thatgoddamnwizard · 5 years
Grumbling, I stood up from where I had been crouched by the storm drain, and noticed I wasn’t alone. I eyed the man for a few seconds, then said, “Um. I’m with the National Eldritch Being Containment Agency. Just checking for evil clowns. All clear.” I waggled my eyebrows and added, “For now.”
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drthetasigma14 · 6 years
“A Time for Everything and Everything in its Time.”
(( @wingsandtinkering replied to this. ))
"Jus' remember not to take books from the future back to the past. Tha' always mucks things up a bit."
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“Riiiiiight, fair do’s. One doesn’t bring a copy of Death in The Clouds from The Year Five Billion to be signed by Agatha Christie, that’s a bit gauche.”
“One also doesn’t get that signature and sell it in the present for a profit, we call that ‘pulling an Adam Mitchell.’ Strictly personal collections.”
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memoirsverse · 6 years
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“Pie!” Evelyn exclaimed. She and Jude had rounded the bend and come upon a House of Pies nestled enticingly between a shoe store and a pet supply shop. “I really want pie. Do you want pie? They have wonderful pie here, Jude! I could really, really use a piece of pie. Ooh, chocolate cream! Or French Silk? French Silk!” 
Without waiting for Jude’s agreement, she spun on her heel and made a beeline for the door.
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idontdohats-archive · 6 years
Jude and Harry: Unlucky Number
“Six of one, half a dozen of the other,” Harry mumbled to the man beside him, before downing the remainder of his beer. It wasn’t Mac’s beer, which automatically meant that it was sub-par. The alcohol stung his split lip and the inside of his mouth on the way in, but he took it like a man. “Either way you look at it, today has sucked balls.”
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thanatophobiic-blog · 7 years
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          “You look like you could use a drink, a leanbh.” The Queen settles herself across from the not-quite-human man, smiles warmly. “Cider or alcohol?”
@wingsandtinkering // starter call 
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corruptedones-blog · 8 years
( @wingsandtinkering )
“Uh…” Jude stood stock still, staring at the blonde haired woman who had just spoken to him. “I lost me wallet.” Almost as an afterthought he held up his profusely bleeding hand. “An’ I ‘ave a cut on me ‘and.”
Rei was heading back to her flat from the Farmer’s Market when she caught sight of the man looking a miss.  She had her mouth opened to respond about his wallet when the blood was spotted.  Without even thinking, Rei pulled her scarf from around her neck, wrapping it tightly around the man’s palm.  “I live not a five minute walk from here.  Will you let me help you with this?”  It didn’t click in her mind to call for help, because she was still new to the outside world -- to the human world.
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yourfuckingmajesty · 8 years
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
......taking out the trash.
I really should take more walks but the most time I spend walking outside right now is taking out the trash and recycling. 
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thesecondanomaly · 7 years
"Tha' an offshoot of a Battenberg cake?" It certainly sounded like it could be a cake. Why was he thinking of cake right before possibly dying? Was this some sort of family trait? If they lived he'd have to ask his parents. "You don't 'ave to tell me twice," Jude assured Jenny as she made her way forward. He cleared his throat so his voice would carry farther. "Left to righ' then press the green button."
…she didn’t have a lot of files on baking.
“Battenberg” evoked several references for her, mostly Hessians and Mountbatten-Windsor, also The Battle of Battenberg Hill in 2151, but what? Cake? She shook her head, later for that.
Her fingers blurred across the controls, a few false starts but she got it–
“I’m no scientist, but I know enough about temporal artillery from fighting Sontarans in the 5400s that I think if I time this right the radioactive component of the detonation’ll just be half-lifed out by The Time Vortex and–”
–the nuclear storm device vanished in a crackle of Series 5 lightning, The Vortex Manipulator with it–
“–and all they’ll get on the other end is a pale blue glow and a big boom.”
Suddenly dizzy, she thudded back from kneeling and wound up on her butt, hand on her forehead.
“Ugh. Okay. Kind of tingly. At least I’m not glowing.”
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thatgoddamnwizard · 5 years
Yeah. Some faerie or someone decided that my dad and his friend should have a kid and then my sister show up. It was a whole thing. SUE! I love them. They're on twitter you know! I will but honestly with mum and dad being who they are and him being scared of me uncle it's a non-issue.
Sounds like a faerie, all right.
There’s a dinosaur on Twitter? (Why yes, I do know what a Twitter is. I’m a techno-disaster, not dead) 
Well, just putting that out there in case it becomes an issue. Better to have somebody in your court.
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memoirsverse · 7 years
wingsandtinkering started following you
“I don’t know about you,” Evelyn said to the man standing nearby as she poked her head out of the hole in the cement and looked around.  She had hefted the the metal cover aside, with some difficulty, and began climbing up out of the manhole. “But my day has been extraordinarily strange.”  
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thesecondanomaly · 7 years
"'M abou' ninety-nine percent sure tha' it'd go to where you coordinate it to go," he informed her with a nod. Without any hesitancy he was stripping himself of his Vortex Manipulator and handing it over to her. "I know 'ow to make meself a new one. Tha's not important righ' now. Go on then." Jude belatedly realised he was anxious to get the thing away from them.
“That’s a significantly higher percentage than my roentgen-sponge trick,” Jenny nodded firmly, holding out her hand even as he passed her the watch. 
“Keep your distance, though,” The Anomaly reminded him as she moved closer to the IED– more like a nuclear storm drive in miniature, but improvised nevertheless –”I’m still pretty sure my radiation tolerance is higher than yours.”
She knelt by the timer, frowning as she threaded the watch-strap to attach it, her skin warming but not blistering yet.
Jenny called over her shoulder to him: “Being able to build a time machine is a neat skill. I can barely fly mine. Tell me how to program this? I need 30 June 1908, 7:17 AM, about 4 kilometers above ground– I think I can extrapolate the trajectory from the Soviet military files in my head–”
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thatgoddamnwizard · 5 years
My older sister came about from magic! Not witch or wizard sort of magic. Just weird magic. A DINOSAUR?! Went through a whole phase with those, me. Eh. Don't have to see him often.
Yeah? What kind of magic’s that?
Yep, you know Sue from the Chicago Field Museum? Big old T-rex skeleton? I kind of reanimated her to take a little stroll. Really, really bad night, but I’ve got to admit that was pretty awesome.
Man, sounds like “not often” is still too damn often. Known a few demons in my time. Tricky bastards. Hope you and yours stay safe. Hit me up if you need anything, yeah?
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((I feel like she would ABSOLUTELY wear that shirt.))
(( She has! It was a gift, I think, from @wingsandtinkering. He’s a good lad. ))
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thesecondanomaly · 7 years
Jude's eyes went big as that particular understanding washed over him. The thought of 'Well tha's not good' was followed by a quiet, "Shit!" He looked at his VM then back at Jenny. "Could we jus' send it off with this?" He asked her.
Her eyes locked onto his face, then zeroed in on the watch. She pressed her lips together, fingers flexing, weighing and measuring this last-ditch alternate strategy.
“Do you need it back? Would radiation skew the coordinate targeting?”
“Could we send it to, oh, Tunguska 1908? …and be relatively sure that it would go to exactly the right spot?”
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