whodoithinkiam · 3 years
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
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thewitchoftheforest ~ Instagram
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
Shadow Work Prompts 2
21. What qualities in your family members do you most dislike or have trouble dealing with? What might these qualities in your loved ones secretly reveal about you?
22. In which areas of life do you tend to expect others to conform to your beliefs? (Also, what scares you the most about allowing others to have their own beliefs in that area?)
23. When are you the most critical of yourself? Explore what your self-talk sounds like below.
24. Describe five things you love about yourself and feel gratitude about.
25. How judged do you tend to feel on a daily basis? Explore how much of that perceived judgment is real and how much is imagined.
26. Take a look at the best and most enjoyable aspect of your life right now. What is your underlying fear in that area and why?
27. Write about the last time you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage and examine how you feel about that in hindsight.
28. If you could say one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?
29. What do you currently envy in someone else's life and why?
30. which of my weaknesses could have potential?
31. what makes me feel the happiest
32. how worthy do I honestly believe I am?
33. if I could communicate with the person I was 10 years ago today, I would say...
34. why do I have issues with trust?
35. the way I spend my daily life is how I will spend the rest of my life. how do I feel about this idea?
36. do I trust myself?
37. how can I have more trust?
38. which situations have shaped my personality and why?
39. while reflecting on my childhood, what makes me extremely angry or sad to this day?
40. my absolute dream life: how does my perfect day begin?
41. do I handle my feelings in a healthy and constructive way?
42. do I project certain aspects of myself onto others?
43. did my parents provide me with everything I needed?
44. what makes me really angry and why?
45. would I describe my childhood as happy?
46. what is it that makes me sad?
47. what do I consider the most challenging for me?
48. have I forgiven myself?
49. have I forgiven all the people who ever hurt me?
50. if I were to write a letter to a person who hurt me, what would it say?
51. how do I react when something does not turn out the way it should?
52. if I could write a letter to myself, apologizing for all the self-blame, what would it say?
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
Shadow Work Prompts 1
1. what emotion do you try to avoid (e.g. anger, sadness, jealousy...)? what makes you afraid to feel it? what are you afraid will happen if you feel it?
2. in what ways are you priviliged? what do you take for granted?
3. pick an adjective from the list below that would trigger you if someone would use it to desscribe you and then ask yourself: "why would this trigger me? what would be bad about it being true? is it the accuracy or inaccuracy that bothers me? what could be a positive aspect to being that way?"
list: arrogant, lier, jealous, mean, cruel, possessive, bitchy, bossy, loser, greedy, mysterious, sneaky, codependent, sick, fat, disgusting, stalker, stupid, idiot, fearful, unconscious, masochistic, narcissist, insignificant, frigid, sexist, manipulative, racist, victim, egositic, arrogant, ugly, careless, passive, aggressive, lame, boring, tactless, irresponsible, incompetent, lazy, unfair, childish, know-it-all, insensitive, psychotic, sad, ordinary, hypocritical, reproachful, gloomy, jealous, envious dirty, tyrannical, inflexible, heartless, resentful, dominant, bad, ignorant, uneducated, tasteless, insecure, depressed, hopeless, not good enough, cry baby, paranoid, pushy, stubborn, inferior, weak , impatient, unreliable, self-destructive, over-sensitive
4. what is the biggest promise you made to yourself that you have broken? how does that make you feel?
5. how do you lie to yourself in daily life? what are you trying to avoid?
6. what do you think is your worst trait? why is it "bad"? what positive aspects does this trait bring with it?
7. if you truly loved yourself, what would your life look like? is it very different to how it actually is? and if yes, why?
8. think of a time someone broke your heart. could you have been responsible in some way as well?
9. do you hold grudges against someone? if so, why are you not letting them go yet?
10. what do you need to forgive yourself for?
11. think back on the last time a person triggered you: can you see how the aspects of that person that triggered you are also in you?
12. ask yourself: "if... were true about me/my current life situation, i'd be terrified" (try to fill out this sentence as often as possible)
13. think back on your last argument/fight: did you actively try to see the other person's viewpoint and would there have been a way to be more compassionate with the other person and yourself?
