sliggoons · 4 years
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Avatar but its a summer anime in the 90s and they still have powers and stuff but also live like normal highschoolers
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sliggoons · 4 years
Nickelodeon missed the BIGGEST opportunity of their life times by making Mai Not A Lesbian. But of course,,, if she was gay she would have been too overpowered and the show would have ended after half a season
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sliggoons · 4 years
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the blue spirit 
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sliggoons · 4 years
In honor of pride month and it being Asexual Pride Day (yesterday lol) I want to say :
I am asexual.
aces who enjoy sex are valid!
aces who have never had sex are valid!
aces who are curious about sex are valid!
aces who are disgusted by sex are valid!
closeted and outed aces are both valid!
inexperienced aces and bi aces and straight aces and gay aces and pan aces and trans aces and aro aces are all valid!!! ALL ASEXUALS ARE VALID!
Asexuals don't get enough recognition and are sometimes excluded from the lgbt+ community, and often misunderstood! If you have any questions about asexuality please please drop them in my ask box! I'll be happy to answer :)
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sliggoons · 4 years
Aang: I need to learn how to firebend to, you know, stop your evil father from genocide. so when are you free?
Zuko: I'm forever imprisoned in my own personal hell so I'm never truly 'free' but I guess I don't have plans tomorrow afternoon
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sliggoons · 4 years
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zukka on main? more likely than you’d think
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sliggoons · 4 years
I love your new username! Are requests open?
Thank you, love! Unfortunately I am no longer taking requests. It's super hard for me to write things that don't inspire me. If you have an idea send it in!! and I'll write about it IF the inspiration strikes. You can read more on the About page in my bio :)
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sliggoons · 4 years
Sokka x Zuko is literally Lance x Keith. In this essay I
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sliggoons · 4 years
Random Raihan Headcanons
Just trying to get myself back into writing 
Raihan either drinks coconut water or coffee (its like 75% sugar and creamer) and that’s it. There is no inbetween.
He has glasses. He NEVER wears them, he hates how they reflect everything (especially the glare on his lenses when he tries to take selfies I’m-) He does have contacts though. They’re a pain to put in so he only wears them like half the time
Raihan is a SWIMMER. He loves swimming, just vibing in the pool. There isn’t really a reason, he just enjoys it. This also means his upper torso is pretty muscled you cannot change my mind
This is the most important one imo. Raihan has so much free time. He is not very busy at all. He gets like 10 gym challengers a year. Milo, on the other hand, barely has time for his farm since he is the first gym people have to challenge. So, Raihan has a lot of free time. Since he is pretty popular, he tries to fill his time with press events, interviews, or things that will make his fans happy. He loves to go on crazy adventures, like hiking trips in the Wild Area and whatnot
Raihan is kind of a scaredy cat about some things. Especially tiny pokemon. Like Cutiefly, Joltik, Spritzee, Flabebe. They just zip around so fast he can never keep his eyes on them. Has definitely been spooked by countless Cutieflies just zooming out of the wild grass. Big pokemon are usually slower, easier to watch and keep track of. Small pokemon could be hiding anywhere. 
He also HATES Mimikyus. They terrify him. If he sees one, he will be literally shaking, his bones RATTLING. 
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sliggoons · 4 years
I have some good and bad news pals. I just don't have the motivation to write for some of the requests I’m being sent. I don’t know what to write for them. SO this has led me to re do my entire blog, obviously.
I’m mainly going to just be writing reader inserts about whatever I feel like. YOU CAN STILL SEND IN IDEAS or ask me to write for a certain character!!! HOWEVER I am not going to guarantee it will get done. I might write exactly what you want, take some inspiration from it, or maybe it won’t speak to me at all. 
To the two or three requests I have in my inbox, I am so sorry :(  I’m in a big writers block funk
I actually think I have one done so maybe I should post that lmao
anyway! Here’s a link to my new about page. Hopefully you’ll still be interested in reading what I have to write! Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive towards me and my blog!
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sliggoons · 4 years
I didn’t reALIZE
that changing my blog name would mean I have to completely redo my entire masterlist bc the old links are attached to my old blog name akjsdhwhresjd im sobbING
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sliggoons · 4 years
pokemon-imagine ➡️➡️➡️ sliggoons
Oops ;)
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sliggoons · 4 years
Okay SO (wow I'm not dead) I've done.... A regrettable thing. I binge watched the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series and it KILLED my hyper fixation on Pokémon, so I am. Low on motivation to write requests 😭😭😭
Would y'all??? Be interested if I started writing for Avatar too?? I'm trying to figure a way out that I can get back into this blog lmao :'(
PLEASE PLEASE give me your opinions!!!
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sliggoons · 4 years
Also (just sent the Galv. ask hehe) Guzma in USUM?? LOVELY. I watched through all the SM series in 3 days because I live for those characters. Also THE MIMO INTERACTION IS SO SO CUTE I CRIED ❤️❤️
I can't wait to get through season 3 bc I have. Very strong headcanons about Guzma and I can't wait to write them
I'm????? People have told me about the Mimo Interaction ™ and I'm so curious lol
I just watched the episode in season two where they're wishing on Miniors and kiawes first thought is for Mimo and Turtonator to always be in good health 😭 it was so sweet
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sliggoons · 4 years
My favorite type is probably a tie between electric and dragon! Bug is really cool too, I love Galvantula so much. I always had 1 dragon type on my team but I was always attracted to Lucario and Galvantula hehe ❤️❤️
That's solid, I always try to have one bug type on my team lmao. Galvantula is a good one!!! I think I had one on my final team when I played Sword the first time!
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sliggoons · 4 years
Also kiawe and brock would’ve been SUCH good friends I have it in my mind there’s one big group chat where they all chat together and usually it’s just Sophocles who sends random facts about stupid things since he’s online the most but there will be days they’ll all be lit as fuck and mallow will threaten them to be quiet but kiawe and brock will spam the most just talking about LITERALLY ANYTHING but mainly the latest research on ground and fire type pokémon AHHHHH
This is gold
I like to think that Kiawe and Brock would get along very well like in a groupchat, or online, but the second they see eachother in person it's on sight. I think they'd have a really intense in person rivalry. Or atleast Kiawe would. He wouldn't be able to forget his battle with Brock and he'd go into training over load and beg for another battle. Brock is just kinda chill with it, he knows Kiawe is a strong trainer but he's pretty used to trainers being frustrated with his strength and wanting rematch after rematch.
They also definitely have some side conversations, away from the group chat where they just talk about Pokémon, training, and other random stuff. It's usually when Mallow keeps telling everyone in the chat to shut up every five seconds. She doesn't want to put her phone on silent incase of an emergency message, but can't stand the groupchat's constant dinging
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sliggoons · 4 years
Hbjkvd it says requests are closed, but once they open, plz Lillie and a crush or smthn from Kalos that has a really good sense of style(unlike me bfgjk) TYSM lmao
Bruh requests are Closed for a reason??? Just wait until I open requests again
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