, this placement may indicate a tendency to be overly serious and cautious when it comes to emotional expression, often leading to fear of intense emotions. On the bright side, Saturn in the 8th house can also indicate a strong intuition and a deep understanding of emotional dynamics.
Saturn in the ninth house suggests that an individual may struggle with their ideals and beliefs, often experiencing challenges in their pursuit of knowledge and truth. They may have difficulty finding a philosophical or belief system that resonates with them, and they may have a tendency to doubt and question their beliefs. Additionally, this placement can indicate a tendency to be rigid and dogmatic in their thinking, as well as a difficulty in reconciling different worldviews. On the bright side, Saturn in the 9th house can also indicate a strong sense of discipline and a deep desire for truth and wisdom.
Saturn in the tenth house suggests that an individual may struggle with their career and public image, often experiencing challenges in their ability to achieve success and recognition in their chosen field. They may have difficulty finding a sense of purpose and direction in their career, and they may have a tendency to be overly critical and self-deprecating. Additionally, this placement can indicate a tendency to be overly serious and rigid in their approach to work and responsibility, leading to difficulty in finding a work-life balance. On the bright side, Saturn in the 10th house can also indicate a strong work ethic and a deep desire for achievement and recognition.
Saturn in the eleventh house suggests that an individual may struggle with their social life and aspirations, often experiencing challenges in their ability to connect and collaborate with others. They may have difficulty finding a sense of belonging and community, and they may have a tendency to be overly reserved and cautious in their approach to social relationships. Additionally, this placement can indicate a tendency to be overly serious and mature in their approach to leisure and socializing, leading to a feeling of isolation and loneliness. On the bright side, Saturn in the 11th house can also indicate a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to their friends and social causes.
Saturn in the twelfth house suggests that an individual may struggle with feelings of isolation and loneliness, often experiencing challenges in their ability to connect with others and find meaningful relationships. They may have difficulty expressing their emotions and may have a tendency to be overly guarded and reserved in their approach to intimacy and emotional expression. Additionally, this placement can indicate a tendency to be overly introspective and self-critical, and a difficulty in experiencing emotional fulfillment and satisfaction. However, Saturn in the 12th house can also indicate a deep spiritual or introspective side, as well as a strong intuition and psychic abilities.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
“Make the most of the best and the best of the worst, and keep your standards high. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or are capable of achieving.”
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
Taurus placements🍃
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💚Sun in taurus-i believe that they have one thing in common: they have hobbies that fulfill them. you won't catch them overworking themselves to the point that they do not take a break to do something they love. they are good at different things as well and are often fast learners. no matter what other placements they have, i think they have a pretty approachable nature. i have met people with this placement who are quite intelligent. i think they are a bit impatient at times and want to do things their own way, and it's up to you whether that offends you or not lol. loving and sensitive people at their core<3
💚Moon in taurus-some of the warmest people you will ever meet. they value the people in their lives and they are often a voice of reason when you need it the most. they know how to pay attention to you and converse with you respectfully, even when you disagree on things. they have specific worldviews that are difficult to change, but if they think you're sensible and kind, they may try to change their perspective. that being said, in any other scenario, good luck changing their mind. they're pretty chill most of the time, so when you provoke a strong reaction out of them, you probably made a huge mistake (good luck). they're also soft honestly, but do not be mistaken, they are strong people. i have noticed that they are usually closer to their mums than dads, and their dads have a distant character. main love language: acts of service<3
💚Ascendant/rising in taurus- um, stunning and magnetic. this is well-known though, but they deserve to hear it every time. they are charming and the women give off girl-next-door vibes. i feel like they all share similar eyes, just google the celebs and you'll see what i mean, just a warm look overall. some may appear intense, depending on their other placements, but as soon as you talk to them it feels like you're talking to a friend. oh and the elegance some of them have? amazing. intelligent as well🙏
💚Mercury in taurus-i have to say, i did not expect them to be so talkative. they are a bit shy when talking to new people or those they do not feel that comfortable with, but as soon as they relax with someone, they are yappers lol. when they like a topic, it's possible they have given it a lot of thought so they have a lot to say. similarly to aries mercury, they have strong opinions but they can be more open-minded when they want to. they can sound too objective sometimes, and give a bit harsh advice. they also love to gossip, sometimes even too loud when they're into it. to me, they have a specific voice, it kind of stands out among others. some men with this placement are known for having a really nice voice
💚Venus in taurus-they adore the idea of love. you'll catch them watching rom-coms every once in a while so they could satisfy that part of them. if they don't show their romantic side when they're with you, you're wasting your time cause they're clearly not that into you. they want you to share some of their interests, possibly because they want to spend even more time with you and feel like you get each other. i think they can also be guilty of idealising their partners a lot and create an image of their persona that's not real. one of their main love languages is gift giving, heavy emphasis on this.
