slashershitbuggy · 5 years
Hey babes, if you dont mind me asking who are all the slashers that you write for?🖤🦇🖤
Most of them!
Ask for anybody and I’ll do so :) I might need to watch a movie or two if I don’t remember the character much but I’ll do what ever character people would like me to do :) hope this helps ❤️
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slashershitbuggy · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do head cannon’s for when maybe some of the slashers (slashers of your choice) have a sad reader and try to comfort them?
Yay my first request!
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- Jason would probably be the most caring out of the slashers.
- when he was a kid he would always get picked on by other children so he knows what it feels like to be left out or not wanted.
- His mother would always give him a hug after those harsh days and tell him to keep his chin up.
- So he does the same to you well at least the hugging part.
- and even if he can’t speak he comforts you by cuddling hoping you feel his comfort.
- But if it’s because someone is messing with you it won’t be pretty on their part.
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- Micheal would be less affectionate to say the least
- When he was still at the asylum he would see people cry all the time
-So when he finds you sad he’s not so sure what to do
-He comes to your side patting your head and laying next to you.
-Even though he’s not big on letting people touch him he lets you snuggle up to him as long as you need.
-And just like jason if he finds out who did it you’ll wake up to a report with the headline ‘Local citizen if found choked out’
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- This stinky wall boy would be very s o f t when he finds out that his s/o is sad :,(
- He would probably sit down with them and watch them for a minute before rubbing their back oh so slightly
- He then heads down to the kitchen and makes you two some Penut butter jelly sandwiches with tea before handing you a plate and cup.
-The two of you would eat in silence before taking a nap together. :,)
- And maybe even a walk outside to calm your nerves and to get some fresh air.
Sorry there’s not much slashy bois in here but i’ll probably make a part two if y’all want :)
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slashershitbuggy · 5 years
hey buddy I was wondering if you could do a head cannon sort of scenario with young jason voorhees x young reader when their at camp and the reader Is killing people at the camp who bullied jason causing her to get sent away and the camp closing sort of like angela baker from sleepaway camp but without the whole being a boy thing. I’m so sorry that this is really long and specific but I appreciate it thank you :)
YES YES all the way YES!! first I’d like to thank you fir being my first ask!! And I also love sleepaway camp so this should be fun!  this will be a lot more of a scenario then head cannon hope that’s okay! 
The sand itched at your legs as you grumbled loudly smacking it off and standing quickly. Just as you did so the bell rang for lunch and the young campers began to run as if they’ve never eaten a day in their life. 
A hand to your shoulder caused you to look back and gently smile, your hands wrapped around the boy and smothering him greatly. “Jason! Where have you been.. I sat at the water alone today.. usually you sit with me” He only looked to the side with a slight blush, he looked like he was about to speak again but stopped too terrified to tell you. “Jason.. whats going on?” Those blue eyes, filled with pain, oh that poor thing once again has been bullied due to his looks. Why? god only knows.. there are cruel people and all they ever did was target Jason.  A poor boy who keeps to himself.  “They.. told me that.. they were gonna drown me because If i look like a fish I belong with the fish” He struggled to speak, he had a few issues with speaking and other things but you were always there to help him. You slumped a bit, rubbing his arms and his grey camp crystal lake t shirt. He wasn’t even that bad, sure it was true his face was different then every body else but he was still a tall handsome boy, in your eyes of course. a yell came from the kitchen of the camp. Jason’s mother.  “Jason! Y/n! Come get some lunch you love birds”  “Mama!”  This caused Jason to sigh in defeat and grab your wrist walking towards the kitchen. your giggles leaving the water.  whisper were heard over regular chatter. some occasional food being thrown towards Jason or a stupid remark. you had enough that was for sure. You stood harshly grabbing  a fist full of potatoes and rushing over to the one and only Ted Harvey, your hand slapped his face causing the soft food to spread all over his face.  “How do you like it asshole, how do you like to be picked on”  Your hands soon wrapped around his throat squeezing as tight as you could. counsellors rushed over prying you off of Ted and screaming at you. You looked up to Pamela who only nodded and smiled at you. you were sent to your cabin, alone amongst the other beds as everybody else was moved to a new cabin. The cabin grew hot as the sun rises into the sky, beaming light with a ray of dust flying around. you coughed due to how dusty this damn cabin was and sat up, there was faint laughter the name fish head being thrown around. you slowly tip toed to the window to see what was going on when you noticed Jason shirtless and being pushed in a circle  you grabbed a coat that Jason gave you holding it snug on your shoulders before running bare feet in a nightgown.  “HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!”  your words repeated as you waved your arms in the air trying to grab the attention of the boys and girls. Jason had called out to you and his mother over his crys. his crys soon began gurgles as they threw him out to the water. You stopped and went wide eyed running towards the doc.  “He can’t swim well you asshats” They had only snickered and walked away leaving you to jump into the cold water, swimming as fast as you could to the boy. The doc shook as Pamela ran towards you and Jason who was starting  to lower. She had called for help from the doc looking back at the cabins. once you reached to Jason.. he was gone, the more you looked and dived you couldn’t find him. Pamela, with a  very sad sigh called out to you. once on the doc she went to grab a towel and blanket and wrapped it around you as you both sat on the doc.  “Ugh I could kill them, why would they do that? he did nothing!”  as a kid, you never really can understand why somebody picks on someone, worst of all how someone drown them. Jason’s mother shook her head and stood up. “I've got a plan.” with that you were stood in front of Ted Harvey, heaving and puffing.  “Yknow Jason loved you.. and this would be want he wanted.. do it for my boy.. do it for Jason.” Her words made your eyes grow wide. anger boiling through you. With that you plunged the machete deep withing Ted, his eyes shooting open as Pam placed a pillow over his head and pushed down hardly, the machete ripped through the bedding and mattress of the bed, revenge filling your body as you pulled it out once Ted went limp.
