slickmcrty · 30 days
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Evil morty verse for slick. One day he just snaps from various abuse and treatment from his various ricks he's assigned to. Kills his rick purposely and from then on lives off the grid. Attempts to kill all the ricks he can on the citadel or just goes to various different dimension to kill their ricks.
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slickmcrty · 2 months
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"I literally came out as gay and my mun didn't write me at all during pride month? Seems pretty homophobic to me."
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Yeah I have no excuses. Other than me liking the girls more than you.
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slickmcrty · 4 months
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slickmcrty · 8 months
"hey kid, i got you that phone i said i would." it wasn't the biggest and best phone out there, but it was a smart phone so he could play games and watch videos, that's what mattered, right?
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The boy's eyes instantly lit up at the sight of the phone. It might have been a run of the mill smartphone but to someone like slick who was used to receiving very little it really meant to the world to him. "Wow thanks rook! It looks really cool!" Already he was turning it on and swiping through it's features. "You're the best!"
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Slick gives acts of service to show rook he cares about him. Since he has issues opening up and admitting he cares about someone with words. Saying I love you is hard for him. Not only because a lot of his ricks died so he learned to not get emotionally attached and he wasn't allowed to properly grieve over his original grandpa rick dying. The system just moved him to the next rick and he was expected to brush his death off like nothing happened.
So he hasn't processed that death in a healthy way or grieved at all. He remembers him fondly but doesn't dwell too much on the man. If he does he either gets really sad to the point he's bawling or goes into a blind rage. Since the rick died protecting him.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Slick wanting to stay away from rook's work for the most part (afraid with his bad luck when it comes to rick he'll get him or one of his co workers killed. Low key would wanna go on a chill stakeout with him though) so him offering to stay home during the day most of the time. Clean up around the house and make a meal for when rook gets home. He's a decent cook.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Yeah his past was all kinds of fucked up but he seemed to get the worst treatment from his previous rick. A rick who could be described as a bad scientist. He had no issue opening up about it eventually. Hell the only reason he was nervous at the station was how his boss had looked at and viewed the morty.
"That sounds awesome rook. Could we maybe get bacon on it? Atleast on my side? That's like my favorite topping." Pizza also happened to be one of his favorite foods. Bacon burgers and korean corn dogs being the only ones that topped it.
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"Oh yeah it totally is! I mean I was sleeping on the floor when I was staying with my last rick so this is gonna be a total upgrade regardless." He said as they made their way inside. Sitting himself on the couch. Letting a soft sigh escape him.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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"Oh yeah it totally is! I mean I was sleeping on the floor when I was staying with my last rick so this is gonna be a total upgrade regardless." He said as they made their way inside. Sitting himself on the couch. Letting a soft sigh escape him.
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"Oh yeah sure!" He thought his phone was passable enough. Good enough to text and receive calls atleast but he was also pumped at the idea of getting a more modern one. One where he could watch videos and play games on it like his friends did. "I can totally do that. So when we get home will I be sleeping on the couch?"
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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The boy gave a nod of confirmation. "Yeah they're all around. They've had the same ricks for awhile now so they don't move as much as they used to." Slick was the only one among them that still struggled with that until now. Another nod was given before he pulled out his cell phone. It was a pretty cheap one. Not modern at all just a burner phone. Not like he could afford much better. "You want me to send you a text when I leave and tell you where I'm going?"
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Okay maybe he was a little overexcited but he couldn't help it. It had been so long since he caught a break like this. Part of him was hesitant to go with him to work considering his own track record. Not all of his ricks had just sent him back after all. A majority had run into accidents. Accidents that earned the boy the nickname jinx.
"That honestly sounds nice. Usually the only breaks I got was when they were looking for a new rick to assign me to. That or when I would sneak off to hang out with my friends." They had been the only real family he had since his grandpa died.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Okay maybe he was a little overexcited but he couldn't help it. It had been so long since he caught a break like this. Part of him was hesitant to go with him to work considering his own track record. Not all of his ricks had just sent him back after all. A majority had run into accidents. Accidents that earned the boy the nickname jinx.