14. think about a time in your childhood when you felt unhappy (small or big moment) and write a letter from your child self to the present you about how you felt and how you perceived the situation: try to take on that child as much as you can and write from its perspective as automatically as you can then write a letter back to that child, explaining the situation, showing empathy and understanding and asking how you can help now or which needs have to be met for that child to feel good again if you get answres from that child, then try to meet those needs today
15. In what areas of life are you holding back and playing small? (Think about the times you feel weak, small or disempowered.) Write them below and next to each explore why
16. In what ways do you feel judged by others? Write them below. Explore how many of these judgments might actually originate within you first (and are displaced onto others)
17. What negatives or positives do others point out about you that you have trouble accepting?
18. What emotions do you rarely express around others – and when did you first start hiding these emotions from others? (Emotional suppression and repression often point to areas of shame buried within you.)
19. Reflect on a period of life where you were at your worst (i.e. most selfdestructive, argumentative, etc.). Write a short, but heartfelt letter of understanding, acceptance, and compassion for that version of you. You can return to this letter later whenever you feel rotten about yourself.
20. What are your “hot buttons” or triggers that cause you to get angry or defensive in the presence of others?
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
Shadow Work Prompts 3
53. how can I cope with sadness in a healthy way?
54. which behavior that I know is wrong and has negative effects, do I repeat over and over again?
55.how long do I reflect on failures or mistakes? do I have difficulties in coming to terms with them or vice versa - do I suppress such experiences
56. do I find it hard to forgive?
57. how long do I need to forgive?
58. am I honest with myself about my feelings?
59. am I honest with other people about my feelings?
60. do I completely accept and love myself the way I am?
61. do I reward myself when I accomplish something productive?
62. how do I deal with failures?
63. what is it that I would like to heal from?
64. what are my negative personality traits and, when do they emerge?
65. what is a pattern in my life that keeps showing up.
66. where am I struggling the most?
67. how does the feeling of envy show up in my life? where does it stem from? how would I feel if I obtained the things I am envious of?
68. in what ways do I consciously or unconsciously punish myself? how can I be kinder to myself?
69. what should I forgive myself for? why haven't I yet? how can I now?
70. what unhealthy attachments do I hold onto? what fears do I have around the idea of ending these attachments? what do I have to gain from ending these attachments?
71. what negative emotions am I most comfortable feeling? how often and why do these emotions show up in my day to day?
72. in what ways do I hold myself to a higher standard than others? vice versa?
73. what is a grudge/incident I'm holding onto? why do I choose to hold onto this weight? how can I let it go?
74. how do I show up for others and fail to show up for myself?
75. how important am I to myself? how highly do I prioritize myself?
76. what am I addicted to?
77. what are my delusions?
78. how have I been ignorant?
79. how have I been distracting myself?
80. What are some things you've said to yourself recently that weren't so nice? Would you say that to somebody else? How would you react if somebody else said those things to you?
90. Name 5-10 negative beliefs you have about yourself. Where do they come from? Do they have any validity? Why or why not?
91. Do you over-think, what causes this?
92. What are your morals? How do those morals make you feel - do they come from you, or someone else?
93. What are some qualities you wish you had, why?
94. what is my go-to self-destructive act? what is my love language? are they connected?
95. what would I tell my future self?
96. What are some intrusive thoughts you've had recently? What triggered those thoughts? What do you think the root cause is?
97. what are my weaknesses?
98. If you had the people who've hurt you in a position where they were forced to listen to what you had to say and take everything to heart, what would you say to them?
99. what will I never forget?
100. Think of a person you hate for "no reason". What are some things about them that bother you? Do these things remind you of yourself or someone who hurt you?
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
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Shadow Work Info 🧿🌀🥀
[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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whodoithinkiam · 3 years
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Addams Family Values (1993) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
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Reblog this for luck in love, for Venus to watch over you & to be able to find yourself & others who are good for you.