This continued until you got the Councillors. Pamela was already pushing knives threw them choking others and hanging on them on doors. your tired little body heard the cries of Jason as Pamela noticed as well, your face twisting with sadness, tears beginning to form as your feet lead you to the doc of the lake. Once kneeling  you played with the hem of your night gown, blood covering your arms, face and  clothing. “I could have saved you.. If only I swam fast enough I could have gotten you. I’m sorry Jason..” The expression in your eyes changed once you heard steps softly tip toeing behind you. You whipped around only to be meant with the last councillor.  “No.. no you should have saved him. I’m a child.. and you left it to me to see that. while you smooched off your stupid boyfriend” 
She tried to keep you quiet leading you closer to the doc as she she tried to bend down to grab you, you moved to the side cauaing her to fall to her chest, your hands grabbing a fist full of her hair and pushing her head into the water. Her body thrashed around as your cried through laughter. you felt insane, free almost. sirens were heard from afar but that never stopped you. Pamela grew more worried as she watched you from a cabin and watched the police cars pull into the camp 
“Get out of there y/n..” her whispers could almost reach your ears as you felt something was about to go wrong. the girl you held soon went limp, a last bit of bubbles reaching burst as it was silent. cops screaming to put your hands in the air.    you stood still as they ran towards you, quickly grabbing you and throwing you to the ground placing the cold handcuffs against your skin. your eyes caught pamela as they dragged you towards the car. a soft smile came to your lips as her hand was placed to her chest giving the same smile back. 
“A nutritious murder  was placed in Camp Crystal Lake. A young boy named Jason drowned only a day before, afterwards a young girl had expressed her anger threw murder. as of that Crystal lake will be closing down”
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slashershitbuggy · 5 years
Send in some requests babyyyys!!! My asks are open!
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slashershitbuggy · 5 years
Slashers hurting their s/o out of anger. (non requested)
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  - this big bear wasn’t one to hurt you but tonight was not the night for Jason. Those fucking teens had to get away didn’t they, they just had to escape his grasp and run out of site and out of camp. He trudged through the door slamming everything he came across, all you wanted to do was comfort the poor thing, to hold him in your arms. But oh boy when you did he angrily grunted raising his hand up. The smack welted on your cheek as tears brimmed those pretty eyes he loves so much. 
-Prepare for the constant apology as soon as you come back near him, of course not vocal but more or so a gift.. maybe a dead bunny or deer.. maybe even a squirrel, listen it’s the thought that counts. snuggles and smooches on dem cheeks all night, his thick fingers tangled in that hair of yours, he really didn’t mean to hurt you.
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-fucker got jealous because you were talking to Malcolm longer then you should have been according to Brahms “That’s why you are mad at me?!?!” he would nod quickly as you would continue to call him childish for thinking that. Though it wasn’t much it would send him over the edge!
-Him? Childish? he would think he’s a grown man. Though he would never purposely hurt you, he pushed you out of the way a little too hard as he threw a tantrum causing you to fall backwards, hitting your head off of a dresser. 
-He’ll kiss you like he’ll never see you again. He’ll ask you questions such as “do you still love me?” “you won’t leave me right?” “Please cuddle me? I really didn’t mean to hurt you” Will literally cry once you forgive him.
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- This poor boy could never think of hurting you, not even for a god damn second, but when you laughed at a joke his uncle said, not realising it was about Thomas, he was not happy. Though he re framed from hurting you and walked away, only for you to follow. he was skinning one of his victims when you walked down to get him, to apologise “Tommy?.. baby?” He ignored you. You touched his shoulder trying to get his attention when he turned around quickly and angrily, smacking you with his back hand by mistake. 
-Poor thing will let out squeals and whimpers of sadness right after and grab your waist so you don’t leave. Feeling gutted and horrible he’ll let you cuddle him while he “works”
 (wouldn’t let me pick michaels gif :(
  -Kinda just came home angry without really giving any reason. I mean the boy don’t even like to talk, why would he tell you why he was upset. 
- Don’t get in his way if he’s angry, he really won’t hesitate to wrap his long fingers around your neck and squeeze as hard as possibly. The look in your eyes might send him over the edge even. 
-It’ll give him a full day to actually kind of apologise to you, though it’s more examining your neck, patting your head and grunting at you. He doesn’t like to admit it because he’s never admit something like this, but he does love you, and feel guilty for hurting you after a day or two. 
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slashershitbuggy · 5 years
HI! I remember when I was 12 writing shitty creepypasta imagines. But i’m back and even more excited to be presenting you with some new content that i’ve been thinking about for quite a while! I’ve made a new account dedicated to my lovely slasher boys. this will contain the rare occasion of art and oc’s for my boys, and mostly imagines and scenarios as I see there isn’t very many, sadly. So with that being said! I hope you leave requests and such so I can get started on this account. At this moment I’m currently doing any slasher and any request. I just don’t do underage, rape, or non consensual stuff. love yaaa
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