💚Mars in taurus-intimidating when you cross them. they are pretty good at going after what they want and although they experience a lot of stress until they achieve things, they still excel at it. they may hide their frustrations pretty well, and then when they're alone or with people they can be themselves with, lmao they let out so many emotions. at this point i'm even ashamed to describe them as "stubborn" because that's their middle name, everyone knows it. out of all the placements i feel like they lean the most toward conservative views? do let me know if im on the right track here. they also need to watch out for being insensitive at times
💚Jupiter in taurus-i'll have to be brief here (sorry) because i don't know anyone with this placement, but only what i've read over the years. they usually have a good eye for aesthetics and appreciate following one themselves, they know how to cook and in general provide a sense of a comfortable home. they are good with all things material, and they are quite sensual. they know how to enjoy life and use their sensibility and charm to succeed, and get far in life. i respect them tbh!
💚Saturn in taurus-it isn't easy for them to focus on the material world and focus on what's right in front of them. they're often in their daydreams and are quite capable people, but they need a push sometimes to actually start doing things (khm procrastinators) that does not mean they are irresponsible, but they experience difficulties with the worldly expectations (hope this makes sense). they are sensible and wise, but the part that requires to act on it can sometimes shut down🫂i've read this many times and can confirm it since i have this placement: scared of losing things-property/money/land, you name it. lastly, they just understand how people function and they are wise!
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thank you for reading this, hun! i would love to hear your feedback💌
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
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having boundaries with yourself
➼ having a bedtime
➼ deciding the minimum and maximum amount of time you can dedicate to work each week
➼ setting limits on the amount of screen time you have
➼ having an amount of time per week you move your body
➼ limiting your alcohol/highly processed food consumption
➼ keeping a budget
➼ deciding how often you will travel or go on vacation and sticking to it
➼ going to doctors and dentist appointments regularly
➼ paying bills on time
➼ doing work (school or not) on time
➼ wearing sunscreen when you go outside
(images from pinterest)
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
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Venus in the first house represents a beautiful and pleasant exterior. This placement suggests a pleasant, attractive facial appearance, graceful physical movements, and a charming way of speaking. It can also be interpreted as having a peaceful and calming presence. With this placement, one may have a pleasant voice that is enjoyable to hear. Additionally, a Venus in the first house indicates that the individual's appearance plays an important role in their sense of identity, self-worth, and ego.
Venus in the second house suggests a harmonious connection between physical possessions and values. It also implies a focus on material possessions and personal comfort. While this placement can suggest an individual with a more refined taste, it may also create a reliance on material luxuries. Additionally, with Venus in the second house, one may have an affinity for collecting items and seeking physical pleasure in life. Their values and priorities may be more aligned with material goods and possessions.
Venus in the third house represents a focus on communication and mental stimulation. This individual may have a charming and well-spoken manner and a tendency to express themselves concisely and effectively. They may also have a passion for learning, exploring new ideas, and engaging in intellectual pursuits. With this placement, one may excel at writing and expressing themselves verbally. Additionally, they may have a gentle and diplomatic approach to interactions, using their communication skills to mediate conflicts.
Venus in the fourth house indicates a focus on home and family. The individual with this placement may have a strong attachment to their roots, childhood home, and family history. They may have an appreciation for the stability, security, and comforts that come with a nurturing environment. They may also be deeply attached to their family's customs and traditions. With this placement, one may be drawn to creating a family or extending their ancestral line. Additionally, this placement suggests being driven to protect and nurture others, especially their loved ones.
