slanderwolfmemoir1 · 9 years
v; Gotham City
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Name: Ren Manami
Age: 25ish
Race: Enhanced human
Residence: Gotham City
Occupation: Underground fighter/Thief
Appearance: Dark cargo pants torn in many places and singed at the bottom accompanied with a bright red hoodie with a black spray painted ‘Anarky’ symbol on the back. His hair much like in most verses is sloppy, covering his eyes hiding the scars on his face. Typically he is found wearing fingerless steel plated gloves used for the fights and a tattered T-shirt underneath the hoodie.
During raids and heists of any kind he wears a mask to hide his face, much like the rest of the men.
Hand to hand combat
High agility and speed
Pain tolerance is heightened
Drugs side effects; hallucinations
Quick to rage, hatred and holding grudges
Verge of being an alcoholic
Basic Backstory: 
Growing up in the slums of Gotham Ren and his family lived poorly. Bars on their windows, gun by his father’s hand, and enough food to keep them going was all they truly had. There was no point in having material items with the thugs of the city choosing to steal them at any given moment.
In the night a group of bandits snuck into their house and robbed them, Ren’s mother Mio trying to protect her family ran for the gun only to be shot in the back of the head blood splattering across Ren and his father Taichi. His father enraged over the death of his wife took a knife from the kitchen and attacked the men leaving Ren standing there mortified, his hands gripping the clothes of his mother trying to wake her. Taichi was able to take out a couple of the men before he was shoved to the ground and smacked his head against the corner of the table, bleeding out shortly after. 
Unable to accept the death of his parents young Ren took the blade from the floor plunging it into the bandits leg. He was young though, unable to do massive damage against them and soon after he was rendered unconscious with a hit to the back of the head, left for dead. After all he had nothing, there was no means of survival for the boy.
Hours later he awoke in a puddle of his parents blood, the young boy left to grieve on his own. He felt hopeless and pathetic, unwilling to fight for life. Days went by and he remained in the one place, starving himself and withering away. Ren had given up. What did he have to live for?
With that thought in his mind only one thing came to him: vengeance. He would slay the men who murdered his family, he would survive in this harsh world and never been seen as weak again. Saying goodbye finally to the ones he left Ren took to the streets and petty thievery to get by, he learned to fight and trained night and day between his thieving.
Times were tough, as he grew older he found it more difficult to get by. Crime in Gotham had only grown worse by the day, leaving few petty crimes for those who were desperate such as himself. During his travels of the streets he came across a flyer about scientific research, labs in the city looking for willing subjects. Strapped for cash and shit out of luck he accepted the job and underwent many varied injections. Minimal side effects for most--- or at least none that were surprising to him. Sickness, rashes, enraged temper, it was nothing he couldn’t handle.
As the drug trials continued he began to have hallucinations, feeling that insects crawled beneath his skin and he tore it away yet the trials continued. His tolerance for pain lessened, the scientists giving him a new drug which increased his general physique and body strength to hope to overcome it. As each day passed by he grew more enraged with how they were treating the other patients. While they had volunteered it felt as if they would never be able to leave. With the held of a couple other patients they managed to overpower the men, Ren leaving to the streets once again.
Lost and confused as to what his purpose in life was he came across a news article about the message of Anarky. The world was corrupt, it needed to change. Agreeing with his ideals he saught him out and joined him in his mission to fix the world, growing to hate many of the other crime bosses against the city along with the Dark Knight. Anyone who stood in his way, Ren wasn’t about to stop them.
With the city still succumb to crime sprees, Ren still chose to commit minor robberies. Giver take who his accomplices were. To him it was still for the greater good. The more he stole, the sooner that his leader would be able to obtain his goals and fix the city of Gotham for the better.
Verse Variances: 
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 9 years
V; Attack on Titan
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Name: Ren Manami
Age: 15-18
Race: Human
Residence: Shiganshina District (formerly)
Occupation: Survey Corps
Appearance: Standard militia uniform, messy black hair hanging in his face covering his one eye. He’s rugged, typically has a slight stubble
Skills: Hand to hand combat and agility. Fairly capable with the 3 dimensional maneuver gear, though not as great as some. Give him a blade and he can handle himself. 
Basic Backstory: Raised in a single parent home, Ren enlisted in the militia the moment he got the chance. His mother was lost when the Titans invaded tearing down Wall Maria, Ren narrowly surviving the attack leaving him on his own. That alone was motivation enough for him to join.
Unlike others he did not socialize much and when he did it was more to throw down than actually make friends. Needless to say he was not the most social person during training. Wanting to make a difference he wanted to be enlisted in the Survey Corps. He figured if he could help explore the region he would be able to protect what little there was to protect. With his family gone, what else was there to do? While yes it was the most dangerous, he felt it was where he would be utilized best rather than within the city limits.
