@sleepyowlwrites replied to your post “hey. Hey. guess what”:
​head empty
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that´s it youve killed me, i am dead, i have simply proceeded to die-
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NO REMORSE!!!!!!!!
Also @sleepyowlwrites literally called it lol
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i sure do write a lot of sister relationships for someone who only has brothers
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You're lucky you're cute but not as cute as me
this is me (:
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bunnies > owls (:
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You swear you just walked past that basket. Didn't you? You skirt around it again, looking back at it for a few steps before continuing on your way. Last the next bend in the trail is that same basket, though. You've had enough. You grasp the handle, prepared to fling it far into the bushes, when you notice a paper on the bottom. It reads "please take care of him" and when you set the basket back down so you can back away carefully, out pops a miniature moss-fox. His fur is rather rumpled and stray of pieces of moss hang off his ears. He's absolutely adorable. As far as you know, having not paid a lot of attention in magical creatures class, moss-foxes don't require a lot of upkeep and eat mushrooms. You can keep him. He only wiggles a little bit when you place him back in the basket where he promptly becomes invisible. Sneaky.
Well. What an odd discovery. A quick glance into the woods reveals nothing about whoever - or whatever - has placed this little creature into my path. I’ve always wanted a pet, though, so I pick up the basket and continue on my hike. 
The rest of the day is beautiful, and oddity-free, aside from the little moss-fox. As I walk I make sure to pluck mushrooms and drop them into the basket. They each vanish quickly into the critter’s invisible maw. I hope that its invisibility is somehow tied to the basket. Otherwise it’ll be more infuriating to find than a cat.
When I get back to the parking lot, the sun is sinking behind the trees. Lilly is leaning against the car, her eyes fixed to her bright pink phone. As I approach, she looks up. “What took you so long?” she demands, putting her phone away. 
“Well, I found a little something in the woods.” I hold up the basket, and she peers inside. 
“...What am I looking at, exactly?” she asks. 
“Here, hold this.” I hand her the basket and with both hands, tenderly lift out the moss-fox. Lilly gasps as its jungle-green fur appears. 
“Wow!” She puts the basket down and takes the critter from my hands. “It's so cute! Where’d you find him?” 
“Well, I saw that basket in the woods, and just kept walking.I thought it was probably someone else. But someone kept putting the basket in my path. I was going to throw it into the woods when I saw this tag on it.” I point to the tag that reads Please take care of him.
“You - you were going to throw it into the woods?” she exclaims. 
“Uh… well…”
“Why… you know what? Never mind. Are you going to keep him?” 
“You sure? Looking after a pet is very hard, you know. I would be quite willing to sacrifice that time if you -” 
“I’m sure you would love a pet moss-fox, Lilly." I gently take the little boy out of her arms and place him in the basket." I’ll let you know if he ever runs out of cuteness.” 
And then we drive home.
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I don't like your poetry. It makes me want to read it. I have enough skin to cover all my bones, I don't need a stranger to slip sideways into my home. There's an unasked mention that hovers on the carpet. And I don't need a glove for holding, or a fireplace. I don't want it. I don't like your poetry. It makes my teeth meet my tongue. I have impulses all my own. I don't need another one.
absolutely stupendous. your meta-poetry, presented simply as response to my own mundane output, continues to put those poor originals to shame. like a shadow that is fuller than the body it paints. like a moon's pale, silver light, somehow reflected in the fire of a sun. what cursed fate is it, to be eclipsed by your own reflection? to be deafened by the echo of your own feeble call?
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✨Queen Anmol✨
I do support it 🧡
❤❤I am but a humble servant to the people😌
Also you definitely give of major all-knowing prophetess vibes, so here is your cordial invitation to join my royal courts 🪶📜
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When I read the stray spirit it's going to be a quick trip to "what if emry wasn't stupid" fanfic town where I bypass all his needed character growth to give him instant sound thinking and a bajillion cuddles
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Did I do this right?
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(Don't mind me reusing my own fan note like a meme)
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Dear writers, this is your permission not to overexplain your shit.
Don't write for the common denominator.
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oh so LORE doesn't stand for Large Overly Round Enigmas like my brain keeps trying to tell me *cough*
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Now that the first fourteen Beach Day chapters are up, I can focus on something else for a little bit.
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tAoSL stands for The Arms of Someone Leggy. 🙂
Obviously stands for The Anxieties of Snow Leopards
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Hi Sleepy.
Yesterday when you told me to tell you a secret, I told you a non-secret, which was that I like cold pizza, because I couldn't think of any to tell you.
But actually, I do have one. I'm sharing it here because I want everyone to know (should you choose to share this) how sweet and loving you are. Well, I'm sure everyone already knows it (and I hope you know, too), but I want them to know what you did for me, even at the risk of me embarrassing myself.
Remember that message of friendship you wrote me at the start of the month? I told you it was very beautiful and it made me want to cry. The whole truth is that I did cry, in bed at 1AM, because nobody has expressed anything like that to me. I get emotional thinking about it now. Even though we have never met, your message touched me. It was unexpected and I suppose you caught me off-guard.
I just wanted to say thank you for making me feel loved.
And now I will pretend I didn't write this, and go back to vaguely threatening you.
I am choosing to share this, so everyone can see how sweet and adorable YOU are - when you're not vaguely threatening people with cartoon knives - and so they know how much I love you!
My bestest and dearest Klove, I don't like making people cry, but I do like making them feel loved, so if I've done that, then I'm satisfied. I don't actually remember what I said to you, because this past month has robbed me of the ability to use my brain, but whatever it was, I meant it and I'd say it again. I'll send you letters whenever you need them.
Our friendship proves that you can make friends from nothing, and go from a spectator to a cute threatening series of affectionate exchanges to a participant in no time. It's why I'm always telling people to just come over and hang out, drop by my askbox for a cup of tea, because it just takes a little effort and we can be sending each other ominous messages of love very soon.
Anyway, here's another secret. I thought I couldn't be friends with you like this because Glowstick already was, and I didn't want to steal the sparkly knives that you had together. But then I got to have you (or some of you) and it was so exciting! Every time you pop by with a "hi sleepy" it makes me happy, even if I only reply with "hi klove" because I'm very tired.
You're wonderful, I posted badly drawn comics for you, and would do it again.
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