sliversofmagicpod · 3 months
Shimmering, shifting, clear as crystal and evading even the target of the sharpest of snipers. Crystalline Sliver is here to protect his fellow slivers. Topics include: The few, the proud, the protection effect slivers; the positives and negatives of shroud; what is in a name anyhow?
⁠Crystalline Sliver⁠
⁠⁠⁠⁠Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp⁠⁠⁠⁠
⁠⁠⁠⁠Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter
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sliversofmagicpod · 3 months
A chonker of an episode today. Could it be because I complained about Modern Horizons 3? No couldn't be that. It's still mostly sliver audio I swear. Topics Include: 8 dollar booster packs, The impact of flavor text or lack there of, a lost interview brought to light.
⁠Crypt Sliver⁠
⁠⁠⁠Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp⁠⁠⁠
⁠⁠⁠Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 3 months
Yeah tear those clouds apart I hate those guys. Topics include: Sliver pessimism, Bugle chip broken, Return of the homebrew.
⁠Cloudshredder Card⁠
⁠⁠Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp⁠⁠
⁠⁠Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 3 months
Clotting and plotting to avoid needless rotting we're back with a sliver that's here to save his fellow sliver friends. Subjects include: The Slivers have Eyes, The Slivers have Mouths, The Slivers have Brains.
Clot Sliver Card
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp
Cover art by Borderlinartist on Twitter
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 4 months
Sorry for the unannounced hiatus! As someone who used to write fanfiction I'm pretty sure it's a curse I will bear for the rest of my life. Today we're talking about Cautery Sliver! Topics Include: Really Hot Knives, Same Room Shenanigans, and the potential death of Homebrew Corner (Maybe (We'll See)). Also, we didn't mention in the episode but the next episode will be on Clot Sliver.
Cautery Sliver Card
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 4 months
The episode's late because I had a lot on my plate but don't wait or hesitate to listen to us orate. Topics include: Bad puns, Asymmetrical Unease, and appreciation for Art.
Bladeback Sliver Card
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp:
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter:
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 5 months
From Virulent Venom to Excessive Acid, real bad times on the sliver boardstate these days. Topics include: More instant speed shenanigans, desperation memory grabs, and putting black and red in a blender and running it on high.
Just using the Acidic Sliver art from scryfall for this since there's not much comparison to be had with this one.
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp:
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter:
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 5 months
A sliver in any other frame would buff just as sweetly. Topics Include: The irreplaceable art, technicalities, a poisonous toxic infection.
Virulent Sliver art comparison image:
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp:
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter:
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 5 months
Striking, isn't it? Topics Include: Humanoid Slivers (Again), Assassins versus Fencers, and a story from a decade ago.
Striking Sliver art comparison image: https://i.imgur.com/J8k33sx.png
Chaotic Card Bladez Image result: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/chaotic/images/0/03/Bladez.png/revision/latest?cb=20210812222216
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp: https://sineshine.bandcamp.com/
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/borderlinartist
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sliversofmagicpod · 5 months
Sidewinding its way into your heart. Topics Include: Chest arms, cute slivers, and maybe slivers sound like bagpipes?
Sidewinder Sliver art comparison image:
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp:
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter:
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
If you're having trouble against The Screech, just play for time. I'm sure you'll be saved by the bell. Topics include: An overly long explanation of tapping. An overly long explanation of milling. And an overly long explanation of how MTG blocks and sets used to work in the before times.
Screeching Sliver art comparison image:
Intro Music by Sine Shine on Bandcamp:
Cover Art by BorderlineArtist on Twitter:
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
Back after a brief hiatus, let's get our minds lashed! Topics include: Sliver merch, Tokens, and a mutual desire to receive any dregs of sliver lore that might be drifting in the atmosphere.
See Shownotes on spotify:https://open.spotify.com/episode/0J0NlkIsHq3MmrA8RyIPrg
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sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
The artifact creature we all know and love is our topic this week. Check out our discussion of… Post Malone? How it's made? Bugle chips?
Check the shownotes on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5lL8outzmhb779EvbFZ8xW?si=46b01247eca24881
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sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
Let's dive in to the embodiment of power creep and the locus of humanoid sliver hate: Galerider Sliver!
Shownotes on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/43FpGbalgVXvOmxbnvSrlz
0 notes
sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
Let's get in to the actual meat and potatoes of slivers by talking about our first subject! Plated Sliver.
Shownotes on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3dOoEp3N3BYDcZ8ExogwMg
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sliversofmagicpod · 6 months
We set up the backdrop of the podcast, the lore of the slivers and Cameron talks about why he's obsessed with them.
Shownotes on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1UR6Lic5JsmaEWC5VzTAuD
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