Enrolling into the training program to become a soldier was no problem for him, Ren put everything he had on the line into training as hard as he could. The maneuver gear was strange, he struggled at first to get it right but picked it up quicker than he had anticipated. By no means is he pro at it, but he practiced as much as possible in hopes to be able to join the Survey Corps.
Battle of Trost
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 9 years
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i fear one thing, & one thing only that is the monster inside me — slanderwolfren
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
V; Fullmetal Alchemist
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Name: Ren
Age: 18
Race: Wolf Chimera
Occupation: Con artist, Mercenary for hire
Appearance: He wears a black taddered scarf around his neck accompanied with a worn out brown long sleeve shirt with a dark leather styled jacket on top (sleeves rolled up to his elbows). Just a plain pair of black pants with minor holes in the knees, torn at the bottom seams. His shoes are nothing to cry home about, merely a pair of beater shoes that probably should be replaced, but he can't seem to part with them.
Residence: Rush Valley
Skills: Pick pocketing, lock picking, anything really resulting in him getting away with his get rich quick schemes. He has skills with guns, though prefers not to carry one around unless he's been hired to do so.
Basic Backstory:
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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Pretty sure you can click it to make it bigger.
Rough idea how Ren's house is set up.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
Modern; High schoool
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Name: Ren Manami
Age: 18
Height: 6”
Race: Wolf demon
Occupation: Student, miscellaneous part time jobs on the side. Whatever pays.
Family: Mother and father were killed in an accident; Older brother Kiba
Residence: Lives on the outter areas of the city with his brother in their old family home by themselves.
Schooling: He often skips class and isn't the best at being a student in general. To be honest, he often works rather than goes to school because he finds it pointless to be in class.
Senior student at a private school, admitted for skills in technology.
Skills: Ren is known for being the dumb ass of the crowd, saying all kinds of things to get him in trouble, but he’s quite skilled when it comes to computers. Though there was no proof of his handy work often times, Ren usually being thorough about things.
He also knows some forms of combat that his father and his brother had taught him over the years. He does go to the gym and keeps up on his body type as well, buuuuut he doesn't go as much as he should.
Driving?: Yes.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
Name: Ren
Age: 18
Trainer Type: Punk 
Region: Hoenn
Residence: Route 35, Outside of Goldenrod City, Johto Region
Gym Badges: Four
Pokemon Team:
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Additional information N/A for now.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
V; Sword Art Online
Name: Manami, Ren
Age: 19
Occupation: Construction Worker; College student
Family: Lives on his own now, his family lives in Tokyo and he visits during breaks at college. His mother and father live together, his brother lives else where, though he can't be bothered to keep tabs on him.
Residence: Small one bedroom apartment, average looking. He keeps things to a minimum as he's often not home given work. Small kitchen, bathroom, and a living area which doubles as his dining room/living room. His nerve gear is set up in his room with his computer, spends most of his time there.
---The Death Game---
Class: Rogue
Basic skills summary:
High sneak skills
Average blades
Does best with daggers of some kind and toxins
High agility
Poor defense
Appearance: Black and red color scheme with hints of silver. He wears a hood, red tinted leather chest plate and dual belts around his waist. Long sleeves with elbow padding of leather. Shoulder plates as well for extra protection. He wears a cloak over top of a muscle shirt (which is apart of the long sleeves) which goes down to about his knees. Tall leather boots with blades attached to the side, black pants.
Weapon of choice shown below:
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Occasionally uses a bow when he needs to be completely hidden from his enemies.
Occupation in game: Thief, item collector for weaker players
Party: Joins groups on larger dungeons, solos during assignments
Residence in game: Floor 28; Wolf Plains. Small cottage where he lives alone much like in the real world, minimalistic.
During the first few months of the Death game, he was set on clearing it, feeling depressed about the situation. He feared what would happen to him and what his family was feeling about the situation. Would he get out? He couldn't say. As the months went on he slowly adapted to the world and felt more comfortable there than at home. Life was what he wanted, even if it had an impending death sentence if he wasn't careful.
Ren doesn't have a lot of cash in game, he gives it to the people on the first floor who are unable to provide for themselves. Once he paid for his cottage he felt no need to have the money and excess items he earned. When he's not on missions he just slays the monsters around his house for fun, lounging about the game.
He likes to join others in larger dungeon battles, but doesn't like to stick around if he doesn't have to. He doesn't want to be responsible for anyone's death and if he's to die he would rather it be on his own hands, not someone elses. Though he's not antisocial. It's just an easier method for him.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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There were few demons of her kind that Ren was fond of, but May had been the exception for a long time. She was sweet, calming, and was there for him in his time of need. A friendship that he truly valued on many levels. Not only did she get along with him, but with Keyanna as well which was a rarity in itself.