Reblog to imbue love in your current relationships, to assist in finding a new one, to help heal from past ones & in order to obtain a loving and committed relationship.
Reblog in order to maintain, reblog to persevere, reblog to commit, seek loyalty, and to love wholeheartedly.
Reblog for love for the years to come. Reblog for the love you want. Reblog in hopes of a fairytale, reblog to make that dream come true.
Reblog for love, for me, & for you.
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
I’m once again open to giving birth chart readings, either a full chart or a specific transit.  Thanks!!!!
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
Astro Notes: Moon Sign edition! ☾
☾ Aries moons have an obvious selfish trait.
☾ Capricorn moon natives may have had a mother who was emotionally numb.
☾ Pisces moons are the most delusional.
☾ There may have been numerous times where the Capricorn moon native’s self expression would have been shut down by the people around them.
☾ Gemini moon’s mother placed a lot of important on reading and education when they were younger.
☾ Libra and Gemini moons are the most adaptable.
☾ Aquarius moon’s relationship with their mother was more of a friend type of relationship than a maternal one.
☾ Cancer moons are the types to victimise themselves when they aren’t the victim. They are the most sensitive of the moon signs.
☾ Scorpio moon’s are OBSESSIVE. They will not stop until they get what they want.
☾ Virgo and Gemini moons rationalise and judge their emotions. Remember you can’t always rationalise judge your feelings and emotions.
☾ Sagittarius moons enjoy learning languages.
☾ Taurus moons emotionally depend on material things often.
☾ Scorpio moons need to know everything about you but will wait 12 years until they share a minor thing about them.
☾ Taurus and Aries moons are the most self-indulgent of all the moon signs.
☾ Pisces moons are artistic and will enjoy wearing more boho fashion.
☾ Aries Venus first love is themselves ;)
☾ Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus moon’s need to learn how to express themselves in a healthy way.
☾ Air sign moons can easily become anyone when they put their mind to it. They are truly chameleonic.
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
Your 11th House and High School
The Signs
Aries- lot of friends, Fights, fun time
Taurus- calm, peaceful, few close friends
Gemini - a lot of friends, variety of groups, popular
Cancer- might be used a lot, few but close friends
Leo- DRAMA, popular, lots of friends, made friends effortlessly
Virgo- few friends, felt judged, might be criticised a lot, might have been a productive period
Libra- popular, lots of friends, well-liked, peaceful period
Scorpio- betrayed, toxic friends, a transformative, very few friends
Sagittarius- fun period, lucky in high school, a lot of friends, diverse friends circle
Capricorn- not a lot of friends though, well respected, few but long lasting friendships
Aquarius- loners, didn't felt they belong, lonesome period, maybe 1 or 2 friends, ( I have this placement and its true:|)
Pisces- was probably used, very creative or artistic friends/time, weren't sure about their friends though
The Planets
Sun- drama, popular, memorable time
Moon- memorable time, overwhelming, emotional period
Mercury- intellectual and intelligent growth or friends
Venus- a good time, peaceful, valuable period
Mars- fighting, impulsive time, aggressive moments, impatience
Jupiter- lucky, jovial period, not much hardships, I'm jealous
Saturn - difficult period, lonesome period, things might have improved in the end and if not you might have learned some lessons
Pluto- tranformative period, loss of a friend, betrayals
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
y do aquarius and cancer always reside in the same family
just an observation
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
just two good bois sharing a shell together 
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
🌙✨ MOON SIGNS. the breakdown.
