sloane-colbert · 1 year
Upon the coach's merciful five-minute release, Sloane winced-- dropping the focused, power-through-it mentality required today. Too many late nights with too few electrolytes. Not a winning combination for the muscles. She almost didn't even attend this week's class, but well..
It'd been a surprise for her too, seeing Bora at the gala the other night-- more so to see him on Kamile's arm. Not that she had any right to assume one way or another. She's sure that half of the people she's told about Avery were starting to wonder if she's real, with how elusive her girlfriend tended to be. At least that one was put to rest, thanks to Sloane's persuasive argument.
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With a laugh, Sloane nodded and took a seat onto the nearest bench. "I saw that too. But I don't think it was just a drunken stumble either." She leaned in and lowered her voice a fraction for added effect. "While I was checking on her, I swear the woman she had been with was smiling." Sloane shook her head, though she couldn't stop her own, slightly scandalized smirk. "She looked like she was about to cackle! Now that doesn't have to mean anything, of course. All I'm saying is that I don't think the stumble was an accident." Her brows rose, but she didn't elaborate on her theory further. Instead, she lifted a hand to rub at her neck and added, "Small world though, huh? I thought I knew most people that would be at that party."
who: @sloane-colbert where: the gym
For as many years as Bora and Sloane had been taking the same boxing class, they'd never run into each other outside the gym. London was huge, after all, and as far as Bora knew, Sloane probably worked in some office or hospital somewhere, far from his own work environment. So it had surprised him to see her at a gala a few nights before, when Kamile brought him as her plus-one. Then again, he'd been the one out of his element among all the rich people. Maybe doctors got invited to events like that all the time.
He hadn't had the chance to talk to her before class--he'd had a job run longer than expected--but once their coach called a break between drills, he walked over, pulling off one glove so he could flip open the cap of his water bottle. "What'd you think of the party?" he asked. "Personally, I don't think that lady tripped into the dessert table. I kept seeing her up at the bar."
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
She shook her head at the mention of money, and dove into the bag at her side. "Nothing this time.." Her sentence falters and lingers as she digs through the contents of her purse, creating more of a mess than anything else. "Hold on I just had it-- there!" She produced a small punch card with the cafe's logo on the top, and flashed it towards them. "I got the 14th punch! Your cup was free." Not that she'd have told them the truth even if she'd payed full price for it-- their simple order was less than half the cost of her own complicated cup of milk and sugar.
With the momentary anxiety that their hovering hand caused now clear, she snatched the matcha treat before Bil could change their mind. A pleased hum couldn't be contained as she took a bigger bite than what was probably appropriate.
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"Mm," she nodded through another, smaller bite of the croissant. "Always. But fortunately I am much more capable than all of the King's horses-- and men. I'm pretty good at putting Humpty Dumpty back together again." The smugness in her tone paired perfectly with a proud smile. Still, she doesn't want to linger too long on the subject. Much as she liked them, Bil did technically know too much about her job already.
Sloane set the last half of her snack down and dusted off her fingers before picking up her cup. "How's the shop been? Had any interesting projects this week?"
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With the day drawing to a close, Bil flips the sign on the door to Lethe Ink and pulls the blackout blinds shut, hoping it’ll deter anyone else from trying to get inside. Usually they’d lock up while they finish doing their admin, but they’re waiting for Sloane, and they don’t want her to think they’ve forgotten about her and gone off to spend their evening somewhere else.
They’re hunched behind the counter when she finally arrives, smoking a decidedly-illegal workplace cigarette while they do battle with their ancient, cantankerous desktop for the pleasure of seeing their own damn appointment spreadsheet. Really they need a new computer, but they’re only just starting to claw their way out of the red, and things are still far too precarious to seriously consider the expense.
