sleepstation-blog · 4 years
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In an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19 we keep being told that we should all be practicing ‘social distancing’. But what exactly does this mean? And why will it help? Head to our latest blog article to find out more: https://ift.tt/2UBzbV7 . . . . . . #socialdistancing #socialdistancingsaveslives #flattenthecurve ##covıd19 #coroavirus #advice #sleepstation #exponentialgrowth #sleepstationblog #timeforchange #isolation #mindthegap #beresponsible #sociallyresponsible — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39mvg43
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Another successful sleep journey thanks to the invaluable support of our sleep team. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QEAwth
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Lots of us grumble about losing a whole hour of precious sleep when the clocks go forward in Spring, but how the time change affects you will depend on your lifestyle and sleep habits. Here at Sleepstation, we've got some tips to help you adjust to the clock change this weekend.⁣ ⁣ 1. Relax! You've probably had to get up an hour earlier plenty of times before, so you know that your body can adapt to changing schedules. Reminding ourselves of this can help calm some of the anxiety about the coming time change.⁣ ⁣ 2. If you’re currently struggling with your sleep, try resetting your clock gradually. Aim to go to bed 15 minutes earlier every other night in the week before the change. So if you usually go to bed at 10.30pm, your plan would be: Monday 10.15pm bedtime, Wednesday 10.00pm, Friday 9.45pm. This will gradually shift your sleep rhythms to be in sync with the time change by Sunday and will make Monday a bit less tough for you.⁣ ⁣ 3. Get outside. Natural light, in particular morning light, has a big influence on sleep schedules. While we don’t suggest going out and about during the current situation, try and spend a little time out of doors in the sunlight.⁣ Even if it’s just standing at your door, sitting on a balcony or spending some time out in the garden; aim to get some fresh air on Sunday and you should feel the benefit come Monday. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wm5rnm
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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In uncertain times, it's important that we're there for each other. We'll be here to provide you with support and guidance through these difficult times. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2J1kN3b
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Sleep problems can negatively affect all aspects of student life, including academic success. In addition to all the health benefits that good sleep can bring, sleep also consolidates learning. ⁣ ⁣ Due to irregular routines, part-time jobs, exam periods and social schedules, students need personalised advice to overcome sleep problems and unlock the magic of sleep. If you’ve been sleeping badly, now is the time to tackle the problem.⁣ ⁣ If you don’t sleep the very first night after learning, you lose the chance to consolidate those memories. Unfortunately, increasing numbers of students aren’t getting enough sleep and to 60% have sleep problems, including insomnia. ⁣ To find out more head to sleepstation.org.uk/students — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2WhODZa
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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What is sleep, and why is it important? Scientists have come to learn a lot more about sleep in recent decades but it is still something of a mystery. What’s really going on in our brains when we sleep? Why is sleep so important? Dr Neil Stanley explains on our recent blog post 'What is sleep, and why is it important?' https://ift.tt/2xEn95P #worldsleepday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33ffiHv
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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We’re often told that we need to get a solid eight hours of sleep per night, but in fact your sleep need is as individual as you are. We discuss the factors that determine how much sleep you need in order to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead on our recent blog post ‘How much sleep do you really need’. Take a look at https://ift.tt/3cWoIMt #worldsleepday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wXfAq9
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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To celebrate World Sleep Day 2020, we're offering £95 off our 'Sleepstation Therapy' and 'Sleepstation Plus' packages. Use code 'WSD2020' at the checkout to receive your discount. . . . #worldsleepday #worldsleepday2020 #sleepawareness #bettersleep #sleephealth — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3d1kG5F
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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It's always tough when you set out on a journey to establish a new and effective routine, which is why we have tried our hardest to equip you with tools and support along the way. Though the beginning may be tough, the end result is worth it! . . . . . #sleep #sleepstation #sleeproutine #sleeptherapy #patientfeedback #testimonial #wednesday #share #patientexperience #towerofstrengh #customersupport #supportteam #support #insomnia #insomniastories #insomniatherapy #sleepwell #bettersleep — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TYmwv8
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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— view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Q251Jf