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: strength, drive, determination, inventive, innovative, bold, reactive
struggles: concealing emotions (specifically anger, upset), mood swings, mood easily affected by small things, can’t take criticism even when constructive/kind, innate power struggles, tendency to overwork, issues with reacting before thinking, anger issues
emotional aspects: feels all emotions at a max level - nothing is felt “normally” and all emotions are very intense, emotions tend to be very fleeting and don’t last for long, refuses to ask for help when in dire emotional need, feels a need to constantly be the “happy/strong friend” which can lead to emotional repression, very reactive and has a habit of acting before thinking
recommended emotional outlets: physical activity (boxing would probably do y’all some good), channeling energy into work/projects, writing things down before actually doing them/letting all your feelings out into some sort of safe platform
strengths: self-starting and motivated, high energy levels (usually), very funny, always honest with people/people view them as very real, the person that motivates others to get things done, tends to speak up for the underdog when other’s won’t, often not afraid to say what needs to be said, unmatchable passion
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: luxury, beauty, art, creativity, persistence, stubbornness, goal-driven
struggles: self-worth, body image/self image in general, understanding other’s point of views, developing god complex, too independent, opening up to others, emotional repression
emotional aspects: represses feelings, does not open up easily, tendency to shame self for feeling things, slow to anger but the anger is permanent/tendency to hold grudges, emotions generally last a while and are not fleeting, a very romantic heart with an unwavering loyalty to friends and loved ones
recommended emotional outlets: partaking in some form of art, (healthily & carefully) treating self to material items, re-doing/re-arranging your home, changing your wardrobe/aesthetic
strengths: high levels of creativity, natural appreciation and good eye for art + aesthetics + beauty, stable and warm personality that makes many people feel comfortable within seconds of interacting with them, persistent in their goals, hard-working and committed
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: change, intellect, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, communication, learning, sarcasm
struggles: understanding the big picture, memory (tends to only remember off-handed comments, random details/facts, etc), anxiety, insomnia, indecisiveness, commitment, mood swings, pessimism
emotional aspects: intellectualizes emotions, represses feelings, turns negative feelings towards humour/memes, discomfort around upset people/can’t handle emotional people, seeks rational and logic in everything
recommended emotional outlets: writing, public speaking/communication, niche hobbies/unusual hobbies, using a journal or even a private vent social media
strengths: communication, natural wit, learning-abilities/intellect, sarcasm, good sense of humour, easily likable/relatable, fits into a large variety of crowds, innate ability to see all sides of an argument/situation, fair and open-minded
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: sensitivity, moodiness, initiative, drive, nurture
struggles: moon is at it’s highest potential here - a double edged sword that can result in an overwhelming amount of emotions at all times, extreme sensitivity to other’s moods, frequent mood swings, cannot accept criticism, absorbs other people’s emotions, overindulges in bouts of nostalgia and struggles to let go of people/places/things, over-attachment to the home and possibly the mother
emotional aspects: tends to feel anything and everything all at once, emotions are like waves that drown them, frequently absorbs other people’s moods and emotions and can fall victim to psychic vampires easily, love harder than anyone else; often balls of loving sunshine
recommended emotional outlets: writing (specifically fiction/poetry/similar), meditation, listening to music/writing music
strengths: innate understanding of people’s feelings, amazing at wording things relating to their feelings and emotions, (depending on other placements) good with emotional expression and comfort, an ability to romanticize nearly anything (can also be a bad thing at some points though)
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: passion, creativity, romance, drive, commitment, leadership, energy
struggles: developing god complex, hiding emotions, overreacting/being overdramatic, angering too quickly, extreme sensitivities (especially to criticism), self-confidence issues hidden behind an overconfident sometimes pushy attitude, tendency to overwork
emotional aspects: quick to react; slow to forget (in comparison to other fire signs, not so much in comparison to a taurus or scorpio moon), easily upset and very sensitive, emotions are felt at the highest level at all times and tend to last for a lot longer than the other fire moons’ intense emotions, try to always be very bright people and feel a need to keep the mood up wherever they go/tend to take on a lot of emotional burden
recommended emotional outlets: creating art (especially art to be shared/admired by others), writing/telling stories
strengths: natural born leader, can make any person feel welcome and comfortable around them, naturally lovable, great storytellers, extremely creative, driven and committed, hard-working
