slayerkiller · 10 years
"There's potentials here?" Spike asked, sounding irritated by the prospect. "Well, get them out," he said, half whining. "Little girls get too gung ho, get themselves into trouble they can't get themselves out of, and I'm not a bloody firefighter. I don't rescue cats from trees, or would-be Slayers from demons."
Willow momentarily narrowed her eyes at Spike. “I got better,” she told him wryly. The moment passed and the witch shrugged a shoulder. “Making the round and checking up on things. Potentials.”
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slayerkiller · 10 years
"Little ones it is. Any you like in particular?" Spike asked. "So many wankers here, I don't know where to start." He laughed, kissing her wrist as well. "That's not all I want to kiss, Dru, but I'm trying not to get distracted here. Besides, didn't you just say to start off easy? Warm up?" Spike's hands drifted slowly down her sides to rest on her hips. "We've got all the time in the world to have all the fun we can, love. And I missed you too much to hurry any of this up."
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slayerkiller · 10 years
"You're looking... Not veiny and bright eyed," Spike replied dryly. "What're you doing in my town?"
slayerkiller started following you
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"…Spike…You’re looking…alive. Ish."
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slayerkiller · 10 years
Spike snickered to himself. "Can you smell it? I can. The anxiety's rolling off them in waves, Dru. We've still got reputations, even after all these years. How do you like the big one over there?" he asked, nodding towards a very large horned demon, an ugly thing, bearded and muscular. He was one of the few who didn't look at all troubled by their presence.
"Bit of work to make him scared, maybe, but that's fun work. Or we could grab two of the scrawnier ones, one for each of us. Drag them off kicking and screaming." He took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
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slayerkiller · 11 years
Hi, sorry I disappeared a bit. I got distracted with my other account, and now I'm just too tired from work to do any RPing on any account. I'll probably be on later tonight or tomorrow to do replies and follower greetings.
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slayerkiller · 11 years
'Others'. Well, that's specific. Jude, time to face facts. Your family is human-deficient.
Then there’s me uncles. Me dad’s parents…Um… [Really it shouldn’t be so hard to think of people that are fully human.] An’ others!
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"I hope so too." He waved back briefly before disappearing into the shadows to go scare much more dangerous things than young women off.
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She put her hands at her hips. “And apology accepted, Spike. I hope we can become good acquaintances from now on.” Isis nodded to him. “Now, if you will, I must get back home. I still have some paperwork for the shop to be done.” She flashed him a wave before turning once again to leave, “And don’t go scaring young women off.” 
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slayerkiller · 11 years
Spike moved to stand behind Dru, his arms around her waist. More than a few of those present looked fairly nervous when they noticed Spike among them, and several of them kept glancing between him and Drusilla, obviously unsure of what to expect.
"What can I say? You always did reward your boy so very well, sweetheart." He ran his fingers through her hair, chuckling softly at the memories of 'hide and seek'. It had been decidedly more violent than the human child's version.
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"If you can admit you screwed up, you're not a bitch," Spike said good-naturedly. "I screwed up royally by getting pissed off enough to actually tell a bunch of gossiping harpies I wouldn't be in the area tonight, because really, that was overreacting by a long bloody shot, and a lot of people could have been killed. And sorry for scaring you back at the shop. I am actually a vampire, but I've also got a soul, which means unlike the rest of these arseholes, I know the difference between right and wrong. And that was wrong, and I'm sorry."
  Isis watched emotionlessly as Spike pierced another vamp in the heart, sighing. Isis slowed down as she walked, waiting for the other to come right next to her, eventually stopping right in front of him. 
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The girl hesitantly shook the male’s hand in a brief manner, “Isis. Isis Castelia.” She spoke, a rather weak smile given. “I suppose we can start over, as long as you’re okay with becoming acquaintances with a bitch.” She nudged him with her elbow playfully, reminding the male of his words. “I’ll keep the word twit and all my backtalk to myself, for your own good being— ‘Promise.” Isis sarcastically crossed an X on her chest, holding a hand up as if she were vowing. 
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"We've got bigger prey than lambs tonight, love. We'll take it to the bar, use it as a footrest while we eat. Put it in its proper place. Tomorrow, lambs, if you like. Promise." If she asked, he would do it, and just drink to forget if he had to. "Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds."
