sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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It’s a funny thing, this relationship stuff. One moment things are upside down. But then, like magic, there’s glitter everywhere. And once it all settles, you’re right back in the fairytale again.
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You (2020)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
Veronica x Benjamin
Veronica looks at her mirror once again, turning this way and that to see herself in all angles. She invited Benjamin out for a dinner under the guise that she’d help him woo her own sister. It’s juvenile to pretend that it’s anything other than that, but she can’t help but play in her daydreams. The dress is tight fitting and while it might not capture his attention, she hopes it’s enough to garner some looks. Though, if the only person she actually wants isn’t swayed by her get up, it’d be a moot point. Makeup and hair done flawlessly, Veronica tries to hype herself up, thinking how happy her sister would be with Benjamin. There is a tiny part of her that says she could make him happier, but she tries to ignore it.
‘It’s not a date’ repeats through her and while it’s helping somewhat, Veronica can’t help but be giddy at the prospects of the night. A quick check at the time has the woman rushing across her suite, heels tapping across the floor. She takes a seat on her couch, ignoring the liquor cart in the corner, and opening up the share riding app on her phone. Once she’s gotten a ride, she checks to make sure that everything is perfect one last time before descending down to the lobby, and into her car. The fact that she’s simply meeting up with Benjamin rather than have him pick her up should be a clear sign — neon lights and all — that this clearly isn’t a date.
After thanking the driver and making sure that her dress is still wrinkle free, she makes her way inside the restaurant, a favorite of hers when she brings in clients from the museum. It’s a little fancy for her taste, often finding solace in hole in the wall restaurants, but she wants to make a good impression. After being told that her guest has already arrived — and thank God they didn’t refer to Benjamin as her date — she walks over to the familiar face, a smile gracing her lips. “Sorry I’m late,” she says, taking the seat across the man. “I guess I underestimated the traffic tonight.” Perusing the menu, Veronica waves off a waiter as he nears, still unsure of what to order. “So. Yvette. What are your plans,” she asks without looking up. Easier to get on with it rather dragging it out really.
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
Kendall wanted to throttle him for that and maybe if she was a different person, she could’ve let those comments go, but… well, then she wouldn’t be Kendall. “A perfect life?” she repeated incredulously, moving around the table and to his side of the booth. Girl was about to get all up in his space, which was evidenced by the way she practically shoved her index finger in his forehead as she pointed. “I never wanted some perfect life! I wanted my CAREER! But oh how dare a woman be career driven and not wanting to be at some man’s beck and call. HOW DARE I!” she called out and definitely louder than she needed to be. He really wasn’t like that, but it had sure felt that way at the time. “Don’t get all high and mighty with me, like you never did anything wrong. I know I’m a fuck up. I’ve always been a fuck up and god dammit I am trying to change and fix shit, which- UGH. Why can’t I ever just have a fucking honest conversation with you? Why does it always turn into a fight? Why is it always a competition? I can’t fucking take this and that is why I was trying to leave. Because this is too god dammed hard and I can’t take it anymore.” She felt as if she could barely swallow and damn it all to hell, she felt those tears welling up. But no. She could not cry. She would not allow herself to show that sort of emotion, not after- not after what he’d just said. She’d far rather be thought of as an ice cold bitch, even if that wasn’t true.
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Her outburst has Derek flinching back a little but he recomposes himself and keeps his eyes on hers, the frustration from the years of questioning himself building and coming out through what must seem like a comical look of disbelief. “Yes, a perfect life, Kendall. I never said you couldn’t go after your career so don’t make me out to be those fucking assholes that would rather see you in the kitchen. You know how fucking supportive I was. You know I only wanted the best for you. I just didn’t fucking know that there was a choice between me and whatever fucking thing that came along that would have supposedly made your life easier.” His volume matches hers now, ignoring the side eyes thrown their way. This has been a long time coming and leave it to Kendall to spring it up on him when all he wanted to do was to get a drunk, get laid, and just get on with his life. “Because you always think you’re right! I’m just laying down the facts here, sweetheart. YOU left ME. YOU wanted bigger and better things so YOU decided to leave ME behind. I fucking loved you and this is how you think it went down? I fucking loved you and you broke my heart so it’s just so hilarious that the first time we see each other again, you want to leave. You know what? Go. It didn’t stop you before. I sure as hell couldn’t make you stay before. What’s stopping you now, huh? That’s all you ever do is fucking leave so go, Kendall. Go and get your career or whatever fucking else you have going on and leave me here because that’s all you’re ever good for.”
