sleepingcosmic · 3 days
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The real tattoos
Drawing these made me realise I can’t wait for the rest of Jean’s reinvention. He’s the most powerful force on the board and hasn’t even got started yet…
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sleepingcosmic · 3 days
i am in fact a hufflepuff!andrew truther
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sleepingcosmic · 4 days
Imagine : it's years after canon ended, the Moriyama's empire has crumble (reason up for debate, but Neil probably had his hand in it). Kevin, Jean, and Neil decide to participate in a documentary talking about the trauma from the Nest. When asked why they keep playing now they answer something along the line of "for exy" or "for the game." The documentary ends up being called "All For The Game"
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sleepingcosmic · 5 days
as a newer aftg fan and avid jean lover, i would like to thank my forefathers that cared so much about jean they manifested a whole trilogy for him.
i see you and your service 🫡
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sleepingcosmic · 13 days
can you imagine if aaron and katelyn fostered though
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sleepingcosmic · 17 days
"omg those are the exy monsters they're so scary"
you mean nicky? with a mortgage, husband and two kids?
neil? canonically a math nerd who enjoys cross country?
aaron? the pre-med student dating a cheerleader?
kevin? worlds first almond-mom-history-nerd?
andrew? the boundary respecting ice cream addict?
like yeah ok they've killed people but like also they have a cheese drawer so just calm down, be respectful, and don't start punching people - you'll be fine.
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sleepingcosmic · 1 month
OHHH IDK IF THIS COMPARISON HAS EVER BEEN MADE but i saw an oliver wood tweet a second ago and uhhhh dare i say:
oliver wood & kevin day are variants of each other???
thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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sleepingcosmic · 1 month
Sometimes, I get rickrolled by my mother because she listens to it in her car, and I can't help but imagine: "What if Wymack or Abby also like that song?" And then I imagine the foxes in the bus on their way to a game getting rickrolled by their Coach. Do you think they would tell him ? I think they would suffer in silence because Coach does so much for them, and they can leave him have that.
Imagine when they went to Baltimore to get Neil... The heavy atmosphere in the bus after Andrew strangled Kevin and everyone wondering if Neil is still alive... when all of a sudden...
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sleepingcosmic · 1 month
I just know that Jean "English is my third language" Moreau sometimes just says French or Japanese idiomatic in English, and the rest of the Troyans are so confused but decide not to talk about it.
Until one day Kevin, Neil and Andrew are here. So the Troyans wants to take them out to eat.
Jean :"Yes, Jeremy it's good but it doesn't break three legs of a duck."
Jeremy: "Does that mean you don't like it?"
Jean: "It's... well... okay I guess."
Neil: "No, he has a point. It's decent but not great."
Jean and Neil bitching in French and Kevin silently nodding because he wholeheartedly agrees but will not break Jeremy's heart.
Jeremy, Cat and Laila looking at Andrew to have an explanation.
Cat : "what's the link with the duck? It's vegan food??? Is it not ????"
Andrew being of no help at all, just enjoying the chaos and his food.
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sleepingcosmic · 2 months
call it what you want (taylor swift) & jerejean
heavily inspired by the @kevinsdsy (our very own trendsetter HAHAH)
will be putting this in text as well because god knows i have awful handwriting
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“i brought a knife to a gunfight / they took the crown, but it’s alright / all the liars are calling me one” — pot and kettle. the ravens manipulating jean into thinking he deserves everything that’s happened to him at the nest (gaslighting 101)
“fit like a daydream / fly like a jetstream” — british slang
“call it what you want to” & “loves me like i’m brand new” — in consideration of the fact that jean has never experienced true unadulterated romantic attraction before (due to the lack of opportunity and judgmental nature of the nest/evermore)
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“all my flowers grew back as thorns / windows boarded up after the storm” — something something healing isn't a linear process, could also allude to jean losing his fight during his time in the nest
“he built a fire just to keep me warm” — jeremy purposefully throwing jean a lifeline every time he starts to spiral
“all the jokers dressin’ up as kings” — riko moriyama
“and i know i make the same mistakes every time” — “nonstop temptations”: first kevin, then renee, then jeremy (can’t remember the exact wording but something along those lines)
“trust him like a brother / you know i did one thing right / starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” — jeremy knox
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“i want to wear his initial / on a chain ‘round my neck, chain ‘round my neck” — parallels between jeremy/riko
“not because he owns me / but ‘cause he really knows me” — jean choosing jeremy over riko of his volition, acknowledging that, comparatively, jeremy accepts him for who he is
you don’t need to save me / but would you run away with me? / yes
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sleepingcosmic · 2 months
Plot-twist : Andrew and Neil specifically decided to call the cat "King" to rewire Kevin's brain because they saw Kevin react badly to someone saying "king" (probably Nicky about something very gay) and decided to tough love that shit out of him without telling him
i can’t stop thinking about neil and andrew’s cats. like sure it’s objectively quite funny that they’re called sir fat cat mccatterson and king fluffkins, sir and king for short. however. HOWEVER.