Stubbing out the last of their cigarette and dropping the butt into the empty mug beside them, Bil’s stomach gives a plaintive growl, right on cue. Coffee and nicotine hardly constitute a meal, and it’s all they’ve had today - Sloane’s presence is doubly welcome for the food she’s brought with her. “I suppose I can forgive you,” Bil says, though it’s clear they were never mad in the first place, the small smile on their face hard-won and all the more genuine for it. “How much was it? I’ll sort you some money.”
As they set about unpacking their spoils, Bil’s hand hovers for a moment over the bag with the word ‘matcha’ hastily scrawled across the front, but they already know they won’t take it - not when it’s Sloane’s favourite. Instead they snag the pistachio croissant, and begin the systematic process of tearing it into bite-sized pieces, as they always do. It’s an old habit, born out of a desire to make something last. “How’s work, then? PM fallen to bits yet?”
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Sloane laughed, loudly and from somewhere deep in her belly, and ignored the mild throbbing the action caused. It's a joke often shared between them for situations neither one of them could really do anything about. Why sulk and or brood when they could have a pleasant moment indulging in the darker side of their humor?
Despite the laughter and smiles that always followed, if Sloane thought about it for longer than a moment, she'd realized that not once has she ever doubted that Avery would find a way to actually do it. Find someone like that, pay them to do the unspeakable. That was just the intensity of Avery's affection. Sloane always felt safe, deep down.
She allowed her surprisingly strong girlfriend to lead her away-- though not without lacing their fingers together. "If I see them again, I might take you up on that." There was a not-so-subtle edge to her voice, one that only seems to come when she's particularly tired. Physically or mentally. "Oh, speaking of a hired killer-- how did that talk with your supervisor go? I'm not saying that we need to do anything drastic, but if I need to start collecting business cards," her tone took on a suggestive lilt, and she raised her eyebrows for special emphasis. "I'd be happy to do so. How difficult could it be?"
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It was almost funny, once Avery got past the guilt, how many little acts of service she now did for Sloane that started out as something with undeniably ulterior motives. Some things had just been for the sake of worming her way into Sloane’s life. Washing the dishes? That started as a cute and endearing excuse for being in Sloane’s apartment alone, one that was likely to go unquestioned — because who would question a cute girl and a rack full of clean pots and pans, after a long day of work? Now, though, Avery couldn’t even lie to herself and say it was for any other purpose than getting to see that relieved hint of a smile when Sloane came home to a couple of chores that’d gotten done.
Avery’s own smile broadened at the ‘secret goddess’ line, but she didn’t bother to confirm nor deny. She was a secret something, but it certainly wasn’t a goddess. St. Martin was no aptronym.
“I’m glad I’m here, too.” And that line was never a lie. Much of what Avery said was, but never that.
“C’mon.” She gave her girlfriend’s hand a gentle tug towards and down the back hall, in the direction the bathroom. “I’ll get a bath goin’ for you. With epsom salts and oils and all that fancy shit. And if you ever want to give me the name and license plate number of the mac truck that hit you, I can have a hired assassin on them in three-to-five business days,” Avery added with a jovial cheerfulness that belied how truthful that statement was.
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Maybe someday Sloane would look back on this conversation with a sense of horror, and retroactive realization. Maybe someday the other shoe would drop. But Avery was keen to keep shoving that day further and further towards the horizon as she dug herself deeper with lies, just for the chance to keep basking in the warmth of Sloane’s affection.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
"You know, you're not the first person to say something like that to me tonight." And the last had also been meant as a harsh, only slightly provoked, insult to some other gentleman in their group. "Not a lot of love here for accountants here, is there?" It wasn't hard to keep her tone light, amused as she was by the concept of some sort deep-seeded rivalry in what was apparently a very cut-throat slice of civilization. "It all sort of sounds like another iteration of the wizard, sorcerer, warlock debate to me if I'm honest, but hey--" Sloane waved her glass gently in front of her for emphasis.
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"--so long as the wine keeps flowing, I'm happy to watch the match." For a brief moment she wondered over the possibility of a proper caged-in ring appearing, perhaps lowered from the ceiling or built into some sort of preexisting pit. Then the underlings of the finance world could finally duke it out and crown one superior. It would certainly liven things up, and give this crowd some much needed airflow.