"Catching you was always so very fun." He nuzzled her ear, sighing before biting her earlobe. "You always made the prettiest sounds for me."
The closer they came to the lot, the clearer its inhabitants became. A mixture of vampires and demons stood there, showing off, clearly about to engage in a fight. "Which one do you want to play with most? I can't decide."
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slayerkiller · 11 years
Spike steered them around the corner, pointing with his chin at the vacant lot in the distance. "I think together, Dru. I missed being with you too much. I don't want to leave you alone, not even for a second, because what if you run away from me?" he pouted playfully. "I'd have to chase you down, wouldn't I, and then I'd have to make you scream."
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"I just thought you might want to," Spike shrugged. "Could be fun, pretending to be oh-so-helpless, only to gouge their eyes out when they underestimate you. Whatever you think will be the most fun for you, Dru," he assured her. "Because either way, it's been such a long time since I've had someone around to play with." He tightened his grip on her waist, smiling. "I'll have plenty of fun just having you around."
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"I think it means you lot keep scanning me with space dildos, which is exactly what those things look like, and as far as I'm concerned, that's exactly what they are!" he accused.
"Anything that's not the right color in this town is a demon," Spike said bluntly, "and I'm not repeating myself because that's the tone of someone who intends to completely ignore me and go looking for them. You know what? No. If you want to get yourself killed out of stupidity, be my guest." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. "That way, you've got Crescent Moon Pub, where all of the drinks look suspiciously like red wine, and that way," he added, pointing past the Doctor, "is the intersection of Carter and Park, where the first rule of Demon Fight Club is don't show up to Demon Fight Club if you value your life."
"You use that word so often, ‘weirdos,’" he pointed out, "I don’t think it means what you think it means. And this—” he waggled the screwdriver “—is not a marital aid, no matter what the fearsome corners of the Internet’ll tell you.” 
He turned, glanced around, hands in his pockets, tutted. “I dunno, this— judging the weirdness of things by their color, seems like it might be insufficient measure, at least to me— judging books by covers and all. And— I do solemnly swear— that I will not go looking for these things that you have told me not to look for, absolutely not, much too much else to do, I have got such a full plate, only— where did you say I shouldn’t look for them, again? Don’t mind me, thick as paste, I am.”
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"No, unfortunately. I forgot my paintbrush," he smiled, reaching behind himself to open the door. "But knives are so much better anyway." Spike kicked it shut behind them, and disentangled himself from Drusilla to wrap an arm around her waist. "They gather at this abandoned lot down a bit. Do you want to play bait, luv, or should we just crash down on them like a fuckin' wave together?"
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"Dru, I was a fuckin' awful poet, though," he said, laughing a little at himself. "Come on, let's go destroy something."
He pulled her towards the door, not letting go of her except to snatch up a pocketknife with one hand and shove it into his pocket.
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slayerkiller · 11 years
Sorry, mate, but can I point out that's only two people? That's not the most impressive track record there.
Sort of? Like I said, ‘S complicated. But…He adopted me dad when he was young. So…Granddad. [Jude looks mildly affronted by this statement.] Oi! You watch tha’. Dad an’ Jasmine are both as ‘uman as they come, thank you very much.
[He’ll not mention the time travelling soldier bit nor the magical baby factor. The guy looked lost enough as it was.]
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slayerkiller · 11 years
"Can you people stop scanning me with space dildos?!" Spike shouted. "Fuckin' weirdos, the lot of you! Jesus." He shook his head, pushing past the Doctor before turning around. "And yes, whatever you just said, don't talk to that. Don't talk to anything that's not the right color, either, because it's not just vampires strolling around here. I've got it handled, so long as no one else interferes and no one does anything stupid like looking for them again."
"Erm," The Doctor nodded easily. "That’s very him."
Well, it was very Time Lord.
"I actually prefer cutlasses to battleaxes," The Doctor muses, glancing down at the spot where Spike had touched him. "I once saved the world with a swordfight, bit of a Christmas miracle." His screwdriver comes out of his pocket, a whistle and a glow, and he nods to himself. "Now, when you say I shouldn’t talk to anything weird— it’s just, everything’s relative— d’you mean, yeah, a hominid lifeform with thanatobiological cellular activity and a core temperature that’s, well, room temperature?”
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