sleepy-turt · 7 years
hello, i’m erin.
i’m really poor, my family is financially unstable all the time because my parents have walking/moving disabilities and it’s hard for them to find proper jobs since they can barely move. lately we’ve been having major financial problems.
they both used to work until the thing i was afraid of happened; my diabetic mom’s health condition started getting worse and worse. she couldn’t handle the pressure and the bullying at work so she had to quit her job. however, her health is the main priority in this entire thing so i don’t blame her at all.
as for now, my father is the only source of income. his monthly salary is $150 and as you can see that’s far from enough to maintain three people. i’ve tried to get a job myself but no one wanted to hire me because i’m a minor.
for the past few months my mom’s illness has been progressing, we even got her a wheelchair since she couldn’t walk at all. she needs a damn expensive diabetic healthcare course right now. my father works day and night just to gain some money. also, i contributed with my savings even though it wasn’t much. 
yesterday, she got into a diabetic coma. it’s a life-threatening diabetes complication that can lead to death if it’s left untreated. in the case of my mother, it is fatal. the treatment that can help is extremely expensive and i have no idea what me and my dad are supposed to do in this situation.
our efforts are not enough for my mom’s medical assurance. the amount of money we have by now can provide only around half a month (if not less) of medicines. my dad is working all the time he doesn’t even sleep at this point, it’s a miracle if he gets at least 2 hours of sleep a day. but unfortunately it’s never enough.
i feel pathetic and useless, the tears are streaming down my face as i’m typing this and the fact that i can’t help in any way is killing me. it’s an obvious fact that she is going to die if we don’t pay for the medical assurance. please help, i really don’t want to lose my mother she means the world to me.
only money can help us in this harsh situation so if you can donate i’ll be forever thankful. 
if you can, do it through paypal. my paypal email is: [email protected]
any amount will be highly appreciated, i’m not asking for much, really. also reblog this please, it does matter and i hope i’ll find people who can help. i’ve seen people on here do wonderful things to help people in need just like me. i truly believe that you have the power to save my mother. i will try to post this on gofund me as well so hopefully more people will get to know about my terrible situation. i know i already posted about my mother’s condition around 1 year ago on my another account and i’m really sorry for sharing my situation again, but back then it wasn’t even half as bad as it is now. i need your help now more than ever so please be understanding. i truly hope that you kind people can help us. it’s totally okay if you don’t donate though, just keep my mom in your prayers please, it means a lot. 
i’m desperate please help, i’m begging you, i don’t want to lose my mother.
thank you so much.
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
I’m just appalled that y'all are still running around smugly insisting that Canada is some kind of utopia. who had the chinese head tax yet had no problem using Chinese immigrants as fodder during the construction of the cpr? canada. who committed several atrocities against indigenous people including residential schools, the killing of Inuit sled dogs, and the cypress hills massacre? canada. who turned jewish immigrants away when they were seeking asylum during ww2? canada. as for anti-blackness, I don’t know where yall have been but there was slavery in Canada too, a history that’s much shrouded cause we refuse to own up to it in order to keep our squeaky clean rep. we had a goddamn eugenics movement. we have a rising nazi problem. indigenous and black people are treated like shit over here. there’s so so many case studies I could pull on that, you don’t even know. I could go on but tl;dr:
canada is a nation built on myths of politeness and respect that allows it to commit the atrocities typical of a settler-colonial state while appearing to the world at large as being a good ol place to live in. stop shitting on poc by insisting that it’s true.
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
if its called final fantasy why are th
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
Gay representation in the media be like:
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
Sometimes it blows my mind that there are people that don’t wear glasses/contacts. Like they can literally see with no aid. Like they wake up and just be out here seeing. What a wild concept.
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
if you started supporting nu'est and hotshot from p101 you should also look into and support topp dogg
they might not have had as many members join but atom worked his ass off and made it into the top 35 and the rest of topp dogg are just as talented as he is. topp dogg needs this support just as bad as nuest and hotshot so please support them i dont want to see my ult boyband disband.
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
me: please fall asleep I have to wake up early
my body: imm s o fkuchin s Orr;y sorry I didnt;; know I'm trasah I'm hte fuckgng s;;;o sso//rry,,,,,
me: become unconscious please
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
So, I MEANT to say “oh crap, I left my phone in my car,” but what I ALMOST said was “oh no, I left my cone in my phar,” and damn, wouldn’t that have been embarrassing, but I caught myself, and what I ACTUALLY said was
“Ah, my fart cone.”
So anyway
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
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constant mood recently
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
I want a Hawkeyes movie where Hawkeyes is deaf like in the comics, and in the first five minutes he loses his hearing aids, and the rest of the movie is silent except for a constant running commentary of what Hawkeyes is thinking until the very end when he gets his hearing aids back.
And there would be closed captions or something for when people use sign language.
And when people don’t sign and he has to read lips, they should get genuinely hard of hearing people to translate so that they know what words or phrases are hard to catch by lip reading.
Also, lots of explosions with no sound. I feel like that would just be cool.
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
*snakes manifest physically in my home but in like.. a loving/good way*
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
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NYU students who back Trump afraid to show their faces. 
“They’re afraid of losing friends, being ridiculed in class, getting worse grades and are even afraid of being assaulted and physically hurt.”
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
LGBT kpop reactions: how would your bias support you, comfort you, act on a date
Straight kpop reactions: how would your bias react to you being hit by a truck on the same day your grandmother was killed by your dad
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sleepy-turt · 7 years
Me in history class: Wow, humanity has been through some fascinating times!  I wonder if I’ll ever live through major historical events!
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