It's not that she's having a terrible time-- the party's been fine. Nice even. It's just that there's a few other ways she could think of to spend a rare night off. At least an all out brawl would be a fun story to take home. "A perk of the job." Sloane almost managed to make the gratitude sound sincere. Almost. She doesn't elaborate beyond that. "And I take it yourself, and I suspect a good chunk of the guests here tonight all got the same vaguely threatening, internal memo encouraging you to come?" She joked, doing her best to stifle the hope that this Langdon Peterson would give up something at least vaguely salacious.
"You're joking. We've never met?" Well that was very likely. He was certain he had never seen that woman before, but if she was here, she was important, right? That was quite infuriating, really. Even people who ended up being absolute brain sores most likely also had more power than they deserved. This was why thing always remained the same. Boring people in charge. Just look at the PM, or the mayor or anyone in office. And then the common folk dared whine that they situation didn't get better as they sat, watched and elected those fools.
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Leaning forward to shake her hand, he breathed a laugh, his head lightly moving left and right before he stood straighter. "Well now I'm not sure I want to embarrass myself further and give you my name," a pause. "I'm Langdon Peterson. I'm a finance analyst, which is like an accountant, but useful," he joked, taking a sip from his glass.
"So why do you have the misfortune of being here?" It wasn't so bad. The food and the wine were great, but he'd rather have been home with his cat.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Worst thing about your job?
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There's more than one thing I don't exactly love about my job if I'm honest. There's no set schedule, I'm called when I'm needed. Sort of like Batman but less glamourous. And less showy.
But I suppose the worst thing is that it's just not as exciting a posting as I thought it'd be. As I thought I'd have when I graduated. But luckily, monotony pays well enough to keep me satisfied.
For now.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Most embarrassing thing about the PM?
Good try, but I know a test when I hear one.
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No comment.
But really, who sent you? Was it Kamile? Or someone else from the team?
Prime Minister is that you?
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Is Avery the one you want to marry?
Why? Has she said something? What do you know?
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
What do you imagine for your future with Avery (if you imagine one at all)?
A future with Avery? Of course I imagine one! Who wouldn't think a least a short distance ahead in their relationships? Short-term, a shared home sounds like a good next step. A couple of cats, maybe, that are as bonded as we are. Bruch, once a week. That's a requirement.
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Long term.. I guess something more solid and forever, right? Neither one of us ever traveling solo again, for sure. Arguing over which is the good pillow. Our own holiday traditions, and maybe someone to pass them onto.
Yeah, that's what I see.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
"Later." She replied simply, softly; her body finally allowing her to sink into the familiar, relaxing presence of home-- something Avery was quickly becoming a requirement of. Her eyes fluttered closed as she focused on the warmth of Avery's hands on her skin, made that much warmer by doing Sloane's dishes. Again.
Sloane's chores were not Avery's responsibility, but still the saint of a woman noticed those little signs of a full mental load and picked up the slack without asking or waiting to be asked. She didn't know what she had done to deserve such loving attention and care during these past few months. Or how to properly return it beyond physical affection and pretty words.
It wasn't as if she could simply slam down a reverse card and offer the same act of service back-- she'd never even seen Avery's own flat, let alone been shown where the soap was kept. She'd questioned that a couple of times, in the first month, but love had made her vision too muddied to see what color that flag was.
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Her own hand lifted to rest on top of her girlfriend's, and she took a deep, steadying breath before opening her eyes again. "You didn't need to do all this you know." Her lips spread with a loving, slightly coy smile. "I already know that you're a secret goddess amongst us mere mortals. You don't need to prove anything." Sloane moved her head slightly, pressing a kiss to the palm of the hand she held.
