slateir · 20 days
Room swap complete! got my pc on a an actual desk instead of a crappy lil foldable boy now so writing should be a lot easier!
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slateir · 1 month
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Reese rocking up to the TED talk with her little presentation about how the town curse really exists and everyone else is a coward too scared to acknowledge that outside of physically and physcologically tormenting Shadysiders and examine what that actually means for their town history and the many people they've written off as simply 'snapping'
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slateir · 1 month
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slateir · 1 month
what part of this haunted house are you?
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the resident
Knowledge is your only weapon, and until now that’s always been enough. But you carry it like it’s something heavy, something you aren’t allowed to put down. You can’t leave yourself defenseless, but you’re so so tired. It’s a blessing and a curse, you’ve realized, to know the truths of this place and not be able to give them away. No one believes you, anyways, and you’ve learned not to waste your breath, not to scream your throat raw and broken to people you do not trust. So you keep it to yourself, like everything else. You grip these truths in your hands until they cut your knuckles and mar your palms, but at least now you can hold them at arm’s length when the walls start speaking.
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slateir · 1 month
@nosestealer x
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"good. she shouldn't have to, and neither should you. nor i. nor anyone for that matter."
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REESE USED TO THINK LIKE THAT, clinging desperately to the truth and her rage with bruised fingers, hoping that if she just kept it up a little longer, fought a little harder, then peoole would finally have to shut the fuck up and LISTEN.
But then the one person who's ever cared enough to listen to her, to love her despite her edges and the boiling snger she can never quite hide, fell victim to the same shitty curse that stole her brother, nearly taking Reese and the rest of her family down with her. (Had managed to kill her mom and Reese still has a ball of confusion and hurt in her chest, because Dorothy had never really been her mom since Nightwing but she'd never wanted her to experience the curse like that, to die like that.)
“I should've kept fighting for the truth, i know that. I just-” Breathes come out shakey as fingers thread through her hair, trying to keep some measure of control. “I couldn't lose anyone else, you know?”
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slateir · 1 month
specify a name, or send the emoji/word alone for my muse to randomly choose a family member to talk about! if you can't see the emoji, send 'family'!
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slateir · 1 month
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.
Site being used (x)
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slateir · 1 month
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aimee you were so strong. (sex education 2019-2023)
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slateir · 1 month
If God didn't want me to commit fatherless behavior, he should have given my mother better taste in men. Now, if you excuse me, I have things to do.
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slateir · 1 month
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RUMORS AND CRUEL WORDS HAVE FOLLOWED REESE SINCE SHE WAS 6. She’s no stranger to how hard they can hit but even she can see that Imogen doesn’t deserve it. Karen Beasley’s a mean bitch who’s too focused on her own image and power to care about the people around her, even former friends she’s cast off. (Honestly, Reese can’t imagine Imogen and Karen being friends full stop, let alone best friends but life’s full of weird surprises.)
“You’re fine, Pretty sure my mom was the same when she had my little sister, from what I can remember.” Dorothy cried about just about everything from cravings to clothes but that could’ve just as easily been about the money and Richard leaving her the second she learned she was pregnant. AGAIN.
“Here.” Hands scramble through her bag for the tissues Ellie left there the last time they went out, offering them out to Imogen with what she hopes is a comforting smile but mostly just comes out awkward.
@slateir asked: ❝ i don’t pay much attention to rumors. ❞ / for imogen!
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Imogen cannot help the tears that start to fall when she hears this. She hadn't realized how much she needed to hear this. She felt like every new person who met her was judging her. All eyes on her just an awful judgemental feeling. Still here she was ready to explain and justify herself only to be stopped. I don't pay much attention to rumors. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders when she heard that. "Sorry- hormones. So many hormones and they're all scrambled like eggs." She says with a wet laugh as she reaches up to wipe her tears with the sleeve of her cardigan.
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slateir · 2 months
list of bastards
1. my dad
2. god
3. my dad
4. my dad
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slateir · 2 months
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slateir · 2 months
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SHE CAN’T BLAME MOUSE FOR WANTING TO DO SOMETHING. But people are stubborn and, occasionally, fucked up so it’s not all that unexpected that Bloody Rose’s little murder cult aren’t swayed, even if she knows Mouse tried their best. (This whole thing is spiralling wildly out of their control and Reese can’t help but wonder what the fuck their endgame is?)
“It’s not your fault, Mouse. This whole cult bullshit is definitely infecting what little braincells they had left. It was a good effort, at least.” The words aren’t all that comforting but not much is right now. The newest stalker is out for blood and with more little helpers than ever, with no secret left buried. (The talk of Camp Nightwing and it’s massacre on SpookySpaghetti is something Reese would rather forget, only relieve that Mouse and the rest of the girls hadn’t kicked her to the curb at the reveal.)
“Maybe it’s time to close the store for a while? See if Ash or one of the girls could put you and your Lola up for a few days till things blow over?” Not that Reese sees things calming down anytime soon. No, they’re firmly in the lead up to the oncoming shitshow. (Maybe it’s time an actual adult knows what's going on? Not that Reese has one in her life beyond Joey.)