"That honestly sounds nice. Usually the only breaks I got was when they were looking for a new rick to assign me to. That or when I would sneak off to hang out with my friends." They had been the only real family he had since his grandpa died.
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"I know you're not. You're nice. Really nice. I got pretty lucky getting placed with you." It had been so long since he was given any affection from one of his ricks. So the pat on his head really meant the world to slick. As did the offer to sit up front with him. "Oh yes please!" He immediately took him up on it.
A giddy grin overtaking his expression as they made their way to his car. The boy happily strapping himself in. "So since you're a cop does that mean I'll be at your place most of the time or will you ask for my help with stuff? I've been with a lot of different rick so I've also filled different roles as a sidekick you know?"
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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"I know you're not. You're nice. Really nice. I got pretty lucky getting placed with you." It had been so long since he was given any affection from one of his ricks. So the pat on his head really meant the world to slick. As did the offer to sit up front with him. "Oh yes please!" He immediately took him up on it.
A giddy grin overtaking his expression as they made their way to his car. The boy happily strapping himself in. "So since you're a cop does that mean I'll be at your place most of the time or will you ask for my help with stuff? I've been with a lot of different rick so I've also filled different roles as a sidekick you know?"
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Almost instantly the boy got up from his seat and pulled the man in for a hug. His grin as wide as ever. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy. Not to mention relieved. "Thank you so much rook! I promise I won't disappoint you! I'll be the best morty you could ask for! I'll try my very best." At some point he would have to alert him of just why he was passed around to other ricks so much but that could be for another day. This was a night for celebration.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Almost instantly the boy got up from his seat and pulled the man in for a hug. His grin as wide as ever. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy. Not to mention relieved. "Thank you so much rook! I promise I won't disappoint you! I'll be the best morty you could ask for! I'll try my very best." At some point he would have to alert him of just why he was passed around to other ricks so much but that could be for another day. This was a night for celebration.
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Slick's face fell at the mention of morty town. He'd never been there himself but he heard all the horror stories. He was worried if they dropped him there he'd be as good as dead or atleast struggle enough where he'd wish he was.
His expression instantly brightened up at not only the rick defending him but offering to take him in. It was like his luck was turning around for the better. He wanted to hug him but he didn't wanna upset his boss further. "Yeah! Him! I wanna go with rook! I choose him if you know I get a choice in this."
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Slick's face fell at the mention of morty town. He'd never been there himself but he heard all the horror stories. He was worried if they dropped him there he'd be as good as dead or atleast struggle enough where he'd wish he was.
His expression instantly brightened up at not only the rick defending him but offering to take him in. It was like his luck was turning around for the better. He wanted to hug him but he didn't wanna upset his boss further. "Yeah! Him! I wanna go with rook! I choose him if you know I get a choice in this."
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"I'm usually the reason he gets upset." He admits while rubbing the back of his neck. His rick had a bad temper and he was usually on the other end of it.
"He does all kinds of similar work. He likes to do experiments on me. You know to test his potions and inventions." He began glancing at rook to feel a bit more at ease.
Taking a breath he continued on. "To see how effective they are. So he creates these serums that act as painkillers for you know the process of going through said experiments. So I guess I can see why he was upset? But this time he got pretty extreme. I really thought he was gonna kill me this time."
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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"I'm usually the reason he gets upset." He admits while rubbing the back of his neck. His rick had a bad temper and he was usually on the other end of it.
"He does all kinds of similar work. He likes to do experiments on me. You know to test his potions and inventions." He began glancing at rook to feel a bit more at ease.
Taking a breath he continued on. "To see how effective they are. So he creates these serums that act as painkillers for you know the process of going through said experiments. So I guess I can see why he was upset? But this time he got pretty extreme. I really thought he was gonna kill me this time."