imagine this. you are Kevin Day. you have been physically free from the cult you grew up in for nearly seven years now (it will never leave your head. it taught you what you love and poisons whatever it can). you got out, your friend got out, and you’re learning to live with the hole in your heart shaped like the monster you loved. you’re healing. you have family, you have friends, and your two closest friends have decided to get cats.
you are invited to meet the cats, and you say you don’t care about the cats but go anyway. your friend opens the door with his usual contemptuous apathy while your other friend is trying to get one of the cats out from under the sofa. the other friend introduces the cats to you while the first one pretends not to care. he says “the orange one is sir, she’s obese because andrew keeps letting her finish his vile chocolate drinks. the one under the sofa is king.”
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and you have to pretend to be so normal about the fact that the brother you grew up with wholovedyouandhatedyouandwantedtoliveinyourskinandruinedeverythinghetouchedincludinghimself, who was killed largely on the word of these two friends, who you’re doing whatever you can to move on from, NOW SHARES A TITLE WITH THIS CAT. and the cat won’t even come out from under the sofa to say hi
props to kevin i’d have shot myself in front of neil and andrew
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sleepingcosmic · 4 months
kevin's the court queen and neil's the court jester
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sleepingcosmic · 4 months
Every day. Every damn day I wake up and wonder how Wymack must have felt hearing Jean say, “Kevin never once doubted you’d take him in … I laughed at him. I’d never taken him for a dreamer.”
I wonder how he let that sink in, thought over and over again of his first interactions with the kid and rewriting his perceptions with the context that not only did Kevin know that was his dad, but that Kevin trusted him. Unquestionably, before Wymack even did anything, Kevin ran to him because he believed that Wymack was someone safe he could run to. I wonder if Wymack thought about “my father comes to all my games, that is enough” knowing that Kevin truly meant it, maybe always has.
I wonder how Wymack felt then, when later, much much later, that broken boy who laughed at his son for believing in a father he never met calls him out of the blue. When, before Wymack could even get a single word in, begs him, voice wet and desperate why did you take him in?
I wonder how Wymack felt after the phone call ends. Hearing Josten, arguably his most distrustful kid, telling him “I’ve got him coach” and then hanging up the phone, and wondering if Rhemmen has enough strength to watch Jean eventually get to a place similar to where Neil’s at now. To finally learn, slowly but surely, how to trust. I wonder if that made him appreciate Kevin’s trust all the more.
just… I wonder
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sleepingcosmic · 7 months
Hey, stop scrolling.
Everyone who is reading this: I’m so glad you’re alive. I’m so proud of you. You are loved. I’m here. Don’t give up, we’re almost there.
Pass it on.
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sleepingcosmic · 7 months
I hope I'm wrong but...
Kayleigh Day was Irish... She lived in Ireland whole her life... Kevin was probably raised in Ireland even if they travelled often to promote exy... The car crash probably happened in Ireland... By all logic, she would be buried in Ireland.... which would mean that Kevin probably never got the chance to go back on his mother grave after the funeral...
I'm crying please someone tell me I'm wrong...
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sleepingcosmic · 7 months
Kayleigh Day was an known advocate for women and trans people in sports, this resulted in a lot of compilations of her going off at people. A fan favorite is someone calling her a bitch, only for her to laugh then check them so hard they had to be taken off the court on a stretcher. She would then lead her team to win the championships.
Years later her son, Kevin Day as a college freshman was playing on a pro team, was called a son of a bitch. He laughed his mothers laughed and checked the asshole into a wall. When the assholes teammates managed to get him up and start to stagger off the court, Kevin leaned over and told him "my mother taught me that move." Kevin would then score the winning goal of the game using Kayleigh's signature move, move only she and her son have been able to pull off.
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sleepingcosmic · 7 months
When Kevin starts growing out his hair, he thinks he looks like Riko.
He knows he and Riko look nothing alike, but it's the length -- a weird in-between stage of growth as he grows out the back of his hair to match the length of his bangs. Not long enough to tie up, but long enough to make his skin crawl. Kevin can't look at himself in the mirror for a long time until Andrew forces him into a chair and shows him ways to style his hair instead of letting it hang. He learns how to braid, though he's not good at it. So many of his teammates (read: Nicky, Dan, Allison, Matt) are more than willing to help.
Half a year later, when Kevin's hair finally touches a little past his shoulders, he can't help but think he looks like his mother. He starts styling his hair like she did -- styles he gathers from news articles, old photos, and memories. He uses a citrusy oil he remembers his mother enjoying. He tries to embody Kayleigh Day as if she's still here, and as long as Kevin lives, then she lives within him.
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