"But thank you." Gently, she pulled the warm hands down and lifted her own arms up in a stretch. The movement caused her shirt to lift enough to show her midriff, and the large blob of discoloration that was already forming there. But instead of addressing any of Avery's earlier concerns, Sloane stood (albeit stiffly) and wrapped her arms around the woman. "I'm glad you're here, babe."
Avery had never felt so comfortable in another person’s space as she had in Sloane’s apartment.
Sure, she had a tendency to walk into anywhere like she owned the place, but it wasn’t the same. Her guard was always up. That’d never been true in Sloane’s flat, even from the beginning. Even that one time Avery had let herself in with professional grade tools with the purpose of rifling through Sloane’s papers and trying to crack her laptop for the work she knew her girlfriend always brought home.
She’d fallen asleep on the bed instead, wrapped in the comfortable scents and tactile reminders of Sloane’s presence. … it’d taken some explaining when Sloane found her there hours later, all but drooling on her pillow, but Avery had pulled the same line she always did about learning lockpicking in middle school to impress girls. She supposed it worked on Sloane, at least — or maybe because it became quickly apparent that keeping Avery out of places she wanted to be was a fool’s errand — but Avery was gifted a key to the flat instead.
Avery could spend hours there now, and Sloane’s papers and laptop always went unrifled through and unopened. Instead, she’d make sure the fridge was stocked and the dishes weren’t piling too high in the sink if it sounded like Sloane had suffered a few long days at the beck and call of the PM. Or gotten her ass handed to her in boxing class, apparently.
Avery appeared at the door to the kitchen, drying her hands with an easy smile that melded into confusion, then concern. “Not naked, no, but you and I both know how fast I can be.” She tossed the towel behind her with the familiarity of not having to look to know it’d land on the counter, crossing to cup Sloane’s face in her hands, one thumb pressing just shy of a tender-looking spot. “I do have Chinese on order from that place you like down the street. Should be here any minute 'cause I figured you'd be in soon. You wanna hop in the bath in the meantime, sha?” The term of endearment rolled easily off her lips even as she eyed Sloane critically. “What happened? Somebody take that shit too seriously again?”
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Location: Lethe Ink Time: Saturday night @rivcrlethe
Sloane's foot tapped idly as she waited in the little cafe's line. She hadn't expected there to be a line, not at this hour. But she supposed that she couldn't expect the little shop to stay her little secret forever. Still, as she checked the time on her watch for what had to be the tenth time, she fought back another sigh. Did they have to find popularity tonight of all nights?
The person directly in front of her shot her and her tapping foot a nasty glance that she returned with gusto, before regaining control of the anxious tick. With three people still in front of her, she pulled out her phone to send a quick text to Bil, confirming their coffee order and apologizing for her impending lateness.
Two more people to go. The tapping of her foot resumed completely unnoticed by Sloane, much to the ire of the cranky woman in front of her, though this time Sloane didn't see the look she was given as her eyes were glued to the display of pastries and sweet and savory delights. When it was finally her turn, she ordered an array of treats-- more than two people probably needed but.. well. It was important to hit all of the food groups, right?
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"Please don't be upset with me!" She called by way of greeting as she at last pushed through the door to the parlor, drink carrier in one hand, and the little paper bag of goodies dangling in the other. "Or do, if you must. But wait until after we've eaten our dinner, okay?" She flashed her friend a brilliant grin, and set the bag and the carrier down on the counter. "I've brought a selection today, and as an apology for being late, you can have first pick." Her smile faded into something mildly more humble that she's sure didn't fool Bil, though she was already mentally saying goodbye to the matcha croissant sitting at the bottom of the bag.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Sloane couldn't explain why she'd been given an invite to this particular event. Though it had come from someone else on the Prime Minister's team, she wasn't here in any official capacity-- her position would likely never require such a thing. Yet still she'd been told about the party, who would likely be in attendance, and even given a few suggestions about what to wear. All before she'd even had time to think about the offer. It was like they'd simply assumed that she'd go.