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Yeah slick was definitely uneasy now. Sure rook was there but with all the shouting not to mention the more intimidating man across from him he was definitely feeling on edge now. "Oh geez okay." He said nervously before gulping.
"My rick he was working on one of his experiments. I accidentally bumped into the table and one of his serums fell to the floor spilling everywhere and he got really mad. More mad then usual you know? He got pretty violent."
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Yeah slick was definitely uneasy now. Sure rook was there but with all the shouting not to mention the more intimidating man across from him he was definitely feeling on edge now. "Oh geez okay." He said nervously before gulping.
"My rick he was working on one of his experiments. I accidentally bumped into the table and one of his serums fell to the floor spilling everywhere and he got really mad. More mad then usual you know? He got pretty violent."
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Slick felt a little nervous during the ride itself but that had nothing to do with how the man acted. If anything the rick was like a breath of fresh air. It had been so long since he'd actually been around a nice version of his grandpa. Either he came across ones downright abusive or ones who didn't wanna deal with him. Seeing the morty as a waste of space or a burden.
"Uh okay. I think I can do that." He gave the man a soft reassuring smile as he hopped out of the car. Soon following him inside. His expression soon morphed to that of nerves though. Both at having to talk about what happened worried he'd get his previous rick in trouble and the fact that the police station was so busy. He did however wonder just where this safe space would be.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Slick felt a little nervous during the ride itself but that had nothing to do with how the man acted. If anything the rick was like a breath of fresh air. It had been so long since he'd actually been around a nice version of his grandpa. Either he came across ones downright abusive or ones who didn't wanna deal with him. Seeing the morty as a waste of space or a burden.
"Uh okay. I think I can do that." He gave the man a soft reassuring smile as he hopped out of the car. Soon following him inside. His expression soon morphed to that of nerves though. Both at having to talk about what happened worried he'd get his previous rick in trouble and the fact that the police station was so busy. He did however wonder just where this safe space would be.
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Slick was surprised by the way he said that. It was like he was serious. That he really wanted to help him. Did he just take his job really seriously or did he actually give a shit about him? He hadn't experienced that with a rick since his grandpa died. "Thank you. I mean I think I trust you a decent amount?"
He was a cop so he felt like he had to. Or atleast act like he did. Respect for the law and all that. Especially since he had gotten in trouble with the law a few times. Rebelling with his friends quite a bit. Stealing small things and generally going where they weren't supposed to as mortys. You had to be nice to cops when they could arrest you for a long time. Giving them attitude wasn't a wise idea.
Not to mention this guy was nice and as far as the morty was aware had no ulterior motives in helping him. He flinched at his touch but the apologetic look he gave the man tried to make it clear it was due to his own past abuse and not anything rook did. "Um okay." He agreed with a nod. Doing as the man asked.
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slickmcrty · 8 months
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Slick was surprised by the way he said that. It was like he was serious. That he really wanted to help him. Did he just take his job really seriously or did he actually give a shit about him? He hadn't experienced that with a rick since his grandpa died. "Thank you. I mean I think I trust you a decent amount?"
He was a cop so he felt like he had to. Or atleast act like he did. Respect for the law and all that. Especially since he had gotten in trouble with the law a few times. Rebelling with his friends quite a bit. Stealing small things and generally going where they weren't supposed to as mortys. You had to be nice to cops when they could arrest you for a long time. Giving them attitude wasn't a wise idea.
Not to mention this guy was nice and as far as the morty was aware had no ulterior motives in helping him. He flinched at his touch but the apologetic look he gave the man tried to make it clear it was due to his own past abuse and not anything rook did. "Um okay." He agreed with a nod. Doing as the man asked.
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"Well um it's not that I don't believe you rook but this has happened a lot like I said so they're probably gonna be pretty upset that I went through another rick. I'm kinda getting close to getting no more chances with them." The unease was back but it had a different reason for being there.
"Maybe you can tell them this time it wasn't my fault? They've been stern with me lately. Said if I don't stick with a rick for once they might just send me to morty town so they wouldn't have to deal with me anymore."
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