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Poetry Slam AU
• Lance doesn’t know why he goes but pidge and hunk says there’s free coffee for new poetry listeners so what broke college student could pass that up?
 • He wasn’t expecting to see a cute emo boy reading a poem about ...knives?
 • Okay so the poetry sucked As expected these are early twenties students trying to look cool and “cultured”.
 • Lance rolls his eyes and walks off to get some coffee after listening to a few more people 
• He finds Keith standing in front of the register ordering nothing but a black coffee
 • Lance: let me guess your ordering an americano because it’s “dark and bitter like your soul” 
• Keith smiles and looks at the Cuban boy standing behind him
 • Keith: I’m just saying at least I can like something without changing one aspect of it 
• Lance: alr poetry pants what are you a physiology student?
 • Keith *breaks into laughter*: no I’m in English language this was extra credit cause I kinda bombed my 100 page essay this normally isnt my thing
 Lance: yeah I could tell when your opening statement was “iron ore could you be iron more?”
 Keith makes a face: alright I get it I suck and should probably not be an English major *he smiles* how about I get you a coffee to make up for  whatever hell I just put you through
 • Lance smirks: yeah alright
 • Well, this is not what he was expecting when Pidge and Hunk said free coffee
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My first klance drawing (sorry if its not amazing Im new)
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Yall hear sumthin?
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Season 1- Season 7 episode 9
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Season 7 episode 10
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i have resting sad face. anytime someone takes a photo of me its like wow oh my god dans so sad and I’m like well yes. i am. but not because of my face
danisnotonfire (via guyliner-appreciation)
I can relate Dan
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