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: flexibility, critical, communication, health, work, anxiety, caregiver
struggles: letting emotions flow / just feeling things without questioning their validity and reasoning, being overly critical of both themselves and others, falling for people who need to be fixed but who treat them badly in return, giving too many second chances, has a hard time in standing up for themselves, has a tendency to be a bit too blunt and critical towards others, tends to worry too much about their own and other’s health, often struggles with nervousness and anxiety
emotional aspects: they want to talk out their emotions but they don’t want to feel them or have others view them as weak, they constantly help others / fix others but won’t ever ask for the help they need in return, a tendency to analyze and/or repress their emotions over just feeling them, ‘conceal don’t feel’ is an earth moon motto but esp virgo moons
recommended emotional outlets: writing (!!), turning to bright/uplifting people and letting them help you/cheer you up instead of the reverse for once, staying at home and just watching an entire tv series instead of working for once
strengths: helping others work through their problems and emotions, making others feel loved and comforted, being there for people during their worst times and never making people feel like it’s a bore/job, directing/leading in work, communicating honestly and straightforwardly 
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: fairness, justice, romanticism, love, beauty, aesthetics, art, judgment, indecision 
struggles: indecisiveness is the worst among any moon sign (maybe tied with gemini), frequent issues of giving people too many second chances, has a tendency to let people get away with emotionally draining them / treating them wrongly, tries to help others and nurture others more than they can handle, can become very fake / detached from their own opinions sometimes as they try too hard to consider all sides, can get too caught up in the beauty/aesthetics of things and people and result in an unfortunate shallowness, a dependency on romance/love and validation from others
emotional aspects: much like the other air signs libra moons want to intellectualize and rationalize all their emotions rather than feel them; however they do not do this as well as the other air moons and tend to frequently get overwhelmed by emotions, tend to be empaths who absorb other’s moods and emotions which can easily bring them down, very easily moved and emotional especially by beautiful and sentimental things, frequent frustration over their own sensitivity and emotional nature
recommended emotional outlets: anything emotional yet beautiful such as poetry, something aesthetic based like painting or drawing, retail therapy is a good outlet for libra moons ; especially if it involves changing their hair/fashion/etc (aesthetic based changes tend to uplift this beauty-appreciating sign)
strengths: amazing ability to see all sides in a situation, the best mediators, always able to calm people down, makes people feel loved welcomed and included even upon first meeting, people immediately feel comfortable around libra moons and trust them very easily, very likable and usually have a very strange but liked sense of humour (lots of puns), usually a very great sense of style and a natural ability towards arts
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: depth, overthinking, intimacy, sensitivity, intuition
struggles: objective thinking, taking criticism, opening up to others, trusting others and letting people fully into their lives, overthinking and taking everything personally, holding grudges and feeling a constant need for revenge, struggles with jealousy, can have god complex/big ego and be very stubborn
emotional aspects: being a water moon their emotions are constantly something they’re drowning in, tendency to feel everything including other’s emotions which leads to them being the target of psychic vampires (very common with water moons), they’re extremely emotional but similar to earth moons they actually struggle to express it despite being a water sign - scorpio moons are critical of their own emotions and are worried revealing their problems will make them weak (so they tend to bottle), tend to be prone to depressive episodes / upset spells
recommended emotional outlets: POETRY (im begging all of you scorpio moons to just write poetry you would be so good at it you just don’t realize it), getting involved in music (be it just listening or actually writing/making music), just writing in general- get your emotions out for once and stop bottling/feeling guilty for speaking your emotional mind
strengths: unwavering loyalty for others, the ability to follow things through and get things done, amazing levels of creativity, tend to be amazing at sensing out people and knowing if someone is a good or bad person even upon first meeting them, extremely passionate about the things and people they care for, very driven and hard-working people (scorpio work ethic is really underrated), a wonderfully investigative mindset - would be amazing working as something like a detective/lawyer/psychologist/etc
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: philosophy, open-mindedness, change, travel, freedom, communication