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
“Maybe you do,” Kendall mused, her voice lower than usual, and giving him an almost predatory look. Focus, Kendall, you did not come find him for sex, remember? Sigh. “Go ahead,” she remarked, though not surprised that he didn’t follow through on making those sex noises. It would’ve been like that scene in when Harry met Sally. Ordinarily, she’d have laughed, but it didn’t really suit the rest of the mood going on here. She noted that eye roll and was struck by how similar the two could be. Maybe the universe had got it wrong? But what could they do about it. “I take it-” she began and then groaned. “Forget it. This was a bad idea. It’s been fun, Der, catching up,” she added, oozing sarcasm, and got to her feet, though she leaned over, palms on the table, staring at him a moment. There was a part of her that wanted him to stop her, but she knew he wouldn’t. This was what he’d expect from her, to leave, and she didn’t know where to go from here. Not with him at least. 
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Derek has to keep his eyes from wandering all over her figure, that same look familiar in the way it makes the heat in his stomach stir. He can’t deny it; there won’t ever be a woman that gets to him the way Kendall does. Of course he’d rather cut off his arm than admit that to her. There’s something about putting her on a pedestal that didn’t seem to go great back when they were together. He put her so high that it crashed down right around him when he left. Derek swears he’ll never let that happen again. Well, he swore after the first couple of times. Just as he’s about to try to continue on with the awkward small talk, Kendall’s up and it takes all of him to not close the distance between them. Derek wants her to stay, wants her to give him the closure he’s dying for or at least to give his stupid heart one good reason why he should finally let go. Face as impassive as ever, he can’t help the scoff that leaves through his lips, leaning back though every inch of him screams to be closer. “I don’t know why you decided to come up to me in the first place. You were the one who left, remember? You made it clear that I wasn’t cut out for that perfect little life you so desperately wanted,” he spits out, letting the bitterness hold his tone. “And now here you are leaving again. Color me not surprised.”
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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Rachel McAdams The Sunday Times Style (25 November 2018)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
Living with family… Not her style. There was a reason she’d moved out the moment she could affordi it, and she was not about the opposite move to that. She liked to not live with family. That’d be her worst nightmare, not one she’d be about to make happen. “If I want to save money, I could tell my fuck buddy to give me his closet as an apartment, and I’ll blow him in return.” She returned back, as easily as if they were playing table tennis, with words. “Ugh, at least throw in some chicken and rice there. And maybe some potatoes. Like, actual potatoes, not just mashed ones.” Quinoa on the other hand sounds… Well… Disgusting. “You’re sounding like a fucking vegan health nut.” She adds, moving herself up on the kitchen counter to sit. “Then why do you visit me?” Maybe he was just trying to check up on her… But… Did he really need to do that? Or was it for his own sake? “Isn’t that good though? Someone should be into the fucking stupid thing you teach, since even you’re not really into it. Why do you spend time around her if she’s such a pain in your ass though? It’s not like she’s born of the same womb as you so you have no other choice?”
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“Callie, Jesus. I didn’t need to fucking know that.” Apollo closes his eyes, breathes through his nose, and prays for strength. It’s not as if he didn’t know Calliope isn’t old enough to go out and make her own mistakes. Hell, he’s still self aware enough to admit that banning her or even voicing out his disgust at the fact that she has sex would make him the biggest hypocrite he knows. The body count on his own bed post is something he’d never share even if he did remember the faces he wakes up to the next morning. Still, he sees her as his baby sister and the thought of her growing up is something he can never get used to. “I’m sounding like someone who wants to keep his sister healthy. Fine, we’re getting you chicken, rice, and whatever else you need because I don’t think I can play Postmates man forever,” he groans. “What’s wrong with mashed potatoes? It’s literally the easiest thing to make that’s potato based.” Shrugging, he places the carton back on the table. “I visit you because I love you, idiot. Is there any other reason?” Apollo’s never lied to his sister even if he doesn’t understand the things that go through his head and he’s not going to start now. “There’s just something about her. She’s annoying as hell, don’t get me wrong, but I want to keep talking to her? She’s different and I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.”