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Sleeping tablets, while they may be able to help you sleep, do not deal with the root cause of your sleep problem. ⁣ ⁣ There are concerns that taking sleeping tablets long-term can lead to issues with tolerance and dependence. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), such as offered by Sleepstation, is the recommended first-line therapy for insomnia and has been shown to be as effective as sleeping tablets in improving sleep. ⁣ ⁣ The benefits of CBT-I have been shown to last long after the treatment, unlike the benefits of sleeping tablets. There are also no issues around tolerance or dependency. Sleepstation offers digital CBT-I, with human support, to effectively deal with the causes of your insomnia. . . . #sleepstation #sleepingpills #sleepmeditation #sleep #medication #natural ##drugfree #solution #bettersleep #nationalbedmonth #sleephabits #healthysleep #healthysleeping #sleeptechniques #insomnia #bhfyp #sleeptips #sleephacks #wellness #sleeptherapy #therapy #insomniatherapy #advice #sleepadvice #follow #sleephealthtips — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2vJDYLS
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Did you know? #nationalbedmonth — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/38m66lG
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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One of the things we repeatedly hear from patients at the beginning of their Sleepstation journey is that they really don't look forward to bedtime because they know they aren't going to be able to sleep. ⁣ ⁣ The thought of their bed becomes attached to a negative feeling of dread and anxiety. We are thrilled when we receive feedback like this, confirming we have managed to rid those negative connotations and re-instil a sense of happiness and confidence at bedtime. . . . #support #patientfeedback #testimonial #feedback #supportandencourage #supportandencouragement #encouragement #sleep #sleepimprovement #sleepawareness #education #sleepeducation #insomnia #insomniatherapy #sleepproblems #hope #newchapter #fff #inspiration #sleepstation #sleephygiene #heretohelp #bhfyp #instagram #explorepage #sleephealth #sleephealthy #healthysleep #healthysleephabits #share — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HVyyzI
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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“How to Sleep Well” is a guidebook that can change your sleep and help you live your life more fully. Whether you struggle to fall asleep, sleep too lightly, wake too often or simply cannot wake up, this book can help you get on track to sleeping well and living better. ⁣ ⁣ It all starts with the science of sleep: how much you really need, what your body does during sleep and the causes behind many common sleep problems. Next, you'll identify the things in your life that are disrupting your sleep cycle and learn how to mitigate the impact; whether it’s the pressure of the workplace or you simply cannot quiet your own mind, these expert tips and tricks will help you get the sleep you need. ⁣ ⁣ Finally, you'll learn how to support healthy sleep during the waking hours-what works with or against your sleep-and you'll learn when the problem might be best dealt with by your GP. . . . . #bookclub #bookstagram #sleepstation #bookrecommendations #howtosleepwell #bookreview #bookreviewersofinstagram #sleepbooks #tuesday #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdaytips #sleepwell #sleeptips #insomnia #insomniaproblems #insomniac #sleepheath #sleepeducation #sleephabits #sleepimprovement #sleepcoach #sleeptherapy #cbt #cbti #drneilstanley #mentalhealth #health #wellbeing #welness #bhfyp — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/38ZMggT
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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The Sleepstation team work hard to ensure we remain a reliable source of sleep information for you. Let us know what you want to see from us so we can continue to provide you with regular, valuable and actionable content. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32jhUDB
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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⁣We've all heard sayings like 'the early bird catches the worm' and 'work now, sleep later'. The culture of being constantly 'switched on' has become a societal norm and is too often encouraged. If you're not working while they sleep, you'll never get ahead, right? ⁣ ⁣⁣ Wrong. If you're not giving yourself the time to get full and restful sleep, you're becoming your own roadblock on the path to success; there's no amount of green juice, Bulletproof coffee or red light therapy that could ever make up for it. ⁣ ⁣ It's time to change the outdated messages we hear about sleep in business and harness its superpower - sleep your way to success! . . . #sleepstation #sleep #sleepforsuccess #success #mindset #entrepreneur #bossbabe #business #earlybirdgetstheworm #sleeptips #sleeptraining #insomnia #hustle #sleepyourwaytosuccess #health #wellness #wellbeing #goodnight #redlighttherapy #bulletproofcoffee #greenjuice #sleepbenefits #goodnightsleep #sleephabits #sleepimprovement #business #businessowner #sleephacks #bhfyp #thursdaythoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SJVecy
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sleepstation-blog · 5 years
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Rachel’s sleep problems became apparent while studying at university. Due to irregular routines, part-time jobs, exam periods and social schedules, insomnia is a common problem amongst students.⁣ ⁣ If you don’t sleep the very first night after learning something new, you lose the chance to consolidate those memories. Unfortunately, increasing numbers of students aren’t getting enough sleep and 60% have sleep problems, including insomnia.⁣ ⁣ Our online course is built upon the most effective approach to improving sleep for university students, just like Rachel. . . . . #sleepstation #patientstories #testimonials #wednesday #wednesdaymotivation #student #studentlife #studentsleep #insomnia #insomniac #study #studying #studentproblems #knowledgeispower #sleepknowledge #sleep #health #wellbeing #sleephealth #sosleepy #sleepcoach #sleepcoaching #bhfyp #bedtime #tired #sleeptips #sleephealthier #advice #support #helpingothers — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32agziE
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