Venus in the fifth house represents a strong emphasis on creativity, passion, romance, and sensuality. This placement suggests someone with a playful nature and a focus on expressing their creativity and enjoyment of the arts. With this placement, one may have a lively imagination, a passion for creative pursuits, and an interest in exploring their sense of fun and creativity. They may also enjoy a lively social life, as they seek out a passionate and energetic romantic partner. Lastly, with this placement, one's children may be a prominent focus and concern..
Venus in the sixth house indicates a focus on service, duty, and dedication to others. The individual with this placement may have a strong desire to be useful and helpful to those around them. They may have high standards of discipline and work ethic, and take pride in being a hard worker. They may also focus much of their energy on their daily routine and developing a healthy daily routine. Additionally, they may be conscious of their physical health, and pay close attention to maintaining it.
Venus in the seventh house suggests an emphasis on intimate relationships and one-on-one connections. The individual with this placement may be driven by their desire to find a romantic partner and may be driven to seek out relationships. They may be passionate about their relationships and take great care in cultivating them. Additionally, they may have a keen intuition when it comes to relationships and be able to assess the compatibility of different pairings. This placement also suggests having an appreciation for one-on-one conversations and interactions.
Venus in the eighth house suggests a focus on the taboo, the mysterious, and the arcane. The individual with this placement may be drawn to exploring the dark and hidden sides of life. They may be interested in topics such as occultism and mysticism, and have a knack for uncovering hidden truths. Additionally, with this placement, the individual may have an intense desire for deep and intimate connections that go beyond physical attraction. They may form intense romantic relationships and may even gravitate towards having romantic connections with those who hold power.
Venus in the ninth house suggests a focus on expanding knowledge and broadening the mind. The individual with this placement may have an innate curiosity about the world and a desire to explore different cultures, traditions, and ideas. They may have a fascination with the mystical and the spiritual, and with exploring new concepts, experiences, and perspectives. Additionally, this placement suggests a desire to seek the truths of the universe and an appreciation for higher education.
Venus in the tenth house suggests an emphasis on ambition, social status, and career goals. The individual with this placement may have a strong desire to achieve success and recognition in their career field. They may also have an eye for aesthetics and take particular pride in projecting a polished and elegant professional image. Additionally, this placement suggests a strong drive to achieve high social status and prestige, and a focus on maintaining a positive public image.
Venus in the eleventh house suggests a focus on community, humanitarianism, and friendship. The individual with this placement may have a desire to help others and contribute to the well being of society. They may have an innate understanding of how to create harmony and positive vibrations within a group. They may also have an innate sense for finding common ground and bringing people together. Additionally, they may have a desire to expand their social circles and forge meaningful relationships with a wide range of people.
Venus in the twelfth house suggests a focus on the subconscious, spirituality, and inner growth. The individual with this placement may have a deep, innate connection with the unseen energies of the world, and can be sensitive to energies that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They may be driven by a desire to understand and transform their own subconscious patterns and energy. They may also have a deep attraction to the mysterious and unknown, and feel drawn to explore the unexplored dimensions of life. Furthermore, the individual may experience strong dreams and have a strong intuition.
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
Aries: you can win easily.
Taurus: you seem rich at first impression.
Gemini: you are never boring.
Cancer: you always have caretakers.
Leo: you make others jealous.
Virgo: you're the most trusted and reliable.
Libra: you attract a lot of commitments.
Scorpio: you have something others envy.
Sagittarius: you're an all-rounder.
Capricorn: you're treated as a daddy.
Aquarius: you always have a solution.
Pisces: you're a born guide.
follow me on instagram: @/astrofutureguy
i am always open for tip-based readings where you can ask me any two questions about your birth chart by donating any amount you'd like!
inbox me if you are interested! x
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furiouskoalaarbiter · 5 months
i just want to be a better woman. upgrade my vocabulary, my lifestyle, how i handle people + situations. i am focused on positivity and growth. i don't want any distractions or negativity around me while i am on this evolving journey.
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