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
Even if she threatens with the couch, she still hates it. Hates laying in the bed all alone, not feeling his heat next to her body. She longs for it, really. To feel him holding her close. Feeling his lips against her neck, his hands exploring her body once again, like she’s a living, breathing wonderland that he can’t wait to become one with. she misses it. Those days before they got married. Those days where the passion was still there. “Oh is it? I thought you married me because I make just the best breakfast in all of the state.” Her voice filled with laughter, happy that even if he’s not lusting for her anymore, at least he’s still married to her. At least he does come home. Eventually. 
“You better… You see, my love, if you dare die in a riot, I’ll go to New Orleans, talk with the priestesses of the other side, and have your ass resurrected so I can kill you with my own hands, got it?” Not that she actually would hurt anyone… But he did not have her permission to die from her. “I love fancy shmancy dinners, as you call them, but I miss going dancing. I miss… I miss doing those things, like you did before I married you, just to sweet talk me into being yours.” She teases a little, putting a quick peck to his nose. “You want to go to the bar your co-workers go to? Will you even introduce me?”
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Anthony remembers the moment he told his father he was going to marry the prettiest girl he ever saw. That was the first time in a very long time that his father actually responded with something other than a punch across the face or a sneer on his lips. It was then that Anthony knew that he had to keep up whatever charade he needed, even if there were times he questioned if it was the right thing to do. It doesn’t matter anyway; Anthony’s already picked the side of life he needed to stay on. “I married you for lots of reasons but the main one is because I’ve gone soft on ya, doll,” he says earnestly. There was a time in Anthony’s life where he thought he could love her in its entirety, where sex could come second in any aspect of their marriage. Then Ethan came and Anthony went and fucked it all uo.
“Honestly, darlin’, I’m way too fast for them. You married the macho-est, strongest, and best damn looking man this side of the country, so you know ain’t nothin’ gon’ keep me from you. Besides, what’re they gonna do? Riot? I got a pistol whip ready for ‘em.” Anthony smiles at her even through the darkness of their bedroom. He has this, he has her. That has to be enough. “Oh so you actually liked my wooing? I thought I was making a right fool out of myself, but, hey, if that’s what the missus wants, that’s what the missus is gonna get.” He lets his eyes close, snuggling in closer to his wife. “Babydoll, I got your picture all over my desk. Of course I’ll introduce ya.”
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Anthony x Carmen
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
Veronica x Warren
At the end of a work day, particularly a tiring one, Veronica finds herself at the nearest local bar. Usually after a couple of pints or cocktails in, she starts lamenting about the loss of her great love, but it falls on deaf ears as the bartender looks on in pity. It’s pathetic to say the least and while Veronica is a woman who sneer at the face of sympathy, everything’s different when it concerns Benjamin. Ordering a couple of shots, she tries to avoid calling Warren this time, but with the Valentine decoration still adorning almost every inch of the city, the loneliness sits at the bottom of her stomach, threatening to come out. It’s not as if she couldn’t find a body to warm her bed for the night, but after a while, she’s starting to get tired of pretending they’re someone else.
It’s for the best, really. Her sister is the most important person in her life and Veronica will always choose her happiness over her own. The sad part is that she couldn’t even blame Yvette, being the one to introduce them both. It’d be childish of her to use the ‘I saw him first’ excuse anyway. Benjamin lit up the room and the moment he was spotted, they were both gone for the man. There are other people out there for her, she knows this, but the moving on process is taking longer than she had hoped.
It doesn’t take long before Veronica’s dialing the familiar number, fingers tapping the screen with ease. Lifting the phone up to her ear at the same time she takes a shot, she waits for the sought out voice at the other end of the line. “Warren! Okay so I know I promised you I’d stop drinking,” she slurs once he answers, sliding the glasses across the counter to signal an order of yet another round. “But this time it was bad. Valentine’s Day and I was all alone.” The smile on her face turns brittle but she blinks them away; Vanessa will be damned if she’s caught crying in a bar. “Do you want to come here or would you rather accompany me in a Netflix binge watch tonight? Either way, I need you.”
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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Logan Lerman on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (2/13/20)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
There is nothing more messed up than being faithful to a man who is not even yours.
Tamader Morgan  (via wordsnquotes)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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caleb helping hanna undress  (✿◠‿◠)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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Friends With Benefits, dir. Will Gluck (2011)
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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sliceofpapi ¡ 4 years
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Get you a man who can do both
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