struggles: tend to forgive & forget very easily and way more than they should which results in heartbreak and being taken advantage of, sometimes a bit too blunt/honest for their own good, not the best at paying attention to the little things/tiny details, extremely flaky at times, tendency to ghost people / ignore others, can develop really awful god complexes, issues with commitment especially in career/school, impulsiveness
emotional aspects: as a fire moon; emotions are always amplified and nothing is felt at a basic level - they’re either very happy or very sad or very angry, emotions are intense and tend to change frequently, sag moons have probably some of the worst mood swings of all the moon placements due to the mixture of both fire and mutable nature, emotions easily affected by their environment and the moods of those around them, they prefer to come off/be very easygoing and nonchalant but they tend to get overwhelmed by feelings easily which in turn frustrates them (they also tend to ghost, isolate, escape to somewhere new, etc when overwhelmed - escapism is a big coping method for sag moons)
recommended emotional outlets: t r a v e l (even just getting out of the house to go on a walk in nature is a good outlet for a sag moon), exercise & exploration are good outlets for fire moons, studying something new (especially languages, philosophy, etc), writing but on a bigger platform where you can reach others
strengths: always the funniest people in a room, very witty and quality sarcasm for days, very honest and blunt, can be very energetic, often good at (even if faking it) being super enthusiastic/bright/uplifting, open-minded and easy at adapting to change and new situations, amazing ability to see the bigger picture of things/life in general, can be very optimistic and has a natural ability to cheer others up
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: repression, hard work, initiation, leading, stability, balance
struggles: handling emotions in general, expressing feelings thoughts and emotions to others and even accepting their own feelings to themselves, trusting others, letting others in, tendency to overwork themselves and take on more than they can handle, refuses to ask for help even when they really need it
emotional aspects: a tendency to repress emotions and shame themselves for feeling things, tends to try to always be the “strong one” and criticizes themselves for having emotions and being upset by things, emotions are a backburner thought to capricorn moons - they hate that they feel things and view themselves as very weak when they get upset/depressed/hurt/etc, they constantly want to find logic and reason behind their emotions and struggle to accept that sometimes you just feel things without much reason, very hard on themselves and want to always be strong for others, deep down they want to be very bubbly and optimistic but they feel like they aren’t allowed to be that way/weren’t meant to be
recommended emotional outlets: stop working for once and take a break focusing on your hobbies/creative interests, do something that connects you with nature (going for a walk/hike, etc) as it’s a natural comfort for earth moons, just watch an entire tv show or something okay relax for once pls
strengths: the hardest workers; the most driven people you will ever meet, usually the parent friend who always cares for and helps others when they need it; humanitarian without needing to be, always hypes up and supports their friends dreams/goals, natural born leader and initiator, very good at starting up and creating things, a very warm person who makes people around them feel very comfortable and safe when developed, usually very stable balanced people
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: intellect, humanitarianism, logic, music, art, isolation, repression, overthinking/overanalyzing
struggles: accepting and feeling their own emotions, expressing emotions (in words - they’re good at expressing emotions through their works such as art pieces), wording things properly (they tend to struggle with communicating things “correctly” aka they tend to misspeak and say things how they didn’t intend them to come off as), dealing with change, god complexes, tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything (even things that don’t need to be analyzed), can have issues with truly connecting to people (they don’t trust easily/they doubt everyone and the things people say ; it’s just generally very hard for them to form deeper emotional connections) 
emotional aspects: all emotions are critically analyzed and thought through a billion times, if they cannot make rational sense of an emotion it is usually repressed; shamed and/or ignored, tends to beat themselves up for feeling things and not always being “strong”, they don’t understand their own emotions and really struggle to accept them as is, usually bottle things up and don’t (seriously, they might post depressing memes tho) express how they feel until they hit a point where they just have a giant breakdown, tend to be very prone to depressive episodes, extremely hard on themselves emotionally, tendency to isolate when emotional
recommended emotional outlets: making music/listening to music, creating art of literally any form, focusing on something to distract yourself from your frequent overthinking (movies/shows are especially great)