May was someone Ren felt that he was safe around and could confide in when he needed, even telling her of his past. He trusted her dearly and admired her skills, her appearance even catching his attention which was rare given his feelings for Keyanna.
But upon their lips meeting once, the relationship changed drastically. Ren grew tense around her, unable to figure out what she had hoped to gain and when answers were unable to be given their friendship turned sour and into battle. While he wished to figure things out with her, it was clear by their words that no middle ground could be met and soon after, blood was shed and the two were unable to put it past them. Especially given Ren attempted to take her child, May's mental games with him fueling the anger.
Part of him wishes that things could go back to normal, but after everything that he had said and done to her, he knew there was nothing that could be done. As well as the fact he feared that May might strike against his leader or worse. He knows how strong she is and chooses to keep a watchful eye on her when possible.
He doesn't wish to harm her anymore, but a feeling inside him tells him to be weary and on his guard when he's around her. That may be just fight or flight kicking in, but it's a feeling he cannot push aside.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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Ren is very... Indifferent about this man. One of Bankotsu's friends/comrades and he gets a strange feeling from him. He speaks very ill about Bankotsu and it sometimes makes sense to Ren, other times he wonders why he hates his 'leader' so much. A story perhaps Ren isn't aware of?
Never the less, this man seems to enjoy using the wolf as a punching bag, so he tries to avoid him when he's got that twisted smile on his face though he's very good at sneaking up on him when he's not paying attention. As a person, Ren doesn't mind the man. There are times where they have interesting conversations. Some days though he can't help but feel that he wants to kill him though.
He's a bit confusing and Ren isn't entirely sure how to feel about him some days.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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Taichi is Ren's father and they never seem to see eye to eye on anything. Literally nothing. Except maybe a bottle of scotch. He finds his father to be arrogant, abrasive, and too traditional. The man can't seem to accept new ideas concerning his tribe or even his family and he can't help but feel his father is always looking down upon him no matter what he does.
Part of him wishes to make his father proud, take over the tribe, and become the great leader he's expected to be. The other part of him chooses to rebel against it because his father practically shoves his beliefs down his throat. It makes Ren wonder if that's why his brother left the tribe in the first place...
Thankfully his mother is typically around to keep him from going too far and levels him out. He has his moments where he's a decent dad and Ren loves his father unconditionally, but that doesn't mean he has to enjoy him as a person. In fact, Ren thinks he's a terrible person some days because of what he says and does towards others.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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Ren and Bankotsu have known each other for a few years now, meeting at a bar with a mistaken gender crisis which resulted in Bankotsu punching Ren in the nose. After that, they grew to be great friends and lived together for a short while as well.
The two argue a lot, pull cruel pranks on one another and really don't seem to get along very well, but they make it work. They both like to see how far they can push each other before it results in a trip to the hospital (which is more often than not sadly).
Ren doesn't care much for Bankotsu's group, but he tolerates them. He finds it a tad strange, though chooses not to question. In general, he thinks Bankotsu himself his hilarious and annoying at the same time. When he needs him, he's there. When he doesn't need him, he's definitely there... A confusing friendship at best. Some days Ren wondered why they even agreed to live with each other. To save money perhaps? Or maybe because Bankotsu mooched things off of Ren all the time. Hard to say. Never the less, they're best buds and Ren cares a great deal for the bastard.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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shitty coloring but basic idea for colors yay
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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High res please oh my god I gave up when I got to their feet sorry sob
Left → Right
Ren, Keyanna, Mio, Taichi, Natsumi
Keyanna is on here for obvious reasons.
Mio and Taichi are Ren's parents.
Natsumi is Ren's ex mate/wife.
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
Manami Family
The Manami family consisted of six daughters, no male heir to ever be born into the tribe not due to lack of trying obviously. So it was desired that the daughters would be married off, the eldest's husband to take over the tribe and the rest to travel to their husband's tribe. Though they had traditionalist beliefs that it should be a male to run everything, they still trained the daughters in battle given the impending wars in the area as well as their parents didn't want their children to be unable to save themselves or others.
Father; Takeo
Mother; Kotone
Eldest → Youngest
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
A few of the tribe members, though not all because that would be a long ass list and I don't feel like writing that out. But to name a few. Might do bios for them later.
Leader; Taichi Manami
First Lady; Mio Manami
Second in command (technically); Katsu
Guard Leader; Saburou
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slanderwolfmemoir1 · 10 years
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//trying to get used to my tablet ugh. Have some kind of cleaned up lines
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