Clearly they were right. Who was she to deny a perk of the job? So she'd found a simple, yet flattering, creamy white dress that had earned Avery's admiration, and was determined to finally put to use the first lesson her 'co-workers' had taught her: There was never an inopportune time to network.
Though so far, she'd met very few people of interest. There was a couple that seemed to be on the prowl for boating companions, a lovely woman with a love for Italy that Sloane could relate to-- the two swapped stories for a good forty minutes before realizing they had nothing else to talk about. And then there was her latest conversational partner, whose singular interest seemed to be in the cost of.. paper. After a ten minute monologue with no end in sight, Sloane had excused herself rather abruptly to go literally anywhere else, leaving the paper man to find other victims to bore.
She didn't get to wander far though, nor did she hide her relief, as a lively smile approached her.
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"An exceptionally long time!" The agreement came with an easy smile that tugged at and deepened her dimples. "Considering we've never met." She teased without missing a beat. "Luckily, that's an easy remedy." With a small, good natured laugh, Sloane extended her hand towards the stranger. "Doctor Sloane Colbert."
Location: A charity event organized by Blackrock Time: Friday evening
He had been spending the last thirty minutes discussing the state of their branch's finances with one of his senior colleagues, a pin from the company on his lapel, and a glass of wine in his hand. If he had recognized a few clients among the guests, and another few familiar faces, he hadn’t had the chance to go speak to any of them just yet.
Unfortunately, there were people he couldn’t tell off, and these old hags unfortunately fit the bill. They were the sort to make a lot of fuss about nothing, and he had to be discreet about his distaste for them. And so, when the earsore abandoned him to give his bladder a rest (who the fuck spoke like that except for fucking dickheads?), It didn't take Langdon long to pick a new best friend and approach them with his usual shit eating affable smile.
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"Long time no see," reaching all the way to his eyes, the grin made him look like a starved alligator although the person facing him was perhaps not the sort to be so easily intimidated. That would be his luck, really. He preferred those who bit back. So few did.
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
Location: Sloane's flat Time: Tuesday evening @avery-st-m
Every muscle in Sloane's body ached as she climbed the last of the stairs up to her front door. She stood there a moment, her still warm skin pressed gently against the cool, flat blue surface. Her eyes closed, the little winking rainbow that was her door mat disappearing.
She'd been paired with a newcomer to the boxing class she attended weekly-- and they'd either had a worse day than her own, or had a chip on their shoulder that they were determined to beat into her own. Sloane had only managed one good hit to their gut before their anger had her pinned to the springy floor. It had taken a physical intervention from the instructor before the hits stopped raining down on her. She may have technically lost that round, but judging by the way the stranger had stormed out of the gym's offices after a little talk with the instructor, the assailant had lost much more. The class was paid for in full before you were allowed to attend-- and they didn't offer refunds.
Eyes still closed, and without lifting her head, she tried the doorknob, only to let out a pathetic little whine when it didn't budge. With great reluctance, and a large breath, Sloane rolled herself upright and began digging through her purse for her keys-- though, the digging very quickly devolved into a sort of shaking motion until the contents of her purse were jostled enough that the correct item presented itself. Keys procured, she let herself in, briefly taking note of someone else's shoes just inside the door.
"Babe?" She called out in more of a whine than she'd wanted to. "Please tell me you're here and already in a bath that I can invade." Sloane didn't wait for a response as she started taking off her shoes and outer layers of clothing. "Or--" she added with a tired snort of a laugh "-just naked. I'll take that too."
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
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{Aubin Wise, she/her, 33} We just saw {Sloane Colbert} entering {10 Downing Street}. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with {the government}, and that they also go by {Bonnie}. Be careful, they work as a {private nurse} and are known to be {defiant}, {idealistic}, or {malleable}. However they’re also known to be {nurturing}, {ambitious}, and {resilient}. – {Bry, she/her, PST}
wanted connections (coming soon)/tracker (coming soon)
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sloane-colbert · 1 year
one, two, three
this is still a test
a link? in this economy?
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