strengths: tend to be naturally inclined artistically and musically, creativity for days, able to view situations and frustrations with rational logic rather than just viewing everything through an emotionally biased lens, gives the best advice, very strong drive and determination (especially in work/hobbies), naturally very humanitarian and quick to help others/be there for people even though they don’t always have the emotional capacity for such, way with words and very good at making friends/being social/the life of the party (even though they tend to actually be very introverted/prefer isolation)
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: emotions, intuition, change, warmth, omniscience
struggles: tend to always be only “half there” when around people (always daydreaming/stuck in their mind), tendency to be very flaky and cancel plans/ghost people/etc often, can romanticize things too much (again that constant daydreaming) and too frequently give benefit of the doubt, issues with committing to things (especially the area of life relating to the house their moon is located in), probably the most frequent victims of psychic vampires (people that use you/drain you emotionally), gives too many second chances because they have a very softhearted and forgiving personality, when undeveloped - huge victim complexes
emotional aspects: someone who absorbs the emotions of everyone and everything (if a room has a certain “feel”, they will start pulling in that emotion - they literally feel *everything*), constantly overwhelmed with emotion, feelings can be very fleeting for them but heavy nonetheless, require a lot of alone time to process emotions and recover from the weight of holding everyone else’s emotions for them, because they absorb AND reflect other’s emotions so frequently they often have trouble figuring out what they’re actually feeling and going through
recommended emotional outlets: something relating to the arts or music (listening to music, making music ; making art; drawing/painting/etc), written outlet (reading/writing ; especially poetry or fiction novels)
strengths: amazing levels of sensitivity that allows them to pick up on/feel other’s emotions and thoughts before that person even knows how they’re feeling themselves, great intuition with a good ability to sense out bad people from far away, constantly nurturing others and making them feel warm/safe, pisces moons have a very “omniscient” energy in the sense they come off as if they know everything (which in turn makes them very likable, admirable, etc), very adaptable people, high levels of creativity
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
What do you think of my sun, moon, and rising signs? Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, and Libra rising. Also what do you think of me being the only water Zodiac sign in my household? Me- Pisces (water), Mom- Capricorn (earth), Dad- Taurus (earth), and Little brother- Taurus (earth).
well first let me help you interpret your chart lol
pisces sun/aqua moon/libra rising: very charming and sociable, also needs time to completely detach to develop opinions and focus on personal intellect.  wants the best for people and community more than anything (wants credit for genius tho lmao).  i bet you’re good at processing emotions, most air moons tend to try and distract themselves rather than deal with their emotions, but your pisces sun could show that you don’t run from it, that’s just a theory though.
but listen here, as a water sign i cherish earth placements.  Im a cancer, my older sister is a scorpio, my little sister and my dad are aquarius, and my mom is a leo.  THIS creates absolute chaos, and being the only cardinal sign makes me feel alienated.  we are both likely to feel like the odd one’s out of the family.
however, all of your family members are earth signs which honestly sounds fucking awesome in my opinion lol.  obviously i dont know what its like, i would like to hear about your personal experience with it.
hope this helps :)
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
I’m Pisces sun and Gemini moon and my feelings have been cutting up on me. I’m normally better at handling my emotions when they overwhelm me, but I was on a break point over any little thing.
bro same gahahaha honestly its just been a rough year, but since you’re a gemini moon i would suggest spending more time with friends, particularly groups of 3 to give your emotions less weight.  also just remembering to laugh at how shitty life is sometimes.
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whodoithinkiam · 4 years
Heyy I'm trying to know more about 8h synastry. So ur a Virgo↑ and u prolly would have aries placed at your 8h cusp. How have your interactions been with ppl having aries sun/moon/ especially rising?? I am a cancer rising and I have aqua at 8h and I'm trying to und why aqua risings affect me so much, I really can't describe it lol
Thank you💕
Ok so yes i do have a virgo rising but its right on the cusp of virgo/libra.  so my 8th house is like right on the cusp of aries/taurus.  this means that taurus placements are most likely to give me 8th house vibes.  since, of course my 8th house is still in aries they also tend to give me the same energy, but i typically just see aries as the perfect partner (7th house)
the eighth house is extremely powerful and gives off a very overwhelming energy to any planets of other people falling into it.  i think it depends on your own placements to determine if you like/dislike it and if you want to pursue it.
energy description: fear, obsession, no boundaries, chaotic, passionate, magnetic
hope this helps :)
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