“There’s room at mine if you don’t mind sharing with me and Ellie.”
@slateir asked: it’s truly a wonder that you’re still alive. / for mouse !
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"I really thought that it would work. I was just trying to help." Mouse admits as they stare at the comments of the video. People who had their name, their address, where they worked, and of course plans to hurt their lola. This was all supposed to help to make sure that people didn't take part in the reckoning. They can't keep staring at the comments it's making their stomach churn. They close the laptop moving their hands over their face. "What do I do?"
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slateir · 2 months
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THERE’S A SAD SENSE OF RELIEF IN TABBY’S UNDERSTANDING. Besides Zoe, Reese has never been all that good at making friends, too married to her anger, her grief, combative when she’s expected to be open and happy and ignore her dead brother and the empty grave that get’s defaced every other week. But she’d found friends in Millwood, despite the scares and the traumas of being swept up in A’s bullshit.
 (It’s almost terrifying to think that her denial looks like Mrs Langsberry’s from the outside but how can she feel bad for families actually allowed to mourn their dead?) 
“I know all about picking up the pieces, believe me.” Joey had never believed her, that it wasn’t Tommy holding the axe that night and she’d ended up losing both her brothers that night, in a twisted way. The eldest Slater children stick together out of necessity, out of love for Ellie and wanting to give her the best they could. (Tommy had done it for them.)
“It’s like, I’ve had this anger longer than I ever had my brother, you know? How is that fair?” She’d tried to mend things, in the aftermath of trial night; when Joey came to grab her from the hospital in a twisted repeat of their childhood nightmare, when her hands couldn’t stop shaking and she needed a big brother to make it all better. (But she’s not 6 and kissing scrapes and bruises doesn’t cut it anymore.)
@slateir asked: “  if i think about it,  i get angry.  and i don’t know where that anger stops.  so i’d rather not start at all.  ” / for tabby!
“I get it. Trust me if anyone is gong to understand what you’re going through it’s me I mean-” Tabby starts to say but she stops herself. Does she want to say it? Does she want to give the reasons why she is angry from Chip to A and everything in between? The list is long and it is reason enough for her anger to burn for the next hundred years. Still that isn’t any way to live. Sure she’d made her movie to cope but she feels like if she ever wants to move on with her life that she should probably just… maybe ot let it go but stop talking about it so much. So after careful consideration she takes in a breath before nodding.
“It feels like my anger isn’t just a bottle of water like it’s a river- or a whole waterfall. Like I could just keep having it pour out forever. So I bottle it up then it just explodes like a geyser and I have to pick up the pieces. It sucks I don’t want a waterfall I want like… a shot glass or one of those little water bottles they put in lunchables. Small manageable, easy to deal with. Instead of a force of nature that it is now.”
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slateir · 2 months
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❝ I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. I feel like something bad H A S happened. It hasn't reached me yet, but it's on its way. ❞
INDEPENDENT & NON-SELECTIVE portrayal of an original character, JANE DOE, based on extensive lore including explorations of CLASSIC HORROR, FINAL GIRL TROPES, PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR, ENTROPY, GREEK TRAGEDY & MORE . Extremely verse flexible with dozens of established verses available
❝ █████ kept secrets. She kept the fact that she kept secrets a secret. ❞
Template credit to Jessource
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slateir · 3 months
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REESE MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE PARTY, more the stray and tag-a-long they discovered along the way,a begrudging companionship from the rare girl of, the then, Hawkins Middle School who'd give them the time of day. (Not that she'd had many friends either, just Zoe as her one connection outside the mess that was her family. She doesn't think she's ever thanked them for that. She wouldn't even know how.)
"Friends don't lie, remember?" She's no El, with her powers and ways of seeing into your soul but she can offer him this; an understanding, that like calls to like in smalltown Indiana. "You'd be surprised, how many people aren't alone, in Hawkins."
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@slateir said: i see you . and you're not alone .
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ♥︎ . *. ⋆ INTELLECTUALLY, HE KNEW THAT. HE KNEW that he wasn't completely and utterly alone in his life. he knew that he had friends and family who cared about him, who would do everything in their power to protect him if something were at risk of happening to him.
but how could he help feeling completely alone, when for so long he'd been mentally navigating this often challenging and dangerous world COMPLETELY on his own, at least more often than not? how could he not feel isolated when he wasn't comfortable going to anyone in his life with his deepest, darkest secrets, left instead to mull over the hopelessness and helplessness and lack of control all on his own instead.
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so how could reese say that, when she had no idea what he was going through? what he was HIDING? he couldn't imagine telling her. it scared him, shook him straight to his bones. and it was apparent in the way he turned his head away, refusing to meet her gaze, lips pursing in frustration and defeat. ❝ if you knew what was going on in my head, i don't think you'd say that. ❞
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slateir · 3 months
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OFFIER. an independent and selective fear street multi muse with canon and original characters. by ant (she/they).
template. coloring. art & font.
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